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Date Posted:21/04/2017 1:15 PMCopy HTML ....
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Re:message to Sunday night Date Posted:21/04/2017 1:16 PMCopy HTML <iframe aria-hidden="true" class="_1_xb" tabindex="-1" style="border-width: initial; border-style: none; display: block; height: 496px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 681.375px; opacity: 0;"></iframe> |
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Re:message to Sunday night Date Posted:21/04/2017 1:18 PMCopy HTML Lizzy HidehoHi May I ask again if it is OK to add your live vid to my channel? ![]() ![]() Lizzy HidehoThanks ![]() Lizzy HidehoI am really troubled that the info about lack of evidence on the Cadaver dogs may be incorrect. You referred to Zapata case and the response from the judge who claimed it being like 'flip of a coin. That was in 2006 and I believe referred to a study from 2003. 13 years later the dogs are far more reliable That was the case that the McCanns tried to use to claim Cadaver dogs were unreliable, however, they were ultimately shown to be correct a year later when Zapata pleaded guilty. Can be reiwed on this thread in CMoMM Forum 'Times, September 17, 2007 The judge told the court: “The state has failed to convince me that it’s any more reliable than the flip of a coin.” The jury is considering its verdict. The Judge who proclamed that which caused a hang jury should be demoted. His thoughless statement influenced jury's decision that caused miscarriage of justice was such a waste of human resource, time, taxpayers money, not to mention most importantly deprived the victim and family justice. UPDATED: 7:18 am CST February 19, 2008 MADISON, Wis. -- Eugene Zapata entered a guilty plea on Monday to a reduced charge of homicide by reckless conduct in connection to his wife's disappearance 30 years ago and was sentenced to time behind bars. ' (Commentary on the thread) What a difference half a year makes! Strange the mccanns didnt dispute the dogs findings. Instead they set themselves up with expensive lawyers and went the extreme length going all the way to USA in an attempt to obtain files on this case to discredit reliability of dog only to have the reality, the damning verdict, fly in their face. Oh, the irony of it all. This will come back to haunt the mccanns if ever investigation venue is changed. Could it be safe to hazard a guess that they'd feared prosecution when the dogs marked their possession and was getting ready materials for their defence, but of course they fled home before more evidence can be gained from them, depriving police chances of easy access to interview them, and the media circus worked to their advantage so far. 'Appearing in Dane County Circuit Court on Monday, Zapata was sentenced to five years in prison after entering the guilty plea. Zapata, 69, pleaded guilty as part of a deal with prosecutors. The sentence was the maximum sentence for the charge, WISC-TV reported. Blanchard said because Jeanette Zapata's body was dumped in numerous Dumpsters at the landfill, there is no way to recover her remains.' https://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t1474-mccanns-zapata-and-cadaver-dogs-revisited Lizzy HidehoCadaver dogs have improved over the years and this page by a retired detective indicates how giving 18 examples... '19 The suggestion that Cadaver dogs are “incredibly unreliable” is thus refuted.' https://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t13430-chapter-9-on-the-reliability-of-cadaver-dogs Lizzy HidehoMartin Grime's dog was used for 'key evidence' in the conviction of Bianca Jones father with similar alerts to Eddie in the McCann case. Her body was never found Martin Grime's CADAVER dog is KEY EVIDENCE for GUILTY VERDICT in Bianca Jones trial! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8k2GkZ7llc Lizzy HidehoThank you for producing this program, it will be very popular, particularly in Facebook 'Maddie' groups that have more than 100,000 members.
Unlike some, I do realise that there is no 'proof' for the McCanns to be charged and when the case was shelved back in 2008 (Portuguese law required that either someone was charged or the case shelved 8 months after the first arguido - Robert Murat - with two 3 month extensions (14 months May 2007 - July 2007)
There was not only the issue of not having enough evidence to charge anyone but the Archiving claims there was no indication of which crime had been committed
Noone could be charged! Lizzy HidehoMost groups are based on the information from the Official Portuguese Investigation Files as opposed to the 'suggestion' they are not to be trusted.
There may not be enough evidence that is considered enough proof to charge them but there IS evidence.
John Lowe FSS claims the forensics (Blood) retrieved from the back of the car was a MATCH to Maddie (15 of her 19 markers) but unable to determine if it was a 'chance' match or because Maddie had been in the car! Lizzy HidehoI admin a group that is very 'strict' Apart from current news, we try to focus only on the facts from the files. I have great admin that monitor and provide links, remove anything that is libel, ridicules the McCanns or could be considered speculation. We are very proud of HiDeHo CONTROVERSY knowing that we cannot be considered 'vile trolls' as we only try to discuss the facts. It is the FACTS that lead so many people to suspect the McCanns were complicit and we are passionate that one day the truth will be known. I have no problem with people that believe the McCanns may be innocent but it should be based on knowledge and that knowledge should not be what they are told to believe but the facts from the Police Files. We provide appropriate links then we leave it to our members to decide. http://mccannpjfiles.co.uk Lizzy HidehoReturning to the issue with the dogs... I sincerely hope your Sunday Night program does not give false information based on 2003 studies and also keep in mind that there is a reason so many people consider they may be complicit...
So much of the investigation points in ONE direction.... Lizzy HidehoLets not forget some major coincidences.... Thank you for your time (if you read it ) ![]() Im looking forward to the program. )I'm in Toronto so will have to work out the time and somehow manage to watch the program as I think its blocked to me ![]() BTW If ever you need information on the case I have more saved in my computer than anyone else....in fact I have to move out of it very soon as my space is almost used up. I will willingly give you any links you need, saving you time in checking. Just ask ![]() Thanks again |