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Date Posted:04/03/2018 1:17 AMCopy HTML ...
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Re:jc mb Date Posted:04/03/2018 1:25 AMCopy HTML Lizzy HidehoJust catching you on PM...dont worry about answering, I know you jogging and then sleep ![]() Best place to get me.. I dont do Twitter too often You are now connected on Messenger. Lizzy Hidehowas just about to add you as admin and realised you are not aware of the dregs of society that may try to get in and disrupt (from Madie Case) so for your protection..lol Ill hold off until we figure it out but feel free to add people you know are interested in the case and we will approve them No problem at all , my sister I think was in your group and there is some I know on Twitter who bring up the McCann case often , my sister is on holiday but I will ask anyone on Twitter if they want to join to PM me & I'll give them a link Lizzy Hidehoits ok for you to add them if you are confident they would like to join whats your sister's name and is she a member now? If I add them I will make sure they are interested and wish to contribute too Josie ( yeah I know I know haha ) I don't think she is but I'm certain she was in past Lizzy Hideholol ok (I didnt ban her did I? lol anyway BED! lololol Im just opening a dog thread with one of my vids detailing how great they are ![]() I don't know possibly haha shes very opinionated like me ,there's another 4 in our family too but they are quieter Lizzy Hidehoare you in the pic at the march? On the photo you put up thats me in the middle front holding placard with black jacket Lizzy HidehoGoodness you are worse than trying to get a child to bed... you are heading for the naughty step..lol Ok mum I'm off now hahahaha Lizzy Hidehololol and yes...im old enough to be your grandma probably..lol but I still think Im 16 ![]() Don't worry do do I,and as you can see from my pic I still look it ![]() ![]() Lizzy Hidehohaaa...havent scrutinised it yet .lol Don't do it near bedtime or u will have nightmares:) Lizzy Hideholol OK...its better when I wake up? Yeah for sure ![]() Lizzy Hidehohaaa ok H Lizzy are you in contact with the man who trains those cadaver dogs ? I have a few questions, that idont want to ask in public but maybe you might even know the answers Lizzy HidehoHi Joe ... Hi ![]() Lizzy Hidehoi may know the answers...and havent been in touch... got a bit of flack so laying low regarding that but still here ![]() i can probably find out are you considering cadaver dogs? phows it going? any news? no problem, we have a reason to believe she might have been moved about in a few different locations before being buried under concrete on a shed that was built on the property 3 years after her murder and a year after everyone had moved off the land I am trying to get more info about them Lizzy Hidehoi can find out...now I presume tou are wanting to know about concrete? yeah im wanting to know if she is buried under concrete would it make the dogs task impossible .. off course this is just our main guess , she could be anywhere on that land sorry for taking so long to get back to you its been madness Lizzy Hidehoohh really? whats been happening? just off the cuff I believe that concrete does not stop them BUT if wrapped in a non permeable material that may be an issue..but id have to check just Media stuff mostly and i became an admin of the main like page and im very active on forums on discussion so very active on all fronts thier the shed we beleive was built in 1980 , 3 years after she went missing, we also have guesses to two locations she may have been held at in between her murder and final burial Lizzy Hidehohow thick is the concrete? i cant tell but ill send you a few photographs i took Lizzy HidehoWell Eddie is SPECIALLY TRAINED for concrete ![]() Lizzy Hidehoand discovered remains in Jersey under three inches...but likely it could be thicker Lizzy HidehoA child's remains were discovered under several inches of concrete at a former children's home in Jersey after police bought in dogs to search the site. But how can they sniff through concrete?
For Eddie, it's all in a day's work.
When police suspected human remains were buried on the site of a former children's home in Jersey, the springer spaniel was part of the specialist team brought in to investigate.
Jersey Police said the seven-year-old dog located parts of a child's body even though they were buried under several inches of concrete. So how did he do it?
The dogs are highly trained using scientific techniques which look into how they smell
Eddie is an enhanced victim recovery dog and is specially trained to detect the scent of human remains. He is able to smell through solid materials, like concrete, because of scientific training techniques.
It's this training that sets him apart from standard police sniffer dogs, which are able to detect human remains in shallow graves. The springer's nose is more sensitive and he is called in on more complicated cases.
Super sensitive
The specialist training techniques - which are highly confidential - were developed by Eddie's handler Martin Grime, along with the UK's National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) and America's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
They are scientifically based and rely on how dogs smell and the chemicals involved.
Hunting dogs
Dogs are used in hunting because of their sense of smell
Canines are known for their outstanding sense of smell, estimated to be 10 times stronger than a human's. Like us they smell using special receptors in the nose, which react to tiny chemical scent particles in the atmosphere and send a message to the brain.
Dogs can smell so well because they have an estimated 200 million such receptors, compared to five million in a human nose. The extra receptors mean canines are able to distinguish between different smells much more acutely.
"We don't discuss what the training involves, but it's a lot more than putting bits of meat on the ground for them to hunt out," says Mr Grime, a retired South Yorkshire Police officer who now works as an independent consultant. Lizzy Hidehobrillaint Lizzy i will pass all this on i think when people think of dogs they just think of normal sniffer dogs which were used intially but lost the trace of her a few metres down the lane Lizzy HidehoEddie and Keela ar the best in the world and Martins other dog Morse was key evidence in the conviction of a father in states murdering his daughter even though her body was never found i have a video on that if you interested yes certainly ! Lizzy Hidehoi will post all my dogs vids on here... I posted some on the group...did you see the one from years ago where three dogs discovered a murder victim 10 ft down and under loads of rotting meat? Its amazing yeah i did and was just after watching it again . it was amazing Lizzy Hidehothe jersey one shows Keela finding the remains.. (though everyone clims it was a coconut with collagen (coconuts do not have collagen so it WAS bone...but cover up sorry Eddie Keela detects blood and eddie can detect 100 year old remains so...may I ask if you feel something happened to her in a house? If so then could blood be detected do you think? even if very old the dogs can detect it I dont think it happend in a house , so i think the bone dog would be our best bet Lizzy HidehoFocus
"A standard sniffer dog is like a basic tool. An enhanced dog goes through much more training and is a lot more discriminating about smells, basically its nose is super sensitive. It's also about getting the dog to really focus on a task."
While rare, Eddie and partner Keela are not the only enhanced victim recovery dogs in the UK. The Metropolitan Police and forces in Surrey and Greater Manchester have them. But what sets these two springers apart is that they work exclusively in this field, says Mr Grimes.
A regular part of the BBC News Magazine, Who, What, Why? aims to answer some of the questions behind the headlines
"Other dogs have to do other police duties but mine work full-time in this area, making them very sharp and highly skilled."
The dogs have been used by police forces across the world and were called in to help with the Madeleine McCann investigation.
Both are springer spaniels, but the breed is no better suited to the job than any other. A dog just needs to show a keen sense of smell and it's the training that makes them good enhanced victim recovery dogs, says Mr Grime.
Eddie was bred by a specialist search-dog breeder and Keela came from the West Midlands Police breeding programme.
Both live with Mr Grime and have a normal life outside of work. He is currently training two new dogs, Morse and Lewis.
In the Jersey case, parts of a child's body were found on Saturday. The remains are thought to date from the early 1980s. Police have yet to say whether they are male or female. Lizzy Hidehoculd it have happened along the route? yes certainly , ill send you a quick map i drew up pointing out locations Lizzy Hidehogreat on the path leading to the house circled in red you can see the roof of the shed we do not want this information made public until the day we search this area as otherwise believe the local police may intefere with the area, they have previous on this on that map i drew i got the eyewitness location of the tree cutter wrong he was actaully down further beside the fishermen the suspect is on that land evey day yet he never rebuilt a house there he is even on the google earth image from the google car Lizzy Hidehook...not going anywhere from me. I wouldnt jeopardise my credibility Lizzy Hidehothats creepy ![]() yeah it sure is he has 6 other brothers and sisters yet they never feel the need to be there every day Lizzy Hidehomay I ask...whats the overwhelming evidence that you have that its him...or is it just everythig points to it? ive got to go in a wee second but will be back on , he was sexually abusing the other twin so we believe her too, the childs mother (his sister) has told people - including cops - for years that she knows its him , in the inital days his own family said it was him but they have all sice closed ranks around him . obviously we cant reveal all this or it prejudices trials need to go just now back soon Lizzy Hidehook...thanks Lizzy HidehoHi Joe...sorry havent been much help or been around... busy with stuff...
Hows it going?
I see Gemma is planning a piece on Maddie? I actually couldnt remember your name..lol but found you eventually :(+) sorry have you made any new findings? Have you searched the shed? We have had 2 witnesses come forward that said they found Mary's cardigan, we can't get near the shed he's not allowing us on his land, yes I see her making connecting between Gerry mccanns family being from Donegal, ... I went to the same secondary school as Gerry McCann , tits be hard pushed to find someone there that doesn't have relations in Donegal, and it's been known for years |
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Re:jc mb Date Posted:04/03/2018 1:27 AMCopy HTML so will the cardigans help?
we are a lot slower right now... and Marys anniversary soon? is there anyting i can do to help? you know...with the political interference with Maddie and things being kept quiet.. I knda wonder if both cases are more closely linked that i fist thought ![]() im watching the doc again...right now in fact as I have forgotten a lot and need to get up to speed on it is Gemma approachable...I seem to recall shes not She will be approachable if she thinks that you are of use There is many similarities in both cases I don't think for a minute they are linked though Lizzy Hidehowell there is nowhere ANYWHERE that has the saved info etc on Mddie case... ohh def not linked... just a lot of paralells i wouldnt mind contacting her...an Im the 'go to' for info on the case... been saving stuff for 10 yers We are having a protest outside the coroner's office to mark the 41st anniversary of Mary going missing in march, they keep refusing us an inquest which if done right would show all the lies Lizzy Hidehoi saw that... just recently I tried to help Katrice Lee case...the little 2 year old from germny missing from Naafi...was willing to do all i could...vids etc... I tried but the sister refused me except afew things...so sad... her father etc were asking me to help but promised i would not cross any lines and had to bow out ![]() so I guess there are no released files then... i sent years comparing all the statement timelines resultig in abot 50 discrepancies that were major...many of them can you petition for an inquest...but i guess you need 10,000 to be heard and 100,000 for it to be debated? We have an online petition but it doesn't have the same effect as UK government ones We tried to start a UK government one as Mary was born in Birmingham, but we were refused Lizzy Hidehoi see more than half million views on Gemmas documentary We also contacted Scotland yard etc and were basically turned away by them all Lizzy Hidehoand media? Yes it's reached a big audience , it contains the core truth Lizzy Hidehowhat would REALLY hel to get the change needed?Peole/Politicians? Media?Police? I've worked with the star ( which is more respectable in Ireland then UK version) the Sunday world, Irish mirror and local newspapers recently and I was on a very popular phone in show too Politicans The problem is we have a power sharing government Lizzy Hidehowhat about the one and called to demand he wasnt arrested? guess he wont talk..lol im in canada so not familiar with brit and ireland politishians So the party that interfered in our case initials FF are in power with the other main party FG, so FG won't call them out like they might have done had they still been an opposition party Lizzy Hidehohaaaa i realy can spell..lol politicians.. Sinn Fein speak up for us but anytime they do it is brought up their recent bloody history Even though FF & FG were born from the war of independence less then 100 years ago Lizzy Hidehoif you had the chance what would be the ONE THING that you feel would help more than anything? The one who made the call has since died Lizzy Hidehook....so is that good or bad? do you think it has buse as the core issue? The one thing would be an arrest and a real interrogation of our main suspect.. And his wife too It's good that he died as some protection will have gone with him Lizzy Hidehobut the chances of an arrest is inlikely with the cover up Very unlikely, they won't even let us search the land she went missing from which he now owns Lizzy Hidehoso...and forgive me if I sound naive... could/would the investigating officers first on the scene be able to address he stopped th arrecst? I have him and his wife on video promising we could search anytime Lizzy Hidehoyou know... Gemma has clout on vids and maybe in other areas... I have a wide audience and now if she does the doc... we can maybe use the huge maddie support? I only today got the main Garda on the case phone number, he is long retired and has fell out with Gemma over the documentary, hopefully he will speak to me Lizzy Hidehoremind me...you her cousin? I can't work with Gemma I'm sorry, I've spoke to her on the phone a few times since but once burned twice shy Yes I'm Mary's cousin in her father's side Lizzy Hidehosoyou saying shes difficult? well her mothers side sounds questionable Yes her mother's side is and our side are too quiet as well She's very difficult Lizzy Hidehomay i ask in which way difficult? But she will probably be fine with McCann supporters, it's the families she causes tension with, ie every family she had worked with over here Lizzy Hidehoi work with 9News in Australia (noone knows) that cvers the case.... not sure if they would have any suggestions... Very controlling, manipulative, a backstabber, she isn't impartial like a journalist should be, very very hotheaded, libel happy , ... She had zero respect amongst her colleagues here Lizzy Hidehoi say 'work' i mean i provide nfo on maddie case...thats all..lol She has bought a lot of online movie awards for the documentary Lizzy Hidehook...so best stay clear then I can't see her bringing anything new to the case By all means deal with her as you should be fine as your not family But I'd be very very surprised if she comes up with anything new on this case I hope she does but can't see it Lizzy Hidehowell my names out there and everyone knows ive got more info saved than anyone...so she hasnt approached and im notinterested n lible or speculation She was a travel editor for the vast majority of her career Lizzy Hidehoshe wont know any more than we have discussed for 10 years...lol Speculation is her forte Lizzy Hidehonot interestd then...I only deal with facts.. and respect She certainly won't, she will bring out old facts and try and put a twist to them as if they are new Lizzy Hidehook so we shouldnt exect much then...Ill stay away Australia 9 news ONLY stick to facts which I love... so i guess no luck with dogs...especially if you cant get to the land Im guessing that you are adverse to being linked to Maddie case? Like today she put an old article up where they interviewed Marys mum about Maddie, it was mentioned that Gerry has relations nearby ( which is very common for Glasgow - Donegal) and Marys mother said she would know some distant relatives.. in those areas everyone knows each other. Gemma said that the article said Mary's mother knew the McCann's .. Anyone that read the screenshot could read themselves she didn't say that And I'm no fan of Marys mother Not adverse at all no We have links with other murdered and missing groups Lizzy Hidehoohh ok...cos as I mentioned... Katrices sister was finding the PMs from Maddie suporters was more than she could handle so I had to make sure it wasnt connected and she wouldnt allow a website that had all the info.. (which I wanted to do) do you have a website? its past being a missing child... I would say its more about a cover up as being the focal point No we only use a blog that I helped the Creator with Lizzy Hidehoso YOU may be ok with the connection...what about her sister and family? i dont want to cross any lines It's something I could use is someone who could make posters for the upcoming March which I could then have printed It's only her twin that I deal with and she would be fine too Mary is often referred to as Ireland's Madeline McCann anyway Lizzy Hidehoi do lotsof graphics but not sure how helpful with posters... My son is an artist...but not sure ok...so... SUPPOSING i created a video...focusng on the POLITICAL cover up (not saying i can do it any time soon...but just as an example)...how would that be? I could probably do it myself, I don't need to much graphic just more text to save on printing cost etc Lizzy Hidehosupposing i created a WEBSITE with all the info in one place? That would be fine I have no problem with that at all Yes all that would be great too Lizzy Hidehoi can do text with a pic... if you have an idea what you want i dont mind at all putting a graphic together..and you can see if its anyting of interest to you now the issue also is a lot of the PRO mccanns cause aggro when I am involved in any case... can you handle that? I can handle anything I think after the last couple years ![]() Lizzy Hidehowhy specifically the last couple years? May I ask? one of my admi has just headed to bed with gemma doc...so if she has questions..may I ask you? yes off course its only the last couplpe of years i have been aware of what happened in marys case Lizzy Hidehoohh really... what were your thoughts before? when we were kids growing up in scotland we were told the "gypsies" took her, then there was a lot of speculation that Scottish serial killer Robert Black took her Lizzy Hidehoso was that just cos you were kids or did a lot of the public think that way? what finally changed your mnd? I found out there was a doc coming out and got in touch with Gemma and she was wildly enthusiastic as Ann had no other vocal support from within the family this is when we were told what Ann had been told growing up, that it was her uncle Lizzy Hidehowith THAT knowledge we can maybe place focus on what changed your thoughts o specifically you... just th knowledge then just before the documentary came out Gemma came turned against us Lizzy Hidehoohh...so this has only ben in spotlight for lastcouple years? why did she turnagainst you? and after the documentary she turned against anyone who was recieving media attention , so me , the lady who organised the first march , and the man who started the justice for mary boyle facebook page she demanded he make her full admin of the page by midnight or she would sue him he handed the page to me instead Lizzy Hidehook...well thanks for that info...ill be very careful then..lol what about Marys sister... is she aproachable or best not to? she then released statemement after statement trying to blacken my name , marys twin Ann fell out with her at roughly the same time they havent spoken since but have not made public the split Lizzy Hidehoi dont want to tead on ANYONES toes her sister is approachable yes but can be very shy till you get to know her and she doesnt like being in the limelight of things Lizzy Hidehoohh thats ok...i can understand that... i wont intimidate her... I CANT..lol even if I knew how ![]() i understand... i see she was abused by the uncle also? has she done anything about that? Gemma wont step on the toes of any of the supporters on the mccann case she cant remember if she was abused or not Lizzy Hidehook...hmmmm... i have a voice in the case... so shed better not tread on mine..lol if she tries be sure to let her know her place Lizzy Hidehoahh fair enough...but she remembers Mary? or is that vague also? no she remembers her very well Lizzy Hidehoi mean the secxual abuse? she reembers seeing it? she thinks mary would speak out if she was being abused which is maybe why she was took away no she doesnt Lizzy Hidehoahh so speculation that COULD be a motive she was abused later by my grans neighbour too Lizzy Hidehoohhh for goodness sake ![]() and as you know kids can block out tramautic experiences Lizzy Hidehoohh yes...its not something i would approach directly with her... I asked the uncle gerry did abuse happen in this house ( we were standing at the family house that mary went missing from) his answer was "not that i know off" Lizzy Hidehoapart from leaflets... what do you think you would like me to get made publicly known? not tht he knew of????? geez... are there other recording of him on vids? yeah i thought that a strange answer its not the answer i would give about my childhood home i have it all on video Lizzy Hidehoi should be careful to use Gemmas... do you know of others? him and his wife then called the cops on me use gemmas what sorry? Lizzy Hidehooohh golly... so we know why well IF i made a doc I would rather use other newsreel as opposed to Gemmas clips as shemay not be happy do you spek with Ann now? what about those other friends/relatives in the video? gemma took those clips from the national broadcaster here RTE ,, she then complained about the bill and started a fundraiser for it , she has never announced the end of that fund rasier, she also smuggled out more footage from RTE ill find you some RTE links on youtube Gemma has no rights to any of them heres one with the uncle Lizzy Hidehoohh smashing... I have used rte on my vids...but often copyright just adds monetisation or restrictions and adverts... the one with your uncle..is that the one you were telling me about? i know this journalist so i could ask her is it ok if you use it yes , not my uncle, but marys Lizzy Hidehoohh would be great...or ask if I can contact her? I try to be careful and respectful whats her name? if you want to contact her she is on twitter - nicola Tallant Lizzy Hidehocan i mention your name? i would need her to follow me if i was to contact her so may be difficult... Inot doing anything on open twitter ill follow her and if you could speak with her...that would be great yes off course Lizzy Hidehoi need to get up to par on watcing the video and the case again Gemma smuggled out all the old RTE documentaries and reuploaded them but i think it was on vimeo Lizzy Hidehook...so she is def questionable... journos shoud have ethics onw would hppe she is 100% unethical which is why when she was sacked other journos didnt stand by her so she has a MASSIVE chip on her shoulder Lizzy Hidehowell...she may get weeded out from maddie supporters...we all know the score and if she gets anything wrong... she will lose credibility thats her fake twitter she used to upload videos im blocked from it so cant get on to find the videos she also made a fake account on behalf of marys twin then blocked me from it too Lizzy Hidehoohh dear she has really damaged so many campaigns here Lizzy Hidehoim staying away...but she has no idea the ride shes in for with maddie groups...we dont suffer fools gladly the men that found the cardigan first went to her over a year ago . she told them to forget about it that it wasnt significant! she still hasnt mentioned it Lizzy Hidehowhere was it fond? and when? it was found the next day after mary went missin near a lake near the house the police took it away but no trace of it has ever been found Lizzy Hidehoso was the lake dredged? I had to track the 2 men down Lizzy Hidehois this a corrupt investigation? or just a cover up at high levels and if so....why? yes eventually but according to the police diver at the time only the sides of the lake was searched initially I think a level of corruption for sure but also just very amateur policework Lizzy Hideho77 investigations were |
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Re:jc mb Date Posted:04/03/2018 1:32 AMCopy HTML 77 investigations were not as good as they are now no.. and Ireland wasnt a place where this stuff happened the police werent ready for it Lizzy Hidehoso have i got it right.... th case 'died' and was not in media for many years before the doc? yes basically, there would be the odd documentary every few years and the video i sent you above was from a newspaper investigation a few years ago Lizzy Hidehoso Gemmas documentary brought it to light again? If thats the case then one thing to thank her for yes for sure Marys twin Ann and marys cousin Margo were recomennded her but she said things in that youtube video that no TV station would air but we needed that Lizzy Hidehowell im going to have a think... i have till march...and will see what i can do in the meantime.... who Gemma said things or Marys cousin? well this is the point... I ant do a slick video like hers...but I CAN get the info out there... maybe give me a list of what you want known and is OK to put online with no libel here is another video of the mother where she admits she knows mary is dead .. yet one of the reasons the coroner wont give us an inquest is because he said it would be detrimental to marys mothers health to think of Mary as being dead as she clings to the hop that she is alive Lizzy Hidehoand THATS the reason..yeah right the main thing really is we cant mention the suspects name because if it does go to court that gives him reason to say he cant have a trial due to prejudiced social media Lizzy HidehoCan you do that for me... just list what NEEDS to be known about the case that would shock people if they knew... THAT wou be a good angle fr a vid I think no names mentioned... I wouldnt release a vid without your approval the stable horse has kind of already bolted with that one as there is people all over gemmas page forever naming him but it is a rule i still stick by Lizzy Hidehoand i would too yes if you give me time to think on it I will give you the main bulletin points that id like to get across Lizzy Hidehoso NO plice files or official declarations? well...there we go... I CAN be of use ![]() but isnt it past your bedtime? of course , id very much welcome it Lizzy Hidehodo i have to send you to the naughty step again?lolol its late but i napped lol Lizzy Hidehoohh haaa...i have a lot of those now im retired..lol i dont even have that excuse ![]() ![]() Lizzy Hidehololol...i didnt mean to insinuate that.lol no i know hahaha Lizzy Hidehoicant recall what you lok lik either...im hopeless and its not important... speak to 'people'... its a bit like the Voice..lol think of a fat ben affleck lol Lizzy Hidehocant even remember what Ben affleck looks like so no help..lolol hahahaha Lizzy Hidehobut no matter...would be great if you could do that list... I will do for sure just need to get my thoughts clear Lizzy Hidehoonce i get stared i get passionate..if i start and lay it down i find it difficult to get back to i know what you mean i can be the same Lizzy Hidehoyes...you need a vid to focus on the SHOCKING facts.... take it away from a missing girl bit like Genmma did insinuate in her doc right away the 2 I already have mentioned, that her cardigan was found the next day and isnt in police evidence and the mother refusing an inquest she shouldnt have those rights Lizzy Hidehocant recall the father.... and she is contradicted on video when she said she knew mary was dead and that was decades ago Lizzy Hidehook...so ill get those clips together the father, my uncle died whilst fishing at sea in the ealry 2000s Lizzy Hidehowhat were hs thoughts on it? ill try find you the coroners letter where he states about it affecting the mothers mental health he was a very quiet very brooding man Lizzy Hidehowonderful...ANY facts I can use... otherwise i have to make disclaimers his death was ruled accidental , personally i dont think it was i think he had had enouigh. but his daughter -marys twin_ doesnt like to think that Lizzy Hidehowas his wife a good choice in marriage? ok and HER dad abused Ann? Lizzy Hidehoahhhh i meant the mothers dad...sorry got it wrong its very easy to confuse not to worry Lizzy Hidehoso grandmas on her mothers sides neighbour... i just noticed the coroner called Marys mother "annie" in that letter.. I have never heard her referred to that no on our side and the guy was a "little person" Lizzy Hidehoohh is tere a beginning to that letter? Even if not needed it looks good to have it all litle ass in smal..or a dwaerf? when ann jr told her mother what had happened her mother told her to be quiet and be thankful that it wasnt a "fully grown man that broke her in " this is what we are dealing with here yeah that was the excuse his lawyers gave that he couldnt have a proper sexual relationship due to his sioze Lizzy Hidehohow AWFUL for her...and Im guessing shes never received counselling? size* i dont think so no Lizzy Hidehoohh gimme a break i dont even know if she was part of prosecution against him Lizzy Hidehomind you...things were different back then...well depending on when it happened Lizzy HidehoSOOO many people go through abuse and live with it their entire life I know it is awful Lizzy Hidehoill read that after...just awful so...is it KNOWN that the politian died..or is something to not adress... just that it happened with no furthr details? oh yeah it was quite high profile that he died as he collapsed on holiday in spain on the beach Lizzy Hidehobut thaat would name him right? and not alowed to name him no you can name the politican, you cant libel the dead, I named him even before he died Sean McEniff who called himself the Irish Donald Trump as he owned a large chain of hotels Lizzy Hidehook...so to name him as allegedly calling to stop thearrest... have to be careful there is nothing in fact about him calling? Gemma published video of the Garda on the case saying he did phone and intefere with the case |
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Re:jc mb Date Posted:04/03/2018 1:36 AMCopy HTML ohh ok the garda had denied this after the documentary where it was only inferred that this happened and no one was named Lizzy Hidehoill watch her stuff then try to get original vids I wouldnt worry about using her videos , she has no issue on using others ![]() Lizzy Hideholol...thing is... she could have me losed down with ONE letter... if i have another copyright already i understand and she would as well she has a lot of money as she won her court case for unfair dismissal plus she is a widow use any photos you wish from our page Lizzy Hidehonearly lost my channel when 7 news in Australia intervieewed Pat Brown... Pat sued them and they put their lawyers on me..lol yeah I know what youtube can be like that link should have took you to our photo section I dont know why it didnt another shocking fact is when that newspaper did their investigation a few years ago . they spoke to a local man who recalled a freshly dug hole .. the newspaper brought in a scanning company who found anomalies in the land , they were preparing to have an archalogical type dig when 2 police men turned up unannounced one day in a JCB and overturned the whole field Lizzy Hidehosorry..laptop froze on me so if there was evidence there they would have wrecked it no problem Lizzy Hidehoohhh good grief... now if you have ANY links to proof of these things happening that would be great... but no worries if not... ill just have t use alleged...lol its ok..ill find the photos... i will link you no problem Lizzy Hidehoi lost the pic of the uncle on google... Ohh maybe i have it can i use it? lol Lizzy Hidehool...i made it a pic but lost it...ill take again the obnudsman has never gave their verdict on this AFAIK Lizzy HidehoOK we have a lot to work with here...maybe ill make several mini clips... Donal McIntyre the journalist mentioned there who worked on the case at that time is VERY high profile in the UK as well as Ireland Lizzy Hidehoone of my video 'thingys' is that i take a lot of trouble to add apporopriate vids and use the lines that fit... so the vids can tell the story... so ill try to fnd a good one ![]() ohh yes...we know him from mccann case I understand , there is no rush Lizzy Hidehohas panorama ever done a doc? i am told he is having a mid life crisis at the moment ![]() No british media have ever reported on it to any national extent despite her being a joint British/Irish citizen by birth Lizzy Hidehowell... i will send it to panorama and richard Bilton...he likes facts... yes please do Lizzy Hidehoin fact in the last apnorama on maddie he exposed that he was asked by team mccann to spy for them on robert murat the other arguido... amazing my sister was in touch with a investigator an ex cop , i cannot remember his name and he seemed very interested but then just faded away wow Lizzy Hidehowell...gather these names cos they may start to wake up with a bit of media atention and the annversary Mark william Thomas he was called Lizzy Hidehoohhh haaaaa.. well he did the savile thing... ut he IS on video saying the mccanns should be worruied then he said about she walked out of the apartment...we not happy with him who is this sorry ? Lizzy HidehoMWT right so we maybe dodged a bullet there Lizzy Hidehowell he CAN be good...but McCanns have him...well they likely dont like him now...lol hes a possibility in this case I guess but have a look at that video... it was their private detectives that offered Bilton a deal to spy shocking facts about them and the millions they have spent to protect themselves.... BUT... another thing is we were promised a search of the land where mary went missing, we had the cadaver dogs ( m sure the same ones used in the mccann case) and a scanning company lined up to come in , the gards promised us we could go in but they had to watch in case it turned into a crime scene, but then Gerry refused us permission and the gards said they would do it themselves , with no dogs and their own scanning machine. that was a year and a half ago . they have done nothing since Lizzy Hidehodid you see about th mccanns suing the cop in charge of the case for 1 million punds? yes i read something about it i just subscrided to your channel Lizzy Hidehothey sued him...initially he lost.... and they had froen all his money and his pension... so couldnt afford an appeal... we launched a gofund me and raised 52,000 poud (my group in particular as wel as others)...and he appealed and WON! click the bell if you want notifications... just fond that out yes i did read that, that was great work yous did Lizzy Hidehowe CAN make a difference and with the freedom to help you...noting is really impossible as there is no real news about maddie right now...i have no prob supporting you I have audio you might be interested in too thank you ! Lizzy Hidehoohh great... ANYTHING you can send me is great do you speak with Ann? I dont think its on this computer but I uploaded it to soundcloud yes all the time the audio is fo marys mother phoning a much listened to radio phone in here saying that basically her daughter ws acting ridicolous by running to westminster & the Dail etc not those words exactly but along those lines Lizzy Hidehocould you tell her from me that im sooo sorry what she has gone through all this time...and I will do EVERYTHING i can to helpfind the truth about her little sister... I care... we ALL care xxx I certainly will off course, add her if you like, and chat to her Lizzy Hidehowhats her profile addy? tell her you have spoken to me and about your plans Lizzy Hidehook...thanks no problem Lizzy Hidehoand if you could tell her also so she knows who i am..lol ill try and be gentle with her...she looks a lovely soul Lizzy Hidehoand been through more than she deserves Lizzy Hidehohang on...the mother is called Ann also? yes thats where a lot of confusion comes in ![]() Lizzy Hidehook...ill settle down and listen to them all soon... so i get a good overall picture..and inspiration fr a video and the tune im going to use ![]() if you listen to that interview you will hear the mother getting increasingly angry Lizzy Hidehook..ill make that clear then ok take it easy and thanks for everything xx Lizzy Hidehothank you Joe... Little mary needs us all on her side and if I can help in ANY way...im here xx Thank you very much xx Lizzy Hidehopoor little mite..what she must have gone through.... so sad well...im off to watch Dr Phil or Come dine with me..lol...rest the brain ![]() thats is a good idea, playstation for me , to distract the brain lol Lizzy Hidehoi used to LOVE plaing my sons nintendo...he was young so id sit at the bottom of his bed and get to next level...then keep playing..lol it helps me relax takes you out of the world for a wee while ![]() Lizzy Hidehohes 31 now..lol yes... we MUST look after ourselves or we cant help others very very true Lizzy Hidehoi am probably the happiest person I know... and I plan on staying that way ![]() thats great to hear, a very positive outlook Lizzy Hidehoi love every day... every day is precious to me and good friends and family around me... I havent got much else but its all i need ![]() again very very true, a great outlook Lizzy Hidehowell...i wouldnt mind looking like i did in my 0s...lol 20s..lol you arent the only one there ![]() Lizzy Hidehodid i show you my business? no Lizzy Hidehoohhh darn! photobucket removed all pics suddenly...free one min now they want $400 to host on internet... but you can read about me i paint metal to look like wood... thats brilliant! any chance of a job ![]() only joking , my work is here finding Mary Lizzy Hideho |
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Re:jc mb Date Posted:04/03/2018 1:37 AMCopy HTML so's mine now..lol welcome aboard ![]() that looks amazing ! Lizzy Hideholol yes...ive had lots of news articles about me all good im sure ![]() i was 2 ![]() thats brillaint Lizzy Hidehoi was 32..lol i work with stone, cutting and building old style stone walls Lizzy Hidehojust turned 68... thats not supposed to happen! lol it creeps up on you Lizzy Hidehoits fun...but then you realise its not forever..lol anyway... Dr Phil calling... ill catch you later...thanks so much no problem , enjoy the good doctor ![]() Lizzy Hideholol say Hi to Ann for me ![]() I will do Lizzy Hidehochat later...hopefully not long enough that i forget your name again and cat find you..lolol cant hahaha i wont let you this time lol Lizzy Hidehogoodo...no...cos when you get inspiration to add to the list...just add... i may not be able to chat but its a good place to save when you think of somethig or find somethig of interest...including the beginning of that letter about inquest Yes that's him, on the land Mary went missing which he tends to most days but hasn't built a house on Lizzy HidehoI cant see it on google...has it been whooshed..?
I went to the link you gave before and its not there i saved those pics from before you have to to a certain part on google maps to see it but google maps does update every few years Lizzy Hidehoyes...but i was looking at same year 2010 the road stops...it doesnt go all the way round the rad do you know the actual location it was taken? after that fence it is the private lane leading to the now derelict house which was Mary Grandprents so thats the same land she was took from Lizzy Hidehocan you have a look and see if its still there? yes ill try now Lizzy Hidehothats the link that you gave me before and i responded 'its creepy' meaning i saw it...but not now the screenshot shows Sept 2010 yes it seems to be away , you used to be able to go further up to the gate , but google earth can be really quirky , if you go further back you can see his jeep but its from 2011 he may have asked for it to be brought down Lizzy Hidehosept option int there now...odd cos they have april in my own street it starts of 2010 and at the end its 2015 Lizzy Hidehoisnt there so you think its been removed? I do yeah Lizzy Hidehowell... I have it ![]() and i think everyone will find it as creepy as I did so did google have to turn round at that point...or have they just removed the curved part of the road? you can see his van driving up the lane in this one from 2011 why own all that land since 1980 or so and not keep the house in good repair even though he is there every day he rents houses out elsewhere it has to stop as it is private property after the fence Lizzy Hidehothe fence is inside his property but is the road that google was recording...is it private property after the fence (without going through the fence? what location were both of those pics of his van taken google can only record on public property Lizzy Hidehoso how did they knowto stop and turn round near the fence? I see no signs the link i just sent you was on the road approaching that farmhouse before the gate he was there that day , and they will know if there is a fence that its private property Lizzy Hidehobut there was no fence in the last screenshots that google took is the fence he was seen in im 2010...on that road? I couldnt see it google wil know whats private land and whats not they will have it mapped out I don't know Lizzy Hidehosec...that shows april I know that before you could only see him from a certain angle, my laptop is slowing up so I'm doing a disk wipe on it and I'll try again Lizzy Hidehoi managed to find 2010 sept... but it disappears when you travel..and i cant find the gate well basically im just trying to find out if it has been removed specifically... I ee the cows along the road but i cant find that fence and wondered if that road (the curved part) has been removed whether google travelled further down the road but has been removed its an area I have only been to once but I wouldnt say any of the road has been removed Lizzy Hidehowell...i cant find the fence he was seen behind its maybe tied back the way ? Lizzy Hidehotied back the way? ive travelled the road both sides and cant find it...yet anyway yes opened inwards and tied to a post or something to let his tractors and jeeps in and out it was there when i was there in 2016 Lizzy Hidehoif its NOT there anymore then it would appear to have specifically removed on google im talking about thats the last thing he would want because they made it very clear to me that it was private property beyond there and it belonged to them Lizzy Hidehoso Google went far enough up the road in 2010 to see the fence with him behind it...but didnt go far enough up the road in Oct to get to the gate? maybe he was in the photo in oct and asked for it to be removed yes, after that its a private lane roughly the same size to the house Lizzy Hidehothe rest of that road is private property? both sides? yes both sides he farms on the right side as your looking from the google view on the left side is where mary went missing Lizzy Hidehook... but seems that the photo has been removed...maybe because asked... but never mind...i have it..lol yeah thats the main thing ![]() Lizzy Hideholol and forgive me for being so specific... i was only trying to establish how contrived it was to remove google views further up the road.. (we dont know if that fence is further up the road thats no longer accessible...or whether he..or someone...asked for it to be removed i find that is important... or MAY be important I understand , my guess is that he asked for it to be removed Lizzy Hidehoyes welll....tough..lol yeah you cant delete the internet ![]() Lizzy Hidehoand I screenshot as much as I can IN CASE the internet removes anything ![]() as you can see ![]() btw...i didnt watch Dr Phil...i watched the last hour of Gemmas doc last night..lol the red rectangle square and the green circle is the route where Mary is said to have dissapered we need Dr Phils help! ![]() I am going to phone the policeman sgt collins tonight for the first time he has fell out with Gemma since the doc , both the ex gards have, the other one has took a nervous breakdown Lizzy Hidehoohh...so what do you hope t 'get' from him? ive forgotten which one he is... im not really sure to be honest , I think he has told all he can even if he has retracted some the one with the white hair I need to here his point of view myself hear* Lizzy Hidehoso why did he fall out with Gemma? She showed him in a good light didnt she? you are talking one of the two cps that believe it was uncle? in this case I think Gemma was in the right , they didnt want their ex boss who had passed away to be shown in a bad light so they both issued statements distancing themselves from the doc in the days after it was released but gemma has since released video of collins actually naming McEniff as being the politican who rang the gardai Lizzy Hidehocant remember about their ex boss... i tried to take it all in but need to rewatch again im not sure myself how far she goes into it in the documentary but he was a hopeless alcoholic and gambler who was heavily in debt to mceniff i think she only showed an interview with him that completley contradicts the offical report RTE in 1985 made a documentary about how the same police station was under the control of local politicans including mceniff Lizzy Hidehosorry..sec..on phone Lizzy Hidehook great... ill check them all out at the same time so I understand and reain the inf better...having them all in context... thanks No problem |