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Title: Use of a CAR during the holiday | |
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Date Posted:03/08/2014 2:39 PMCopy HTML http://themaddiecasefiles.com/topic169.html?hilit=cameron Patricia Cameron We went to Manchester and stayed at a friend’s house before catching the first flight of the morning, on Saturday 5th May 2007. We arrived in Portugal on Saturday morning, where a friend lent us a car to use and we went to Praia da Luz. Rachael Mampilly Oldfield Questions for RM from the Letter of Request: RACHAEL MARIAMMA JEAN MANPILLY, should also provide a chronological explanation regarding everything she did on 3rd May, 2007, between 7.30 p.m. and midnight. In addition to the above referred, she should be asked the following : * During the time you were on holidays, did you notice any situation where Kate and Gerry were talking to any unknown person ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside any car during the holiday period ? --------------------------------------------------- 01.31.05 1578 “During the time you were on holiday, did you notice any situation where Kate and Gerry were talking to any unknown person”? Reply “No I mean, no I mean nobody that there was you know not another family that were on holiday but I don’t specifically remember them talking to other couples that, or you know families that were on holiday aside from Steve and his wife on the night of the third and then erm, erm I mean when the children were playing in their recreation area, but I don’t specifically remember them talking to anyone but you know we’d all kind of say hello to other parents, or you know ask what they’d been doing that day, that sort of thing, but you know, nobody that was like a stranger, nobody that didn’t have kids really, erm because everyone in that sort of, in the compound where the recreation area was and where the swimming pool was, were Mark WARNER guests, holiday guests and I think everyone had children”. 1578 “Did you see Kate or Gerry inside any car during the holiday period”? Reply “During the whole time that we were there, or just, or up to the third of May or, I mean I never saw them in a car the whole time, I mean there was no car”. 1578 “Answers the question then”. Reply “Yeah, other than you know sort of going to the Police Station and that sort of thing, but that would have been driven by Police”. Matthew Oldfield Questions for MO from the Letter of Request: MATTHEW DAVID OLDFIELD should also be asked the following questions : * During the time you were on holidays, did you notice any situation where Kate and Gerry were talking to any unknown person ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside any car during the holiday period ? 00:13:00 4078 "Did you notice Kate and Gerry talking to anybody unknown during the evening meal?” Reply "No, err no, not that weren’t known to all of us as part of the, err either the rest of the holiday group or err staff.” 4078 "And did you see them…” Reply "Nobody stuck in…” 4078 "Sorry. Did you see them inside a car during the holiday?” Reply "No, no I didn’t know there was a car.” http://themaddiecasefiles.com/post466.html#p466 Jane Tanner Okay. During the time you were on holiday, did you notice situation where Kate and Gerry were talking to any unknown person”? Reply “Erm no, the only people, Gerry’s very, I mean Gerry’s the sort of person that gets somewhere and he knows everybody straight away, so he’s very sociable, so I think he’d probably know a lot more people than the rest of the group through the, through his tennis as well, so there were people that I saw him talking to that I probably hadn’t spoken to, but they’re all other guests or they might have been guests say, nobody, no nobody that I thought, oh who’s that, they were all people you’d expect to him to be talking to”. 55.06 4078 “People whose faces look familiar to you”? Reply “Yeah, yeah he might have known them yeah, they were familiar faces”. 4078 “Did you see Kate or Gerry inside any car during the holiday period”? Reply “No, apart from when they got dropped off the first day by (inaudible)”. 4078 “Okay and what about there subsequently, by the Police or whatever”? Reply “Erm well I’ve came back in a car with Gerry from the Police Station after the second interviews, I saw him in the car erm but no I didn’t see him in any, we didn’t have access to any other cars during our, the time, those two weeks that we were there afterwards”. Questions for R O’B from the Letter of Request: RUSSELL JAMES O'BRIEN should also be asked the following questions : * During the holidays, did you happen to see Kate and Gerry talking with someone unknown ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside a car during the holidays ? http://themaddiecasefiles.com/post489.html#p489 Russell O'Brien 1578 "During the holidays did you happen to see Kate and Gerry talking with someone unknown?” Reply "Err no, I, I would see, Gerry, Gerry’s one of these people that can walk up to a stranger and have their life story extracted from them within ten minutes and then tell you oh yeah he’s from here and blah, blah, blah he’s a very, very confident guy, and he was talking to other members of the err you know other visiting guests who I may not necessarily have known but at least who I recognised as visiting guests. I didn’t see him talking to anyone who didn’t seem to be part of the infrastructure or, or, or visiting the complex, you know I didn’t think who the hell’s that or whether he’s been accosted by someone.” 1578 "Yeah.” Reply "Or so on and so forth.” 01:25:05 1578 "Did you see Kate and Gerry inside a car during the holidays? Reply "Err no not during the holiday err you know obviously the hire car err business is well known, I, I mean, I don’t think there was any of us had a car err or saw, or there was any access to a car until sort of Gerry’s family all came, Gerry’s family had come over and hired a car when they came. So there was a car around after that but I don’t actually particularly remember err much about Kate and Gerry using it, I think on a couple of occasions, if I think closely, I think they may have driven down to the church just to try and keep the, the, the crowds and things off them. Err but certainly in terms of, the quote “holiday”, that was, you know they didn’t not have a car.” Fiona Payne Questions for Fiona Payne from the Letter of Request: FIONA ELAINE PAYNE should be asked the following questions : * During the holidays, did you happen to see Kate and Gerry talking with someone unknown ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside a car during the holidays ? -------------------- 1485 “During the holidays did you happen to see Kate and Gerry talking to somebody unknown?” Reply “Unknown to me?” 1485 “Yeah”. Reply “Erm, yeah, erm, I mean, quite a lot of, but I think they were all sort of MARK WARNER holidaymakers, I mean, they all knew, as I say, Jez, he knew, I didn’t really know Jez, certainly before, erm, May the third and there were a few other couples that I was aware they were quite chatty with, you know, when we went to the Tapas Bar and there’d be another family sat down eating their meal, they might have talked to them, but, again, I didn’t really, erm, know those other couples because we hadn’t really sort of met and we didn’t really make a lot of effort, to be honest. But, again, Kate, that’s the sort of people Kate and Gerry are, they’re very, very sociable, they seem to pick up friends wherever they go and, erm, so, yeah, that again didn’t surprise me, no, they’ve met more people than us”. 1485 “Did you see Gerry and Kate inside a car during the holidays?” Reply “No, never. They didn’t have a car”. 1485 “Never?” Reply “(Shakes head). There was no reason to”. http://themaddiecasefiles.com/post452.html#p452 David Payne 1485 "We’re not far off now, during the holiday did you see Kate and Gerry speak to anybody unknown to yourself?” Reply "At the, after Madeleine had gone or before?” 1485 "Before, before.” Reply "Before, err they, they made friends with other people who were in the complex err who you know we don’t necessarily, we didn’t perhaps necessarily know they were at the time but as, as the week went on you know it was obvious who they were and err you know these were people that they were playing tennis with who they’d had lessons with err apart from that, you know, obviously all, all the nannies we got to know err there was no-one, you know there was a few people who were slightly more in the periphery who were the holiday makers there that we didn’t speak to as much, I might have seen Gerry speaking to them but you knew them, they were primarily, you know, people from the complex who were on holiday there. Err so there’s nobody you know you wouldn’t expect them to be talking with on a, on a holiday.” 1485 "Yeah.” Reply "In that, in the situation.” 00:52:56 1485 "Did you see them in a car at all whilst you were in Portugal, prior to Madeleine disappearing?” Reply "Err we all arrived you know at Praia Da Luz initially in the taxi err apart from that I can’t really recall.” 1485 "That’s it.” Reply "I can’t recall err seeing you know err going anywhere in a car.” Dianne Webster PC: "They asked you if anyone had used a car on holiday.” DW: "No.” ------------------------- Reply "Well I think the only people that, that I err had seen, well Gerry in particular, talk to were err people that he’d met during the tennis, you know, that were also staying at the resort. Err that’s as far as I know.” 4078 "There was nobody who didn’t seem familiar to you that you saw them with?” Reply "Well no, I mean there were obviously people he’d met because err he went to different tennis lessons to, to the ones I went to so I think he met one or two people through the tennis that he’d perhaps bump into, you know.” http://themaddiecasefiles.com/post1453.html#p1453 Catriona Baker I never saw Kate or Gerry in a car in Portugal. I visited the family in their home upon their invitation to see how everyone was managing in November 2007. That was the first time I saw them in a car. http://missingmadeleine.forumotion.net/t8440-peter-neal-patterson-rogatory-statement CARTAS ROGATORIAS UK (FILE 4) 18 to 20—Witness statement of Peter Neal Patterson (family friend) 2008.05.08 Leicestershire Police Squad Witness Testimony Testimony of: Peter Neal Patterson Age if less than 18 years old: Occupation: Attorney/Solicitor became known Kate and Gerry since 2002. My wife (Bridget) and Kate both trained in general medicine and have become good friends. We have also learnt that Kate attended the same university we did in Dundee even though she was not there when we attended. My wife faced some clinical problems (a miscarriage and an ectopic/tubal pregnancy). We discovered after that Kate and Gerry were also having problems conceiving. This brought Bridget and Kate even closer. This occurred in mid-2002. I believe that we tried to get pregnant five years ago. Suddenly Kate became pregnant with Madeleine and my wife and I had our first child, a boy, who was born after Madeleine’s birth. Later Kate again became pregnant with Sean and Amelie. Our youngest son was born nine months ago today. My wife maintains regular contact with Kate and as a result we visited them once in Queniborough. We have yet to visit their home in Rothley. I saw Madeleine for the last time on my son’s birthday, the 1st of September of 2006. The friendship between Kate and Bridget is focused on themselves and the children. I have met Gerry and know him well enough to maintain a casual conversation. Madeleine disappeared on Thursday night of the 03rd of May 2007. Normally I have a habit of listening to the news every morning but on Friday, the 04th of May 2007, I have an early morning meeting and for this reason did not see the news. After the meeting I received a text message from my wife informing me of Madeleine’s disappearance. The rest of the week was spent listening to the news, and trying to prevent my son from recognising Madeleine as he has asked what was going on. My wife and I decided to travel to Portugal. We caught a flight to faro on Tuesday, the 08th of may 2007. We did this in the hopes of offering our help and support and to do something other than just sit at home watching from afar. My wife sent a text message to Kate telling her of our flight. We reached Praia da Luz around 11 or 11:30 that morning. I caught a ride from the airport to Praia da Luz with someone I knew. There were two receptions in the resort. I asked the functionaries about helping out with the volunteer searches and they told me to head to the hotel’s principal reception where people would come together every morning. The group that day had already departed and for this reason I caught a taxi to Lagos to try and find a place to stay. I was at a slight advantage relative to other Brits because I have a slight understanding of the different laws in Portugal. Most people do not understand the difference between the adversarial system of justice in the U.K. and the inquisitorial systems of Europe. I met Kate and Gerry on Friday after having made contact with them via written messages during the week. They knew I was participating in the searches that week. I felt dispirited because there appeared to be no coordination or leadership to the searches. Many people went searching without adequate local equipment, like for example people were cutting their feet on the rough terrain or on the shrubs in those locales. Many people wore sandal and walked over tough land. I never saw any police involvement in the operations carried out by civilians. On Friday the 11th of May 2007 we heard rumours that the Portuguese were going to stop the searches. After having passed this information to Kate we met up in the Tapas bar in the resort between 9:30 and 9:45 in the morning. We met for only a half hour to 40 minutes as Kate had to attend a police interview. During this meeting, I offered Kate a bible. This happened in the sequence of emotions that Kate was obviously feeling and after our having sat down to speak. We did not know each other well as she is predominantly my wife’s friend. I am the leader of a South Wigston team run out of the Corporation for Exercise and Salvation, Leicestershire. I have a particular interest in the bible and the form in which it was written. I frequented the course “Alpha Course” (an introduction to Christianity) a recommended to Kate some of the passages in the bible that she could rand to help comfort. There was a dedication from me to my wife on the first page, as it had previously been a gift from me to her. I have a tendency to mark pages and passages in the bible and even though this was my spouse’s bible, there were many marked/tagged passages relevant to the both of us. This happened before Madeleine’s disappearance. I encouraged Kate to read Psalms X and XX of the Old Testament as I felt these were relevant to her. They are both believers. The Psalms reveal a confidence in God, in his justice and in the question which can be asked “Why do bad things happen”. Psalms XX is a small oration asking Him to guide and illuminate our path in times of anguish. The passage which is marked in my wife’s bible I believe is Samuel 2:12. This passage is very significant for me and my wife but likely has so significance for Kate. I interpret this passage as saying that even though we cannot be with the two children that we have no lost, we will find them one day. After meeting with Kate, I returned to Lagos and caught a taxi to Portimao where I had previously (May 2003) visited a Christian bookstore. I went with the purpose to acquire a new bible to help me through the rest of the week. Unfortunately, I did not find the bookstore. Kate asked me to pray at the Marina, which I did, a number of times during the week. I returned home on Sunday, 13th of May, 2007, leaving from Faro at 9:30. |
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Re:Use of a CAR during the holiday Date Posted:03/08/2014 2:41 PMCopy HTML (Date Posted:04/09/2011 5:13 AM)
http://www.mccannfiles.com/id165.html Before I left, a weekly magazine says: "That person does not last beyond October as the head of the investigation." This happened a month or two before. And then I was given a speech like that one from the Attorney General: 'Not all investigations can be successful, or the authors of the crimes are not always discovered…' What may have hurt many people was my will to discover the material truth. And when I left, I was naturally closer to the truth. Two examples: Apart from our need to know who the friends of the McCann couple were, or if they knew anyone in Portugal, or who drove the car… if they eventually visited another apartment, if they used to meet someone, if they deposited someone… just for us to understand. Towards the end, I was informed that they had visited people at a villa in Praia da Luz. We went to check it out. Then, we were informed that the McCanns had visited an apartment block near the cemetery. And we were working on that, in order to confirm whether it was them or not. This was how we were trying to understand where the body was. And there are many persons who were not investigated, who were not in the process. |
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Re:Use of a CAR during the holiday Date Posted:03/08/2014 3:03 PMCopy HTML WHAT REASON did the police have for asking all these people if they saw the McCanns in a car DURING the holiday? Could it have been the method of moving Madeleine's body? Goncalo Amaral " Apart from our need to know who the friends of the McCann couple were, or if they knew anyone in Portugal, or who drove the car… if they eventually visited another apartment, if they used to meet someone, if they deposited someone… just for us to understand. Towards the end, I was informed that they had visited people at a villa in Praia da Luz. We went to check it out. Then, we were informed that the McCanns had visited an apartment block near the cemetery. And we were working on that, in order to confirm whether it was them or not. This was how we were trying to understand where the body was. " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jane Tanner * Okay. During the time you were on holiday, did you notice situation where Kate and Gerry were talking to any unknown person”? * Did you see Kate or Gerry inside any car during the holiday period”? ----------------------------------------------------- Russell O'Brien: * During the holidays, did you happen to see Kate and Gerry talking with someone unknown ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside a car during the holidays ? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Fiona Payne * During the holidays, did you happen to see Kate and Gerry talking with someone unknown ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside a car during the holidays ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Payne: * during the holiday did you see Kate and Gerry speak to anybody unknown to yourself?” Reply "At the, after Madeleine had gone or before?” 1485 "Before, before.” * "Did you see them in a car at all whilst you were in Portugal, prior to Madeleine disappearing?” ------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachael Oldfield: * During the time you were on holidays, did you notice any situation where Kate and Gerry were talking to any unknown person ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside any car during the holiday period -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matthew Oldfield: * During the time you were on holidays, did you notice any situation where Kate and Gerry were talking to any unknown person ? * Did you see Kate and Gerry inside any car during the holiday period --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dianne Webster PC: "They asked you if anyone had used a car on holiday.” DW: "No.” --------------------------------------------------------------------- Catriona Baker: I never saw Kate or Gerry in a car in Portugal. I visited the family in their home upon their invitation to see how everyone was managing in November 2007. That was the first time I saw them in a car. --------------------------------------------------------------------- |