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Title: Nannies that saw Madeleine | |
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Date Posted:04/02/2018 1:11 AMCopy HTML ![]() ![]() Thanks to Ines, kazlux and Albym for translations The Maddie Case Files http://themaddiecasefiles.com/topic145.html Catriona Treasa Sisile Baker (3)- working at the Mini Club for children between 3-5 years Charlotte Elizabeth Anne Pennington - she worked with the baby group.-“dinner time period” together with colleagues Jacqueline and Amy, Jacqueline Mary Williams - “Toddlers 1”. - “dinner time period” together with colleagues Charlotte and Amy, Lynne Rhiannon Fretter - she worked with the baby group. Emma Louise Wilding -working at the Mini Club for children between 3-5 years Kirsty Louise Maryan- children between the ages of 6 and 10, known as the 'Junior' group, Leanne Danielle Wagstaff-worked in the Toddlers group. Shinead Maria Vine -working only with the Toddler group;Amelie & Sean Pauline Frances McCann - works in the Baby Club Stacey Portz - She works as supervisor only in the "Toddler" and "Junior/Kids" services at the "Tapas" and "Millenium" locations. Susan Bernadette Owen - Toddlers2 (3 groups) but another group to the twins Sarah Elizabeth Williamson - Toddlers 2 group.(3 groups) but another group to the twins Amy Tierney (3) - Amy, who is a coordinator of a nanny group including Cat and Emma. head of the Baby Club and Mini Club - “dinner time period” together with colleagues Charlotte and Jacqueline, Lindsay Johnson - she works as supervisor of the infant educators http://themaddiecasefiles.com/topic116-20.html Silvia Baptista informed us that at the request of John Hill and his wife D****, (contactable by mobile phone number 964...) manager of the creche staff for the "MARK WARNER"company, [who were] responsible for Madeleine and the twins for several periods each day after the McCann family arrived in Portugal. The latter advised us that all these employees are English nationals and that they came to work in Portugal from March/April until November; that there are 13 people who work in the creche, their names and telephone numbers being as follows: [NOTE: Phone numbers withheld] - Pauline Francis M. - Emma Louise W. - Sarah Elizabeth W. - Susan bernadette O. - Leanne Danielle W. - Shinead Maria V. - Jacqueline Mary W. - Kirsty Louise M. - Lynne R.F. - Catriona Treasa Sisile B. - Stacey P. - Lyndsay Jayne J. - Amy Ellen T. --- It was determined further that all these girls live outside the complex [resort], although quite close to it, and thatCatriona B. was responsible for Madeleine during the day yesterday. --- Stacey P. was the staff member responsible for the McCann twins. --- Usually, it is always the same young woman who cares for the same child. --- The latest arrivals in Portugal were Sarah W. and Charlotte Pennington who arrived last Saturday, April 28th 2007. --- The informant, responsible for coordination, distributed the children between the various girls, taking care that each child was unknown to their carer. --- The informant noticed nothing abnormal up to today and that no one was absent from work except those who were on their day off. --- All the carers have made themselves available to speak with the police. *CATRIONA B.* In our informal conversation with Catriona Trease Sisile B., also known as CAT, she stated: 1. That she arrived on March 21st 2007 and that she plans to return to the UK on November 7th 2007; 2. That she cared for Madeleine since Sunday April 29th 2007, daily until yesterday and that she always worked the same hours; 3. That yesterday Madeleine arrived at 9.10. It was her father, Gerry, who brought her; 4. That her mother, Kate, picked her up at 12.25; 5. That her mother, Kate, dropped her off at 14.50 and picked her up at 17.30; 6. That in the same room as Madeleine, there were 6 other (note below there were only 5 other children)children in the morning and 4 in the afternoon (including Madeleine); 7. That she did not see any strangers in the complex during that time or previous days. 8. That on the first day, Madeleine was shy. On the following days she was more calm and uninhibited. Yesterday she was joyful. 9. That she was never far from Madeleine, keeping her under visual supervision at all times when she was her responsibility, even asking her permission to go to the bathroom; 10. That, over the days, she noticed no change in the behaviour of the child's parents; 11. That she noticed no abnormal situation relating to this family; 12. That Madeleine had not told her about any person who had contacted [spoken to] her in recent days, nor [about] any possibly suspicious conversation. *STACEY P.* In informal conversation with Stacey P., she stated: 1. That it is she and her colleague, Shinead, who usually cares for the twins; 2. That yesterday, it was the informant who cared for the twins, her colleague was on her day off; 3. That the children were dropped off by their parents at 9.30 and that the mother picked them up at 12.30; 4. That it was the father who dropped them off at 14.30 and that it was the mother who came to fetch them at 17.30; 5. That she saw no-one strange in the surrounding area; 6. That the behaviour of the parents was always perfectly normal; 7. That she arrived in Portugal on March 18th and that she returns to the UK on November 7th 2007. --- That it was not possible to speak with the rest of the carers, notably Shinead, because most of them were absent and there exists higher priority work; --- Attached are copies of the female employees' passports; --- Attached is a list of their names with the recorded dates of arrival for each, [and] the planned date of leaving, among other things; --- Also attached are the creche attendance registers for the children, of the recent days. Signed: Manuel Pinho, Inspector. NOTE: Records are missing from the twins AM creche. Not known if the times Stacey claims are from memory but the afternoon drop off records show Kate at 2.45 (just after the 'last picture') and yet she claims Gerry at 2.30pm which would place him at the pool with the picture and dropping off the twins at the same time.. There is dispute as to whether Gerry or Kate picked up the twins in the morning. Gerry claims Kate picked them up while he picked up Madeleine and Kate and Fiona claim they picked her up at 2.25 leaving 5 minutes before she picked up the twins (if she did) Processos Vol II p. 253-256 Catriona Treasa Sisile Baker Childcare Worker Time/Date: 18H36 2007/05/06 (...) --Specifies that when looking after children of the missing girl’s age group, each nanny is responsible for approximately seven children, that remain under the care of the same nanny during the whole week. --States that she knows the McCann family since last Sunday, the 29th of April, 2007, when they enrolled their daughter in the “Minis” service. --She replies that since that date and until Thursday, the 03rd of May, 2007, she was with Madeleine every day, but is unable to specify if she was present on the Sunday morning. --Since the beginning, when she received the little girl, it appeared to her that her parents were affable and showed their interest in her well being, as they cared to inquire what Madeleine did and even accompanied some of the child’s outdoors activities. (?) --Concerning the little girl, she states that she was a quite active and sociable child, who nevertheless paid most of her attention to the children of her own group (Lobster Team). --Refers that only on the first day she was more reluctant to remain in that [word is missing] --She further refers that during the time lapse that Madeleine remained under her care, at no time did the little girl seem sad or unsatisfied, having produced no comments whatsoever about being angry, sad about anyone or discontented at anything. --She equally refers that Madeleine was an extremely obedient child, who never left the group. She was not a child that would speak to strangers. --It was always Madeleine’s parents that would bring her to and fetch her from the “Minis”. CARTAS ROGATORIAS 5 Pages 3 to 6 LEICESTERSHIRE POLICE SQUAD WITNESS TESTIMONY OF CATRIONA SISILE BAKER Occupation: Childcare worker Date: 14 of April, 2008 (...) There were about 16 nannies during my stay at the club. I was lodged in the white and blue building, a less than 10 minutes’ walk away from the Mark Warner village and from my place of work. I first met Gerry and Kate McCann on the Sunday morning, 29.04.2007, at the Minis Club. They brought the children and as it was their first day of holidays the normal procedure was that they were allocated a childcare worker. I had previously written the children’s bracelets which included their name, any allergies and relevant information. I stayed with Madeleine, 3 years old, in my group (Minis Club that week) together with E***, daughter of Jane Tanner. Either Kate or Gerry would accompany Madeleine every day in the morning and would return at lunch and tea time to take her back. I met Gerry more often as he would come to fetch Madeleine more often than Kate. I also remember that Kate was present for High Tea accompanied by the twins, between 5 and 5.30 in the afternoon. Most of the time in which I saw the family together, the children would be having dinner. The twins sometimes looked tired at tea time, after a long day and also perhaps due to the heat, but I never saw any reason for concern over the McCann children or over their behaviour. I never saw Kate or Gerry in a car in Portugal. I visited the family in their home upon their invitation to see how everyone was managing in November of 2007. That was the first time I saw them in a car. On Thursday the 3rd of May 2007, I remember Gerry having accompanied Madeleine to the club between 9h15 and 9h20 in the morning. I do not remember who came to pick her up for lunch that day, but she returned in the afternoon for a dive/swim. We perform activities with other children. On that day we did sailing and I remember meeting friends of Madeleine’s relatives on the beach, David and Jane. Around 14h45 Madeleine returned to the Minis Club above the reception but I do not remember who accompanied her. That afternoon we went swimming. Kate picked Madeleine up at the Tapas Bar area and according to what I remember she was wearing sporting clothes and I assumed that she had been practising athletics. It was around 15h35/18h00. I think that Gerry was playing tennis. (...) I did not see Kate or Gerry that night. The next time I saw them was on Saturday at lunch time, as on Friday (Official statement SUNDAYTime/Date: 18H36 2007/05/06) I spent part of the morning at the Portuguese police answering questions. (Unofficial) (Official statement SUNDAYTime/Date: 18H36 2007/05/06) On Saturday I was next to the tapas Bar area when Gerry and Kate appeared. They were still agitated and anxious for news, expecting for anyone to be able to help them. I never noticed anything strange in Madeleine’s behaviour during the time I spent with her. There was one occasion, on Thursday, 3rd of May 2007, around 10h30 in the morning, when she cried on board of the speed boat that would take them out to the yellow boats in the sea where all the children in the group were going to sail. She was scared and a bit fearful and sat on my lap, crying “I am scared, I am scared.” We only use the speed boats to carry the children out to the small yellow boats. When we arrived at the other yellow boat she was already happy again. She sailed in the small boat and even though some children had the opportunity to return to the port, she stayed for a second ride as she appeared to be having a good time. Jane Tanner’s daughter E*** was also in my group and they both played together and shared some intimacy. Despite from being a happy child at the club, she always seemed very content when she saw her parents. Madeleine was not as worried anymore on the speed boat, when we returned to land. Madeleine never mentioned that she had cried in the absence of her parents nor did she tell me anything significant about feeling sad or anything relevant that might give me cause for concern. Mark Warner has a standard procedure, signing a sheet whenever a parent delivers a child under the care of the club, which they sign again with their name and the time at which the child was picked up again. There is a separate sheet for the morning shift and one for the afternoon shift. The sheet has a space for the name of the child, the time and the parent’s signature. Only the parents are allowed to pick up the children, except when there is some other agreement. When Gerry and Kate came to pick up Madeleine, they were friendly and the child would run into their arms. Mark Warner kept a register of all the activities in which the children participated during the sessions. It worked almost like a diary, mentioning what the children had done, hour by hour. I believe that the Portuguese police collected copies of those signed sheets and of the activities’ registry on the day after Madeleine’s disappearance. I would say that Madeleine adored her family; she seemed as happy in their company as at the club. During the week which Madeleine stayed in the club there were three organised events that included a trip to the beach. One of those events took place on Thursday morning, as I mentioned earlier. Another of those events consisted of a trip to the beach with “hula hoops”, shovels and buckets, etc, and the other trip to the beach was in order to eat ice cream. Both trips to the beach took place in the afternoon but I cannot state precisely on which days. There should be a recording of this in the Mark Warner registers. During these trips to the beach I never noticed anything nor anyone untoward given that my attention was on the children under my care. Mark Warner moved me from the Ocean Club about one week after—13th of May, I believe. Pages 378 to 381 Witness statement Charlotte Elizabeth Anne Pennington Date/Time: 2007/05/07 14H30 Childcare Worker Irish Citizen Translator Robert Murat • Has been in Portugal since April 28th, the day upon which she began working for the Ocean Club tourist Complex in Luz, Lagos, and where she is employed as a child educator. Her work contract was completed in the U.K. with MarkWarner; • The witness clarifies that between the 19th of April and the 04th of May 2007 she worked with a group of children staying in the aforementioned complex between the ages of 4 months and one year of age (the Baby Club); • The witness further clarifies that the BabyClub group was divided in three sub-groups, with each group composed of two babies, so that each group had a different infant educator allocated to it; • With relation to the facts of the investigation, the witness states that in the course of her work, she came across Madeleine McCann many times, explaining that, even though she [Madeleine] did not belong to her [Pennington’s] group, this was normal, as the physical space where the children groups are located is contiguous; • The witness clarifies that Madeleine was registered with the ‘MiniClub’, a group with children between 3 and 4 years of age. The principal space where the children from MiniClub and BabyClub are situated is in the same building as the Ocean Club complex reception and this is why the witness had personal contact with the identified child. However, she clarifies that it was normal during “siesta”-- understood to be between the hours of 09H00 and 10H30 and 14H30 and 15H00, at the exact time that children are brought into the crèche by their parents—when the children under her guard are asleep, that she would participate with the children and the activities in the MiniClub; • Witness states that on two different days, Sunday, 29th of April 2007, and on Thursday, 03rd of May 2007, (she worked the dinner shift which started at 5.15 on Thursday) she had direct contact with Madeleine McCann, telling her stories and speaking with her. • Witness states that as she was an intelligent child, timid at first contact, and who later felt more comfortable, was a child who conversed normally for her age, and was of a calm demeanour. She adds that it was usual for Madeleine to be called “Maddy”, as this is how she [Madeleine] presented herself to the witness; Processos Vol III Pages 535 to 538 Date: 2007/05/08 Witness Statement Jacqueline Mary Williams Occupation: Pre-school teacher Place of Work: OC Statement translated by Robert Murat. She has been in Portugal since 27th March 2007, the date on which she began work at the OC, where she works as a pre-school teacher, she signed her contract with MW in London. She clarifies that between the dates of 23rd April to 4th May 2007 she worked with a group of children belonging to OC guests, aged between 12 months and two years, called “Toddlers 1”. When questioned she states that the crèche is open every day, except for Saturdays at the resort, which is the day off for all the nannies, on Saturdays there is just a support service for any eventual need, involving two nannies. She also clarifies that the “Toddlers 1” group is divided into two subgroups of children, each composed of three children each group dependent on one nanny and that she was responsible for one of these subgroups. With regard to the facts being investigated, she says that in brief moments and in a formal manner (just saying “hello” and “goodbye”) she had contact with Madeleine, explaining that she did not belong to her group, these contacts took place when the children were eating, as all the children ate together in the Tapas at the same time. She says that Madeleine belonged to the Mini Club group for children aged between three and five, explaining that the Mini Club installations were in the same building as the OC reception and that the Toddlers are next to the Tapas bar. She mentions that Madeleine has two twin siblings (a boy and a girl) aged two, who belonged to the Toddlers 2 group. She says that in spite the fact that both of the toddlers groups were in the same building and that both the twins were in Toddlers 2, she only had contact with Madeleine’s parents twice when they came collect the twins after their meal, which happened every day at about 17.30, this contact also being brief and formal “just saying good afternoon”. (...) Whilst this was happening, her colleague tried to find out and confirmed that a child by the name of Madeleine McCann had disappeared and that they were about to begin the “missing child procedure”. After this, the “missing child procedure” was initiated, which consists of an organised search, spread over different areas of the complex. The witness immediately helped in the searches, whilst her colleague Charlotte remained at the crèche, looking after the other children that were there and waiting for the arrival of the last parents, after which she also began searching. The witness says she participated in these searches with her colleague Joe (Tapas bar employee) searching different areas of the OC resort. When questioned, she says that she did not participate in any search of the apartment where Madeleine was staying with her parents and siblings, nor in its immediate vicinity. That she took part in the searches until 04.00 on 4th May before returning to her home. That in the search she carried out with her colleagues (employees) of the OC other people – tourists and home owners – also participated. She is not sure, but at about midnight, she saw that the police were also on the scene. When questioned, she says she does not know anything about Madeleine’s habits or those of her parents, nor of anything strange about the child. When questioned, she says that on 3 rd May she began her shift at 17.15 remaining at the crèche with her colleagues Amy and Charlotte, (NOTE: Did Charlotte also start at 5.17pm?) until they heard about the disappearance. Processos Vol III Pages 716 – 719 Date: 2007/05/07 Witness Statement Lynne Rhiannon Fretter Place: OC Occupation: Child educator As she does not speak Portuguese, Robert Murat translates. She has been in Portugal since 21st March, the date upon which she began work this year at the OC, where she works as a child educator according to the contract she signed with MW in the UK. She clarifies that during the period from 21st March to 7th May she worked together with different groups of children staying at the resort, in groups of seven children of both sexes. During her first week she worked with the “Junior” group and from then on worked with groups of children aged between one and two years in the “Toddlers 1” group and children aged between two and three in “Toddlers 2”. As regards the week in question, she worked with the baby group. When questioned she says that her working hours are quite flexible and rotate, depending on the weekly planning of the children’s activities. When questioned she said that she was trained in England for two years, as a child educator. With relation to the facts being investigated, she says that she only had one brief contact, a few seconds with Madeleine – whom they called Madie (sic), when she passed by her, having eaten at the table, where she was. When questioned she says that Madeleine belonged to the Mini Club, which was a group for children aged between three and five years old. When questioned she says that the crèche is managed by her colleague Lyndsay and that the Mini Club group is supervised by her colleague Amy, who also coordinates a group of nannies, whose names she knows to be Cat and Emma, employees who were in charge of the group during that week, from 29th April to 4th May 2007. When questioned, she replies that the little girl was discreet and shy. She says that she was a very pretty girl, however she did not stand out because of this. She had no contact with the parents. (...) When questioned she says that seeing as she just had one contact with the girl, she does not know the girl’s habits or those of her parents and nothing strange about the girl had been mentioned to her, during the time she was working in Portugal. Volume II, pages 374 to 376—Witness statement of Emma Louise Wilding 2007.05.07 (...) When questioned she states that she knows Madelede’s (sic) parents because although Madeleine is not in her group, she frequently speaks to her parents, and finds their concerns and interests normal and typical of parents. When questioned she states that there are parents that leave their respective children during the whole day and every day at the clubs, and that this is normal within British culture. With respect to Madeleine, she states that she spent most of her time at the Mini Club. The children began arriving at 0900 until 1230 when their respective parents collected them for lunch, and returned at 1430 until 1645 when the Infants’ teachers took the children to eat something appropriate for their age at the Tapas restaurant. Most of the parents met their respective children here, and the children then remained in their parents’ care. When questioned she states that on May 3, 2007 it was the father that took Madeleine, as was customary, between 0900 and 0930; she remembers that she just said “hello” to him, because as Madelede (sic) did not belong to her group she did not talk to him very much. She only noticed Madeleine and not her father, and nothing seemed abnormal or unusual. She is not sure whether during the morning Madeleine’s group had outdoor activities, mainly at the pool; she does remember that around 1230 Madelew’s (sic) father went to fetch her for lunch. (Kate picked he up according to records when she walked over with Fiona) When questioned, she states that on Wednesday May 2, her group and Madeleine’s group went to the beach, but she is not sure if Madeleine was in the group or not, and does not remember having seen anybody specifically taking direct and close-up photographs of the children. She remembers that during the afternoon of May 3 Madeleine was at the Mini Club, but she does not remember at what time she arrived, and if on that day Madeleine accompanied the other children at 1645 as was customary. She is also not sure whether her parents joined her during the snack, as was customary. Processos Vol II Pages 383 - 385 Witness Statement Kirsty Louise Maryan Date/Time: 2007/05/07 14H30 Child Educator British (translated by Robert Murat) Concerning the issue of the process said; . That she comes to the process as a witness; . States that she does not know the Portuguese language and is accompanied by interpreter, Robert James Queriol Murat, translator; . That she has been in Portugal since the 21st of March, the date in which she began work, of this year, in the establishment known as the Ocean Club, situated in Praia da Luz, in Lagos (Algarve) where she works as an infant educator in the aforementioned establishment, conforming to a work contract previously signed in London. Clarifies that, last year, she began her work in this establishment where she has worked from July to October. The deponent further clarifies that in the period between 21 May 2007 and 07 May 2007, she worked with children between the ages of 6 and 10, known as the 'Junior' group, which is made up of 7 children of both sexes; . States that her hour of work is very flexible, rotating and coincides with the weekly plan of the children's activities. Because she is asked, she clarifies that she had formal training in England, for two years, in order to exercise her child educator functions; . The deponent further clarifies that the Junior group does not find itself subdivided from the other groups, in that, at this moment, there are not enough children that permit it; . relative to the facts of the investigation the witness clarifies that in her daily schedule mentioned she only, on one occasion, had contact with Madeleine McCann, for about 30 minutes 'who was treated as Maddie' in that she had to substitute for her colleague, who, at that time, was responsible for the group whose name is Emma, (?) as she had to go to the Tapas to take care of the refreshments of Madeleine's group. For this, the deponent had the charge of accompanying that group towards the beach until the MiniClub where they stayed for a few minutes, and from where they left for the restaurant, mentioned above, in order to have dinner. She clarifies that when Madeleine ate her food, her parents were close and accompanied her; . Questioned, she states that Madeleine McCann related to the group of children 'MiniClub' who are supervised by a colleague of hers, whose name is Amy, and who coordinates her workers, for who she only knows first names, Cat and Emma, employees who worked with the group during the week in question, from 29 April to 04 May, 2007; . Questioned, she states that the minor in questions appeared to her a calm child, happy, but quiet. States that Maddie was a very pretty child, notwithstanding, she did not stick out for this fact. However, she furthers that the same child, from what she saw, was a child who did stick out, precisely as she was calmer and shier that the others; . Questioned, she furthers that she had no contact with [Maddie's] parents; (...) . Questioned, the deponent states that she did not have direct contact with the minor at issue, Madeleine McCann, and is not aware of her habits or that of her parents, nor was she told about any strange situation regarding the child or f another period of time in which she worked in Portugal; Revised translation. Processos Vol II Pages 249 to 251 Leanne Danielle Wagstaff Nanny in the Baby Club, Mini Club and Toddlers1/2 Time/Date: 17H45 2007/05/06 British Citizen She comes to the process as a witness. As she does not understand Portuguese she is assisted by the interpreter Robert Murat. When asked, the witness says she has been in Portugal since 23rd March 2007, having come to Portugal to work in the resort. She states that she works as a nanny in the Baby Club and Mini Club, the former is for children aged up to 11 months and the latter is for children aged between three and five, Toddlers 1 is for children aged between 12 months and one year (sic) and Toddlers 2 is for children aged between two and three, the Junior Club is for children aged between 6 and 9, Kids is for children aged between ten and thirteen, and Indyes is for children aged between 14 and 17. She says that she saw Madeleine once during the week she arrived but did not know her as the witness only worked in the Toddlers group. When asked about Madeleine’s behaviour, the witness says that she did not know her because she had not had direct contact with her. The witness say that she saw Madeleine’s parents once when they came to pick up the twins,however she did not speak to them. Processos Vol II Pages 409-411 Witness Statement Pauline Frances McCann Date/Time: 2007/05/07 18H35 Infant Educator British (Translator: Robert Murat) Concerning the issue of the process said; . She works in the Baby Club in the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz, Lagos; . States that she does know the Portuguese language and for this fact is accompanied by Robert James Queriol Everleigh Murat, with passport no. xxxxxx, resident in Casa Liliana, Rua do Ramalhate, Praia da Luz, 8600, and contactable at xxxxxxx; . States that since 1999 she works as an infant educator and began working in Portugal in 2002 in various cities in the Algarve; . She arrived in Portugal on the 29th of April and from this day has exercised her functions as an infant educator in various cubs, and since the 29th of April has worked in the Baby Club which is destined for children of ages four months to one year of age; . States that before she arrived in Portugal, she already knew some Portuguese people, but that they never questioned her regarding the functioning of the LOC or regarding her functions; . States that since her arrival or in England no one has questioned her regarding the workings of the LOC and much less about the Mini Club or about Madeleine, a situations she only came to learn about after the facts; . Questioned, states that she also does not know Madeleine's parents, and the twins did not frequent the Baby Club given their age; Translated by Albym Processos Vol II Pages 225-228 Witness Statement Stacey Portz (statement translated by Robert Murat) Creche Worker Time/Date: 15H44 2007/05/06 Place: Praia da Luz, Lagos --- Comes as a witness; doesn't understand Portuguese; RJQE Murat assigned as interpreter. • Has been in Portugal since the 18th of March; (...) --- She works as supervisor only in the "Toddler" and "Junior/Kids" services at the "Tapas" and "Millenium" locations. --- As part of her work she frequently takes the children for swimming, walks on the beach and to the garden [play area] next to the tennis courts. • Knew the McCann family since 29th of April as they would drop off their toddlers—Sean and Amelie—in the Toddler Club; --- From 29 April until 3 May she was with those children every day. • She also knew Madeleine as she would frequently come talk to her brother and sister when picked up by her parents; NOTE: If this is in reference to lunchtime pickup (as opposed to high tea) then it could have only been Monday and Thursday that Madeleine was signed out before the twins. (not frequently) Shinead, who looked after the twins only saw Madeleine once! --- She never had Madeleine in her care. --- From what she was able to observe, Madeleine was an active and sociable child and that when with her siblings [at collection time] she was excited and happy to see them. --- She states that during her work, either at the care centres or at the outside places where she took the children to play, she never noticed, in the time she has been here Portugal, anyone in particular acting suspiciously or watching the children. Vol II Pages 423 - 427 Witness Statement Susan Bernadette Owen Date/Time: 2007/05/07 19H40 Infant Educator (Translator: Robert Murat) Concerning the issue of the process said; . That she has been in Portugal since the 21st of March, 2007, the date on which she began work in the tourist resort known as the Ocean Club, situated in the locality of Luz, in Lagos (Algarve), where she works as an infant educator in the aforementioned establishment, according to the contract previously celebrated in London with the business known as Mark Warner which acquires educators for the mentioned establishment; . The deponent further clarifies that in the period between the 29th of April and the 04th of May, 2007, she worked together with the group of children lodged in the aforementioned establishment, who are two years of age, known as Toddlers2; . The deponent further clarifies that Toddlers2 is divided in divided in three sub-groups of children, and that each group is headed by a different worker with the deponent being one of these sub-groups; . Relative to the facts of the investigation clarifies that in the discourse of her work in the mentioned establishment, she came into contact on some occasions with a child known as Madeleine McCann, clarifying that the contact was formal and of short duration, and in relation to the fact that the childs siblings were in the deponents group. But refers that it was her colleague Shinead, who took care of the twins that week; . Questioned, states that Madeleine McCann was in the MiniClub group and that that group is composed of children between the ages of three to five years of age; . States that her in the creche of the tourist resort is supervised by her colleague Lindsay, and the mentioned group of children in the MiniClub, are at times supervised by a colleague of hers, Amy, who is a coordinator of a nanny group including Cat and Emma. Both were employees who were working in said group the week in question, from 29th of April to 04th of May, 2007; (...) . Questioned, the deponent states that she did not have direct contact with the minor at issue, Madeleine McCann, and did not know her habits, and that of her parents, and that no strange situation about the child was reported to her or at any other time during her time in Portugal; . That she only knows that Madeleine McCanns parents would come to pick her up, as with her siblings, between 17H15 and 17H30, at the location where all the children of the creche got together to have dinner, in the Tapas restaurant, related to the resort in question; Revised translation. Processos Volume II Pages 244 to 247 Witness Statement Sarah Elizabeth Williamson Occupation: Childcare Worker Place of Work: OC Time/Date: 17H30 2007/05/06 British Citizen from Lancaster Interpreter: Filipa Maria da Conceicao Silva She comes to the process as a witness. She is helped by an interpreter as she does not speak Portuguese. She has been in Portugal since 28th April when she began work at the OC where she is a childcare worker, her contract was signed in London. The witness clarifies that during the period between 29th April and 4th May she carried out her functions with a group of children staying at the resort aged between 2 and 3 years old called the Toddlers 2 group. The witness says that Toddlers 2 is subdivided into three sub groups and each of these is under the responsibility of a child care worker, she is responsible for one of the sub groups. With relation to the facts being investigated she says that she had various contacts with the girl Madeleine McCann, but says these were formal contacts and very brief, her twin siblings were part of the group she worked with last week. But she says that it was her colleague Shinead who looked after the twins during the current week. (...) When asked, she says that she did not have direct contact with Madeleine as she was responsible for the twins’ group during that week, and she has no knowledge of the girl’s or the parents’ habits and no strange situation about the girl in question was reported to her during the time she was working in Portugal. She says that the twins were generally left at the crèche at 09.00 and that the parents dropped them off before leaving Madeleine in her classroom. Then between 12.00 and 12.30 the parents would pick up the twins until 15.00. Between 17.00 and 17.30 the parents would collect the twins from the crèche. When the parents picked up the twins at lunch time, all the children were together in the same place so they picked up Madeleine as well. Processos Vol II Pages 229 -231 Witness statement Amy Ellen Tierney 2007.05.06 (statement translated by Robert Murat) Creche Worker Time/Date: 15H45 2007/05/06 England ' Questioned about Madeleine, Amy notes that Madeleine was timid but very intelligent for her age and would play with the older children; ' Also knows Madeleine's parents' although it is the father who would normally pick her up from the club; (NOTE: Gerry McCann only picked up Madeleine on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday morning, the rest of the week it was Kate) ' Did not notice anything out of the ordinary with the parents; ' Affirmed that the McCann's never took advantage of the complementary children services which ran from 19H30 to 23H30; ' Affirms that on the night of the disappearance, she went to the room to check and see if the child was hidden and noticed that the window was open and the blinds lifted; ' The first idea that came to her was whether Madeleine would leave on her own accord. She asked the parents the whereabouts of Madeleine's shoes and they responded that they were in their proper place. These facts led her to later believe that Madeleine had been taken by someone; ' Even though there was a bed right under the window, and that the child could have climbed on the bed to get out through the window, the witness does not think it would be possible for her to lift the blinds. Nor does she believe it would not have been possible for a child of her age to climb out the window without falling as the window was very high off the ground; ' Responding to questioning, responds that the front door was locked but was not aware whether the patio door was locked; as when she got there, the McCann's and a friend (whose name she does not remember) were standing at the open doorway; ' Witness also affirms that the child's father went to the reception to call Police, shortly after hearing about the disappearance, and that 20 minutes had passed; ' The G.N.R arrived in 20 or 30 minutes to the site; ' Did not notice anything out of the ordinary with anyone or with the children; ' Witness notes that when she entered 5A on May the 3rd, the two toddlers were sleeping, and noticed that on the bed next to them was wrinkled clothing' as if someone had been sitting on it [the bed]; ' Madeleine's bed, she noticed, had the covers pulled back and on top of the table was a small comforter and a stuffed toy; ' She states that the distance from the apartment to the restaurant was about 30 seconds on foot but that there is no visual contact to the patio doors. Alternative Translation (Ines) Processos Vol II Pages 229 - 231 Witness Statement Amy Tierney Date: 2007 – 05 – 06 Place: P da L Occupation: Head of the Baby Club and Mini Club Place of Work: Ocean Club She comes to the process as a witness. As she does not understand Portuguese and is of English nationality she is assisted by the interpreter Robert Murat who accompanies her during the questioning. When asked, the witness confirms that she has been in Portugal since the 18th March 2007 having come to Portugal to work in this tourist resort. She confirms that she works as head of the Baby Club and Mini Club, the former being for children aged up to eleven months and the latter for children aged between three and five. She confirms that Madeleine is known by her as frequenting the Mini Club, as she was aged almost four. When questioned about Madeleine’s behaviour, the witness says that she is a shy girl but very intelligent for her age, she tended to play with older children, the witness describes her attitude and behaviour as perfectly normal. The witness confirms that she also knows Madeleine’s parents as they would go to fetch her from the club, but she adds that it was normally Madeleine’s father who did this. (NOTE: Gerry McCann only picked up Madeleine on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday morning, the rest of the week it was Kate) When questioned, the witness states that she has not noted anything abnormal in the relation between the child and the parents. The hours of the club are from 09.00 to 12.30 and from 14.30 to 17.30, the club is closed on Sundays on that day it only offers the dinner service. When questioned, she says that if the guests wish so they can request services from the “Staff” who would look after the children from 19.30 to 23.30, however Madeleine’s parents never did this although the service is free. She confirms that, on the night of the disappearance she was on duty and immediately went to the bedroom to see if the girl was hiding. She saw that the shutter was raised and that the window was partially open. It was then that she began to look in the wardrobes to see if the girl was hiding. The first idea that occurred to her was that the girl could have left by her own means, however after checking that the window was open and the shutter raised she asked the parents whether Madeleine’s shoes were there, to which they replied that they were, these facts led her to think that Madeleine could have been taken by someone. However there was a bed against the window, which could have enabled the girl to climb up onto it and then up to the window, the witness thinks it would not be possible as she would not be able to open the shutters and even if she had done so she would have fallen outside as the window is too high for a child of that age to be able to descend without falling. In reply to the question asked, she said that the back door (porta das traseiras) that leads to the parking area was closed, but she doesn’t know whether the front door (porta da frente) was locked as when she arrived both the parents and a female friend of theirs whose name she does not know, were there and that is why the door was open. After having searched the apartment and verified that the girl was not there, the outside searches were begun. The witness confirms that the girl’s father went to the reception to call the police as soon as her disappearance was noticed and that twenty minutes had passed. The GNR took 30 – 35 minutes to arrive. She says that at no moment did she notice anyone behaving strangely as concerns the children or anything that appeared at all suspicious to her. She adds that the staff looking after the children were eleven employees, who worked in shifts regarding the hours from 19.30 to 23.30. The witness remembers that upon entering the bedroom at the time of the disappearance, she saw that the bed that the two babies were sleeping (reparou que a cama que os dois bebés encontravam-se a dormir) and she saw that the bedclothes of the bed near the window were rumpled as if someone had been sitting there, that the bedclothes of Madeleine’s bed had been pushed back and that on top of the bed was a small child’s blanket and a cuddly toy. She states that the distance between the apartment and the restaurant where Madeleine’s parents were was 30 seconds by foot away but that there was no visual contact with the back window of the bedroom where Madeleine was. From the restaurant just the front window of the apartment could be seen. The witness does not remember any element that could be useful to the investigation. No more is said. Reads, ratifies and signs.