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Title: Message to Members March 7th 2013 | |
madeleinemccanncontroversy > CONTROVERSY FACEBOOK GROUP > Member's Comments | Go to subcategory: |
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Date Posted:07/03/2013 1:48 AMCopy HTML In a perfect world we would not be here. Madeleine would not be missing and would be 'elsewhere'. THE PURPOSE OF THIS GROUP...... Nearly six years after Madeleine disappeared there is an enormous amount of information pertaining to what may have happened. The OFFICIAL POLICE FILES were released in July 2008 and they have been (and continue to be, thanks to Ines in The Maddie Case Files) voluntarily translated for all of us to read. The McCanns paid £100,000 to have a copy for themselves translated and as far as we know they have NOT allowed anyone else to read them! They have NOT made them available on their website? WHY? For reasons unknown the UK press are not reporting both sides of the story. Judicial secrecy has prevented the Portuguese Police from releasing information on the investigation so from the START the only information in the media came from Team McCann. The UK heard only one side of the story, so it became apparent that the UK public accepted only the abduction 'story' and believed the lies told to discredit the Portuguese Police, especially Goncalo Amaral the Chief Co-ordinator of the investigation for the first five months whom they are suing for £1,000,000! Accusations were made about the police ability to handle the case, but in reality they are one of the best police forces in the world! How often have we heard how they did not respond quickly enough. FALSE! I researched and compiled the response times and the known officers attending. Many of them were off duty/asleep but responded regardless! The call was made at 10.40pm (why did it take so long for the McCanns to alert the police?) Two officers responded immediately and were there within 15 minutes. An hour later the PJ arrived. By midnight there were several officers on the scene. There was an attempt to alert the airport authorities but no-one responded so officers were dispatched from Lisbon to personally attend the airport and ensure all passengers with children were checked. They stayed through the night despite accusations that they left the McCanns on their own Anyone who is aware of the JonBenet case will also know that the response for Madeleine's disappearance was far superior. The point is...... WHY was it necessary to discredit the police? WHY haven't the McCanns made the files available to the public to read? WHY are they suing everyone that attempts to enlighten the UK public with information from the Police Files? WHY is no-one allowed to suggest the details in the police files may be TRUE? How many people in the UK know that a specialist CADAVER dog alerted to Kate's clothes, their apartment, the garden below the balcony, and the car that they rented 3 weeks after Madeleine disappeared? How many people in the UK would be shocked to learn that the 'FUND' is in fact NOT a charity...it is a LIMITED COMPANY! The McCann family are directors and can use the money in any way they wish and despite claiming the accounts would be transparent...THEY ARE NOT! How many people in the UK know that they recently sued a PENSIONER because he 'dared' to repeat information from the Police Files! Without funds to fight them, he agreed to several demands not to repeat the TRUTH! Their lawyers 'followed' him for weeks (maybe months) watching his posts in forums, to catch him out and subsequently took him back to court where he faced 'Contempt of Court'. He was found guilty of repeating the TRUTH after being forced into agreeing initially with no funds to fight for what he believed. Tony Bennett was given a 3 month suspended PRISON term and Lawyer and court costs amounting to £288,503! (with hope of some kind of reasonable settlement) WHY was it so important to stop him repeating the TRUTH? He was NOT found guilty of lying! He is now the ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD that is unable to discuss the case. How many people in the UK realise that they hired many top lawyers within days of Madeleine's disappearance and their PR Spokesperson was Head of the Media Monitoring Unit for the GOVERNMENT and left his CAREER to speak on their behalf! How many people in the UK know that when they were made Arguidos (suspects) they hired a company that WON AN AWARD for turning public opinion around...from negative to SYMPATHETIC! Shocking! How many people in the UK know that CADAVER odour and 'cellular material' were found in the McCanns rental car and that 15:19 markers MATCHED MADELEINE'S DNA? The four markers remaining were degraded which means it does not EXCLUDE the 'cellular material' from belonging to Madeleine. Experts claim the chances of the DNA belonging to anyone else is 1:1 BILLION (including siblings) How many people in the UK know that the police investigation concluded that 1)Madeleine died in the apartment 2) The parents hid her body 3)The parents simulated and abduction! Does THAT explain why this group, (and many other excellent forums and blogs) exist? How are the UK public able to learn the TRUTH if the media are 'unable' to report the REAL details? -------------------------------------------------- This brings us to the next issue... MEMBER PARTICIPATION Knowing how important it is for us to discuss the case and get the information out to the public that are being deprived of the truth through the media.......we MUST find a way to prevent bickering and name calling when others do not agree with us. Call me naive if you must, but regardless of the volume of members, I feel that we are ALL capable of respectful discussions and need to TRUST members to post in a manner that is reasonably acceptable to most. There will always be exceptions, but in general NO FOUL LANGUAGE. My ears (eyes) cannot take it! I am a prim and proper little old lady (well for the sake of this post pretend I am!) I honestly cannot see that bickering and name calling will do anything but gain attention for the WRONG reasons. If in doubt, say nothing. The WORST thing for disruptors is to be IGNORED! If you can't hold it in, PM me and yell at me! I can take it! lol To maintain the credibility of the group I ask that all/most threads are relevant to the investigation and except for BREAKING NEWS can be discussed using the Official Police Files. We are happy to provide links when possible, but ANYTHING THAT IS NOT BASED ON THE FILES MAY BE REMOVED (we will advise on the last post to make all contributors to the thread aware, so check you inbox notification.) There are several 'subjects' that will no longer be acceptable, not because they are not necessarily of interest or even possibly connected with the investigation, but to attempt to keep this group focused on the details I have listed above. There is a mountain of other 'evidence' and I would ask everyone's assistance in creating a 'new member' friendly place. We are not attempting to be a secret group that only caters to a few. We want EVERYONE to see the ENORMOUS amount of information that points to the TRUTH about what happened to Madeleine. I don't want to see anyone removed from the group. I don't want to see long term posters with a lot of knowledge and input on the case no longer able to access due to temporary (hopefully) anger and flare ups, but it is VERY difficult to maintain a stable group when that happens and it sadly has to be stopped in the only way we have available, and that is to delete or remove. I want to make it clear that we have (and have had) a very dedicated and patient admin group. Decisions are not made individually, unless necessary, and I take responsibility for ALL decisions made, either with my agreement or if i am not available. I trust the admin's decisions implicitly. I would not put myself on the 'line' for anyone that did not live up to my expectations, so when they make a decision it is not always a personal preference, it is for the benefit of the group as much as we are able to do. I hope I can TRUST all members to help keep the group as friendly as possible! Please know that we do our best, just like every other admin in the groups and forums, its a thankless 'job' but we ALL want to see the day when little Madeleine is laid to rest with dignity and the WORLD watching so she can rest in peace and be remembered for the little angel she is. ![]() |