The Maddie Christmas appeal 2008 Video clips of Madeleine, including one in which she is heard speaking for the first time, are made public - 19 months after Madeleine was reported missing. | Find Madeleine, 21 December 2008 | | Your support, information and ideas really do count - thank you. This is our second Christmas without Madeleine. Please help us make sure we don't have a third.

| The new Madeleine Christmas poster |
| Video: First clip of Madeleine speaking, 21 December 2008 | | First clip of Madeleine speaking Sky News Dec 20, 2008
McCanns' Emotional Video Appeal Dec 21, 2008 The parents of Madeleine McCann have released an emotional appeal as they prepare to spend their second Christmas without their daughter, who disappeared in Portugal in May 2007. Sky's Ashish Joshi reports. Appeal footage from |
| , 30 November 2008 | |
EXCLUSIVE New worldwide appeal as McCanns face second heartbreak Xmas Star gives TV backing By Tracey Kandohla 30 November 2008 Missing Madeleine McCann's mum Kate remains certain she is still alive - and plans a worldwide appeal at Christmas for help in finding the tot. Kate and husband Gerry, both 40, are facing their second Christmas without Maddie - but they bravely took their twins Amelie and Sean out for some festive fun this week. A sporting hero, who has yet to be named, will front the TV appeal. The celeb will speak as previously unseen footage of Maddie is screened. She was nearly four when she vanished from a holiday apartment in Portugal 19 months ago. But McCann spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "Kate and Gerry believe Madeleine is still out there. Their faith and hope have helped them through their darkest days. "They believe their daughter is still alive. The Christmas message will be about finding her. Kate and Gerry do not want to appear themselves but they are keen to invigorate interest in the search." Sean and Amelie, three, wore Star Wars fancy dress and shrieked with laughter as Christmas lights were turned on by Darth Vader in the McCanns' home village of Rothley, Leics. Blonde Amelie, who bares a striking resemblance to her big sister, was dressed as Princess Leia. Sean waved a toy Star Wars light sabre. Kate clung tightly to Amelie. But an onlooker said: "I have never seen her look so happy. She was grinning from ear to ear. It was a joy to see her so content and relaxed." Mr Mitchell said: "Kate wanted the twins to see the lights. Last year was difficult but this year they are making an effort for their sake." |
| Madeleine McCann Christmas appeal to air on TV, 03 December 2008 | | Madeleine McCann Christmas appeal to air on TV Telegraph A new worldwide television appeal is to be launched at Christmas appealing for help in finding Madeleine McCann. Last Updated: 4:53PM GMT 03 Dec 2008 It is likely the appeal will be fronted by celebrity - who has yet to be named - and concentrate solely on Madeleine and not her parents Kate and Gerry, who face their second Christmas without their daughter. The appeal is also likely to feature previously unseen footage of Madeleine who was nearly four when she vanished from a holiday apartment in Portugal 19 months ago. The Find Madeleine Fund is to foot the cost of the new appeal. The McCanns spokesman Clarence Mitchell confirmed that discussions were underway over the fresh appeal. "It is likely there will be a Christmas message with the focus on Madeleine," he said. Mr Mitchell would not comment on who had been approached to narrate the film, but it is believed to be a sporting hero or some other celebrity. The message will be done in video format so it can be used by broadcasters and the Find Madeline Fund website. It is believed the McCanns do not want to appear themselves but are keen to spark renewed interest in the search. Last month the McCanns admitted they faced a new blow in their hunt for their daughter. They said there was less information in the released Portuguese police files than they had hoped. Among the files was a prosecutor's report that said the investigation had uncovered "very little" conclusive about Madeleine's fate. The McCanns also confessed to being "low" as the 18th month milestone of Madeleine's disappearance passed, but have expanded their support team to try and find their daughter and understand what has - and has not - been done by the Portuguese police. The McCanns have already spent more than £1m trying to find Madeleine, who disappeared on May 3, 2007 from the resort of Praia da Luz, in the Algarve region of Portugal, just days short of her fourth birthday. The McCanns have previously accused the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) - the Portuguese criminal investigation police - of exaggerating DNA evidence to name them as suspects after Madeleine vanished. The police inquiry into the girl's disappearance was wound up in July due to a lack of evidence. The McCanns and a third British national, Robert Murat - who have always strongly denied having had any involvement in what happened to Madeleine - were then declared to no longer be formal suspects. The McCanns have vowed to "leave no stone unturned" in their hunt for Madeleine - who they firmly believe is still alive - and also say they may change the way they keep people updated about the hunt for their daughter. |
| Worldwide TV appeal for clues, 05 December 2008 | | Friday, December 05, 2008, 09:30 A worldwide television appeal will be launched at Christmas to help find missing youngster Madeleine McCann. As parents Kate and Gerry McCann prepare for their second Christmas without their daughter, the video will feature unseen footage of Madeleine and will be broadcast over December. The appeal is to be fronted by a sporting hero or well-known celebrity, although details have not yet been confirmed. The Find Madeleine Fund is paying for the video, which will be used on its own website – – and by broadcasters. Kate and Gerry have given the video their backing but will not be appearing in the appeal. Madeleine's great-aunt, Janet Kennedy, of Rothley, said: "The search for Madeleine still goes on – anything which raises awareness is definitely worth pursuing. "We are still hopeful that we will find her – it could take one sighting or one tiny piece of the puzzle. We will never give up." Portuguese police finished their inquires into the disappearance in July due to lack of evidence. However, the McCanns are continuing their search vowing "to leave no stone unturned". Files released by Portuguese police last month did not reveal the information the McCanns had hoped for and the couple admitted "feeling low" on November 3, the 18-month milestone of Madeleine's disappearance. On the Find Madeleine website, Gerry said: "It was unusual in that both Kate and I were feeling low at the same time, which is an uncommon occurrence, and we can usually rely on one of us lifting the other. "As I have stated many times, someone has a key bit of information that can unlock this frustratingly difficult and painful situation." Madeleine disappeared on May 3, 2007, from the resort of Praia da Luz, in the Algarve region of Portugal, days before her fourth birthday. People from around the world will pray for Madeleine's safe return today as part of an international day of prayer. About 20,000 Christians will pray during an event organised by Music Download Revolution, based in Lancashire. John Wearne, of Music Download Revolution, said: "We still feel that Madeleine is alive and that prayers will help bring her home. "We would be so thankful if you could share this invitation with your friends, family members, churches, prayer groups and colleagues – anyone who has a heart for missing and abused children and who believes in miracles." |
| McCanns concentrate on police files, 15 December 2008 | | McCanns concentrate on police files Leicester Mercury (currently appears in paper edition only) By TOM PEGDEN 15 December 2008 Extract: Mr Mitchell said Christmas would be a private affair for the McCanns this year. There are, however, plans to issue a worldwide television appeal to jog people's minds over the festive season. An as yet unnamed sports person or celebrity is understood to be lined up for the appeal. Mr Mitchell said: "We don't know what the appeal's going to look like yet and we're not going to release it until close to Christmas. "Christmas for the family will be private." |
| McCann family plea for Madeleine news, 20 December 2008 | | December 21, 2008 - 8:30AM (first appeared online: December 20, 2008)
| McCanns release new video appeal, 20 December 2008 | | 
| Madeleine McCann - 'Our little angel' |
By Ross Hall, 21/12/2008 THE thrill of Christmas clear on her beaming face, Madeleine McCann plays to the camera in touching new footage appealing for help over her disappearance.The previously unseen video clips have been released by Maddie's parents Kate and Gerry as they face their second Christmas without her.For the the first time viewers will hear Maddie's voice as she is shown speaking of her new pink shoes, dancing in a fairy outfit and riding a bike.It was mostly filmed at Christmas 2006—the last time the McCanns were all together as a family over the festive period. The video shows Maddie sitting on the stairs of their home in Rothley, Leics, flanked by younger twins Sean and Amelie.Maddie, three and a half at the time, encourages her brother and sister to copy her gestures, saying: "Clap your hands together and one, two, three." She then holds up her present and says: "These are my shoes." Behind the camera, dad Gerry asks what colour they are. Maddie replies: "Pink."She then leaps up and dances around, waving her shoes. The short film uses Snow Patrol's hit Chasing Cars as its soundtrack. Kate and Gerry decided not to appear in the video but say on it: "Please help bring our daughter back. This will be our second Christmas without our daughter. Please help us make sure we don't have a third."Madeleine was nine days short of her fourth birthday when she vanished from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3 last year as her parents dined with friends.The McCanns will spend this Christmas with the twins and close family and friends.Their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "Producing a video like this is itself making Christmas more difficult."But they are doing it because they believe Madeleine is still out there and they want that piece of information." THE News of the World's £1.5million reward for Madeleine's safe return still stands. Celebrities and business leaders including Harry Potter author JK Rowling and Topshop tycoon Sir Philip Green pledged huge sums after we launched our Find Maddie campaign with £250,000.The offer is subject to standard News of the World reward conditions. | 
| DELIGHT: With pink shoes |

| SMILES: Maddie on her bike |

| SO PRETTY: In fairy outfit |

| EXCITED: She opens present |
| Our angel! Please let this be our last Xmas without Madeleine, 20 December 2008 | | Our angel! Please let this be our last Xmas without Madeleine Daily Mirror By Lori Campbell 20/12/2008 The McCanns' new plea for return of Maddie. 
PICTURE GALLERY | 11:59pm UK, Saturday December 20, 2008 
A new video has been released of Madeleine McCann as her parents issue a fresh appeal for help in finding the youngster. 
The footage was shot around Christmas 2006, a few months before Madeleine disappeared from her parents' holiday apartment in Portugal. 
In the video Madeleine holds up her new pair of shoes and says: "These are my shoes."
Behind the camera Mr McCann asks her what colour they are, and she answers: "Pink." 
The little girl - who was three at the time - is seen dancing around the wooden floor of the McCanns' home in Rothley, Leicestershire. 
The short film, which has Snow Patrol's hit song Chasing Cars as its soundtrack, also features a montage of clips of Madeleine. 
The video ends with an emotional appeal from Gerry and Kate McCann. 
"This will be our second Christmas without our daughter. Please help us make sure we don't have a third," they say. 
McCann family spokesman Clarence Mitchell has said: "Kate and Gerry do not wish to say anything further. They feel the video will speak for itself." 

| Heard for the first time, the excited voice of Madeleine enjoying her last family Christmas, 21 December 2008 | | Heard for the first time, the excited voice of Madeleine enjoying her last family Christmas Daily Mail By MATT SANDY Last updated at 12:27 AM on 21st December 2008 The parents of Madeleine McCann are due to release a video featuring the missing toddler's voice for the first time. Maddie is heard in a touching home movie, filmed as she enjoyed her last family Christmas. The video shows her, dressed in her favourite pink, sitting on the stairs of her Leicestershire home with younger twin siblings Sean and Amelie, encouraging them: 'Clap your hands together and one, two, three.' 
Picture of hope: This still from the family video shows Madeleine happily playing with twins Sean and Amelie Delighted at her new pair of slip-ons, Madeleine looks into the camera, smiles and says: 'These are my shoes.' Her father Gerry, who is filming her, asks what colour they are and she replies: 'Pink!' Madeleine, then three, leaps up from the stairs and dances around the wooden floor, waving her shoes and looking up at the light streaming in from a window. The short film also shows her dancing in a fairy costume and jokingly hitting Gerry with a soft toy. Then in a montage she is seen turning over a present and pointing at the camera as her smiling mother Kate holds her. 
Happy times: Madeleine holds a present in this still from the video Kate and Gerry decided not to make a new appearance in the video but it includes an emotional appeal from them. They say: 'Christmas is a time for children. Please help bring our daughter back.' And as the video closes, they say: 'This will be our second Christmas without our daughter. Please help us make sure we don't have a third.' Madeleine was nearly four when she vanished from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in Portugal in May last year. The newly released video was mostly filmed at Christmas 2006, the last time the McCanns celebrated the festive period with all their children. 
Adorable: Madeleine dressed as a pink fairy in the family film The McCanns will spend this Christmas with the twins and close family and friends but their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said it would be a 'difficult time of year'. He said: 'Producing a video like this is itself making it more difficult. But they are doing it because they believe Madeleine is still out there. Kate and Gerry do not wish to say anything further. They feel the video will speak for itself. 'This message is entirely focused on Madeleine, as it should be at this time of year. They are still very much continuing a lot of hard work behind the scenes in the search for their daughter. 'This, they feel, is a timely and appropriate reminder that she is still out there and that somebody somewhere may still have that vital piece of information that may lead to her being found.' It has been a gruelling year for the McCanns. The couple started 2008 as arguidos, or formal suspects, in their daughter’s disappearance. Then came a series of painful landmarks, in particular the first anniversary of Madeleine's vanishing on May 3 and her fifth birthday nine days later. Prosecutors announced in July this year that they were shelving the case and lifting the couple's arguido status. In August, thousands of pages from the official Portuguese police files were made public, revealing the many different lines officers pursued in their 14-month inquiry. The McCanns have had the police documents from the investigation translated into English and are going through them painstakingly with, it is understood, a small team of retired senior British police officers. The new video is due to be put on the website: on Sunday. |
| McCanns appeal in Christmas film, 21 December 2008 | | McCanns appeal in Christmas film BBC News Page last updated at 00:42 GMT, Sunday, 21 December 2008
| McCanns release Christmas video of Madeleine, 21 December 2008 | | McCanns release Christmas video of Madeleine Guardian Emotional plea from McCanns for help in finding their daughter, who is missing for a second Christmas Staff and agencies Sunday 21 December 2008 09.46 GMT
| We should still pray for Madeleine McCann 20 months on, 21 December 2008 | | We should still pray for Madeleine McCann 20 months on Daily Mirror By Voice of the Sunday Mirror 21/12/2008
| VIDEO: Madeleine McCann's voice heard for the first time in home movie of her last family Christmas, 21 December 2008 | | VIDEO: Madeleine McCann's voice heard for the first time in home movie of her last family Christmas Daily Mail By DAVID WILKES Last updated at 10:27 PM on 21st December 2008

All together now: Madeleine McCann teachers her siblings Sean and Amelie how to clap. She disappeared on May 3 last year from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz in Portugal 
Fairy princess: The toddler dances as a fairy in her wings and crown as her baby sister plays with her toys in the background 
Big sister: Madeleine smiles for the camera as she supervises younger brother Sean on his train set | , 21 December 2008 | |
Missing girl talks on film as parents ask for help to get her back for next Christmas By John Bynorth, Home Affairs Editor 21 December 2008 KATE AND Gerry McCann have released the first video of their daughter Madeleine talking as they make a Christmas plea for her return. The new video features previously unseen footage of the little girl playing happily with her family before her disappearance. She dances around dressed in a fairy outfit, jokingly hits her father with a soft toy and speaks proudly of her new pink shoes. The clips were mostly filmed around Christmas 2006, the last time the McCanns were together with all three of their children over the festive period. The release came as the girl's uncle admitted the campaign to find Madeleine may have reached a crossroads. She was almost four when she vanished from her family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, Portugal, on May 3 last year while her parents dined with friends nearby. John McCann, 49, told the Sunday Herald: "We are stuck in two places. We think that people are quite aware of what the situation is and don't want them to think here goes those McCanns again.' But on the other hand, we do, because we need information to find out where she is. We hope the video will help." The new video shows Madeleine sitting on the stairs of the McCanns' home in Rothley, Leicestershire, with her younger siblings, twins Sean and Amelie. She encourages her brother and sister to copy her gestures, saying: "Clap your hands together and one, two, three." Madeleine holds up her new pair of shoes and says: "These are my shoes." The little girl - who was three at the time - then leaps up from the stairs and dances around the wooden floor, waving her shoes. The short film, which has Snow Patrol's hit song Chasing Cars as its soundtrack, also features a montage of clips of Madeleine. She is seen turning over a Christmas present and pointing at the camera as a smiling Kate McCann holds her. Madeleine's parents decided not to be filmed for the new video, but it includes a direct emotional appeal from them for assistance: "Christmas is a time for children. Please help bring our daughter back." It closes with the words: "This will be our second Christmas without our daughter. Please help us make sure we don't have a third." McCann family spokesman Clarence Mitchell said: "Kate and Gerry do not wish to say anything further. They feel the video will speak for itself. This message is entirely focused on Madeleine, as it should be at this time of year. "Kate and Gerry are still very much continuing a lot of hard work behind the scenes in the search for their daughter. This, they feel, is a timely and appropriate reminder that she is still out there and that somebody somewhere may still have that vital piece of information that may lead to her being found." The McCanns will spend Christmas with their twins and close family and friends, but their spokesman acknowledged it will be a "difficult time of year". Mitchell added: "Producing a video like this is itself making it more difficult. But they are doing it because they believe Madeleine is still out there and they want that piece of information." John McCann, of Knightswood, Glasgow, added: "How does one get through something like that Christmas? The answer is that we get through it as best we can." Madeleine's parents started 2008 with a cloud of suspicion hanging over them after Portuguese police named them as "arguidos", or formal suspects, in the case. They then marked a series of painful landmarks. The first anniversary of Madeleine's vanishing was May 3 and her fifth birthday was nine days later. The McCanns were relieved when prosecutors announced in July they were shelving the case and lifting the couple's arguido status. But this was tempered by frustration that detectives were no longer actively investigating Madeleine's disappearance. In August thousands of pages from Portuguese police files were made public, revealing the lines officers pursued in their 14-month inquiry. The McCanns have had the documents translated into English and are still sifting through them. The video can be seen on the McCann website, below. Related Links |
| Maddie's voice in a new video, 22 December 2008 | | Case: Parents divulge video to find their daughter Text: Joana Freire 22 December 2008 - 00h30
| Maddie's Xmas gifts are lying under the tree, 22 December 2008 | | Maddie's gifts The Sun (front cover of paper edition) By ANTONELLA LAZZERI 22 December 2008
| Madeleine McCann online Christmas appeal watched by thousands, 22 December 2008 | | Madeleine McCann online Christmas appeal watched by thousands Daily Mirror By Rod Chaytor 22/12/2008 
These are the haunting images of Madeleine McCann enjoying a family Christmas that her parents hope will boost the hunt for their missing child. Viewers hear the little girl speak for the first time since she vanished from a Portuguese holiday flat in May 2007. 
During an emotional appeal, parents Gerry and Kate, both 40, said: "This is our second Christmas without Madeleine. Please help us make sure we don't have a third." In one of the previously unseen clips, Madeleine holds up a new shoe. Asked its colour, she replies: "Pink." 
Another shows her encouraging twins Sean and Amelie to copy her at their home in Rothley, Leics. She tells them: "Clap your hands together and one, two, three." There are shots of Madeleine dressed as an angel, playing with Gerry, being held as a baby by Kate and sitting with her younger brother and sister.
| McCann's video "resembles more a Christmas toy campaign", 22 December 2008 | | McCann's video "resembles more a Christmas toy campaign" SOSMaddie Duarte Levy 22 December 2008
| Maddy shows us true face of Christmas hope, 23 December 2008 | | |
| McCanns must move on, 23 December 2008 | | McCanns must move on The Sun (appears in paper edition only) Fergus Shanahan - Deputy Editor 23 December 2008
| Madeleine McCann: Police follow new leads, 30 December 2008 | | |
| , 02 January 2009 | | Friday, January 02, 2009, 09:30