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Title: Danielle | |
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Date Posted:18/04/2017 5:47 PMCopy HTML Lizzy HidehoHi Danielle...you around? Danielle Shearer accepted your request. DanielleI'm just sorting the children out. Can we talk tonight once they're in bed? 3pm onwards is a bit hectic in our house lol Lizzy Hidehoohh no prob..lol i wont be around til much later than that... prob after bedtime so catch you tomorrow maybe DanielleNo problem. Will message once I'm free and see ![]() Lizzy Hidehookie DanielleSorry I didn't get back to you, I went to bed early with a migraine What did you want to chat about? I saw your post but can't find it anymore Lizzy HidehoHi Danielle...no prob, I didnt get home until 11pm...im in Canada so that 4am your time ![]() sorry about your migraine...thats always tough when you have little ones (which I think you have?) DanielleYes! 1 and 5, so lots of noise and attention needing whilst my head was splitting in two, as soon as they went to bed, I followed them! Luckily it's eased now thank you for asking Lizzy HidehoOhhh thats the one thing with little ones... when you get sick its sooo tough... and at that age they dont understand thats why i dont have a dog..lololol cats look after themselves ![]() DanielleNo, they really don't, they're cute but incredbly loud Lizzy Hidehoand my little ones are in their 30s now ![]() been there...done that DanielleAh all grown up! Grandchildren? Lizzy Hidehobut ohhhhhh so cute whe they little noooo..lol i have waited years and years and still no grandchildren... but...imnot giving up... i had them both when i was mid 30s so theres still hope ![]() DanielleI had my first at 29, my mum was convinced I was never going to give her grandkids, then gave her two grandsons in just over 3 years. She'd like a 3rd I think, but she has no hope lol Lizzy Hidehololololol ohhh haaaa... forgetting why i contacted you...lol Danielleha! me too Lizzy Hidehoi wanted to ask why you chose to join hdh and where you heard about us from? DanielleI searched for Maddy groups, yours was public so had a look around and requested I'm not a fan of closed groups Lizzy Hidehoill be honest...heard there was agro and your name was brought up.... DanielleI've never really been interested in the case, but with the recent press coverage, I thought I'd look more into it, and its an absolute minefield, I was hoping to learn and discuss agro? Lizzy Hidehohow long have you followed the case? DanielleI've never followed the case Lizzy Hidehoyes... theres lots of stupid games played by people with no interest in the case...they have an agenda to disrupt those of us searching for truth Danielleah right, well I don't know what's been said about me, but I've never followed the case, so I'm unsure how I could disrupt Lizzy HidehoI have reason to believe that you did not join hdh for reasons of finding the truth... and it troubles me hence ima asking you here DanielleI am sorry you feel like that, I'm not sure really what to say. I don't know really know anything about the case, or the truth, I was hoping to learn. That's all Lizzy HidehoJust to let you know that i can handle all kinds of issues... but one thing I have no tolerance for is anyone lying to me... i see there ARE issues...and would hope you could be honest about them... you are not beholding to me... and this certainly is nothing personal... (I still care about your migraine..lol) bt if there were other reasons to join HDH i would respect more to hear the truth... DanielleIf i'm honest, I was told it was a bit of crazy group with some quite extreme admins, I decided to check it out for myself and was lambasted a few times for unknowingly breaking the rules (you should probably pin the rules to the top of the group)I do admire your fact based rules as I base all of theories and thoughts on black and white facts. But unfortunately, I didn't have chance to have a full look around and make my own decisions on whether your group was for me or not Lizzy HidehoAhhhh so you were 'told' we are crazy...lol...and yes...we are very strict... and rules are constantly bumped... ![]() ever wondered the agenda of someone who told you we are crazy? lol DanielleIt was mentioned in a conspiracy theory group I can't even remember who said it Lizzy HidehoI think you can ![]() DanielleHmmm, no Lizzy HidehoDoes the name 'Wil' ring a bell? DanielleWill McMahon? Lizzy Hidehohave you been told anything by that person? DanielleNo, he's admin in a group I'm in - say what you want, but he's hardly there to be honest Lizzy HidehoDanielle.... as you claim you are new to the case.... I suggest you realise there is more to some peoples agenda... and some of us know more than you think... I just want to hear you say the things that I already know.... HDH is the most credible of groups...hence we are so strict...and there are some that want us discredited.... DanielleI follow the Corrie McKeague case quite closely and I've seen what that has done to people, I can only assume what 10 years has done to certain people Maybe, we should just forget all about this and swap naked photos? How does that sound Lizzy Hideholol Danielle... im a real person... and i dont play games and hoped you didnt either... Dont be coned by people that are not who they say they are.... thats a major word of warning... I believe you are better than that DanielleI am so confused, I just wanted cold hard facts and discussion and now I feel like I'm in a job interview Lizzy Hidehohaaaaaaaaa im sorry... its just that games are being played and you have become involved in it...im attempting to let you know you are better than that...and just beware ![]() DanielleOk, thank you. Maybe I'll just go back to the Corrie McKeague case Lizzy Hidehowe ONLY deal with facts but some are on this earth to stop the truth... nooooo.... Maddie needs people that care... DanielleI do care Lizzy Hidehojust know that 'Wil' is not who they say they are.... they have to hide behind a fake ID cos their agenda is disgusting you can believe me or believe them...choice is yours...but WE are here for Maddie and dont have time for HER silly games... DanielleHer?! Will is a woman? Lizzy Hidehowell..i suggest you find out a little more about what you are getting involved in before you follow other peoples agendas.. DanielleI'm not following any agenda ![]() Lizzy Hidehoand I honestly dont mean to make you feel bad... DanielleBut you are I don't know what to think about anyone or anything anymore This is very stressful Lizzy Hidehook... well sadly you may find out... Im sure you are a good person Danielle... please be careful qand dont let other people influence you to do their dirty work DanielleSo I've been strung along?! He was flirting with me. Have I been catfished or whatever it's called? Lizzy Hidehojust concentrate on Maddie and you wont go wrong OHHHHH lol sorry.... yes... its a woman...well should i say female... DanielleHe's seen my boobs..... oh my god this is disgusting. I am distraught Lizzy Hidehoyou can check my credibility with anyone...I have been credible and honest for 10 years... OHHHHHH danielle!... I am SOOOO sorry xxxxxx you have me in tears here!...thats awful! DanielleI'm in tears too Lizzy, I just can't believe it Lizzy HidehoPlease Danielle..... im so sorry... I had no idea... please bear with me on this and try not to worry... i will support you in this...xx i would like you to check my credibility... i need to know that you believe me.... i would never want you to be traumatised like that... im actually shakin.g...not sure if its cos im so angry DanielleThank you I'm in shock. I knew it was too soon Lizzy HidehoNow...there are two of them... ones a bloke but we know they share the same profiles...so it MAY have been the bloke.... DanielleThank you for telling me the truth. I'd have probably never known otherwise. I wondered why he was so mysterious He. Jesus She It's a woman Lizzy Hidehoohh Danielle...try not to worry about it too much xx it MAY have been the bloke if thats of any solace...but the agenda of them both is disgusting they sahre profiles but its likely she would pretend as well... DanielleI feel deceived. I'll be ok though. Just glad I know the truth. Thank you for being open and honest with me I've got to collect my son from school now. Need to clean my face up. I promise I'll be ok and I thank you again for stopping this in its tracks Lizzy HidehoDanielle... please try not to worry... and what you do personally on the internet is not my business... but im only concerned cos of THIS person... so please get back to me... im not sure how you can handle it but im here for you xx go get your son and try to give him a happy time...hes whats important xxxx DanielleThank you Lizzy. I'll honestly be fine. I have 2 boys to concentrate on and they're my world. A good nights sleep tonight and I'll be fine tomorrow. Just want to put it all behind me and move on. Thank you for warning me and being so thoughtful. I wish you all the best with your group and hopefully these people don't cause anymore trouble for you xx Lizzy HidehoI just ask one thing Danielle.... DanielleYes? Lizzy HidehoI see that you tried to deny what i already knew... about Wil and the agenda... its important to have some kind of 'proof' about how you have been coned... i wasnt NOTHING personal... but a screenshot of them conning you would be helpful as this is serious... is that possible? *want nothing personal DanielleIt was all quite personal, some stuff I'm not willing to share with another person I don't know. But I'll see what I can find to share that doesn't embarrass or upset me Lizzy Hidehoohh please dont send me anything that is personal to you... i dont want that at all... I was wondering if there is anything that shows THEM conning you DanielleLike what? Lizzy Hidehojust a part of their chat.. flirting or asking etc...lol I dont know... not something im familiar with and this isnt about you... its your business its only about them DanielleI am not sure I want to do that. I'm sorry. But I have been embarrassed enough and I don't want anymore to do with it. I certainly do not want to aggravate someone I've opened up to with what info they have on me. I can't have this drama in my life. It's not fair on me and me being upset like this isn't fair on my children Lizzy HidehoNo...its not Danielle xxx DanielleI'm sorry Lizzy. I'll have to wish you goodbye now. But thank you again for opening my eyes and helping me. You've saved me from god knows what xx Lizzy Hidehoim more concerned they do it to others and though i wont use anything you show me its only to satisfy myself its for real... my word is my credibility and if i see and believe something then others believe me without me having to prove anything... DanielleI'm not getting anymore involved. I'm sorry. ![]() Lizzy HidehoI understand Just remember...if anything happens... im here ![]() Keeping a good frame of mind for your little ones its what is MOST important ![]() |