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Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:20 PMCopy HTML
UPDATE - 28.10.16 Now that the fog of my tantrum has subsided, my reasoning, such as it is, lol, has returned. In closing my Blog, I am effectively censoring myself! Doh! I want my work to be read, it would be daft to say I don't.Anyway, this has indeed been a bit of a watershed, and there's nothing wrong with them! I'm delighted to say, I have (since 4.00am), been working on a book I have been planning in my head for over 30+ years. I have returned to my favourite genre, comedy, well comedy mixed with the kind of advice you can take, leave, or laugh at. But as my critics have so eloquently pointed out, it's about time I got down to a bit of hard work! I'm still around, and I will still comment if and when I feel like it, but I've given myself a Christmas deadline!Ps. To those who think I've hit the bottle (again, groan). I've turned into one of those little old ladies who giggle, sing and pass out after one small sherry, all under an hour, being fully compos mentis by teatime. UPDATE - 27.10.16 I may have the hind of a rhino, but the sheer viciousness of the attacks on me have got through. I'm shutting my blog shortly, while I reconsider it's future. Typing this with burned fingers and a hugely dented ego, I feel I am providing (free) entertainment to an audience who clearly despise me personally. It has actually triggered a rather sad childhood memory. When my brother and I, with our thick Irish accents started primary school in posh Virginia Water, our voices gave all the other kids, and indeed the teachers, much opportunity to mock us. I remember at the age of 5 being taken up onto the assembly stage with my 6 year old brother so the headmaster could get us to speak into the microphone and make everyone laugh. We didn't care - we were Irish kids, our granny had taught us put on a show and take a bow, from the moment we could toddle. We even fought as we got off stage, about who got the most laughs. It took me a lifetime to understand that they weren't laughing with us, they were laughing at us. I still struggle to understand it now, but understand it, I must. At the moment, I have to face the reality that I am giving my all to a project that keeps me in the poverty to which I have become way too accustomed. For an audience, who on the whole, hate me. This may be the wake up call I need, perhaps it is time to write that book or put my energies into something more lucrative My dream, that one day, writing for a living, or at least trying to, will be acknowledged as a real job, rather than an excuse to sit on one's arse all day! Don't get me started on the life on a writer (or maybe I should, there will be many who empathise!). I think if I had a chance to start out again, I would opt for the Stepford route! And yes, I'm laughing.And to those who think, she's up herself because she's got a blog, the penalty I have paid by not being aloof like other writers, was a risk I was happy to take. It may be I got it wrong, I often do, it's no big deal. Among my dear old dad's (frequent) tut tuts and rants were the words 'you never learn do ya?'. I expect he is sat on a cloud somewhere with my barmy mum, drinking and saying 'och, Jesus!'. (Bugsy, can ya check my grammar, ta). And yes, pushing a broom or stacking shelves is beneath me! I haven't spent a lifetime studying to break rocks for the entertainment of those who work 9 to 5pm. It is a real job for me. I agree with my critics, I must be crap, but that only makes me try harder. I will never, ever, give up. My dream is to make a living writing, if that is the root of all evil, shoot me now. For those fearing for my mental health (I have rediscovered alcohol), fear not, I am in a giggly mood, and have the company of SMS (Smart Arsed Son) and the mentality of those who believe I should get a 'real' job. We are presently squabbling about which one of us is the Mentalist, lol. Ps. Bugsy, please can you edit, slightly tipsy and not giving a f*ck. UPDATE - 26.10.16
As expected, my donation button has caused outrage! So many sharp intakes of breath, I though we were having a typhoon. I have therefore decided to respond to the main criticisms by category to save us all time.
To those who say, I am cashing in on a missing child, I am a writer, who by some cruel twist of fate has become shackled to this unfortunate case, for what seems to be an eternity. I will not lie, it has always been my intention to write about the Madeleine mystery (I still dream of that bestseller) but thus far, it is a story without an ending, and I'm not just going to make one up! At the moment my Madeleine text is a living narrative, still filled with twists, turns and machinations. My blog is a work in progress, I value my readers' input as much as my own, it is a journal if you like, which I hope is capturing the zeitgeist.
As for the morality of writing about a tragic child, my critics should bear in mind, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of journalists writing about tragic children every day of the week. Should child stories be withdrawn from their paypackets? The Madeleine case is still of interest to thousands, their doing, not mine, and my blog has become a niche corner of the internet where this human interest story can be discussed civilly, rationally as reasonable adults.
I have always given my honest and educated opinion on this case, I am one of the (very) few writers to have stood up to the McCann takeover of the media, and for that I am blacklisted. I have never given in to their demands and I never will, even if it means carving the truth of the lie on a prison wall. I am as outraged at the injustice in this case as I ever was. Rightly, or wrongly, I now have a large audience, to whom, I hope, I am providing a service that they cannot get from the mainstream media, an analysis of the true story behind this cover up. Many writers are now self publishing online and asking for donations, we have a skill we are happy to share for free, but we also have to eat. Much as I hate to be a diva (a lie, I love it!), all we have declare is our talent! As newpapers and magazines are losing thousands of sales, they too are adding donation buttons. Writing is a profession like any other, if my articles were appearing in the mainstream media, I would be paid.
Those who say there is far more work involved in filing, indexing and collecting data than there is in creative writing could Not insult me more! I live, breathe and sleep my work, it fills every moment of my life and I am often at my (worn out) keyboard for up to 14 hours a day. I'm a perfectionist, and I'm not bragging, because in my mind, I am never good enough, I have the same philosophy as Animal Farm's Boxer, I must work harder.
My blogs may appear to be simplistic, easy reading that just comes off the top of my head, but that is a skill that has taken decades to perfect. I take the entire McCann canon, all the heavy reading, facts, data and opinion, and I condense it down into bite size easy reading for those who follow this case, those who are new to it and those who would like an explanation as to what is going on. Some may not consider that to be worth the price of a cup of coffee, but I'm hoping that there are many decent people out there who will think it is! ________________________________________After much tossing, turning and questioning of conscience, I have decided to add a donate button to my blog. Unfortunately, writing about the case of missing Madeleine McCann can be seriously detrimental to a writer's career!For me, writing about the Madeleine case is not an option. I know too much about this case to keep silent in the face of such obvious and manipulative lies.The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing said Edmund Burke. And a lot of good men and good women have challenged the establishment lies in the case of missing Madeleine from the start. The assumption of politicians, their spin doctors and newspaper editors that the public are headline skimming morons they can bend and twist at will offends me. This generation have grown up in an age of technology and information. we are no longer reliant on censored news. We can and do, seek out alternate opinions that have never been available in our mainstream press (and never will be). There are of course, hundreds if not thousands, of decent people out there, who are appalled that a child lost her life, and appalled that our government, our media, and even our police, became complicit in covering up the truth. People who are appalled that the innocent, Goncalo Amaral, Brenda Leyland and every poor sod who's face is splashed across the tabloids as Madeleine's abductor are having their lives destroyed to protect this mother of all crimes. I don't claim to know what happened to Madeleine, like many of my readers, this case for me has been a journey of discovery. A bit like The Matrix, do you take the blue pill, or the red pill? Take the blue pill and accept Madeleine was abducted, and the story ends. Take the red pill, and you are hurled into a nightmare reality - there is no turning back. I imagine explaining to my trusting old Dad, that the Labour government and the newspapers lied to us and I can see the sickening disappointment on his face. Unfortunately, writing about this case has not been without personal loss. Having featured in the McCann Supporters' Blacklist (Death Dossier) for several years and having several troll sites devoted to me, my work will never been accepted by the mainstream. Ce la vie. I have therefore decided to put up a 'donate' button (right hand column), things break down and parts wear out, and I am determined to last this case out until the end! If you enjoy my blogs and would like to contribute a small amount to its' upkeep, the price of a magazine or a large G&T, it would be much appreciated! <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe> In response to 13:22 on 'Loony Website', I agree the Gasper statements are alarming, so too the evidence volunteered by the social worker Yvonne Martin, but they are not evidence that the tapas children were being abused. The PJ did not release ALL their files, many were held back, and there is a good chance those files contain the more err, sensitive investigations. Obviously investigations that were not pursued because they led nowhere. I think the evidence of Yvonne Martin (the social worker) is important because it describes the strange behaviour of Kate McCann and David Payne on the morning of 4th May. And by strange behaviour, I mean the way Kate, Payne and the rest of the Tapas group closed ranks - that is they shunned the assistance of a British child protection expert on the ground when their need was greatest. With regard to Yvonne Martin's suspicions about David Payne, I tend to think these would have been checked out by both the police and social services. The Jon Corner pictures were odd, but then so too is Jon Corner. Like the rest of the McCann mob, he spotted a business opportunity that was too good miss. The wannabe film maker and artiste, probably thought his work on the Madeleine case, would hurtle him into the big league. As for the make up pictures, little girls love dressing up! Friend of the family and artiste Jon, no doubt had his camera handy and played along with Madeleine's game. I doubt very much paedophilia has got anything to do with this case, despite the huge efforts of so many, including the 'authorities' to convince the public that it has. People like Jim Gamble who have tried desperately to link Madeleine's disappearance to online predators. Always a ridiculous concept btw, because at the age of 3, Madeleine didn't use social media.As for the parents and their friends, I cannot stress enough that these people were 'into each other' not kids! They spent as little time with their children as they could get away with. Small children have no filters! It is ludicrous to suggest that these kids were being sexually abused in the evening and then handed over to the care of others the following morning. Those examining photographs with a magnifying glass searching for hints of abuse have lost the plot! They have certainly put reason, common sense and logical thinking to one side in order to prove their point. They are projecting figments of their own rather lurid imaginations. The majority of us do not think as they do, we don't see sexuality in small children and we don't assume a man with a camera is a pervert. This case is bizarre, because both the Pro McCann supporters and way too many of the Anti McCanns are determined to push forward a 'lets hang all the paedophiles' agenda. From the 'Pro' side, one of the first claims made by the parents was that their daughter was taken by a gang of paedophiles. This was quickly latched onto by the press and various police agencies and charities, who coincidentally, also want to convince the public their children are in constant danger. The McCanns of course, have been looking for a villain to blame for Madeleine's disappearance from day 1, Jim Gamble is always looking for reasons to seize people's computers, and police agencies and charities are always looking for cash to combat the alleged hidden danger of all these paedophiles lurking in bedsits and cyber cafes. Apparently enough children go missing each year to fill an inner city school. Who knew? Many of the Antis do actually hate the McCanns. In the fullest sense of the word, along with all it's scary connotations. Not only do they want them burned at the stake, they want them (and everyone like them) to be humiliated and scorned. Not dissimilar to the feelings the McCanns and their supporters had for Brenda Leyland and still have for Goncalo Amaral. I doubt there is anything more humiliating or degrading than to be accused of sexually abusing children, therefore it is an inevitable accusation when accompanied by intense hatred. Chuck in these people hid the child's body and carried on with their holiday for 5 days, and the monstering is complete.But I don't want to be too harsh, whilst the psychotic hatred is indeed psychotic, the hatred felt by many is understandable when compared to public feeling for convicted child murderers. Child murder arouses feelings of passion and anger in most of us, feelings that are beyond our control. Even as a committed pacifist and wuss, I know that I could not be in a room with Ian Huntley without wanting to physically attack him. Some who have followed and studied this case struggle to get beyond the 'evil' that went on that night, that is the reality of whatever it was that happened to the poor little girl that made her disappear. For myself, it is an issue that I try not to think about too intensely, because I know that emotion can distort reasoning. I want to understand this case from a rational, academic, perspective, with my own personal feelings set aside. I think what grated for many was the almost joyous way the parents behaved and indeed thrived, in the days and weeks following Madeleine's disappearance. Pleas for publicity and cash, rather than pleas for on the ground searchers. None of it was 'natural', but pointing that out became taboo. Who knows how parents of a missing child should act was the argument put forward by the defenders. The obvious answer was, well most of us would have pretty good idea and it would include personally digging up the surrounding area with our bare hands. There is much about Gerry and Kate that puts people's backs up. Despite all the 'kids were perfectly safe' propaganda, most are still very uncomfortable with the McCanns form of child minding. Gerry's 'it would have been worse if ALL 3 were taken', was shocking as it was being used to defend his parenting skills. If all 3 had been killed in a fire, there would be no defence! Aggh, I'm going down a path I didn't want to. Reasons to dislike K&G, there are too many to list, but none worthy of sharpening up the pitchforks. Quite obviously in this case, any hint from the police and authorities that Gerry and Kate were involved could set off a media frenzy and quite possibly, an ugly, public backlash from those who were taken in. And the backlash would not only involve the families, it would affect every politician, police chief, celebrity and expert who gave their full support to the parents. There are many reasons I believe for allowing the case to hang in limbo. Time is probably the most effective way to allow an angry public to move on. If and when the case is ever solved, it will probably be announced in the left hand column, page 6 of a local newspaper. As I have said many times, police the world over, accept that there are occasions when they have to playing the waiting game. The lack of a result in the McCann case is far from unusual, but the conspiraloons simply cannot accept this. They have done their own investigations and found the parents guilty. Their simple minds cannot understand why the police have not acted on the information they have supplied or thanked them publically for solving the case. Bennett believes he should be wearing ermine by now whilst publishers are in a bidding war for his book 'Homos and Paedos Everywhere'. But of course, I'm not immune to the rather tacky, greedy character traits of the parents. Gerry and Kate are probably the least likeable people I can think of. As a grumpy old bird, I have zero tolerance for people who use their victim status to manipulate others. The McCanns have made it their life's work, in fact, at one time, they were the MSM's first point of call victims for any tragedy. Who suffered the most from the lawless press? 'Me, me, me' shout Gerry and Kate. However, I think it is important for anyone interested in this case to look carefully at BOTH sides. I don't mean the abduction story, which is clearly bollox, I mean from a human perspective and the way in which it affects the families involved. We are not Judge and Jury, and we certainly shouldn't judge these people on the conspiraloon theories of Bennett, HideHo and Textusa. Theories based on limited access to almost 10 year police files. Kudos to the creativity, but in real investigations you can't just fill in the gaps with memories of News of the World headlines. And sexing up the disappearance of a child goes beyond crass and into the area of abhorrent. Those who feel hatred to the intensity where they want their enemies boiled in oil, really do need to have a lie down with a mind improving book. And I include myself in this when I think of Ian Huntley. He couldn't control his madness, but I can control mine, that's what sets us apart. In the case of Huntley, we know what happened (the bastard), but in the Madeleine case, we don't. Those trying to spice the story up by saying the child's body was stored for 5 days while the group continued their holiday are in fact stirring up hatred. For them the rocks already being thrown at the parents are not enough, there must be something darker and more murky than an accident. I think it is right that we should continue to challenge every lie put forward by to promote the fake abduction. It is wrong on every level that innocent men are having their lives wrecked by accusations that they took Maddie. And it's wrong on every level that the parents, and indeed, countless others, have profited from this child's disappearance, knowing that she was never in fact missing.Neither the McCanns or anyone involved in the real conspiracy are getting away with anything. They are already living with a Tell Tale Heart, and they must spend the rest of their lives as their alter ego, religious nut job, goody two shoes, middle class Stepford family they created for their media campaign. Never to laugh, smile, or have a humdinger row for ever more, or gawd forbid, miss church on Sunday. All of the aforementioned would give me the screaming abdabs! Meanwhile, hatred is a negative emotion that does far more harm to the hater than the hatee. For one thing, the object of the hatred is usually blissfully unaware of the demonic thoughts going on in the hater's head. Even if they knew, those with self esteem, would see the problem as the hater's, not theirs. I actually find it quite amusing, and indeed a tad flattering, that I have enemies out there pouring over my every word looking for something to be offended by. I occasionally toss them a juicy bit of ribeye to keep to keep them going, lol. Hating strangers isn't rational and hating people for a crime we think they have committed is immoral and uncivilized. Especially if those beliefs are based on the crazed rantings of a man who is quite clearly off his trolley*. Inventing lurid scenarios to make the villains more villainish and the crime more heinous reveals more about the armchair detective than the crime they are 'researching'. *Yes, I know, lol, I need help! I really do try my hardest not to hate anyone, but in Bennett's case, I keep losing the battle ;)
It seems to me that Freedom of Speech is under more threat today than it has been for a couple of hundred years. It has been replaced by the Right to be Offended, some are even going so far as to ban words from our lexicon, the words in the Red Flag should now be sung 'while namby pambies flinch, and people with alternate opinions, sneer' we'll keep the Red (no offence to ginger people) flag flying here. Take this whole issue of misogyny. As an old bird (I can call myself that because I am one), I often have a chat and giggle with other old birds, and all of us (without exception), loved getting wolf whistles, saucy winks and offers to join the mile high club (Ok, made the last one up, but it remains on the wish list). Too few men as it is, have the guts to suggest a quicky before work, ffs, the last thing feisty gals need are more laws to nobble the rest of them. It's no wonder most dating is done online these days, 'come and see my etchings' would see a young man imprisoned and placed on the Sex Offenders Register.Of course, there will always be the creepy types out there who think flirting copping a feel and drooling 'cooorrr' is a turn on, eg. Donald Trump, but this is where stilettoes and elbows should be put to full use. Actually the DT reference kind of negates my argument, I can't think of anything more traumatising than being groped by Donald Trump.  But back to Freedom of Speech. It's like everything George Orwell predicted is coming true. Words are being erased or their meanings changed. The freedom of information brought to us by the WorldWideWeb, has given a voice to everyone. There are no valid or moral reasons for the 'authorities' to deprive individuals of internet access (their ultimate goal) and they couldn't even if they wanted to. The only way in which to challenge those online who hold subversive views, is to accuse them of 'trolling'. The more they convince the public that 'trolling' is an evil and heinous crime, the more likelihood of passing laws that will enable them to police the internet and round up their targets. Which takes us back to Freedom of Speech. I am unashamedly a fan of Celebrity Big Brother, but I found the eviction of Christopher Biggins, deeply disturbing. I didn't agree with his views or those of Renee (?), but I would have liked to see the discussion develop as it would in real life and as in real life, the better argument would win. I'm afraid I have little time or patience with people who go through life carrying their Right to be Offended like a banner. They leap on their opponent's argument, sifting through it with a fine tooth comb, or a wordsearch for Woman, Jew, Race, Age etc. Who was that wailing creature weeping for, the entire Jewish race or her need for camera time? As for CB's views on bisexuals, OK, they don't go along with popular opinion, but for all the bisexuals out there (and those who have dabbled), it would have made an interesting and enlightening discussion. Quite clearly CB is not a hate preacher, and no doubt his views would have mellowed or changed if offered alternate opinions. Unfortunately, CB's views are representative of a small minority, who's prejudices will no doubt continue because their views were stifled rather than challenged. It's like smacking a toddler without telling them what they did wrong. But the CBB incident is but a symptom. Those who demand the Right to be Offended are starting to outnumber those of us who couldn't give a monkey's and it's their rules that going to be enforced. Having been trolled, stalked and harassed for almost 10 years, I can confidently confirm that it is only detrimental to your health and well being if you allow it to be. Once you understand the problem lies with the misfit, weirdo, chickenshit, not yourself, everything falls back into perspective. I find this move to prohibit words, language, comedy, lively discussion, sinister and undoubtedly motived by something evil. For example, I would much rather see the Labour Party have a healthy debate about anti Semitism, Misogyny etc, unhindered by rules that restrict the language and the words used. This whole idea of nicey, nicey politics, backed up with penalties appears to have gagged politicians to the point where the only means of communication they have left is a right hook. Stalking or harassing another individual online or anywhere else is against the Law. There is no case for new Laws or the strengthening of existing laws to weed out those deemed subversive. All those offended by what they read online have the right to reply, as we all do and they have the means to block the offenders. Having your enemies imprisoned shouldn't be an option.To those pleading the Right to be Offended, I would ask, why should the social media use of billions worldwide be restricted because your haven't got the social or internet skills to handles yourselves online. You may choose to live in a sanitised bubble, but that would not be the choice for most of us.Following the McCann case has often led to one of those big life questions, 'is it me, or is it them?'. Considering I spend most of my life out of step with the rest of the world, it wasn't a particularly big deal, but I have to say, it was quite unsettling to discover the 'antis' hated me almost as much as the Pros, if not more! And I don't just mean mild dislike, I mean pure unadulterated hatred of the creepy kind. They don't seem to realise that all that hatred means nothing, they don't know me, but it is probably eating them alive. It's why I have been less mean of late, I actually pity them, hanging onto that anonymity may become very difficult in the days that lie ahead. I have to say, that the way in which the 'anti McCanns' became so reviled, so quickly, confused me. I put it all down to the unbelievably successful McCann Media campaign. Hands up, it has taken me a number of years to fully understand why those defending the McCanns were so emotive, and why they were so angry at McCann critics. I'll admit in those early days, I was caught up in the excitement of unravelling a crime, and I actively sought out websites and forums who could see the same as I could. It was a topic you could not discuss at the water cooler or a party without starting a fight!Every national newspaper's comments sections were buzzing, the Mirror especially, and when Clarence had them shut down, thousands flocked to the 3 Arguidoes and then onto other forums as the founders of the 3As fell out. All and any accusations by the McCanns that there has ever been an 'organised' campaign against them would be ridiculous, most of the antis hate each other as much as they hate the McCanns. I didn't dare post in the Mirror forum, I felt completely out of my depth, I had already got my fingers burned in the CBB chatroom, and bookchat had FA to do with books, but the McCann world was a battleground! I cut my teeth in the completely uncensored free for all that was the AOL Europe Board. As old and wizened as I was, I had no idea there were so many lunatics out there disguised as normal people and UKIP voters. The board was very right wing and mostly made up of neo Nazis and McCann supporters. In retrospect, describing myself as a Marxist/Feminist in my profile was never going to make me popular. As horrendous and God awful as it sounds, the place became completely addictive, you could get a row with anyone any time of the day or night. The antis were mostly made up of angry mums and nans, who made no bones about their feelings towards Kate and Gerry. I often found their comments a bit strong, but I liked them nonetheless and during especially bloody battles I was glad to have them as comrades in arms! The pros (McCann supporters) were alternately known as the 'Selecteds' - that's because we caught them out trying to set up a private forum that excluded the rest of us! How dare they! The whole Europe and YGL sagas went on for at least 5 years! We did however have truces during the holidays when we would try not to be obnoxious, happily they never lasted. But I have digressed. Back in 2007, thousands of the antis were as angry and sickened by the McCanns actions as many are where crimes against children are involved. It was not only necessary, it was imperative that the McCanns and the 'group' were protected. As human beings we have to understand that. Because what can happen, and what did happen, was the story was taken up by a wild eyed extremist who wants the return of hanging and flogging to our town squares. All those angered and appalled at the blatant injustice in this case have been drawn in and manipulated by people who claim they want justice, but in reality, are only seeking fame and infamy for themselves. They want to be the one who 'cracks' the case. Bennett thought he could tag onto the golden egg that was Madeleine's name by setting up the Madeleine Foundation. He wanted a slice of those 50billion hits the McCann website were getting.This case has also attracted those who are interested in the cases of historic sexual abuse. I too had a link because of my memoir Cry and You Cry Alone, I lived in a children's home run by two psychopaths, an ex Jesuit monk who practiced Opus Dei for everyone, the boys especially, and sexually frustrated nun who had the hots for him. My abuse wasn't sexual, it was the batterings I took for not kowtowing to their freaky rules. I've never given any credence to the whole 'paedophile ring' theory in this case. These people were going out of their way to get other people to look after their kids, including trained nannies. Abusers keep the kids hidden away, they don't risk them having conversations with 'outsiders' and they don't organise sporty holidays where the kids are rarely in their company! What most parents of young children need, more than anything else, is a break from the kids! Again, don't excited Textusa, I'm talking about the mental stimulation of adult company. That doesn't make them bad people or even bad parents. As a young mum, I never wanted to miss the craic, my motto was happy mum = happy child. So why did the public hate the 'antis'? I try to imagine how I would feel if a forum or a group of concerned citizens attacked, Kerry Needham, for example. I would probably be very angry with the attackers, the words shame on you, comes to mind. So now I must apply that train of thought to those who truly believe the McCanns are innocent. Their belief may be based on the biased headlines of the MSM and successful marketing campaign of Team McCann, but if they don't want to listen to alternate opinion, they won't. Some people have very closed minds, it's gutting, but something we have to accept or go crazy. Where several infamous antis have gone way off track is by their deluding themselves that their hmmm, 'research' has solved this case where two police forces have failed. I have no doubt Bennett already has his Nobel Prize acceptance speech at the ready. Much as I hate pointing out again and againTony Bennett is as mad as a box of frogs, too much of his nonsense is still around misleading those who are searching for the truth. Richard D. Hall was his biggest, and most gullible, mark. But the purpose of this blog was to pick up on a point made by John Blacksmith in the previous comments. These 'researchers' (pretentious twats) have invaded the lives of the innocent citizens who gave statements to the Portuguese police. They believe calling their stalking and harassment of witnesses in a criminal investigation 'research' somehow validates their vile and immoral behaviour. It doesn't. Nowadays, we can all pretty much stalk whoever we want, but we don't. Why? Because the majority of us have a moral compass and the empathy to understand how our actions will affect others. Unfortunately, whilst there were thousands and thousands questioning the justice in this case, we were all judged by the antics of the malicious and despicable Tony Bennett. First with his spurious private legal against the parents, then with his distasteful publicity seeking antics handing out leaflets in their home town. We were all tarred with the same brush and despised from then on.Bennett boasts that CMoMM is the best McCann forum on the www. But it isn't, it is the most grotesque. Now that every intelligent poster has been banned or kicked out, all that remains are the lobotomised diehards. Their legacy will be in there with Stop the Myths and JATKY2, bloodsucking ghouls looking for victims. I found it quite poignant when JB asked 'what can the nannies do'? Indeed. As witnesses in an ongoing investigation, they cannot say anything. My heart goes out to them, as it does to all those targeted by CMoMM. I have nothing but respect for them and in fact all of those put through hell by the conspiraloons. Their quiet dignity has not gone unnoticed. It may be when this is all over that those libelled by Bennett and CMoMM will have recourse to justice of some kind and who could blame them. However, they seem to have the good sense to know their best course of action is to avoid these vipers like the plague. Even the two words, fuck off, would send them into a feeding frenzy. I honest to God do not know what Operation Grange are up to. I don't quite buy into the 'they are all involved in the cover up' theory. I still have enough faith left in human nature, and indeed the police, to believe that the victim, Madeleine is still the focus of their investigation. [In response to comment on previous blog]Many thanks 22:07, I don't bother very much with CMoMM these days, whilst it makes a good study of psychopathy, it's stuck in an endless cycle of rehash and there is rarely anything of interest.I had a look at that thread and the letter sent by 'Jill' (Bennett) - obviously everything signed off by him goes straight in the shredder, lol. OMG, my sympathy lies with the recipient, imagine having to read that pile of old bunkum? I'd rather have my toenails extracted one by one, or go waterboarding in Guantanamo Bay!Who the fffff... do they think they are? Its like a crowd of drunks having an extended game of Cluedo then presenting themselves at the local police station, saying we've solved it! It was the butler in the pantry with the dagger, hic. The lack of signatures to their petitions shows they are not representative of the public. And what is it they want? I'm afraid this is where we get into pitchfork territory. Given the hostile and aggressive manner of the CMoMM forum, it is clear that several of them are taking this matter far too personally. Because this case involves a small child, it is emotive and attracted extremists and vigilantes. Some people feel so passionately about child protection that reason and logic flies out the window. We are programmed to protect our young, it is not a bad thing, but some unscrupulous people will go out of their way to harvest that anger and need for retribution. That is, they will use it to stir up an angry mob. In the case of Madeleine, that manipulation of public opinion is prevalent in both camps. There comes a point where we all have to ask ourselves why we are still here? As a manic depressive with OCD, my own 'addiction' was a way in which to blot out the real world. My need to solve the puzzle that was Madeleine's disappearance, was as strong as my need to get to the final page of an Agatha Christie novel. I have to say I reached the 'beyond reasonable doubt' stage many moons ago, but like everyone else, that final 'how they did it' part remains elusive. I think like many of the antis, that there is something integrally wrong in our society when a little girl can go missing without explanation. We are civilised people who defend the vulnerable from the wicked, it makes us human. Had the McCanns been honest at the beginning, the world would have been gentle with them. Accidents and even crimes of passion, happen - the McCanns claim Kate was offered a 'serve 2 years' deal, a compassionate option if true.However, it is all the crimes committed since that irk the most. The way in which they paraded themselves as victims and used the loss of their daughter to amass a large personal fortune. None of the public's very generous donations have been used to assist anyone outside of the 'family', in fact, it would seem, the bulk of the fund has been used to protect the reputation of the parents. And worse, much has been used to destroy the name, reputation, family and life of the detective who was simply doing his job, looking for Madeleine. They continue with their sheer bloody minded agenda to destroy Goncalo Amaral, as it appears they have now lodged another Appeal. For myself, and I'm sure with many others, this case has opened our eyes to a whole new world. Six months into reading everything I could find on this case, I began to see what a phoney society we are living in. It was a revelation moment. Not too dissimilar to when I entered higher education in my late 30's and discovered religion was bollox, movies send out hidden messages and our society is ruled by newspaper barons. Who knew? Despite all of that, I still believed that we had the greatest justice system in the world, the best police and the least corrupt politicians (60's indoctrinationeducation) and a basically free press. Can't believe I was once that naïve. This case has demonstrated how easy it is for the establishment, or indeed anyone with a proactive family, to manipulate public opinion using the MSM. Unfortunately, for them, the internet has done away with borders and for all the UK tabloids publishing McCann propaganda, the real story from Portugal was getting through and spreading like wildfire. Ergo, for the last ten years we have been watching McCann and McCann .v. WorldWideWeb. I mean ffs, who employs lawyers to watch social media 24/7? How come two doctors don't have any friends or colleagues with the guts to use the words 'paranoia' and 'bottomless pit'? Those who ask why we are still here, don't seem to understand that what has been seen cannot be unseen. We have watched in astonishment as undeserving people have been elevated and enriched by this tragedy. The parents especially who are still demanding £400k from the former detective and public recognition for their supposed good works. These parents have been fundraising since the moment their daughter disappeared. Whilst the locals and holidaymakers physically searched for their missing child, they were plotting on how to make Maddie's face go viral. 'Did you go out there and physically search?' 'well we wanted to, but we were really busy' says Kate. Wtf takes priority over searching for your missing child, grrrrr. But I try to avoid getting personal, gawd knows, the McCanns and their wider family have enough to worry about, but hearing that they are continuing with their libel actions against Goncalo Amaral, sticks in my craw. I cannot understand how those police officers working on Operation Grange can stay silent whilst another detective, just like them, is being persecuted by this manipulative couple. I do of course appreciate the police have a duty to protect everyone, including the McCanns, it's their failure to stop and prevent crime. The Fund continues, gullible people are still being fleeced (every penny will go on the search) and the financial claims against Goncalo Amaral are immoral, if not illegal. Not to mention of course, the ruthless way in which they demanded that an example be made of an innocent member of the public and the deed was done. That should scare all of us.Anyhow, returning the multi paged diatribe of Jill Havern (Tone the Bore), I seriously hope the government department tasked with reading the tripe (poor sods) have a loons and nutters post bin marked 'read later - if ever'. With Tony Bennett a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. He has managed to hone his targets down to civil servants who are, by the law of this land, obliged to read his lengthy epistles. We can only hope the suicide rate among that particular demographic doesn't rise dramatically. If I were them, I'd choose head in the gas oven every time. The only one who doesn't realise Bennett is talking complete twaddle is Bennett and maybe Richard Hall and a small assortment of (harmless, we hope), right wing psychopaths and loons. Given the volume of correspondence from Tone the Bore, I would imagine the recipients give them little regard. I noticed on that thread, that another poster had received a more detailed reply than 'Jill', which I found a tad amusing. Bennett is drawn to this case because he believes some sort of deviant sex is involved. In his loony creationist head, he believes he is surrounded by sinners enjoying a lot more carnal knowledge than himself. He is fire and brimstone, a preacher without a pulpit or an audience. He deprives himself of television and popular culture, and he wants it banned for everyone else. Who can calculate the amount of damage he has done to the official search for Madeleine. I have no doubt his antics alone built the wall around this case. The constant bragging that he has a huge audience of angry justice seekers is effectively a nasty threat. The authorities have no option but to increase the McCanns' protection. The McCanns have struggled to provide evidence that they have been targeted or threatened as a result of the Goncalo Amaral's book, all they had was Bennett's Madeleine's Foundation.The truth is, the majority of people who do not believe the McCanns have not made retribution against the McCanns, their life's work. That would be creepy. They want to see justice for Madeleine, by they want to see it via the democratically agreed justice procedures. Many, myself included, have a real distaste for vigilantism, it seems to attract all the wrong kind of people. [in reply to a comment on the previous blog]Thanks for reminding us of the Summers and Swan 'McCanns are innocent get it' book, with its chapter dedicated to the scourge of the 21st century, internet trolls. Doubt Summers and Swan will be too happy to be reminded of their sell out, it was hardly their finest hour.The whole purpose of the S&S book seemed to be to stir up public hatred against the critics of Kate and Gerry McCann. They officially introduced the word 'hater' to the English lexicon, to describe anyone who refused to be taken in by the obvious faked abduction and subsequent cover up.The S&S book was in fact laying the groundwork to purge the internet of McCann critics, it was hoped through the eloquence of their words, S&S would sway public opinion back to the way it was in 2007. Not only to revive the unprecedented generosity to the K&G Fund, but also to incite anger and hatred towards anyone 'trolling' the officially cleared parents online. I use the word 'trolling' very loosely here, because it is one of those 'catch all' words that will be used constantly by those who want to police the internet. And of course Gerry and Kate claim not to use social media, ergo, strictly speaking, they cannot be trolled.The campaign to keep Madeleine (or themselves) in the public eye, was made up of several components, the most vigorous faction, headed by a megalomaniac who believed he had the power to control the internet and the news, and who demands that any criticism of himself and his good wife should lead to instant arrest. The sane among us would have told him to get a grip and maybe have a lie down with a mind improving book. Those on £300 per hour however, tell him it's perfectly feasible, and would he like to pay by instalments. The launch of the Summers and Swan book was timed to coincide with Jim Gamble's clamp down on the internet trolls who keep reminding the world that Madeleine wasn't abducted. In Martin Brunt's feature, Mr. Gamble, in his strict, authoritarian Policeman mode, told all the critics of Kate and Gerry, we are coming to get you. Unfortunately, S&S failed to turn public opinion around, their definitive book on the Madeleine disappearance was met with scorn and derision, each and every one of their 'parents are innocent' assertions swiftly deconstructed and ridiculed by real experts, in their Amazon reviews.The McCanns however seem to have a thing for runaway trains, so part II, Sky News went ahead anyway with Mr. Newsman himself, Martin Brunt exposing the evil behind those members of the public posing as ordinary people. Mr. Gamble could not hide his sheer glee as he congratulated Martin on twitter for exposing public enemy number 1, a quiet, unassuming, middle aged lady in a pretty Leicestershire village. Unfortunately, no-one was saying, thanks Jim, thanks Martin, we can all now sleep safely in our beds, they were horrified that Sky News even considered this non story as being of public interest, and appalled at the cruelty behind it. Summers and Swan may be that rarity, well heeled writers, but that one book has now made their entire body of work unreadable. For me at least, I am an absolute stickler for the truth, if an author distorts even one aspect of the facts in order to fit their own conclusions, I stop reading. My reading list is so extensive I have to be discerning and nothing irks quite so much as having my time wasted. I was once having what I thought was a sensible telephone conversation with a McCann 'anti' when 45 minutes in, she told me Madeleine was a clone. It was one of those 'doh' moments, and 45 minutes I will never get back. I'm afraid I view the S&S Madeleine book in the same way. I have to say there is a certain amount of pleasure watching the McCann spin team tie themselves up in knots, but the plan to wipe out the McCann sceptics online was cold, calculated and cruel. Despite the fact that S&S were unable to stir up an angry mob, Sky News went ahead anyway. It chills me to the bone that not one of them were compassionate enough to consider that what they were doing could have such a tragic outcome. And let's not be in any doubt here, Brenda Leyland was to be the first of many, the death dossier contained dozens of names, in my own case they had over 100 pages on me. The death dossier, or as it used to be known, the blacklist, was publically available for years, an additional CV if you like for any employer checking out candidates on social media. The McCann supporters have always used threats of exposure to silence online critics. Have to say, I was a little disappointed not to have been included in the 'troll' section of the S&S book, especially as their researchers had provided so much information. It could be because I am a survivor of the Catholic care system, bipolar and known for past alcohol and substance abuse and a smidgeon of promiscuity. I was a bit of a party girl, what can I say? hic. Of course the dossier compilers have used all of the aforementioned to pillory me for years, in their Amish heads, anyone who lives outside of the designated Christian man, woman 2.4 children combo, is quite clearly a lunatic. Unhappily for them, I wear my lunacy with pride, not only do I not regret my wild past, I wish I had done a bit more. It may be that my CSA survivor status spared me a public door stepping by Martin Brunt, but I think it is more likely to have been my big gob. I'm what my friends and family euphemistically describe as 'a loose cannon'. My sons have actually compiled a list of things I can and cannot do and say when out with them in public! I cannot be too critical of them because I remember compiling a similar list for my own mother, and just like her, I'm having great fun doing the opposite ;) I'm too honest for my own good, my dad used to tell me, and he was right, it's been positively detrimental, among my funeral songs, I have 'Whyyyyyyy can't I keep my big mouth shut', from the batterings I took in the convent, to the batterings I take online, my honesty always manages to offend someone. I will have to include in that offended group, several past bosses. It seems the question, 'aren't you getting paid £200 an hour to do this?' takes you straight past Go, and out the revolving doors. But let's get back to the next part of the spin doctors cunning plan. It was hoped through the S&S book, the public at large would once again feel overwhelming sympathy for eternal victims Kate and Gerry, and their outrage would be captured in a call for a clampdown on internet trolls. However, apart from the shrill mean spirited comments of Carol Malone, the best they managed to stir up was 'who gives a feck'. Kate and Gerry have hogged the front pages for years, how much more do they want ffs? The love the public felt for Kate and Gerry in the summer of 2007, is now worse than hate, it is indifference.Ten years on the publically funded investigation into Madeleine's disappearance continues. Whilst it is true that the McCann family and indeed all of those involved must, as far as humanely possible, be protected from a media storm on the scale of that which took hold when the story broke. No matter what we on the internet know, or have discovered, we are not the Law. Quite rightly, everyone is innocent until proved guilty, and everyone deserves a fair trial.However, it is wrong on every level to sweep those wicked crimes under the carpet. Especially a crime that reached the scale of this one. All the great and good who rushed to Mr and Mrs McCanns assistance must somehow squirm out of their past gushing enthusiasm. For myself, I no longer believe a word Donal MacIntyre or Mark Williams Thomas says, crime experts, pah! Dr. Sharon Leal, how far back have you taken the science of lie detection? It's the assumption that we the audience are idiots that I find most offensive. If Operation Grange remains live to preserve the myth that this was a stranger abduction, then questions must be asked of those signing the cheques. Aren't there current, solveable, cases they could be working on? Why are they wasting resources and manpower on a dead duck? It is not the job of Scotland Yard detectives to preserve the dignity of politicians and ex police chiefs, their job, first and foremost, is to uncover the truth behind Madeleine's disappearance and bring those responsible to justice. As for Gerry and Kate, they are already living in a prison of their own making, so too all those closely involved in that fateful holiday. That kind of hell must be akin to Edgar Allen Poe's Tell Tale Heart, something we wouldn't wish on our worst enemies. In a strange way, I actually feel sympathy for them, they can never go back to being the care free thirtysomething doctors they once were. In choosing the path of deception, they sealed their fate. They have plastered their own faces all over the globe, and not in a good 'A' lister film star way, but in a way that castes suspicion over themselves for ever more. However, before I start getting maudlin about the infamous pair, I have to remind myself that they have maliciously and vindictively set out to inflict misery and fear on anyone who crosses them. Their happy clappy, Christian charity fund raising persona is just as phoney as that of Jimmy Savile and Lance Armstrong. And for a while there, they had a good thing going. The Fund was growing into a large corporation, and Gerry was styling himself the UK John Walsh. With the Mr and Mrs as the faces of Missing Children, they were looking at a multi million industry charity with Madeleine becoming the face of Christmas (and all major holidays) with badges and t-shirts available. In not bringing any charges, or disclosing the results of their investigation, Operation Grange are effectively allowing the cover up to continue. That is the raising of funds and the persecution of their Portuguese colleague, Goncalo Amaral. This fine mess cannot continue ad infinitum. There are other crimes that need solving and other children that need finding. Two years ago this week, Gerry McCann, the father of a missing child, demanded that an example be made of the internet 'trolls' he claimed were hounding and threatening his family online. The McCann family or a 'group of concerned citizens' had compiled a dossier of 'offenders' and ex head of CEOP Jim Gamble and Sky's Martin Brunt took it from there. This was Jim Gamble's cleansing of social media at it's finest and a taster of his own particular form of justice. The victim they selected, Brenda Leyland, hadn't in fact committed any crime, she, like myself and thousands of others simply refused to accept the establishment line that Madeleine McCann was abducted by a stranger. The McCanns and those who assist them, truly believed they could stamp out all their critics with a gang of thugs patrolling the internet and via hard cash in the libel courts. To be fair, for a while there they succeeded. Unfortunately for Gerry McCann, Jim Gamble and Martin Brunt, their jackboot, vigilante tactics appalled the public, whatever Brenda had done, she did not deserve a public execution. They selected Brenda because she was 'ordinary', but it was that ordinariness that made her everyone's mum, nan and aunty - the McCann couple, already seen as cold, were now chilling.It is bizarre that two years on, Operation Grange seem as far from a conclusion as they were at the outset but probably not surprising. The grisly details of what happened the night Madeleine disappeared have become the back story, it's what happened from that night onwards, that will make the Chilcott report look like a couple of hours of light reading. The incumbent Blair government perverted the course of justice. There is no nice, or euphemistic way of putting it. It was obvious to the first two Portuguese policemen on the scene that the abduction was staged, and ten years on, to anyone who looks at the facts without the 'but they are such a nice couple' blinkers, it still is. The problem Operation Grange have, is that once they point the finger at Gerry and Kate, the entire house of cards will collapse.What was said during Gerry's one to one chats with PMs Blair and Brown? Or indeed between Kate and Cherie? One thing we can be sure of, every word will be kept verbatim. Are we to believe that two British Prime Ministers, with all the country's top advisors, police and Special Branch, were taken in by Gerry and Kate? Not only were they taken in, they put the full services of the establishment at Team McCann's disposal. That's an Oops right up there with Okily Dokily Mr. Bush. How many New Labour cabinet ministers were schmoozing the McCanns? Or police chiefs attending their fund raising events? Will the highly experienced and decorated Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe and Jim Gamble explain how they were so misled by a couple of tricksters the average housewife could spot within seconds? The unveiling of a fake abduction would reveal a sea of red faces and a scramble by those who should have known better to find excuses for supporting such an obvious scam. I kind of get the predicament Operation Grange finds themselves in and the difficulties they must have in releasing public statements. At some point they will have to pee in the pot or get off it. It has been clear for some time that OG are not looking for an abductor, which translates, 'we know who's responsible but we don't have enough to prosecute'. Gerry's 'Nooooo evidence' mantra seems to be holding up quite well, but you can't keep throwing public money at an investigation that's going nowhere. Unfortunately, while the silence of Operation Grange might temporarily hold back the floodgates, (who dare publish while Gerry and Kate have so much on so much power over so many - including Amazon?), the walls of the dam could give at any time, and the entire team could look like procrastinating fools. You can imagine the water cooler chat, 'Seriously! Scotland Yard's finest didn't know?', following The Sun's serialisation of Kate's latest memoir 'Gotcha You Mugs!'. Those of us who know more about this case than is healthy, would argue the 'No Evidence' point quite vigorously, a quick google of Madeleine McCann, will not only throw up every rational argument for why the parents were involved, it will do it in alphabetical order and with pictures. Whatever is going on behind the scenes in an effort to limit the damage when Madeleine hits the headlines again, should not be used to take out members of the public. And vigilant groups, even if they are 'establishment' ones, should not have the power to destroy lives. If I were Brenda's family, I would still be mad as hell, but I respect their right to privacy. I think unless you understand the full horrors of the abuse of power in Madeleine's name, we 'McCann geeks' will always seem a little strange. My own adult sons think I am quite bonkers. When justice finally arrives for Madeleine, Goncalo and all those 'destroyed' by the McCanns and their henchmen, I want to see Brenda's name cleared, public apologies for those vile troll headlines that drove the poor woman to her death. The use of the word 'troll' has sinister undertones and it will be used unscrupulously by those intent on policing the internet and targeting dissenters. In the case of Brenda it was used as a warning to others that spectacularly backfired. I think on this sad anniversary, it is important to remember the ghastly way in the full might of the establishment and the media were used to destroy the life of an ordinary woman who dared to question an obvious lie. RIP Brenda Leyland ___________________________________________ RIP BRENDA LEYAND (SWEEPYFACE) originally posted 5th October 2014 So Sky's rolling news day on McCann trolls has resulted in the death of Brenda Leyland (Sweepyface) a middle aged lady angered by the lies of Gerry and Kate McCann. Seven years on, despite being suspects in the eyes of the rest of the world, in the UK they are still being treated like victims and being compensated financially. No amount of money will satisfy Gerry and Kate, they have had over £4m, they also want the Laws to be changed so their crimes will never be reported. We have had a news blackout in the UK for the past 7 years. Why? The McCanns didn't have any threats against them or their children. Their witness claimed this in the Lisbon libel trial, but could not substantiate it. Several months on, no-one has been arrested or charged for threatening the McCanns. A bit like the abductor. The biggest threat they could find to the McCanns was poor old Brenda, an obviously shy, timid lady who clearly presented no danger to the McCanns whatsoever. But she was to be the scapegoat, the face of the cruel campaign against an innocent family. She was the line of least resistance - had they doorstepped any of the more outspoken among us, we would have given them an interview they couldn't broadcast, on the hour, every hour, etc without Carter Ruck jumping down their throats - now re-employed by McCanns it seems and kerchinging nicely. Did Martin Brunt threaten her? If so, what with? He had pretty much done the worst thing imaginable, but it clearly left her in great fear. She fled from her village. More doorstepping perhaps? Her past raked up? Did she have mental health issues? Did any of her family? Was she a vulnerable adult in any way? Surely Sky News would not have carried out such a catastrophic public attack without making a few basic checks? Were the McCanns going to go after her financially, as they have done with Goncalo Amaral, demand that she sell her house? Was she facing threats of financial ruin? How could a regular person stand up to Carter Ruck? Her limited 'I thought I was entitled to' - portrayed her as ignorant, but what else did she say when she took the crew inside her house? What did the police say to her? Afaik, she was not arrested or cautioned, but did they give her a 'stern' taking to? And how stern was that talk? Normal people with no criminal record or dealings with the police would be terrified. What Laws did Brenda break, if any? Lets hope the police taped their interviews with her, if I were her family, I would demand they be revealed at the Inquest - and there should definitely be an Inquest. However, Jim Gamble's hope of using 'outing' as a device to stop people asking questions about the McCanns, or indeed anything, has spectacularly backfired. The consequences of such sinister threats have become all too apparent. I would imagine legal talks are frantically underway as we speak, Sky News cannot just brush this off, they must at the very least, issue an apology to Brenda's family. No Court in the world (maybe N.Korea or UK under McCann Rule) would have found Brenda guilty of anything. If worse tweeters exist, then why didn't Sky go after them, why go after a fragile, quiet lady in a pretty village, who clearly posed no threat to the McCanns whatsoever. The cynic in me pictures the McCanns looking up the property prices as one reason, but more likely the subliminal message was 'it could be you'. There were threatening undertones in that news report, and more than a tinge of cruelty in the way the story was reported. They couldn't hide their glee at exposing a respectable middle aged lady as a vicious internet troll to all her friends, family and neighbours. It was pitchforking at its very worst. However, any gleeful thoughts Gamble and McCanns may have of outing people on a regular basis must now be treated with the seriousness it deserves, as Brenda's tragic death has proved. The punishment Brenda received (based on no evidence) was way beyond anything a Court could have dished out. It seemed more like payback, than a genuine news story, Her face, and home, was broadcast every hour, on the hour, as she was publically labelled as a 'Hater', continually hounding the family of Madeleine McCann. She wasn't. She was angry at this blatant miscarriage of justice as many are. Nothing she did deserved the kind of punishment she received. The death of a child is always emotive, especially when those charged to uphold the law appear to be covering it up. Sky News acted as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Brenda is dead because of what she was accused of, not because of what she did. She probably said a lot more in that Sky interview than 'I thought I was entitled to', but will we ever know? They wanted to label her as evil, and they did. Brenda, bless her, knowingly or unknowingly, may well set off a chain of events that will bring about the final downfall of the McCanns and their minions. Jim Gamble and the McCanns wanted to use her as an example of what will happen to anyone criticising them, but her suicide has turned the tables. Now they have to justify what they have done to her.
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:21 PMCopy HTML
Unfortunately immigration is usually discussed from a negative perspective, because it's a political hot potato. Especially if an unscrupulous government want a scapegoat for their own failures and a common enemy to unite a disgruntled population. Divide and rule, as long as those in need are fighting each other, those responsible for managing and administering the economy have free rein to do as they wish. Obviously, an influx of new people into any community will be a drain on services that were designed to cope with several million less. This isn't the fault of the immigrants or the ageing population, the fault lies in the failure of successive governments to invest in line with the changing demographic. If the UK were a commercial business it would not cut back as demand grew, it would expand in line with it's customers needs. It would be like Ronald McDonald saying too many people are eating burgers, so lets shut down loads of branches, cut back on staff and make the service so shit, it will drive all the customers away. As for there being a surge in the population. I'm not convinced there has been, and if there has, what does it matter anyway? People come and go as they always have and as nice as our neighbours might be, we cannot hang onto them forever. They might move, or we might, the whole neighbour thing is pretty much the luck of the draw and there is nothing we can do about it. And even if we could, do we really want to be the kind of people who fear outsiders and strangers? Since time began, man has had the urge to travel, and these days it's a lot easier, for everyone. No society or community is static, people no longer spend their entire lives in one small town. Kids grow up and move on, sometimes to the other side of the world, older people are upping sticks and buying a place in the sun. Without immigrants, I am not really sure how communities could continue to run efficiently when the younger generations move on. What exactly are the anti immigration lobby aiming for? Do they simply want to shut Britain's doors because the country's full up and we're all doing nicely ta very much. Are they trying to draw a line under evolution, stop the world, so we an all disembark in the England of Dad's Army?How can the UK possibly have a fixed number for the amount of immigrants entering the UK? And how can a number be reasonably fixed at a time of humanitarian crisis? The number of people coming into (and going out of) the UK will vary from year to year. As compassionate human beings we have to respond to the circumstances that exist at any given time and there should be no question that we give refuge to those in need. As a child of immigrant parents, my dad was Scottish, my mum Irish, it was only as I got older that I began to appreciate just how brave and go getting they were. And I feel much the same with regard to all immigrants, they are a constant reminder that this is a land of opportunity. My own home town, devastated by the effects of austerity, continues to tick over mostly because of all those immigrants who have taken a chance on starting up new businesses have the drive, ambition and belief that seems to have been lost among the indigenous population. They haven't come to the UK, because they want to sponge off the Welfare State, they have come here because GB still has the reputation of being one of the most advanced civilised nations on the globe. We were once pioneers, and those who join us believe we still can be.Migrant workers are a good thing, they have existed since the beginning of time. Some might say it is in our genes to follow the work and during times of growth outside help is essential, see Egypt circa 1200bc or the influx of Irish into the UK in the 1960's. There is a good argument to be made that economic migrants lower wages by working for less, but the lowering of the wages lies solely with the employers. Since the Tories and Tony Blair indoctrinated everyone with the idea that bosses are nice people and we don't need Unions anymore, they can pretty much treat their employees as they choose, and they choose to get as much work for the least amount of pay as they can. When they sing about those Satanic mills, it is with fond memories. Those who want to restrict freedom of movement, send shivers down my spine. The first thing that comes to mind is the Berlin Wall and, god forbid, Donald Trump's Mexican Wall. Where does it begin, and [shudders] where does it end? If we limit the number of new citizens coming into the UK, will other countries reciprocate and turn our kids away? Should UK citizens have priority in the job market, even if they are not necessarily the best person for the job? But let's turn to the most common arguments against immigration?I've got nowhere to liveMy child can't get a place in the local schoolI had to wait 10 hours in A&EThe answer to all of the above: lack of investment in vital public services by successive governments, this one especially. Somehow they have managed to win two elections pitching austerity is good and let's hear it for the wealth creators. (same pitch as Liz Kendall and plotters). Investing in people and communities is just plain crazy, yeh? or, it can only be done when their pals, the wealth creators feel benevolent enough to pay some taxes. No obligation of course, only if they feel like it. Let's smash this 'Austerity is Right' argument back on it's heels. It is not right, it is pointless, and worse, it is cruel and inhumane. To put it into perspective. at a time when this country was virtually on its knees, and the last time we had food banks, was just after the second World War. Yet, out of the devastation, the Clement Attlee government built the Welfare State and the NHS. In the 21st century and as the 6th richest nation in the world, the above 3 complaints should shame every right wing politician especially those Labour politicians who continue to believe that austerity is right. It is not the fault of immigrants, or the sick and disabled, it is the failure of government and local authorities to provide the facilities needed for a growing population. A 'New Deal' funds itself. New homes, schools and hospitals create new jobs, which creates spending power, which boosts new business. If a system is collapsing because too many people are making demands on it, the answer isn't to cut down on the people, it is to expand and improve the system! I love our multicultural society because I have always taken great pleasure in meeting people from far off lands, for me, it is the next best thing to visiting the place myself. As a small child in the early 1960's I was fortunate to grow up in a community where all my playmates came from a huge variety of ethnic backgrounds. We were all children of immigrants who worked in the huge hospital opposite our row of houses. From those who worked in the kitchens, to the doctors and nurses, there were no class barriers either. My best pals were a little Indian girl called Konni and a little German boy called Heina - I learned at a very early age that if I wanted to make friends with someone 'wanna make some mud pies' was pretty universal. My own experience of a mixed, inter racial childhood was a positive one, and one that I can say has enriched my life. I've never had that fear of foreigners that I saw in others as I got older. Those parents who worry that their children's education will suffer because of any influx of immigrant children into local schools, should set their fears aside. Firstly, the parents of these immigrant children are made of pretty stern stuff. Some have crossed oceans to get here. They know and understand the benefit of a good education and they will actively push their children towards high achievement. Which makes them pretty good friends for our wayward kids to pal up with. Secondly, they offer our kids a window into a whole new world that neither parents or teachers could ever hope to achieve. Small children don't have prejudices, all the little people around them are their friends and always will be. And if they are fortunate to grow up untainted by the world around them, they will be pacifists. They will understand and respect other cultures and traditions rather than fear them. Children who grow up in a multicultural environment will not go into any negotiations from a nationalistic stance. There is hope for the future. Immigrants are not a threat to our society, they are a lifeline. They are working their socks off to build a better life for themselves and their children. They want what we want, and they are, arguably, more determined to get it. They still see the potential GB has, the kudos of a British education and a NHS background. Even in the toughest times, they have optimism and vision, where we old cynics see a landscape of despair, they see opportunity and hope. The housing crisis, the lack of good school places and the appalling staff and bed shortages in our hospitals, predate the current refugee crisis. They are the result of trying to run public services on a shoestring. Those with charge of the public purse have not used our taxes and national insurance to maintain and upkeep the National Health service, they have cut vital services to the bone and spent the money elsewhere. Limiting the number of people who come into the UK will make no difference to the lives of UK citizens. As long as those who manage the economy squeeze vital services to breaking point, there will always be shortages and it is the general public (including the immigrants) who will suffer. None of us are getting the services we pay for. The majority of people with immigration fears are not racist, they have been placed in a position where it feels as though they are competing with their neighbours for homes, jobs and school places, because lack of investment means there is not enough to go round. Sadly, using an ethnic minority to carry all the blame for society's ills, is a political tool that goes back to the beginning of time. It was cheap and devious in biblical days, and it is cheap and devious now.Our neighbours are not our enemies. The problems we have lie solely with mismanagement by those at the top. Those communities hit hardest by the double dip recessions and austerity, have far greater problems than new people coming to their areas. They have been run down by decades of under investment and forward planning. Sure Start gave them a glimmer of hope for a while, but the Tories swiftly put an end to that. As for these small groups of new people, we should welcome them into our midst. I remember as an 11 year old asking my history teacher what England, or more specifically Englanders would have been like if it had never been invaded. She then painted an image of blond haired, blue eyed 'angels' from Angeland that I actually found quite charming - even though I didn't fit the Aryan criteria myself. I didn't understand the sinister connotations and I hadn't seen Children of the Damned, it was a Catholic girls school, what did I know. I think any kind of legislation to preserve a society in it's original form is a tad Amish. Those fighting against immigration are actually fighting against change, they cannot accept that the world around them is doing as it always has done, it is evolving. The whole idea of gates, walls and stricter border controls takes us back to medieval times. In fact walls have got a terrible history altogether (who can think of a good one?), they are symbols of tyranny and restrictions on freedom of movement are the foundations on which they are built. Society does not become a better place by forming elite groups and excluding people.I try to make a point each day, of chatting to and giving warm smiles, to the newcomers I encounter. I want them and their children to feel welcome and I want them to know that the far right extremists do not represent the majority of us. In the words of Maya Angelou, people will forget what you said, and what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe> Well I'm kinda glad the whole Leadership battle has come to an end, or at least it has hit that quiet moment when you are actually inside the eye of the storm and the real fall out is still to come. In this case, in the form of the forthcoming Labour Party Conference, which shows every sign of turning into one massive bar room brawl. Many of those speaking will have to curb their language to fit the new 'instant suspension' rules, so by the time they reach refreshments, they will have steam pouring out of their ears. Ahh, who remembers the old Union meetings, when a speaker would put a fiver in the swear box and then get their money's worth. A lot of people from the losing side will be very angry and many will blame Owen Smith. He just didn't campaign hard enough some might say, others wtf were we thinking, the rest, Owen who? The member for Pontypridd not only failed to make a dent in Jeremy's popularity, he increased it. As the face of the Blairites who still see tory voters as their target demographic, he stood for everything the grass roots members had already rejected. Everything went horribly wrong when Jeremy refused to resign. The more organised and competent plotters didn't have a Plan B. Did they have a 'Leader' waiting in the wings, or indeed flying in, or was Tom Watson going to take over indefinitely? An election forced them to put up a candidate they did not have, well not one who wanted to face a leadership election against the phenomenally popular Jeremy Corbyn. And to be fair, they haven't got a 'crowd puller' among them. They put up the best they had last year and look where that got them?I can't decide whether Owen Smith got the short straw, or the one a bit longer than Angela Eagle's. So inept were the plotters, that they didn't see the irony of having two unity candidates until someone politely pointed it out. Angela was hopeless, first that whiney voice, the mountain made out of a brick and an office block window and her inability to act like a mature adult in the face of the childish abuse almost every internet user encounters online. Which brings me nicely onto Momentum, the popular movement that has grown out of Jeremy Corbyn's two campaigns for the Labour leadership. Momentum have been portrayed as bullies and thugs intent on turning the Labour Party into a protest movement with no desire to form a government. I suppose the bigger and more ludicrous the lie, the more likely it is to make the mainstream headlines. The whole backing campaign for Jeremy is geared towards winning the General Election in 2020, and courtesy of the chicken coup and Owen Smith, the 40k+ activists have now had two practice runs. I watched both documentaries the other evening, expecting the worst! The reporter we were told, have worked undercover in Momentum for 6 months, and, it seems, uncovered absolutely ziltch. No misogyny, no anti-Semitism, no abuse, and nothing that could remotely be described as sinister. They all came across as thoroughly good eggs, and I actually felt a motherly tingle down my spine, assured that the future was safe in their hands. My own home town is a shell of what it once was, and it is heart breaking to see it so run down, and so many young people seemingly abandoned. I was so inspired by these youngsters, I missed most of Panorama because I was signing up for Momentum online! If I could wave a magic wand, I would wish the forthcoming Conference to have that 'JezWeCan' spirit that kicked this all off. The most inspiring message to have come from Jeremy's Leadership campaign, has been Hope. The country clearly needs and wants, change and the Hustings has enabled Jeremy to explain in detail the viable alternative he is offering. His charm and sincerity have done the rest. One would imagine that any political party that had hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic new activists would be jumping for joy and seeing the potential for an overwhelming win. When Tony Blair won in 1997, he had the support of Rupert Murdoch at a time when a Sun front page could swing an election. Twenty years on, tabloid news has been crushed by the internet, social media and better writers. Phone hacking and Leveson have exposed the questionable relationship between political leaders and newspaper moguls. With Jeremy, everyone, Left, Right and Centre, know that he will not be schmoozed by private jets or start demanding Limos like Tony Blair. As for all those centre ground MPs who are feeling threatened, they are pretty much hoisted by their own petards. They are at odds with the party members and activists if they continue to see the tory voters as their target demographic and Jeremy Corbyn as their enemy. They cannot expect the support of the members if they see them as trots, rabble, dogs, Nazis and thugs. Nor can they expect them to campaign on their behalf. Why on earth would they?At the moment, they have reached and gone past that Oops point and they are on that 'not gonna end well, right dead right road'. They would prefer to crash into a wall than admit they might be wrong. They have asked the audience and this time the audience have responded with a megaphone. Jeremy Corbyn has nothing to threaten these MPs with, when it comes to selection, because the voters will decide and it's unlikely they will vote in someone who wants to continue with the infighting. At the moment fear is a completely wasted emotion. It's like worrying about being caught, after you've been caught. Tis done. They can't take back their ill chosen words and dastardly deeds. Everyone will remember how their hourly resignations were intended to break Jeremy as a man. They spoke of conscience, but what kind of conscience allowed them to take part in something so manipulative and cruel?Personally, I would welcome an influx of new blood, and going by the recent documentaries, there is a huge amount of talent out there. Too intelligent and too conscientious to have bought into right wing doctrine, these activists, young and old, have the energy, enthusiasm and the will to revamp society and rebuild our communities from the bottom up. Sadly, I don't think it will matter how many olive branches Jeremy offers, because the sore losers will be plotting revenge. No doubt they will go out of their way this weekend, to spoil any victory celebrations by claiming they are being victimised and abused. Ruth Smeeth is taking a bodyguard and Jess Phillips may appear via satellite from her panic room. All a bit pointless in my opinion, Jeremy Corbyn's campaign has always been about Hope for the future. A victory for Jeremy will a celebration because change is coming and now is the time for action. All those movers and shakers, I imagine, will be talking long into the night about their amazing plans to restore the NHS, build a million homes, and breathe life back into all those communities devastated by years of austerity. Those embittered MPs I fear, will be sorely disappointed as the spotlight fades because it is no longer about them. Winning armies focus on the future, not the past. Owen Smith, Angela Eagle et all, will have to win over the electorate just as Jeremy has to and see where their negativity gets them. For a country that is crying out for change their battlecry 'Labour can't win blah, blah' doesn't compare to 'JezWeCan'. So will the gentler style of politics and the Compliance Unit's cleaning up of the Labour Party lexicon carry through into Saturday night and end with a rousing chorus of 'when cowards flinch and 'bleeps.....' sneer', we'll keep the Red Flag flying here. Somehow, I don't think that's going to happen, and there is probably a good each way bet to be had on John Prescott or Ruth Smeeth's minder lamping someone. As much fun as a full scale bar brawl might be, I think the more peaceful approach might be a karaoke battle with leading figures singing title appropriate songs, maybe:Tony Blair: It has to be My WayAlistair Campbell I'm too sexy for the LeftNeil Kinnock It's my party and I'll cry if I want toOwen Smith: Return to Sender (asap)Angela Eagle: It should have been me Jess Phillips: Why can't I keep my big mouth shutIain McNichol: Every breath you take and every tweet you makeJeremy Corbyn: I get knocked down, but I get up again John McDonnell: He ain't heavy, he's my brotherDiane Abbott: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.Margaret Hodges: Another (Prada) suitcase in another hallLen McLuskey: You'll never walk aloneTom Watson: Tears on my pillowPlease feel free to add or amend, I'm sure there's a better song for Tom out there!I didn't have especially high hopes for Sky's Battle for Labour documentary, given that it was Sky and it is very unlikely Jeremy will be out riding with the Chipping Norton set anytime soon. Jeremy is going to plough £500billion into the economy and the UK's infrastructure - he is going rebuild and breath life into those communities in this country who have been left behind and he knows exactly where he is going to get the money. For avaricious old billionaires, a far Left Labour Prime Minister is the stuff of their worst nightmares. New Labour understood their avaricious desire to hang onto their billions, they became the type of people we should all aspire to be. Anyone of us could win the lottery/Xfactor/Britain's Got Talent, and how would we feel if we had to pay exorbitant tax on our future imaginary winnings/earnings? Thus we protect the super rich because we all have secret dream that one day we will be just like them. Dreams are easy to sell, nightmares, not so much. The first part of Sky's BFL, came across as a parliamentary political broadcast on behalf of the plotters. Look at what a rotten time we have had, as one overly sensitive male politician gave a heart rendering account of the day Jeremy looked down at the floor nodding his head instead of answering said MP's question. My guess is, Jeremy was probably muttering something under his breath along the lines of, 'Jeez, is this what I have got to work with'. The same MP complained that his own constituency had risen to 2,500 and he didn't know most of them. Err, that could be because the NEC suspended meetings and he clearly hasn't made any effort to meet them let alone welcome them and not really something for an MP to be proud of. This fear of new members that seems to have spread like a virus amongst those in the 'lets not ever take chances' group. It's as if they have been forcefed Invasion of the Body Snatchers interspersed with subliminal images of gulags. The old reds under the bed barely fooled a 50's audience, it is laughable in this age of social media. Who reads Trotsky these days? All the usual victims were brought on to retell their 'harrowing' stories, each blaming the number of people who don't like them on Jeremy Corbyn, unaware that they alone are responsible for their words and actions. I wish just one of those calling on Jeremy to do more with regard to sexism and anti-Semitism, would give at least one example of what it is they want him to do? Start a purge, encourage MPs and labour party members to rat on each other, maybe consider accusations from friends and family too? What kind of punishments do they have in mind?Some people go through life demanding the right to be offended. They actively go out of their way to find things that will outrage them, Mary Whitehouse was one, Owen Smith is another. During the entire debate he sounded like one of those whiny kids who keeps running to the teacher to tell tales on his mates (if he had any). It is as if he has scanned Jeremy's entire career so he could say 'and another thing'. Picking on Jeremy's activist past wasn't a popular move. Those same Unions Owen was trying to appeal to last night, carried the meme, 'He had our backs, now we've got his'. Jeremy's past is one of his greatest assets - everyone knows he is the real deal. It was clear Owen was having a struggle appealing to the working classes and those in the Shires (lol) - and this time he appears to have dropped his radical stance altogether. He was pitching to the tried and trusted Blair demographic. The aspiring middle classes who won't vote for a party that is soft on benefit claimants and who will protect their property prices and pensions. He has reclaimed his Centre position, adding Left in the hope of picking up some Jeremy voters. He should have stuck with what he said at the launch of his campaign. He isn't Left, Right or Centre, he's a shapeshifter. It was clear Owen believed the entire audience were hypnotised or part of a cult. The whole 'cult' thing seems to be a new form of attack on those who support Jeremy. They have conjured up the idea that we see Jeremy as some sort of Jehova, that we worship the man himself as a God. I think Jeremy will always be worshipped as a hero - the first Labour Politician to reject austerity and talk of reviving the economy rather than allowing it to self destruct. But it is ridiculous and a little insulting to accuse new party members of being an army of zombies. Jeremy offers CHANGE, and in that, he is in complete harmony with the public, he has captured the zeitgeist just as Tony Blair did in 1997. Why? because the country had endured 18 years of tories and entire working class communities had been destroyed. Blair was the change the country needed and New Labour were prepared to do whatever it took to get into power. Again, we have had a long term of right wing tory politics. It may only have been 6 years, but this lot have been twice as destructive. The tories won last time because Labour didn't have anything different to offer, they have been scavenging for another Blair so business can go on as usual. I don't believe they have a 'big gun' in waiting, because they simply don't have anyone with the same charisma and leadership qualities as Jeremy. Watching Owen speak this evening, I had an uncontrollable urge to spank him, and not in a saucy way, more 'stop being such a brat'. The audience were booing because he kept accusing Jeremy of not wanting Labour to win a General Election. Having faced not one, but two gruelling campaigns to hang onto his leadership and rebuild the party, Owen's accusations were insulting and blatantly untrue. Like the poor me Labour politicians that appeared in the preceding program, he whined that he was being bullied, not the sort of thing you want to hear from a potential leader/statesman. Jeremy Corbyn outclassed Owen Smith on, well, everything. It was obvious from he way in which Owen's temper was rising. He was throwing everything he could at Jeremy in order to taunt him into a headline retaliation, or at the very least, make a dent in Jeremy's calm, confident, demeanour. There are a zillion things Jeremy could throw back at Owen, but he is too much of a gentleman and a decent human being. Unfortunately for Owen, his constant snide remarks backfire every time, he comes across as untrustworthy, and deeply unpleasant.There can be no doubt that Owen Smith is cracking under the pressure, trying to convince the audience and indeed yourself, that you are popular when you're clearly not, can't be good for anyone's nerves. On top of which, he, like the rest of the plotters, face the prospect of reselection by popular vote. Jeremy may be all forgiving, but I doubt the voters will be. The public have spoken loud and clear, they want change and Owen is symbolic of everything they have rejected. New Labour abandoned those areas and those people who needed them the most. Those areas hardest hit by austerity voted to leave Europe, yet Owen wants to cast their votes aside and go with what he and the middle Englanders want. Jeremy is reaching out to all those areas New Labour left behind. Those in the deprived areas, the undeserving poor and those who drone on about a living wage and those who don't bother to turn up to vote anyway. Thus they wrote off a huge target demographic, leaving them prey to the proactive, door knocking UKIP. In their eagerness to embrace big business, New Labour lost the grass roots of the party. Jeremy is taking the party back to its original aims and traditions, winning back members who left and inspiring a new generation.Most of us are decent, compassionate people, and the spirit of these times, is our disgust at the way in which we have allowed our once civilised society to be dragged back into the poverty of Victorian times. The mood of the public has changed, the people of the UK have always been a just and fair society, and we just can't stand by while there are homeless people sleeping on the streets and children going without food. Zero hour contracts are an abomination, so too is the use of human beings as work units to be loaned to rich donors as punishment for the 'units' and free labour for the employers. The anger in the room was tangible said Faisal afterwards, but understandable given the attempted character assassination that preceded the debate. Neil Kinnock didn't tell us what a great candidate they had in Owen Smith and how he could unite the party, he demanded the right to hold onto his party and his ermine as only a Lord can. However, having lost two elections himself, he was less than convincing. There was no doubt whatsoever who won last night's hustings, despite what the mainstream media might tell us. Owen revealed much that was deeply unpleasant about his own character, he was going for cheap shots, recycling the same old jibes over and over again. Clutching onto a slip of the tongue made by Jeremy, as if it were the key to No.10. 'How many seats do Labour have to win', Owen repeated over and over, just so he could say 'aha, gotcha' if Jeremy wasn't spot on. Someone ought to tell him, that kind of thing stops being impressive, after Year 4. As much fun as it has been watching New Labour implode, I still have a niggling fear that they will somehow swipe Jeremy Corbyn's win away from him with some dastardly twist of the rules that none of us saw coming. Owen Smith gives much away with his smug little grins, his lips are smiling, but his eyes are plotting revenge. I would cite him as an example of 'duping delight', but he's too obvious even for that. When he and his team dissect where it all went wrong, they should start with that grin.He confidently tells each interviewer that the vast crowds who turn out to see Jeremy are not reflective of the public at large. The more electable Owen apparently, is backed by the 'silent' majority, no doubt those too afraid of the nuts, dogs and rabble who support Jeremy, to speak out. However, in this age of social media, the majority are proving to be the opposite of silent, so I'm not sure how that works. Owen sends his thoughts to victims of 9/11 and gets 129 retweets and 230 likes, Jeremy's get 4.7 thousand retweets with over 6.6k likes. Their public appearances reflect the same massive chasm between them, with thousands turning up to see Jeremy, and barely a handful turning out for Owen.Those trying to convince us Owen Smith is more popular are quite literally flogging a dead horse, we can see for ourselves that he isn't.But let's look at Owen's appeal. He ticks all the age, gender, class, appearance, etc, boxes and he's normal (phew). He has the requisite wife, family, semi working class background no wild rock and roll antics in his youth or arrests on picket lines to mar his CV. And like Bill Clinton, he probably didn't inhale. That, new Labour believes should be enough to win over that large chunk that is middle England. New Labour's target audience. New Labour believe that the upwardly mobile, like themselves, have turned their backs on their working class roots and the Council houses they grew up in, and now hold the same Tory values that they do. They too have bought into the Sun headlines that label all benefit claimants as shirkers and scroungers because they believe it reflects popular public opinion. For several years now, the Tories and the Blairites (Blair brought in ATOS) have run an active campaign to demonise and blame the poorest in society for the debts incurred by the richest. And to a large extent it worked. We have returned to the Victorian values that discriminate between deserving and undeserving poor. They shamefully fed on the malevolent attitude of those unhappy workers who begrudged part of their pay being used to support those who couldn't or wouldn't work. The 0.5% of benefit fraud has been the focus of both Labour and Tory government policy, because the politics of bashing the poor and clawing back welfare have dominated this century. Jeremy Corbyn is not a leader they tell us. Apparently increasing Labour party membership to over 600,000, speaking to packed houses and inspiring a whole new generation are not leadership qualities. Step up Mr. Owen Smith. Selling Owen would be a major task for any spin doctor. The gaff prone Owen hasn't displayed any leadership or 'unity' candidate qualities whatsoever. Turning on the audience at last Thursday's Question Time, he confirmed that any unity under his leadership would not include the Left. Unfortunately, after the chicken coup, the ballot row and the ongoing suspension of thousands of Jeremy Corbyn voters, I fear little Owen may have a surprise win and the Labour Party conference won't be a meeting of comrades so much as a Battle of Culloden. While Jeremy, John and the members fight it out in the Court rooms, Little Owen and Witchfinder Generals Watson and McNichol will be seizing Labour Party assets and purging the entire Left wing of the party, ensuring no representative of the people ever gets into power again. I read today there is a shadow shadow cabinet of MPs who resigned but continue 'working' away as if the Jeremy problem never happened no doubt eager to get their jobs back when he is forced to go away. I'm usually a glass half full with room for a splash of vodka kinda gal, but I don't trust the present NEC and the sinsister Labour Compliance Group one bit. The anger they felt at Jeremy's win last year has quadrupled and many it would seem have lost all touch with reality - they left their honesty and credibility behind by turning on Labour's elected leader when the tories were on their knees. They have given up any semblence of pretence that the Conservatives are the enemy, they are fighting to rid Labour of the Old Left, those who uphold the values and traditions of the original Labour Party, but more importantly, they want rid of the image of Labour as the party that supports shirkers and benefit claimants. New Labour stands for working families, with the emphasis on working. As Owen Smith told one of his disabled constituents, Labour don't want to be seen as soft on welfare. In his efforts to win over the Henley Regatta crowd and the Flog 'Em and Hang 'Em brigade, Blair came up with a scheme that was even more degrading, dehumanising and suicide inducing than the old Means Tests, in the form of Work Capability. Every sick person would be put on trial. Whilst it satisfied the needs of those who believed all benefit claimants were driving round in Porsches and quaffing champagne, the miniscule amount lost in benefit fraud is but a drop in the ocean compared to corporate fraud. Convincing us it is the fault of our neighbours, especially the immigrants and the disabled, is a tool every government throughout history has used to steer blame away from themselves. Divided we fall.But I digress, I sincerely hope that contingency plans are being made by Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and those around them in the event the election is rigged. There I've said it. But to be fair, somebody had to, especially as all the signs seem to be pointing that way. It's as if those losing their grip of the Labour Party reins have gone criminally insane. There is no logic or reason behind the mass suspensions other than a desperate need for their man to win at any cost. Evidently, he doesn't have the leadership qualities to build a movement, and the chances are, the real result would humiliate the lot of them. Owen Smith, the public face of the plotters, has openly said that he will not work for Jeremy, and that is the only way we can interpret his statement. He has no faith in Jeremy Corbyn, and as a backbencher, if a General Election were called, that is what he and the 171 will be telling their constituents on the doorstep. In politics, not with = against, the unity candidate will not unite unless he is leader. Those who are said to have offered to work with Jeremy if certain conditions are met, are also being disingenous. They clearly intend to continue plotting against him until he is out. Re-appointing the shadow shadow cabinet, would be like Ceaser getting a glimpse of the future and still trusting Brutus with a knife. The Labour Right are, for some reason, celebrating the loss of Mosborough to the Libdems and are using it to prove their case that Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable. The mass rallies they say are not a reflection of public opinion as if the people who turn up for them are a separate species from outside the towns and communities where the rallies are held. They can't possibly be locals inspired by a man who offers a brighter future for all, they are obviously part of a global Trotskyist plot.I have no doubt whatsoever that had Julie Grocutt stood alongside Jeremy at the recent Sheffield rally she would have romped to victory. Those complaining that Jeremy was being berated on the doorstep did not help their cause by berating the Labour Leader themselves. Disloyalty is not an admirable trait and campaigning to oust the elected leader is not an honourable cause. The organisers of Cllr Grocutt's campaign now complain that Jeremy and his supporters didn't help them. Jeremy's camp say help was offered but declined.I tend to think however, that Jeremy is past the stage of supporting colleagues who make no secret of the fact that they will continue to disrupt and block the mandate given to him by the party members. And who could blame him? It will be impossible to implement the changes we need without the support of the councillors and the PLP. Mosborough sends a signal across the bow of those rebel Labour MPs - they have now been given a glimpse of their future. They will almost certainly lose their seats if their agenda is to destroy the elected leader and the mandate the members voted for. If Labour is to win in 2020, Jeremy will have no option but to change the dynamic of the PLP, so that it better reflects the wishes of the party members. Some of the plotters will be completely unelectable, especially those who have discredited themselves by acting like precious little Lord and Lady Fauntleroys who need to be protected from the public. They are representatives of the public, avoiding them isn't really an option for a politician. Jeremy can't order people to like them, their popularity is in their own hands. For example, I expect when Angela Rayner steps up to the podium at the Labour Party Conference, and I hope she will, there can be no doubt she will get a standing ovation. She has stepped up to the plate and explained exactly what the reintroduction of Grammar schools will mean to ordinary people. While the plotters gather figures for the number of times they have been insulted/abused/ name called on twitter, Angela is challenging the Tories and fighting for equality in education. Those Labour MPs focussing on the criticism and abuse they receive on social media are not getting on with the jobs they are paid for - placing their hurt feelings above the very real needs of their constituents is contemptible. I cannot believe that so much time and faux outrage is being wasted on such pathetic games of semantics, what kind of cossetted world do these politicians live in? Since I began writing the above, I have read an article in the Telegraph that claims a group of senior Labour MPs are compiling terms under which they would return and serve under Jeremy's leadership. Terms that would give the plotters the power to ensure no far Left leader could ever hold office again, PLP elections to the Shadow Cabinet and a pledge from Jeremy that none of the plotters will be punished with reselection. It is laughable because in the first instance they are the ones who have been defeated, ergo their right to dictate terms of settlement have been seriously diminished. Why on earth would Jeremy hand them the means to oust him via another (easier) route, having fought tooth to win the leadership not once, but twice! Many have already hinted that Jeremy will be challenged every year, ensuring that the Labour party will be in permanent opposition with Jeremy as leader. Effectively, they will hand victory to the Tories rather than support the leader chosen by the members and the Unions. They do this knowing that society's most vulnerable will continue to suffer the most under Tory rule. As compassionate as Jeremy is, he has no option but to take a stand against his enemies in the party. If he doesn't they will continue to purge his supporters, feed negative stories to the press and vote against him. They don't seem to have any intention whatsoever of supporting Jeremy in parliament or in the media and the Labour voters know this. People are flocking to the Labour Party because they like Jeremy Corbyn and the principles he stands for and like the people of Mosborough, they won't vote for MPs who are trying to get rid of him. I have been trying to blog on the Labour Party revolution and the hustings for weeks, but events are so quickly overtaken by other events, it is hard to keep up! Ergo, I have half a dozen blogs not completed and probably now out of date! Doh! First, I have got to comment on Owen Smith acting the goat at the Labour Faith hustings on Tuesday. Sometimes, it seems as if he is totally unprepared, or he does a rush job at the last minute. At this week's hustings he sounded like a history teacher who tried to gen up on the Labour Party on the way to his lesson. It was painful to watch as he tried to remember dates, names and who did what, I have to admit that at times I had to peep through my fingers. Watching Owen, I had a flashback to Alan B'Stard when he appeared on a morning TV show not knowing the result of the previous night's election. Mr. B'Stard performed better.Where do I begin. It seemed to me as though he and his team (if he has one) rehashed an old speech, doing a search of key words and replacing them with 'faith'. Announcing blatantly that he was a non believer made me wince. He was making it quite clear to the audience that their beliefs meant nothing to him and he reinforced this at the end by stating he wanted to be Leader so he could see hisfaith and his beliefs in action. It was quite clear he had no experience whatsoever of working with religious communities or leaders, and no understanding of why he was there. While Jeremy gave details of the ways in which the leaders of the different faiths come together for the good of the community he lives in and represents. Owen had nothing. He opened 3 food banks he said, cretinously unaware that is nothing to be proud of. I may have been suffering from writer's block, but I thank all the Gods there may be, that I have not been afflicted with the urge to write deranged, negative rantings such as those coming from the pen of Owen Smith's writers. Whilst they have been able to capture the bitterness and rage young Owen feels inside, that is not a good thing. It makes him glare at the audience with hatred in his eyes and a trembling lower lip. He doesn't seem to be aware that when he sends out negativity, it comes straight back at him. Has he never seen what happens when a speaker (performer) turns on their audience? It never ends well. Jeremy (not a leader or performer) charms his audience with his sincerity. He doesn't need PR tricks or a crash course in positive (shake that fist) body language. He is, rather annoyingly for all his parliament colleagues, a naturally warm and likeable person. He has the 'X' factor. It matters not a jot what anyone says about him, because the reality is clearly quite different and thanks to social media the public can see that for themselves. He has come up with a winning formula that has bypassed a thousand spin doctors with iphones and a room full of monkeys with typewriters. Honesty. Who'd have thunk it? It is so rare and untested, parliament has gone into meltdown. There is nothing hateful about Jeremy and the plotters themselves would be far more honest if they said it is their actual fear is just how far Left is Jeremy prepared to go.? For example will they all now have to use public transport and wear little grey suits with mandarin collars? For the millionaire donors how much of their fortunes will they lose under a genuinely socialist government? They have had a cushy ride with two decades of Tories and Tony Blair's pro millionaire policies, the divide between the rich and poor has never been greater. Continue down this path and we will have gated communities and tent cities. The social engineering has already begun with the benefit caps and the bedroom tax. The essential service workers and the low waged are being forced out of their homes in desirable locations to make way for those with larger wallets. At least this summer's hustings are providing us with some sort of entertainment, I'm finding the speeches of Owen Smith especially amusing. Somehow the writers manage to piss off large swathes of the demographic every time he opens his mouth. And Owen Smith is not helping matters by going freestyle. His attempts at humour are crass and just plain embarrassing, I mean come on, he 'wants champagne (and cava or asti) for everyone' he tells an audience of religious leaders and people of faith. Happily, he didn't come out from behind the podium Rylan Clarke style this time, if he had, I think I would have had to switch off. I think the most embarrassing part of this ongoing debacle is the fact that Owen Smith is being pitched as a more appealing and competent alternative to the eloquent and inspiring Jeremy Corbyn. Unfortunately, it appears nobody bothered to look at his past performances or check out his CV, if they had, they would have quickly realised the man is a complete ass with zero charisma. I think the more accurate explanation however, is a 'thick of it' scenario where none of the eejitsplotters had bothered to come up with a Plan B if Jeremy Corbyn refused to stand down! Doh! A poll among 172 plotters revealed that Jeremy Corbyn just wasn't charismatic enough because doesn't employ gag writers or go off topic. Jeremy deals with facts, figures and measured, intelligent questions, but perhaps more significantly, he doesn't indulge in the ridicule and personal abuse that grabs headlines. The ever grinning and ferociously ambitious, Owen Smith swept in like Superman to the rescue, promising to shake up PMQs with show stopping performances and razer sharp wit (yet to be seen). Where Jeremy treats his opponents with respect, Owen was more than ready to get down and dirty, vowing to smash Theresa May back on her heels*. Unfortunately for him, he was smashed by the appalling sexist imagery that conjured up, and every sexist remark he has made since merely confirms what we first thought.Going with the philosophy of KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid), I can't help but wonder if the plotters are/were panicked by what the future may hold for them? Jeremy is totally committed to his work, we can only imagine how many hours a day he puts in. He also eschews the perks and privileges that come with being a politician. I suspect the most terrifying part of #traingate for the plotters, was the thought that they too might have to give up their First Class travel and sit on the floor. Jeremy is a hands on politician, in the old fashioned sense. He gets out there and meets the voters and he is actively involved in community projects and humanitarian causes. Whilst we are fortunate to have such a dedicated and determined Leader, it has to be tough on all those beneath him. Will they now have to do the same? Most people I know haven't seen a politician for years, will the PLP have to follow the example set by the Leader and have to start mixing with ordinary people? Jeremy's way, may also include his frugal attitude towards expenses, for many it could mean an end to the gravy train. Jeremy knows full well we haven't all been in this together, MPs are one of the few groups unaffected by cuts, and probably explains why so many plotters are clueless as to what's been happening in the lives of ordinary people in their constituencies.Despite all the negative propaganda, the huge crowds turning out to see Jeremy Corbyn is a phenomenon and one I have never seen in my lifetime. The rallies are filled with people from every walk of life and every background. Those thousands of people are going home to spread the message onto thousands more. Those who claim Jeremy can't win a General Election, are now more panicked that he can. As Blair said, he would rather see the tories re-elected than a far Left government. He would rather see the lives of ordinary working people, the disabled and those on the lowest wage, devastated by the inhumane policies of the heartless 1%, than see Jeremy win. Sadly, it seems to be a view shared by New Labour hierarchy and their millionaire donors. I didn't have high hopes for the Labour Faith hustings, I actually kind of like the booing, jeering and audience participation, what's wrong with a bit of passion? It is apathy that drove millions away from the Labour Party. Tuesday's audience, as anticipated, behaved impeccably. And fair dues, it worked. I don't know if it was the atmosphere, or the way in which Jeremy demonstrated his deep understanding of the problems and fears faced by people of all faiths, but he again convinced me that those who criticize his oratory skills are talking nonsense. Far from being a bad speaker, his words are inspiring and he captivates the audience, he gives us uplifting personal anecdotes, sharing his own direct experience of community spirit and the successful ways in which 'old enemies' have come together as friends and neighbours. Owen by contrast, sells doom, gloom and despair. It's as if he is preconditioned to tell the electorate to expect the worse in order that they will enjoy the crumbs that fall from the table all the more. This is what will happen if you don't vote for me, he says. Brexit is a disaster and under Jeremy we will have decades of tory rule. Owen's plan to block Brexit by the way, is already a disaster because a recent government poll has shown that two thirds of the electorate are now OK with it. He doesn't offer hope, we all heard him say 'Austerity is right', and we all remember the radical policies he now offers have been rejected by the 172 plotters. The message he is sending out is, 'I haven't got any intention of sticking to my (new) radical policies (as if, lol), I'm just repeating what Jeremy says because it seems to work for him'. Unfortunately for the robotic Mr. Smith, he cannot sell passion for his new deal (or the term Smithite) because he hasn't got any passion and his supporters sure as hell haven't got any either, where's Harriet Harman with her 'OWEN'S NEW DEAL' banner? If Owen Smith's leadership campaign is being manoeuvred by the same 'experts' who ran the last two general election campaigns, it becomes ever more clear why Labour lost and will continue to lose if it carries on in the same 'but we rely on millionaire donors' direction. The definition of stupidity, keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Those who fear Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, fear a distinct shift in the paradigm. Whilst they are happy to spend days, weeks, months and even years talking about the poverty crisis in the UK, they don't actually want to do anything, especially if it affects their own income. Owen Smith talked about 'prosperity for all' (it didn't catch on), because he was reaching out to those who aspire to be millionaires or win Britain's Got Talent. Let's not hate the super rich, let's aspire to be more like them, champagne for everyone. While Owen pitches capitalism and his own personal ambitions, Jeremy pitches raising the quality of life for everyone. Owen seems keen to reassure the super rich that although he is now far left and radical, he is still their number 1 fan, wink wink. Owen may think he is doing a brilliant job in appealing to both the Left and Right but if this were Animal Farm, he would be Squealer persuading the animals austerity and food banks were a good thing, the NHS would be better in the hands of Farmer Branson and could we keep the noise down.But I don't want to end on the negativity of Owen, I much prefer the optimism of Jeremy. After 18 years of tories Blair promised us that 'things can only get better', and for a while they did. Surestart was inspired and Education, Education, Education, enabled me to get a Degree at 40. But what began with New Labour befriending and appeasing big business, employers and landlords, changed when they got involved in big business and became employers and landlords themselves. By the time we got the Iraq war, New Labour had stopped listening to their members completely. Much as they are doing now.Many of us are old enough and wise enough to know that change is nothing to fear and the historians among us know that the radical mandate of Clement Attlee's government made us one of the most advanced and civilised nations in the Western world. Taking care of every citizen from cradle to grave didn't bankrupt the nation and the sky didn't fall in. Jeremy Corbyn promises those same sweeping changes, changes that are long overdue in the 21st century. We should be going forward, not backwards. Investing in the NHS, Science and Education creates jobs that kick start the economy. Basically it's Roosevelt's 'New Deal', the basis of Jeremy's policies temporarily borrowed by Owen. Perhaps with Jeremy it should be called 'The Real Deal', because he has actually done all the groundwork and intends to follow it through. With Owen it would be the 'Raw Deal' because he never mean't it in the first place. These are exciting times, despite all the predictions of doom and gloom from the mainstream media and Owen Smith, the future couldn't be brighter for most us. Jeremy cares about the same things we care about, job security, equal pay, the rights of the disabled and the right to practice whatever religion we want, or not. Jeremy Corbyn has spent 32 years actively involved in causes that matter to ordinary people. His sincerity is his USP, and it appeals across the board, he is offering hope for a better future and it's catching on. Through social media, the public are now more informed than at any time in history, the front pages of tabloids can no longer change the result of a general election. The PLP plotters' attempts to paint Jeremy as a monster have failed miserably. Telling us things can only get better is no longer enough, Jeremy makes it OK to Imagine and OK to dream, because he has the vision and planning to make a better future for all, a reality.*For those who don't understand the significance of the smash remark, Theresa May's leopard skin kitten heels caused a media furore in the 1990's. Owen Smith knew exactly what he was saying, he appears to get much of his information from google. I remember watching the amazing performance of Nicola Sturgeon in the April 2015 Leadership debates and the amazing reaction to her policies from an Englishaudience. In fact, Nicola was not alone in winning popularity among the audience, the left wing policies of Leanne Wood and Natalie Bennett were equally as appealing. For the first time in years, I began to feel that change was possible.On the male front of that debate, we had (slight) variations on the Blair prototype, Cameron, Clegg and Miliband, career politicians raised on a diet of George Orwell and Debretts Peerage alongside a ranting pub bore who supposedly says what (nasty)people are thinking. I unashamedly miss the days when the Labour benches were fairly represented by men and women who came up through the Unions and the communities in which they lived and worked. And by work, I don't mean going straight into a top level intern job via family connections. I mean people who won their place in parliament through passion, talent and a true understanding of why change was desperately needed. MPs like Dennis Skinner who uses exactly the right vernacular to point out what the tories are up to. In those days I was a proud, card carrying member of the Labour party, and helping meant standing at the door of the election hall and picking up the elderly and disabled and bringing them down to vote. And it wasn't just Labour who did this, it was common practice for all parties to knock on every door prior to the election, and if a 'known' labour voter didn't turn up, we would go and get them! And just for clarity, there was no trotskyte arm twisting - texting wasn't an option at that time. It was all very good natured and sociable, though I fear those with the more luxurious cars may have had the edge. The fundamental difference between then and now, is the huge chasm that has grown between the representatives in Parliament and the people they are supposed to represent. When I heard Tony Blair respond to anti social behaviour by stating 'hooligans' would be marched to the nearest cash point and fined £100 on the spot, my attitude towards him changed forever. It might work where the Bullingdon Boys hang out, but it is laughable on a sink estate. Most of the people I know haven't seen a politician for years - like Jehova's Witnesses they appear to have become extinct. It seems the only ones fearless enough to enter the desolate wastelands of what once was England, are UKIP and Britain First, accompanied by heavily built minders. It may be that those laissez faire politicians steer clear because they have developed a conscience (unlikely) and can't bear to look at what they have done or they prefer to spend their days on social media - they reach more people that way doncha know. My own personal gripe is with those female MPs who are using their gender to get sympathy and special treatment - all the time they are whining, they do not represent me, or indeed any other real feminist. I cringed at Angela Eagle's use of the female and gay card. She is supposed to represent ALL her constituents, the men too. And for most women, being gay and female isn't the biggest crisis they face right now. Keeping their kids housed and fed and taking care of their elderly and disabled is their screaming number one priority. Ditto those female MPs making such a song and dance about abuse on the internet. As the target of trolls for almost 10 years, I realised early on that the only power I have is over the way in which I react. They get their thrill from the imagined fear/anger/ outrage of the recipient, but tis the recipient that is screwing up their heads, not the other way around. As for calmer, kinder, politics? Are they for real, try as they might they cannot fade out the harsh effects of their unthinking legislation. How, in 2016, did we get to the stage where we need food banks? What would all those great reformers make of Labour Party policy that has allowed society's most vulnerable to be left destitute and hungry? Those in Labour who have allowed this to happen should hang their heads in shame. Like it or not there is a revolution stirring, New Labour have for some time been standing on two legs and passing the brandy while the rest of us have been peering through the windows unable to distinguish human from animal. We have almost reached that 'let them cake' stage, where those in the PLP think if they stay inside the Palace and ignore the crowds outside they will go away. And before anyone accuses me of inciting revolution, I am merely pointing out that history has a tendency to repeat itself (often). Years of austerity and poor bashing has changed the public mood. People have now seen through this 'deserving' and 'undeserving poor' ploy as the cruel and vindictive tory policy that it is. Having been bombarded with 'Benefits' programs, it's quite obvious life on the dole is not the state funded gravy train the hard workers may have thought. It's harsh, it's grim, and it's evil. Hegel's dialectic is playing out.Happily Jeremy Corbyn is a democratic through to his bones. His sense of fairness and justice puts most of us to shame. Not least the way in which he remains calm and rational in the face of Owen Smith's constant whinging. If there were ever any doubts about Jeremy's qualities as a leader, his ability not to rise to Owen's (or indeed anyone's) snidey digs is one of his greatest. Jeremy is the Statesman I want in the room when the super powers are deciding who to carpet bomb. New Labour have spent years indoctrinating us not to expect too much. That way we will be happy with whatever scraps are thrown. The internet has changed all that, we know austerity is cruel and pointless and we know it is possible to change the future. In recent years I have discovered the wonderful philosophy of 'Law of Attraction' - that is like attracts like. Watching the hustings, I cringe at the doom and gloom spouted by Owen Smith, and wonder if we should all go and cut our throats now. Jeremy Corbyn offers hope, and he's inspiring. He gives us a glimpse of a future that could easily become a reality. He (and all the academics) are telling us it doesn't have to be this way. Even old sceptics like myself can see that it's working, that the message is getting out there. And numbers do matter. All the thousands who go to see Jeremy in person, spread the message onto thousands more. http://www.jeremyforlabour.com/rally_join_jeremy_corbyn_in_london
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:22 PMCopy HTML
I really think it is time for Owen Smith to pack up his ice cream truck, go home, sit in his bedroom and think about what he has done. His outer face is the cool, calm, patronising politician, but his eyes scream 'what have I done?'.This 'unity' candidate has unified no-one, in fact I would imagine the corridors leading to his office are filled with tumbleweed as no-one appears to be beating a path to his door. Where are the 172? They deserted their posts nearly 2 months ago and Parliament is in summer recess. Angela Eagle is too busy to attend a meeting with her constituency party and isn't holding surgeries on police advice. What of the rest of them? The shadow cabinet ministers especially, are they too enjoying an extended summer break? Imagine a workforce telling a boss they don't like him and they won't do any work until he goes. All on full pay of course. Where are the Lords and Ladies of Labour, so condemnatory when they thought Jeremy Corbyn would just step aside and give them 'their' party back. If Owen Smith is the unity candidate why aren't they accompanying him as he struggles to raise an audience anywhere around the country? Could it be that the big names of the Labour hierarchy are not as loved and revered by the public as they think they are, and the working classes have got bugger all to thank them for? The only crowd likely to turn up for Loadsamoney Blair would be an angry one demanding justice for the trail of death, destruction and poverty he has left in his wake.I've watched Owen's car crash interview with Krishnan Guru-Murthy a couple of times now, and I am astonished that anyone, let alone a sane person, ever thought for one moment, that Owen Smith would appeal to the Labour Party membership who have been inspired by the honesty of Jeremy Corbyn and his passion and commitment for change. The spin doctors in Westminster are caught in Blair era timewarp. They think they are dealing with the same generation who only had access to 'approved news' via a MSM who work hand in hand with the government. Times have changed, wannabe leaders can no longer cherry pick those parts of their CVs that might make them popular. Those who compiled the Blair/Clinton prototype of clean cut, attractive, middle aged white guy in a smart suit are still trying to appeal to the Mirror/Sun/Mail readers who haven't yet discovered the internet. They don't seem to realise that these are the fastest shrinking demographic, the sales and the power of the mainstream newspaper is diminishing rapidly. The Sun newspaper can no longer change the result of a General Election with a doom mongering front page and established columnists now have to compete with talented bloggers, movers and shakers, who's work is far more pertinent to the zeitgeist than theirs. I'm really struggling to understand why Owen Smith was chosen as the unity candidate. If I were writing his school report, I would have described him as the boy most likely to....... sell London Bridge to a tourist. He is so transparent and nondescript, I wonder if the Labour hierarchy even bothered to meet him before selecting him as their hammer of the Left? With my tin foil hat on, it's as if their carefully contrived plan to break him as a man was a done deal with David Milliband flying in from the US to take over. They knew selecting Ed over Dave was a mistake, doh! Unfortunately, Jeremy Corbyn's failure to resign threw a massive spanner in the works, and they didn't have a Plan B. The sheer ineptness of the first two leadership candidates suggests the selection was done on who drew the shortest straw. I almost feel sorry for the bumbling Angela Eagle who was so out of her depth she needed a coast guard or a guarantee no-one else would be on the ballot paper. I expect she is now breathing a huge sigh of relief as she watches Owen Smith going round the country making an eejit of himself in front of very small crowds. The problem Owen has is that he is a shapeshifter. Whilst Jeremy's beliefs are lifelong, Owen's rarely last 24 hours. He tells us he is anti austerity then tells the BBC austerity is right. He is radical left he tells us, whilst also wanting to appeal to the tories. Unfortunately he is now so confused with Left/Right and Centre, he wants to do away with those terms altogether. He is a Smithite he tells us, I thought he was talking about the late, great, John, but no, he was talking about himself - don't think it will catch on.. It's hard not to wonder if he has any, or indeed any sane, advisors? He want's to overturn the democratic decision of millions in the recent referendum because HE wants to stay in Europe. Err, that's not how democracy works Owen, it's not about you. Just as you are ignoring the overwhelming consensus of the labour party membership, you are ignoring the democratic decision of the country. You don't want to go into Brexit negotiations looking for the best deal for the UK, you want to be as difficult and combative as possible, using bureaucracy and administration to hold the process up. Those are not the intentions or actions of a Statesman, they are the actions of a spoilt kid taking his ball back until everyone does what he wants. No-one likes the child who insists he has his cake and eats it, then giggles as if it were endearing. It is as if Owen completely bypassed that childhood milestone where most of us learn how to play fair. Owen Smith policies are off the cuff, probably plucked from thin air as he waits for his TV time slot. He is waving around a figure of £200billion to invest in communities and rebuilding as if he has spent a lifetime drafting socialist policies that would restore the economy, rather than something he has drawn up in the last two weeks when he went from moderate to radical. Not quite sure how the £200billion tallies with his belief that austerity is right, but there you go. I don't think there can now be any doubt now that Jeremy Corbyn will win the Labour Leadership and the next general election. While Owen was telling Jeremy he should be out there talking to the people, he was, err, out there talking to the people, 10,000 of them in Liverpool. A supporter of Owen's smugly tweeted that Owen's televised interview reached millions, all very well, but if they won't go out to see him, they won't go out to vote for him. Besides which, the reason the majority of Labour MPs have become disengaged from the electorate because they only see them on the telly! Deh! Most people I know haven't seen a Labour politician in years. And it looks as though they won't be seeing them during this long summer vacation either. In the end Owen Smith's legacy, albeit inadvertently, will be a complete change in the principles and ideology of the Labour Party, a return to it's roots and values. Since records began, the people of the United Kingdom established a reputation worldwide for justice, equality and enlightenment that has made the UK one of the most advanced democratic societies in the world. In the last century, the will of the people brought in the Welfare State and the NHS despite the opposition of the ruling elite. Jeremy Corbyn is reaching out to all those ignored by the Labour party for over two decades. Those not worth bothering with because they don't go out to vote anyway. UKIP spotted this gap in the market years ago, and they have capitalising on it ever since. They go out knocking on doors, they put up stalls in town centres and they try to convince little old ladies that the friendly Indian chap who drops off their groceries is a probably a terrorist. As despicable as UKIP are, they are putting in the graft and the shoe leather. TV time doesn't compare to getting out there and talking to people individually. Jeremy voted against benefit cuts because he knows how devastating the effects are, he listens and he cares. He understands the way in which heartless tory and new labour legislation impacts on the people who have to live with it. In his comfy television studio chair, all Owen Smith knows about poverty comes from the imaginations of established left wing writers who spend more time opining about their own problems than those of the forgotten communities they drive past. Owen Smith is appealing to the middle classes, as if they have the same 'got the foreman's job at last' values as he has [the working class can kiss my arse]. In his appeal to voters, he didn't even mention the working classes, the unemployed and the disabled. The tories and the middle classes got top spot. It's as if he is afraid to say the word 'disabled' in case anyone remembers he abstained from voting on the Welfare bill, not to mention those killed and maimed by dodgy legal drugs pedalled to them by an unscrupulous pharmaceutical company. I almost pity Owen Smith at the moment, it looks to me as if the 172 and the old party leaders are showing as much loyalty to him as they did to Jeremy. It seems none of them want to share a platform with a dead duck and he faces a future of watching and re-watching where it all went wrong as he shimmies off back to the private sector. <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe> I was recently asked my thoughts on Ted's (hopefully short) retirement on MMM. Such is life, I had all sorts of technical problems that night, and my good wishes to Ted were not posted, nor my thoughts on MMM. As most of we Madeleine 'diehards' know, there are political roots to this cover up, ones that whilst not quite on par with Chilcott, will be right up there, next peg down, when questions are eventually asked. How many 'New' Labour politicians are implicated? That is, how many, knowing that Madeleine was not missing, continued to assist the McCanns in their 'search'? And does advertising the 'Madeleine Search Fund' count? I think we are looking at another Inquiry here. Bizarrely, I see the appointment of Theresa May as a good thing with regard to the Madeleine McCann cover up. I am kind of hoping she will remember The Sun's threat to put her on the front page every day unless she granted the McCanns' the review they requested. And I am pretty sure the Review granted was not the one prepared by Jim Gamble, then Head of Ceop, because the pair went on to have a falling out. Theresa May is not a friend of the police or the Police Federation. She has probably been the least popular Home Secretary they have ever had. It is quite possible that she may at some point, decide to pick up the file and ask what is going on here. Theresa May reminds me of those old 'jolly hockeysticks' 'big' girls at school, who you just knew would get things done. Those wartime heroines who drove the ambulances, organised the workforce and distributed the food. I'm not knocking them, they are the backbone upon which society is built, and I am hoping that PM May's head on approach to decision making, may see closure for Madeleine and those being victimised in her name. I don't write about Gerry and Kate McCann very much these days, because basically they are not putting out anything to rebut. My gripe has always been with the lies and false information, particularly when it is damaging to others. For Gerry and Kate, I cannot imagine a greater hell than living under their particular cloud, and I have no wish to add to it by going over and over the same old topics. This has never been about punishment and retribution. The truth will always come out, particularly in this new age of information. The public are not buying what the government approved newspapers are selling us, within seconds we can see beyond the headlines and everyone (perhaps even terminally dense Lorraine Kelly) knows the abduction story is a load of baloney. I have to say, that for many years I have had to curb my inclination to write to a Labour MP (my Dad's advice always), because to be honest, I didn't know who I could trust. It was hard not to become paranoid after the death of Brenda Leyland, and I know that is a feeling experienced by many McCann commentators. For me, this Labour party 'coup' has sorted the wheat from the chaff, there is now a good chance that we may get an MP bold enough to ask the Prime Minister why we are spending so many millions on the Madeleine Review and Investigation and why there are no results. Operation Grange have now spent over 4 years investigating this case. The failure of two police forces and several dodgy detective agencies to find any trace of an abductor, should be a clue that he doesn't exist. At some point, someone is going to have to say 'is there any possibility the parents might be lying?'. It's a bold move, but his non existence could prove problematic for decades. Ps. Regarding Tony Bennett's ridiculous assertion that my interview with the Sun undermined their [CMoMM] work', I almost choked on my [green] tea, lol. What you do is not work Bennett, it is of no value to any living being. You are a vigilante Mr. Bennett (almost called you Mr. Pitchfork), you are a mean spirited, cruel and inhumane man with no other objective than to profit from the misery of others. You approach your 'work' (lol) from the moral highground as hypocrites always do. You don't drink, smoke or party and you go to church regularly, therefore you have earned your right to judge others. But here's a thing Mr. Bennett, that 'right' exists only in your own head, and perhaps the heads of a handful of screwballs who seem to think you are the new Messiah. In a previous age, you would be chained to a wall in Bedlam, with spectators paying to view. Unfortunately, your 'work', (cracks me up every time) is so flawed by bias and prejudice, it is worthless, it is quite possibly, the most boring texts or series of videos anyone is ever likely to read or watch. I despair at the number of people who may have shown interest in justice for Madeleine, who have been driven away by your publicity seeking antics and dreary documentaries. Kind, decent people do not want to be associated with your sickening form of vigilantism, the 'hater' myth came directly from you Mr. Bennett. You labelled all of us. I have no doubt your ridiculous 'cooey, look at me' stunts have hindered the process of this investigation for years, in fact I think you should be prosecuted for wasting police time, if not perverting the course of justice and misuse of FOI requests. Your lunatic theory that a man who looks exactly like Gerry is not Gerry, because an entire family are lying, is just plain bonkers and that doesn't even begin to take into account all the innocent people you are accusing of heinous crimes. Whilst I do of course welcome the advances in law and order and crime and punishment, part of me wishes they retained a bit of that Bedlam wall. Many thanks for your comment Dee Coy, what started as a reply turned into a blog :) Kind wishes.In possibly, one of the daftest policies I have ever heard from a leadership candidate, Owen Smith states that in his first week (if elected) he will set up a high level task force to root out misogyny. Seriously? This he deems to be his top priority? He doesn't say exactly where the rooting out of misogyny will begin or indeed where it will end - will it be solely dedicated to the Labour Party, or will there be a department or even a police agency so it can go national? Will the next man to call his wife a silly cow go straight to jail without passing Go? Will the same law apply to her if she replies 'up yours dickhead'. The urgent need for this high level task force, begins of course with the 44 female Labour MPs who have written to him regarding alleged threats and abuse they have received. Nasty as that is, is it really a new labour leader's top priority? Never mind the freefall of Brexit, the thousands of job losses, the growing unrest, Owen Smith's first move will be to deal with the hurt feelings of the female members of the PLP. How do you define misogyny? Will charges be on a scale of 1 to 10? Perhaps with the cute guy in the postroom getting a '1' for a sneaky wink, and the old letch in the boardroom getting a 10 for giving the promotion to his golf buddy? Some men don't like women, as I am sure some women don't like men. That's life. Some people go out of their way to be offended, especially if they are on the losing side of an argument. They have nothing of substance to defeat their opponent, so they make it personal. 'You are only saying that because I am female/ gay/ black/ white, fat, thin, Jewish etc', any social or ethnic minority will do. It is the lowest form of debate most commonly used in the playground, and by rubbish politicians. Personally I would question the career choice of those shrinking violets. The HOC is historically a lively place where the object of the game is to disagree, forcefully. If these women are representative of feminism in the Labour Party, it becomes obvious why there has never been a female leader. These scarily sensitive women appear to have missed several cultural revolutions and VEEP. You can't put the words gentle and politics together. The issues you are dealing with are very serious indeed. Voting to build a bomb that can wipe out hundreds of thousands of lives is not a gentle subject. Yes, there are old dinosaurs out there who will always be politically incorrect, but they are a dying breed, on the verge of becoming extinct. Social pressure is forcing their demise, special units to track them down is a couple of decades too late, there can't be many left. Promising to cleanse the Labour Party of misogynists as his first act in office seems a bizarre and somewhat dictatorial policy. Most wannabe tyrants wait until a few months in, before they start on the purges. As a feminist, I cringe on behalf of those female MPs demanding special treatment. Where is the honour in winning any contest by claiming you were being picked on because you are woman? Angela Eagle went for the sympathy vote and look how that turned out. Real leaders do not complain about the criticism, or even the abuse they receive, it doesn't bother them because they put it in perspective. Jeremy has probably received more abuse and threats than all of them put together, but it hasn't stopped him getting on with the job he has been elected to do. He hasn't wept about it on the telly and he hasn't cancelled any meetings. Perhaps if these women had carried on with their jobs, they would have less time to fret over the people who don't like them. As for Mr. Knight in Shining Armour, powerful women don't need a high level task force to seek out those who hurl gender based insults at them. The idea is laughable. Imagine Mo Molam telling the hard men of the Sinn Fein and the Ulster Loyalists to keep it all politically correct because she was a woman? With millions falling below the poverty line and jobs being lost every day, the public aren't crying out for kinder, gentler, politics, they want female representatives who won't crumble if someone makes a sexist remark. As for Owen Smith's naïve promise to cleanse the party of misogynists, does he have any idea of the runaway train he is about to let loose? What about the racists and ageists? Basically anything ending in 'ist', and especially those that end in 'ista'. I fear the word misogynist will become as misused as the word the racist. A quick, illogical way in which to win an argument when all else fails. And, it must be said, a word that can be used by unscrupulous females to further their own aims. Courageous female politicians don't fear misogyny or strong language, either at the despatch box or the hustings - they face their opponents as equals, and on the subject of misogyny they usually have the better argument.
Today I have signed up to join Jeremy for Labour as a volunteer. Having just turned 59, I am no longer content to stand on the sidelines as history is being made - I want to be part of it. Many from my generation have waited for decades for a true socialist leader, and we know this opportunity for change may never come again in our lifetimes. I will admit I didn't discover Jeremy Corbyn until last year's leadership election. I had left the Labour Party many years ago completely disillusioned, and indeed angry, with the party my Dad and I had loved and worked so hard for. In May 1997, we opened the champagne in the wee small hours when Michael Portillo lost his seat. We knew then that Labour had finally won. Unfortunately Tony Blair's vision of the future narrowed to just his own, as the old song goes, the working class can kiss my arse, I've got the foreman's job at last. I was never able to forgive Tony Blair for taking the UK into the Iraq war and all the lives lost in the Middle East and in acts of terrorism since. I'm afraid the Blair government challenged everything I had previously believed in, and this was compounded by their assistance to the parents of Madeleine McCann whilst they were suspects in the Portuguese investigation. My research into the Madeleine case has uncovered much that I really wish I didn't know, but that is for another time.It is bizarre watching so many labour grandees being paraded before the public as if they know all there is to know about winning elections, even though their middle of the road policies have lost the last two. They claim Jeremy Corbyn is unelectable whilst going to extraordinary lengths to keep him off the ballot paper and preventing his supporters from voting for him. These claims are even more absurd when set against a backdrop of images of hundreds of thousands turning out for Jeremy Corbyn rallies. The 174 PLP MPs do not have the support of the Labour Party members or even the general public. And it is the members the plotters are at odds with. The public want change. They are not prepared to tolerate austerity any longer, particularly as it is the low waged, the unemployed and the disabled who are constantly being punished. In the past few years we have become de-sensitised to the suffering of society's most vulnerable, they are a curiosity of parasites and scroungers paraded before us nightly as reality TV. This nasty narrative has grown up out of this new approach to benefit claimants. They are now seen as the 'undeserving poor', and that punishment and further deprivation is the only way in which to solve poverty. 'So you want to start a small business or apply for a job? If we reduce your benefits further it will keep that incentive going. If you turn up for that interview hungry and in rags it will increase your chances. Good luck'. I think we are collectively waking up to the fact that for the past decade, no-one in Parliament is speaking up for the poor and the vulnerable. And I think many of us are a little ashamed. I read a great tweet today (@THemingford) 'Corbyn forced me to think about other people'. He is forcing this government and the right wing media to face up to the inhumanity of this constant state of austerity.This dominant ideology that the poor are to blame for the state of the economy is a myth. How many kids must go without food, shoes and basic necessities in order to pay back the bankers losses and give tax perks to billionaires? Austerity is ideological, it solves nothing. There are only two ways to revive an economy, war or investment. Not so much war these days as the Department of Defence has far less employees. When you can wipe out an entire nation with just one bomb, it cuts down on the wages bill. That wise old fox John McDonnell, knows that investment will boost the economy and revive the country's morale. He is not just plucking vote winning tag lines out of thin air, he has done his homework.To be honest I don't care very much what happens to the plotters and the 174 MPs who are ignoring the wishes of the Labour party members. In fact I would go so far as to say, I don't want a future where 174 labour MPs are going to block every change Jeremy Corbyn tries to introduce. I want to see Labour MPs who are just as committed to fighting poverty and injustice as the elected leader. The policies of the Labour party should not be based on the needs of its' millionaire donors, they should be based on the needs of the millions they are supposed to represent. The 174 may have been a very big, intimidating gang when the chicken coup began, but when selection and reselection begins, they will each have to win back the support of their constituency parties as individuals. 'Will you go out and do a leaflet drop on my behalf', might well be met with, 'why did you try to split the Labour Party when we needed you most?'. That's the thing about General Elections, there is no way of subverting the votes by bringing in NEC type rules. You can't price the voters out or bar them for any previous political views they may have held. For the 174, natural justice will prevail. My hope is that they are up against candidates who not only share Jeremy's vision for justice and equality, but are prepared to vote for it. Let the electorate decide. Despite seeing Andrea Leadsom fall flat on her face with her naïve (or sly) appeal to all the voting parents to choose her over the childfree Theresa May, Owen Smith has chosen the hustings to tell us how normal he is. Compared to whom Owen? The gay and childfree Angela Eagle or to the stadium packing Jeremy Corbyn? For a party that advocates diversity and acceptance - is 'normal' really such a great selling point? For me, Owen looks more like Mr. Average, or Mr. Bland, he may come from the Valleys, but he is missing the fiery passion of his eloquent forefathers. I can see his appeal among middle management, the upwardly mobile and the Blairites, but he's just another composite of 'qualities' the spin doctors believe the public want to see in a leader - but without the charisma. Not only does he believe austerity is right, he appears to be in the wrong political party.What the Labour spinmeisters are failing to take into account, is the fact that society has taken quite a few evolutionary leaps since the politics of Tony Blair held appeal. The Blair dream of 'we're all middle class now' has crashed and burned. The rich have become considerably richer, the working classes have been marginalised and a new underclass has been created who vote UKIP. Why? because Mr. Bland in his neat suit leaves them cold.Angela Eagle I'm afraid, sets me off on a feminist rant. During my wild and carefree youth, I liked to play pool and drink beer. I also liked men who played pool and drank beer, but that's a whole other story. When I discovered pool, I couldn't stop practising until I could beat the 'best', male or female. If ever three words were sent to infuriate me, they are '.... for a girl'. I was born a feminist. With a brother not quite one year older, I spent my childhood screaming 'it's not fair'. When I overheard my dad and brother plotting to get up in the wee small hours to watch the Cassius Clay fight, without waking me because I was 'a blooming pest', I was determined to show them what a blooming pest I could be! I wasn't never going to let being a girl stop me from doing the same as my brother.I have spent my entire life seeking out female role models, women who don't want, or expect, allowances because they are female. If Angela can't compete with her colleagues on an equal footing, then how would she cope on the world stage? And why is she asking for kinder, gentler politics as if discussing whether to carpet bomb a Syrian village or slash benefits can be done over a nice cup of tea and slice of cake. It's this namby pamby approach to politics that has brought thousands out onto the streets marching for change. We now have two candidates to challenge Jeremy Corbyn's leadership. The 'normal' Owen Smith, and the gay woman, neither one of them is representative of the vast majority of the Labour voters. If normal equates to man, woman, 2.4 children and middle income, he has clearly not taken a look at any demographics lately. Many households are not 'normal' Mr. Smith, the fastest growing demographic is people who live alone - are we not normal? What about mixed race families? same sex parent families, extended families, the list could go on. If Angela Eagle thinks the problems this country faces can be solved with kinder, gentler politics, then she is not a leader. If she wins, God forbid, will she face Theresa May at PMQs having signed a pledge not to say anything horrid? Seriously? If PM May says, lets throw another 100k people below the poverty line, what will be her reply? Okily, dokily? Does she honestly believe that all those past Union and Labour party victories were won with gentle voices? Angela is basing her campaign on being a victim, she is blaming her own failure to arouse any interest in her leadership bid, on Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters. She can't understand why the masses aren't falling into line behind her, screaming 'we want more mediocrity'. She doesn't have that 'X' factor, so she is going for sympathy, she's the kid who throws herself on the floor when her more popular mate is getting all the attention, she doesn't have anything of interest to say, but she can show them her bruises. It is almost as if she were paving a way to introduce some form of policing on the www. Many of the Labour Right are keen to introduce legislation that will curb the freedom of the internet and their favourite word is 'trolls'. She has all the criteria for being a target. Female tick, gay tick, especially twitchy tick. These claims of criminal damage and thuggery among Jeremy Corbyn supporters are a myth (the brick was thrown into the stairwell of shared building). And on a scale of damage to her campaign which would be more effective for an activist: a) brick through a window followed by an ankle bracelet b) driving yourself mental by trying to get through to people on the phone to abuse (ditto ankle bracelet) or c) a tweet with the potential to reach hundreds of thousands? Take your time. Jeremy is a man of peace! The Right are mistaking passion and justified anger, for anti social behaviour. Deliberately of course, they have to convince the wider public, that Jeremy's supporters are 'rabble'. Yet anyone can see with a quick scan of the Jeremy hashtags on twitter, that we are representative of a huge cross section of society. The idea that Labour has been infiltrated by 500k militant lefties lurking among us has quite rightly been ridiculed for the nonsense it is. We are ordinary people, who have been inspired by Jeremy's caring approach to politics. We don't want to see an underclass, denied all the opportunities we enjoyed. We had proper school dinners, free milk (some of us) and regular health checks. We had access to higher education and universities, and most didn't have to pay for it. Our good start, means many of us now will live longer than future generations. (How the Fffff did that happen?). Angela is totally misguided in her attempts to garner both the gay and female vote. I apply the same criteria to being gay, as I do to 'because I'm a woman'. Basically, so what? Don't use your gender and sexuality as a shield, it shows a weakness that I don't want to see in a leader. The gay card is even worse. Many of the women, who's votes she needs, are struggling to feed their kids and keep a roof over their heads, she needs to fight on their behalf too.I have struggled all my life to find feminist role models, literature is HIS-story, most of the heroes were male, while women played the supporting roles. Now we have the beautiful and bold Jennifer Lawrence and the kick ass Jessica Jones. I don't want to listen to a carefully coiffered 'Politician Barbie' reeling off PLP approved handouts in the House of Commons, in a soft voice. I want to see passion and belief and a determination for a change. I don't want to see the leader of the Labour party meekly accepting austerity and the nuclear bombs of the opposition in order to make politics kinder and more gentle for herself.Angela Eagle should stop making the campaign about 'rabble' and swerving the policies. And she is not even doing it convincingly. Theresa May, and trust me I'm no fan, hasn't spent the past couple of weeks whining about people saying nasty stuff about her on the internet and she's now Prime Minister. Angela should take note, Ms May's not talking about gentler politics, she's just upped the ante. My blog has been a little neglected of late because my head has been caught up in the political upheaval that has been caused by the Brexit vote and the evil machinations of those intent on destroying the Labour party I once loved. I am agog that 174 Labour MPs have, without the backing or the approval of their constituents, decided to oust the most popular leader the Labour, or indeed any UK political party, has had in decades. But do you know what, I no longer care that the Labour party will split, in fact the sooner the right wing hawks cross the floor and join the party closest to their own beliefs, the sooner Jeremy Corbyn's plans to assist those in most desperate need can be put into practice. I was kicked out of the Labour Party in 2003 when I organised an anti war meeting in my town. Or at least my envelope dropping and polling station services were no longer required. I have tried desperately hard to support them since that time, but the faith was gone. If it hadn't been the war, it would have been the case of missing Madeleine McCann, I no longer suspected the newspapers lied to us, I knew it. I have no doubt the fall of Labour's Right wing will see the truth emerge. Methinks, the Chilcott Report merely skimmed the surface of what was going on behind Whitehall doors during the Blair and Brown's time in office.I watched Jeremy Corbyn's interview on the Marr Show this morning, and was in awe at how cool, calm and confident he was in everything he said - replying to every biased, accusatory question with the kind of dignity that can only be distant memory for those colleagues who abandoned their own constituents and the country in order to pursue their own goals. Then I watched Angela Eagle being interviewed by Robert Peston. He gave her an easy ride, but even so, she still presented as the unwitting volunteer who was too slow to take a step back. I can't say I have ever listened to Angela Eagle before, but the whiney voice grated, rather than soothed. Ditto her references to her Little Dorrit childhood, people are losing their jobs and their homes now, families are queuing at food banks, spare us. After hearing Jeremy Corbyn's awesome speech at the Durham Miners Gala, it's as if she has suddenly remembered the suffering of society's most vulnerable - unfortunately, she is about 10 months too late. The Labour Party will split, I can't see any other way out of this impasse. Whilst Jeremy Corbyn is willing to talk to his colleagues, they won't enter into any talks that involve Jeremy remaining as leader. They went into the chicken coup as a fait accompli, deciding they, not the members, should choose the Labour leader. What they have done is not only undemocratic, I'm not even sure it is legal. It seems to be that there is a sinister ideology that dominates the right wing of the labour party, and it is one that has grown out of the Blair Rich years, when hobnobbing with the bosses and the super rich took precedence over standing up for the rights of the workers and the vulnerable. Blair and his cronies believed they could schmooze Big Business in order to make a fairer society for all. With a reported £60m personal fortune, it is certainly a lot fairer for himself and his peers, but not so much for the rest of us. Angela Eagle may suddenly have remembered she needed to empathise with the poor this morning, she conveniently forgot that she and all her duplicitous colleagues abstained from the vote on ESA. I just don't understand her motivation and I cannot comprehend the desperate need of herself and her co-conspirators to remove Jeremy Corbyn from the leadership. No-one has yet offered a coherent explanation. As for her sympathy for Tony Blair, seriously? The real leader was comforting the bereaved families, she would have done better if she had done the same. I got the impression from her interview, that they may have found a 'legal' way to 'fix' the ballot paper, that is, insist he has to have 50 PLP nominations. Even though it is underhand, unscrupulous and spits in the face of the labour electorate, I wouldn't at this stage, put anything past them. What they fail to take into consideration is, that wherever Jeremy Corbyn goes, all those hundreds of thousands of new party members will go with him. Even if they win, which they won't, their power will be fleeting. The whole world will know that they have stolen the party from its' members, and their future credibility will be zero. That they will get custody of the rich party donors sadly, should be taken as a given. I feel we are witnessing the revolution the Establishment have feared. Social media has given the people real power. They are no longer reliant on the one sided reporting of a biased MSM, they can look further than the front pages of the tabloids, and they can see quite clearly that Jeremy Corbyn is not the monster the media portray. He is a calm rational man who cares deeply about fairness and humanity. Sadly, there is no doubt this revolution will turn ugly, very few people like Jeremy Corbyn turn up in our lifetimes and when they do they become targets. They are a threat to those in power, because they have that 'X' factor they lack, and nothing they do can beat them. It's why they now have to fix the election. I don't want to turn Jeremy into a Messiah, though it's spooky his initials are JC, but he is deserving of my highest accolade, he is a thoroughly good egg. This revolution will be fought on social media, it is now an integral part of rolling news. They will pretend the newspapers are relevant, but tabloid headlines can no longer dictate the results of General Elections. Newspapers now have genuine competition, in fact dear old Maggie T would say it is a free market. We don't have to trust in Aunty Beeb anymore, other networks are available. The MSM can keep telling us how unpopular Jeremy Corbyn is, but our news updates tell a completely different story. We are seeing ordinary people coming out in their hundreds of thousands to support Jeremy Corbyn and anti austerity. Just as the Scottish labour voters turned away from 'New' Labour, so too have the UK voters. New Labour have lost two General Elections running, both to Cameron and Osborne! How useless do you have to be to lose twice to a small pack of Bullingdon Boys who have wreaked havoc across the UK and left many of your own constituents hungry and homeless? Those 174 MPs have serious decisions to make. If they think Jeremy Corbyn is too far to the Left, why don't they stay on and challenge him in debate? Surely the only way to curb any excess is with a moderate option and a vote? If they take him off the ballot, they are acknowledging that they cannot beat him, but it might be a snidey way in which to seize the Labour Party and all its' assets from under him. In 'electing' their own leader, they will get the Labour Party headquarters, etc, along with the 'Labour Party' name. Whether their 'leader' will ever be accepted by the membership won't really matter. At the moment, possession is 9/10 of the Law. They need him out by fair play or foul. All those Labour MPs who claim a Left wing candidate like Jeremy Corbyn could not win a General Election in these times, have obviously not studied history or the works of Karl Marx. This war against the 'undeserving' poor was never going to be without consequences. Bizarrely, withdrawing benefits from the disabled, kicking families out of desirable areas and depriving their kids of shoes hasn't fixed the abysmal state of the UK's economy. It has in fact created greater numbers of poor, as more and more sink beneath the poverty line. Outside the plush corridors of Westminster, years of austerity have torn families and communities apart, we are not all in this together. The only place people see their MPs is on the telly, telling them to hang on in there. I doubt any one of those 174 'socialists' will fight a leadership battle on an anti austerity ticket. They will all vote for more of the same, that is, more benefit cuts, stricter ATOS assessments and an occasional 'oil' war in the middle East. Jeremy Corbyn is the only Leader who will fight for society's poorest, with Shadow Chancellor John O'Connor by his side, he knows that squeezing the masses to breaking point will never replace the billions lost by the greedy bankers - the war against the poor is ideological. How many kids have to go without school dinners to make up for the taxes not paid by Sir Phillip Green for example? The people trust Jeremy Corbyn because they know he won't sell off the NHS under any circumstances. He won't take them into foreign wars that bring personal fortunes to all those who say yes and he probably won't be attending any Murdoch weddings. And, must be said, he won't take us into war with Mexico if Trump wins the Whitehouse. More importantly, he will put the people first, and he will reverse all those cruel government cuts that have left our High streets and our pockets, skint and in despair. It's not that Jeremy can't win an election, it's because he can, and probably with an overwhelming majority. Those who claim he is not a good leader or speaker, really need to challenge their own perception of what makes a good leader. Ten thousand turning up in Parliament Square within hours of the aptly named chicken coup, should be a good indicator. Jeremy has inspired hundreds of thousands of Labour voters up and down the country. He packs out stadiums - when he speaks, there is standing room only. The people are sick of the highly polished corporate yuppies who speak in soundbites and inspire no-one. Jeremy is as real as it gets, and the public love him for it. He is the polar opposite of the composite automaton the spin doctors think the public want. They are still going with 'it worked for Blair, Clinton, Obama, Milliband (not so much)', so it's bound to work again. But while the smart suits were a winning formula in 1997 (a backlash against donkey jackets), they are rapidly losing appeal in 2016. They have been overtaken by passion, honesty and straight talking, who'd have thunk it. Those who have turned on Jeremy Corbyn should perhaps spend today, (No Bullying Day) reading up on the Bourbons and even our own King Charles I, to see what happens when a small unpopular minority try to inflict their will on the masses. The people have been squeezed to breaking point, and no-one, not even their members of parliament are listening. Jeremy is.Due to years of austerity, the time is ripe for revolution, there will be either a swing to the extreme right, or a swing towards the extreme left. The 174 now find themselves standing on a tightrope in the middle. They have probably already lost most of their own voters - who can now trust them? and they are being led by an increasingly more sweaty Tom Watson, who's fiendish plan to break his leader with hourly resignations brought thousands to the streets, to support, err, Jeremy. Having used up all his Ace cards he is now in danger of drowning in his own perspiration as he watches his dreams flush down the pan.Tony Blair's agenda to woo the rich and influential has failed the grass roots of the Labour party. All his billionaire chums didn't suddenly become humanitarians and philanthropists ploughing cash into good causes and letting up on their employees once in a while, they found new and more creative ways in which to increase their millions and screw their workers. For most of the chicken coup rebels, a Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn, may seem a bleak prospect, especially the champagne socialists who are lining up lucrative consultancies, directorships, and TV presenter jobs for the future. Hobnobbing with the rich and famous is a parliamentary perk, and far more appealing than speaking to a village hall full of food bank organisers. This huge reshuffle that they have brought on themselves, will sort the wheat from the chaff. I hope the Unions stand firm today against the evil machinations of the sweaty Tom. I am still in awe of Len McCluskey's performance on Marr, so the best advice I can offer Mr. Watson is, stand on a bathmat.
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:24 PMCopy HTML
I am old enough to have lived through many political crisis, but I am not sure any have affected me as dramatically as the events of this week. Watching senior members of the (former) Labour Party weep, is bringing about a fair bit of weeping in myself. Mostly for believing that that shower of turncoats destroying the Labour Party were ever in politics for anything other than themselves. Those baying for the blood of Jeremy Corbyn stood alongside those baying for the blood of society's most vulnerable. They are blind to the queues at the food banks, and the homeless sleeping on our streets, and they are blind to the consequences of their lack of investment in our future generations. Can they not see the destruction of our towns and communities? Once thriving high streets are now wastelands, and not because of the immigrants - they happen to be the only ones brave enough to start up new businesses, but because we, the people, are having to pay off some mythical debt run up by greedy bankers who threw the dice once too often. For the first time in decades, Jeremy Corbyn is offering us something new. He has inspired hundreds of thousands to join the Labour party as members. Even old cynics such as I, have dared to peep above the parapet to offer my unwavering support. Not one of the contenders the PLP have to offer, could draw a fraction of the crowds that turn out to support Jeremy Corbyn. Could chief back stabber Angela Eagle fill arenas - she hasn't even got the support of her own constituency Jeremy Corbyn is the only anti austerity Labour Leader we have, or are ever likely to get, especially with so many Labour MPs now revealing their true colours. He is the only Leader who will set to work on improving the lives of the many, not just the few. He is the only Leader who actually cares about the horrors being inflicted on the people of this country by a greedy minority determined to preserve the status quo. That's why the people love him. If the tories vote for Boris, then the only way to beat them in a General Election is to present a Leader more popular with the people than Boris, and the reality is, the only one who can beat Boris, is Jeremy. How are the plotters, schemers and conspirators not aware of that?
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In response to a question on previous blog, Why the cover up? I sort of picture one of those classic [in] 'The Thick of It' moments 8:05. Someone in Whitehall picked up the phone that fateful night and it was such an appealing case they decided to give it full government support. As the facts emerged in the full light of day, they were beyond the point of no return. The scenario kind of reminds me of those end of world movies where all the leaders and diplomats are dead or unavailable and the underlings and lunatics take over. The initial mistake must of course lie with Tony Blair, who by 2007 was so used to telling almighty whoppers that this one was probably minor by comparison. And it suited the incumbent labour government - they were pushing for ID cards and a national DNA database. Fear of child abduction can be very persuasive when trying to convince the public to have their babies microchipped. Almost any Law goes if someone shouts 'Think of the Children!'. It is all very 'Big Brother', but BB is already here - we have CCTV everywhere, most of our personal and private information is readily available to anyone determined to get their hands on it.
For the Charity Missing People, it was the gift of a poster child. Most missing kids are spotty, unattractive, belligerent teens who have gone off in a huff. But, as Jon Corner said, Madeleine was 'special', the cherubic tot in her party dress tugged at hearts and wallets. The iconic picture of Madeleine in her red dress sends a very powerful, emotional and almost hypnotic message. To explain. The picture of dear little Holly and Jessica in their football shirts, arouses emotions in me that are, quite frankly, scary. As a lifelong pacifist with a horror of violence, I know that if I came face to face with Ian Huntley I would not be able to stop myself from physically attacking him. It would be beyond my control. Ditto, the evil bastard who killed Jo Cox. The sweet little face of Madeleine has been used to stir up that spirit of hatred and rage in the watching world toward paedophiles, or more accurately towards those mythical bogeymen every generation uses to frighten their kids into shutting up and doing what they are told. Those same mythical bogeymen are now being used to frighten all of us by those who offer us protection. The case of Madeleine proved these creatures do exist and the call to root them out couldn't have been more popular. You can kind of see how easy it is rustle up an angry mob when an attractive child is involved. It is a classic narrative device, beautiful child stolen by monster, villagers hand round pitchforks and storm the 'castle'. For some reason, little blonde princesses are always held captive in plush surroundings rather than dingy hovels, except in D.W. Griffiths' Birth of Nation, but the premise is still much the same. Putting the villain in a Castle makes him one of the hated rich, making him black makes it racist. Most of us are able to control our rage against these monsters, we are able to keep it in perspective and allow justice to take its' course. But for many, as we have seen with the McCann case, that sense of anger and need for retribution has never gone away. That is, it remains as intense as it was 9 years ago and maybe even increased by the fact that all these years later no-one has ever been charged. Many antis, like myself, have become attached to this case because we have a heightened sense of injustice. It simply isn't possible for us to forget it and walk away. The words of Edmund Burke ring in our ears. If the only person punished for the disappearance of Madeleine McCann is the detective who searched for her, then justice as we know it, no longer exists.For most of us, hopefully, the rage has subsided and turned into a quest not only for justice but for enlightenment. We want to understand, we don't want to build bonfires in the village square. We want justice by those who, we pray, know what they are doing. In the cold light of day, we don't really want to rip monsters limb from limb, because that would make us monsters too. Right now, I wouldn't want to be Kate and Gerry for all the tea in China. Having been indoctrinated with Catholic guilt as a child, I remember the torture of examining my conscious every night, and the fear of knowing for certain that 'I'd be in for it' the next day. Fear of being found out is crippling. In retrospect, I should have titled my earlier memoir, 'Catholicism made me a manic depressive loon' But back to that perfect Stepford family and the cover up. The well groomed, articulate professionals, Drs. Gerry and Kate McCann, were the epitome of the aspiring British middle classes. Great ambassadors for the UK. Note, Karen Matthews didn't have convoys of government officials to speak for her or protect her from the press. A spin doctor could not have created a more perfect family. The hard working, church going couple have no flaws. No drink, drugs, or colourful pasts, they had planned and followed their lives and careers to the letter. All the boxes were ticked, they couldn't possibly be guilty. For Gordon, they became representative of his dream of the ideal British family with Methodist values. Like himself they had climbed the social ladder through diligence and determination. They were PLU (People Like Us) and that, in a nutshell was their appeal to journalists like Lorraine Kelly, Tony Parons, Piers Morgan etc. They really like their own kind, and because they identify with the McCanns, their first thought is 'it could have been me'. The McCann case illustrates how little Lorraine Kelly thinks of her audience, she immediately fell in with the McCanns' mantra - people only suspect them because they are jealous of what they have achieved. She just cannot see beyond her own blind prejudice, perhaps she thinks all her viewers are jealous of her too. This case reeks of class division. I don't know of any other parents caught in traumatic circumstances receiving direct telephone calls, from not one, but two, Prime Ministers. I find it hard to believe that the government support continued for as long as it did. I think however, the 'dodgy' support stopped around June/July 2007 when Clarence was unable to get Kate and Gerry a meeting with Gordon Brown or any other high level minister. From then on, they had to rent their own villa but they still had Clarence (in his recent lecture he said he was out there for 3 months). I don't know if he was still being paid by the Home Office at that time, but if he was, then questions need to be asked. Poor little Madeleine has been a big earner for all those who took up her cause. Spin doctors, police agencies, charities and untold lawyers have all profited since the off. Then of course we have the Media. The tabloids have been using Madeleine's name ruthlessly in order to increase sales. Sensational McCann stories always shift copy. Maybe not quite in the same way as they did in 2007, but there is another big pay day on the way.
But back to that cover up. Paedophiles are this century's witches, they are universally despised and no-one cares very much how they are treated by the police and the authorities. You only have to look at the way in which Cliff Richard has been treated. I'm not a fan of Cliff's and I have no idea what he did or didn't do, but the suspicion has been enough to tear his life apart, the allegations being enough to make him the victim of those paedophile hunters who relish going that extra mile. He may be an odd chap, but seriously has he been, or is he, a threat to children? I've said it before, but I'll say it again, children are at risk in their own homes and from people who know them, not random pop stars. How many at risk children noware being helped by the police pursuit of ancient celebrities for crimes allegedly committed 40 years ago?  The 'powers that be' need the population to be living in fear. The case of Madeleine has been ruthlessly exploited to exacerbate the terror of child predators in our midst. We are given inflated figures of the number of children going missing, enough to fill several schools each year, but without the follow up that the majority are found very quickly and in 'innocent' circumstances. The pretty, innocent little Madeleine could have been any of our kids - at that stage when they are cute, vulnerable and in most need of our protection. And she was stolen from her bed! Not from dysfunctional, drink and drug addled parents who put her at risk, but from respectable, responsible doctors! If it could happen to people like Kate and Gerry, it could happen to anyone. That message alone is worth its weight in gold. If I hate Kate and Gerry, and it's hard not to, I hate the fact that they have robbed so many kids of the joys of 'playing out'. So many parents think that their children are not safe anywhere, they dare not let them out of their sight. This generation are being raised within the safe confines of their own homes and approved leisure activities, or chaperoned everywhere by a responsible adult. They will never know the freedom of becoming besties with a random kid in the park just because you share a love of hanging upside down on the climbing frame. This fear of predators has imprisoned our kids, far too many are being raised to be timid, fearful and fat! They don't grow up streetwise, because they have never been out on the streets. They are being led by the hand past that essential development milestone by over protective parents covering their eyes. The best protection we can give our children is to educate them! Beginning with Part I, Common Sense. For the first time in history EVERYONE has access to information. It is unprecedented and the speed with which it has arrived has made it uncontrollable for anyone. It is, as Grace Dent pointed out 'lawless'. Gone are the days when awkward problems could disappear with a dodgy handshake and a gentleman's agreement. All those ancient libel and slander laws might just as well be moved to the mediaeval section of the Natural History Museum for all the relevance they have now.This is an iconic moment in history and it's nothing to fear! Imagine explaining it to your mums, dads and grandparents? And to those of us who remember manual typewriters! lol. It is a new renaissance, a move from the dark to the light ages. The WWW is bringing about the biggest shake up and threat to the 'Establishment' and the Ruling Classes, that the world has ever seen. Society works by keeping everyone in their place and social media is a leveller, literally anyone can shout their case in 140 characters, and it can be read by the highest and the lowest in the land. People like 'lawless internet' (sic) Grace Dent want to keep it for the elite, and those who agree to play nicely. Jim Gamble wants trolls (how do you define troll?) in the dock in front of a Magistrate. The McCanns want the press gagged and financial compensation for every time they are dissed. It is the duty of all of us to hang onto this freedom for as long as we can. Happily, the social media moguls are humanitarians and philanthropists, and there are too many hackers who can stay one step ahead. The authorities would like to make them Public Enemy No. 1, but happily it has never worked. 'Do Not Share' is almost a guaranteed 1000 retweets. The internet has given the General Public access to information. Something we have never seen before, there is no empiric evidence for what happens when the dialectic shifts so dramatically. The Madeleine case demonstrated that news could not be contained by borders and censorship. The public have seen for themselves, via our kind friends in Portugal, that the details they were reading in the British newspapers did not correspondent with the details available in Portugal. The Madeleine case, more than any, may have boosted the sales of tabloids but they have shown the general public that their newspapers lie to them and it will be a major contributor in their eventual extinction. We can now read what we want, where we want.The balance of power has shifted. As the riots in the Middle East and indeed here in the UK demonstrated, mobs can be gathered in an instant. And with today's Brexit result, we are likely to see many more. Who remembers the poll tax? The internet has changed everything. Imagine for a moment if a ruling government or indeed a sinister Doctor Evil, had access to a database of the entire population's private and confidential details? Finances, health and criminal records, even private exchanges of messages, texts, emails between family and friends? Think of the potential for corruption and the potential for blackmail. Effectively, anyone considered subversive (and who is to judge what is subversive?) could be arrested on any trumped up charge. Receiving a picture of grandchildren on the beach for example, could be construed as 'exchanging child porn'. (yuck, yuck, yuck, I know, but that's where we could be heading). J im Gamble as we know wants a task force to police the internet. Ostensibly to track down paedophiles, but depending on the powers he might be given, he could pry into anyone's internet history. He just has to convince us there is a need for it. Happily the huge social media moguls of Facebook, Twitter, Google etc, told him to sling his hook, but his campaign continues. Mr. Gamble remains a leading light in the politics of those who want to police (censor) the internet, people They rely on the argument that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, but it doesn't matter if you have anything to hide or not, you and future generations should have the right to the freedom of privacy.  The public emotion that is aroused by the tragic story of Madeleine has been exploited by, well, almost everyone. The innocence stolen is a reminder of the mythical dangers that exist all around us and our 'need' for government protection. When police agencies pitch for higher funding, they have to produce evidence that a threat exists. That's what happens when you run a public service under capitalist guidelines. The more popular the cause the more money ploughed into it. As Kate said at the beginning, she had no idea of how vast the problem of child abduction was, and she has been trying to convince the rest of us ever since. The US missing children's Centre is a multi-million dollar corporation, and the 'Madeleine Fund' could have been too, if it hadn't been for that darn detective. The world's response to Madeleine's disappearance was a phenomenon we have never seen before. Millions had access to instant paypal buttons, collection buckets and the assistance of major Banks to express their outrage with cash donations. The Madeleine's Fund became the fastest growing money spinner the world had ever seen because all those who knew how to exploit a major disaster were first on the scene. It became a phenomenon via the internet, but the internet has eaten it up. Where they succeeded in the legal claims against the tabloids, they had no chance against the World Wide Web, thinking they did is perhaps another example of the megalomania that lies at the root of this caseThe case of missing Madeleine McCann, more than any other, has given substance to those who claim the internet and Freedom of information is a dangerous thing. Firstly, by bending over backwards to persuade us that internet was somehow involved this 3 year old's disappearance. The computers of Robert Murat, and who knows how many others, were seized within days. Finding a group of weirdos exchanging pictures would have been a major coup for an organisation such as CEOP. Despite the fact there has never been any evidence of an internet connection or a paedophile ring in PDL in 9 years, the rumours still persist, and bizarrely, they are mostly promoted by the antis! 
Ps. I'm still too traumatised to comment on yesterday's Brexit result, and ashamed to be British. In WWI, my great, great grandmother from Dundee, had 6 sons on the Western Front, only two of them came home, for the others, she got plaques. Dundee lost an entire generation of young men. Men who fought for freedom alongside their European friends and allies. Now we are the little Englanders who took our ball back so we could play on our own, not having to share with anyone else. Anyone in any doubt that the Sun, more particularly Antonella Lazzeri lie to us about the Madeleine abduction story need only read her latest 'PDL is full of paedos' article and the truth of the story from the actual pub landlord Robert Mark Hurst as above.Someone it seems, is pretty desperate to link Madeleine's disappearance to Clement Freud and Robert Murat. The idea that the 82 year old Clement was some kind of child catcher who employed minions to keep an eye out for unguarded children takes absurdity to the extreme, but nonetheless, the barrel scrapers are going to squeeze it for all it's worth. Once again, it takes the focus off the Mr and Mrs. If only they had known what was going on - they would have gone to Butlins. This latest revelation of a high profile paedophile with a villa close to the McCanns' holiday apartment is a pathetic straw to be clutching at, but it's pretty much all they have got. It could also buy them time, as in 'has the Freud connection been fully investigated by Operation Grange?' Or, 'they are blaming us because they covering up something bigger'. It's win win for K&G.Unfortunately, due to so much nonsense being written about this case, many of those who are genuinely searching for the truth are being misled by those with preconceived ideas. The chances of an active paedophile ring operating in the PDL area in May 2007 are even less likely than Madeleine being stolen from her bed when her parents just happened to be out. The idea that the adults in the group who 'were so into each other' were sexually interested in their own toddlers is not only completely unheard of, it is disgusting. These are parents who got others to look after their children at every opportunity. As for the 'swinging', that is laugh out loud stupid! I have led a far from sheltered life, and never in my entire existence have I been to an orgy or encountered swingers. Ok, there was one party that got a bit hot and heavy, but when we sobered up, we all vowed never to speak of it again. The idea of going to an organised event with all your kids and mother-in-law in tow, is, once again, ludicrous. Those screaming for the blood of stranger child predators are being wildly misled. The threat to children comes from within their own home and from people who know them. Education is the answer. Young parents need to know what to look out for and how to teach their children to stay safe. The danger doesn't come from a pervert in an internet café in South East Asia, the danger is always much closer to home. Lets imagine for one moment that a paedophile ring exists that runs from PDL and Robert Murat, right up through the heart of the British Establishment. We must assume that there is a large group of people with a shared interest in sex with children who keep in touch with each other regularly, sharing images, videos, etc, without a care in the world that their lives would be ruined beyond repair, if their bizarre tastes became known. Seriously? And where are they are getting kids to abuse from? The rich pickings of the old Church run childrens' homes have long since been shut down. Abusers need vulnerable kids, kids who have no-one to defend them, and kids who will not be believed. 'Normal' kids have the protection of their parents. And, thank all the Gods there may be, kids are not being abducted from their homes or stolen off the streets. Stranger abduction is as rare as it ever was. If we believe all the theories, the sleepy little Algarve village of PDL was a haven for paedophiles, wandering gangs of burglars and groups of sexually enthusiastic tourists who bring their families along to swinging events. Anything other than accept Kate was a mother who couldn't cope, married to man who preferred tennis to spending time with her and the kids, and a confined holiday where something was bound give. For whatever reason, people prefer to believe in an abduction or some form of child abuse rather than the simple fact that a group of selfish, narcissistic doctors left their babies and young toddlers on their own and one had an accident. It's much too simple. Kate and Gerry are horrified that Clement Freud has been unveiled as a paedophile, and they have raced to the front of the angry mob with a big bag of mixed rocks. Instantly forgotten is the wonderful kind man, as described in Kate's book, who befriended them in PDL, as they salivate at the thought, that finally, there is new Suspect to blame for Madeleine's disappearance. So he was a friend, so what? For the ruthless, callous Jail dodgers he is the patsy they have been praying for.Before Bennett and Hall go rustling up another 20 hour sermon, lets get things into perspective. I do not dispute Clement Freud was a paedophile, in fact I would go so far as to say he was a 'classic' paedophile. That is, he abused children he had access to within his own home. That is what the majority of paedophiles do. They don't hide behind the bushes, in seedy bedsits or opulent mansions by the sea stealing the toddlers of holidaymakers who are reckless enough to go out and leave them on their own. There is no evidence to suggest that Clement, or Cliff, or any of the wealthy inhabitants of the Algarve ran a 'Marc Dutroux' style paedophile ring. When an evil paedophile gang are active, children disappear or are found dead. As far as I am aware, there has never been any need for a state of emergency to be called in the PDL area. If there is a practicing paedophile gang in the Algarve, then the police forces in Portugal and the UK are being criminally negligent in 1. Not informing the public and 2. Taking all the time in the world to bring it to an end. Let's keep it real. At the time of Madeleine's disappearance Clement Freud was 83 years old, he was in England and I think we all agree, he looked nothing like Smithman. And seriously, why would he burgle holiday apartments, or be part of gang who burgled holiday apartments? That's if they are sticking with the burglar story, but I sense a change of tack coming. Kate and Gerry don't care who is accused as long as its' not them. A paedophile gang suited them on the first night, and it will suit them now. And this is where the twain shall meet, the McCanns will be singing in harmony with the conspiraloons. I haven't looked at CMoMM or indeed Textusa's, but suddenly all their suspicions of deviant sex, paedophile gangs and swinging parties are finding legs. Bennett is probably checking Freud's flights to and from the UK and making up reasons for any 'changes in plans' or 'sudden' departures. I expect they are in a frenzy of 'what ifs' and 'Oooh errs', as they join all the dots (via Anne Summers) and get lost again. I'll leave them to it, lol. Of course, as a great friend of Gordon Brown's, Clement making contact with the McCanns should raise questions and eyebrows, but it isn't evidence of anything other than the bizarre and creepy way in which the establishment sucked up to Kate and Gerry and their Pear's winner Missing Poster Child, Madeleine. As the friendships did not continue (we want an interview with the PM, but all we are offered is low level consuls*), we can assume the McCanns had served their purpose, and the VIPs just moved on. No-one is closing ranks to protect them now. They have been thrown a bone with the Clement Freud story, it's a great distraction and it feeds the McCannmade myth that PDL is awash with perverts and predators, but it won't go the distance. That's the problem with myths, todays audiences want tangible proof - and in 9 years there isn't any. No predators on the Algarve and no abductor. As with much Kate and Gerry do, I find their reaction to the Clement Freud news distasteful. The speed with which they were 'horrified' was undignified. Note the lack of comments from other notable figures - it's called class. Most people think closely and carefully, before publically turning on their friends. Especially when they only have a limited amount of information. Still it amuses me to think of Clarence's predicament at this moment. How can he serve two Masters? The family of Clement Freud must be sickened by the wild accusations that are already emerging and sickened too, that the couple they had been so kind to have said nothing to stem the rumours. From a professional (and economic) perspective, he would do better to side with the Freuds (you would have to nuts to go up against them) than with the sinking Team McCann. I guess what we are seeing is Karma in action. All those who rushed to befriend Kate and Gerry are tumbling at an alarming rate and if people like Gordon Brown's best mate are being exposed, there must be many among the living who are trembling. *Clarence Mitchell, Vanity
I think when Gerry and Kate look back on where it all went wrong, they may well find that it was their obsessive hatred of Goncalo Amaral that sealed their fate. It was not enough for them that Goncalo was forced to give up his long and successful career, Kate wanted him to feel misery and fear. So, why didn't Goncalo turn the other cheek? There is difference between proactively seeking revenge and defending your reputation. Goncalo Amaral defended himself against the smears and allegations by presenting his side of the story in a factual, well written book. Those following the abduction story were presented with 'both' sides, and could form whatever opinions they wanted. However, in the twilight hate filled world of Team McCann, they demand that only their version of Madeleine's disappearance should be in the public domain, any other must be silenced with calls for imprisonment for those who do not comply. Not believing the McCanns is officially abusive. For the McCanns and their maniacal followers, Goncalo is the Leader of the antis. All rubbish of course, he keeps a sane arm's length between himself and the likes of Bennett et all. Nevertheless, his evil, malevolent nature seeps through all those who support him they claim, we must be twisted, mentally unstable and degenerate lowlives because we fail to see what they see. What they spectacularly fail to see is the many ways in which they are projecting their own very scary inner turmoil. The hatred and pichforking comes from them, in fact one of their claims to fame may be the addition of the word 'hater' to the internet lexicon. They started it!Whilst the anti side may have more than its' fair share of obsessive stalkers and weirdos, the majority are rational, lucid, ordinary people who simply won't accept the old baloney they are being sold. Even if the Brenda Leyland publicity stunt had been successful, and several of us were now imprisoned, it still wouldn't convince the public that the McCanns were genuine. In fact, the result would have been the opposite, there would have been a collective cry of 'WTF!'That's the problem with maniacal hatred, it causes the loss of all reason and common sense. How many of us know people who are eaten alive by the problems they are having with their neighbours, their work colleagues, basically whoever they currently blame for the misery that is their lives. It's not an endearing trait, and any friends left will be near the end of their patience.I actually went through 5 years of litigation when I took the Catholic Church to Court for the abuse I suffered in their care. I was determined to confront those who had so badly abused the power they had over the vulnerable children in their care. But I was wrong. Five years with a court case hanging over your head is an experience I would not wish on my worst enemy. It is not a life, it is a living hell, it takes over your every waking moment and pushes you to the edge of insanity. I was right, dead right, as I sped along, but it was killing me just as if I were wrong.  Kate and Gerry have had years of libel, all instigated and driven by them, and all of which must be costing them an arm and a leg. They, and indeed everyone around them is waiting for it to be all over, so they can begin living their lives. They are of course still waiting. Still paying lawyers, still using their leisure time to plan ways in which to destroy their arch nemesis and still convinced that a 'win' will make them happy. 'What's for dinner mum?' 'Do it yourself sweetcheeks, I've just found evidence Goncalo was caught having a fag behind the bike sheds aged 14. Got him!'. And so it goes on. The whole point of the McCanns' libel actions against Goncalo Amaral, have long since been forgotten. If it was to prevent the truth of the Portuguese investigation from getting into the public domain, then that ship has long since sailed. With the release of the PJ files and video evidence of the EVRD dogs splashed all over the internet, the only one not allowed to discuss the case was the detective who investigated it! All the facts and details revealed in Goncalo's book have since been published in hundreds of different publications and by hundreds of individuals. The details of the Portuguese investigation have spread too wide and too far for them ever to be contained again. There is nothing left now, but a matter of principle. Or a matter of spite. The chances of Kate and Gerry destroying Goncalo and having all their money troubles resolved by a win in the Supreme Court, are remote to nil. Such is karma, all the hatred they have espoused against Goncalo this past 9 years, has doubled back onto themselves. No-one understands their obsessive hatred of Goncalo, and fewer still want to be part of it. It has nothing to do with finding Madeleine and it has done nothing to clear their names. For most people, police the world over especially, the idea of two former suspects suing the detective who investigated them, is abhorrent. How can police officers operate if their private homes and future earnings are at risk? Mr and Mrs McCann seem unaware that true crime is a popular and growing genre especially in high profile cases. If the ECHR deny Goncalo's right to have an opinion, then the same must apply to every police officer and detective throughout Europe. Criminals will be allowed to say whatever they wish about them, but they will be denied the right to reply. Gerry and Kate may be qualified doctors and wooden actors, but they are not very bright if they are allowing their lawyers and advisors to persuade them they can win. I suspect however, that the will to win, comes not from their advisors, but from their own bloody minds. Their need to destroy Goncalo overrides every other area of their lives, they are prepared to sacrifice everything, rather than admit defeat. If I were among their allies, I would be making arrangements to bail. The hatred that drives Gerry and Kate goes beyond reason and common sense. They have allowed it to dominate their lives and the lives of all those around them for way too long and scarily they will never stop. UPDATE 03:06.16 Can the anonymous author of the below posts, please please contact me at Rosalindhutton@aol,com. I promise absolute discretion and anonymity. I had intended to devote a blog to them, but my embarrassing technical skills led me to put the matter aside. Thankfully, the astute Teddy picked up on them, so apologies from me and many thanks to Teddy. Meanwhile: highly recommended reading: https://www.buzzfeed.com/patricksmith/read-the-deleted-tweets-brenda-leyland-sent-the-mccanns?utm_term=.pn58YRZPkY#.qdkJymwYAyUPDATE 01.06.16WARNING: Do not read if you are of a sensitive disposition or Hinge and Brackett. There are dire warnings on the pass the smelling salts site of JATKY2. Apparently the text below is VERY DANGEROUS INDEED and the police have been informed! I am inciting readers to risk their lives apparently. It is presumed that readers of my blog are incapable of understanding that the scientific experiment described is very dangerous and was carried out by 'scientific individuals' in 'scientific circumstances'. It is academic research and I hope it will be of great value to one of those 'good cops' or 'good investigative journalists', so the truth can be discovered and Brenda's good name cleared. To those reaching for the Valium or stretched out on the chaise longue, please learn to censor only yourselves, you will be a lot happier, trust me. Meanwhile just because you can't handle 'icky' topics, doesn't mean you can rule them off limits for others. We are discussing the suspicious death of a child and the suspicious death of an innocent woman. And bear in mind, if the naming and shaming of Brenda Leyland had been a success, all the rest of us, were next! Whilst I appreciate they are sensitive souls, and in constant need of supervision on JATKY2, the rest of us are rarely, if ever, sent into a frenzy by something we read. We don't need or want Parental Guidance. Just as the maker of a popular song or film is not responsible for that one 60 million who goes on to commit suicide or a killing rampage after listening to their music or watching their film. A 'moment of madness' is usually an accumulation of a lifetime of anger and resentment and there is no way of predicting what can trigger it. It can be anything from The Evil Dead to Catcher in the Rye to Jane Austen (or is that just me?). The idea of protecting the public by censoring texts and art is ridiculous. I am not inciting anyone to try out the experiment, I am merely publishing the result of an experiment that has been undertaken by a responsible contributor to my blog. Nowhere am I, or the author, encouraging anyone to try this themselves. And given the amount of hassle involved and the equipment needed, not to mention the expense, who the heck would want to? Again, another red flag, would a woman of 63 really go to all that trouble? I know I, and many women of my generation avoid technology like the plague. _____________________________________________________-- Hi Ros. Before I commence I would just like to state that I did not know Mrs Leyland and never entered into any conversation with her on social media or elsewhere. In recent months I have been researching the inquests of Mrs Leyland. I have studied the findings of the inquest and I have questions to ask. Here’s a brief summary. First the toxicology report. All drugs/meds were at therapeutic level except citalopram, I note one of the other drugs being amitryptyline, citalopram and amitryptyline are from the same category (anti depressants),(therapeutic duplication).Amitryptyline is a 1st gen anti depressant while citalopram is a SSRI.SSRI's are much safer in overdose than 1st gens. Why would one not opt for the more potent amitryptyline if taking an overdose?I would have expected the coroner(who is a qualified nurse) to ask the doctor if Mrs Leyland was prescribed both of these drugs. Although not unheard of it is rare that these 2 drugs be prescribed together. These 2 drugs taken together can cause serotonin syndrome/coma/death.(Drugs.com gives a major warning to both consumer and professional re the interaction). Next the iPad. "The iPad was open on the bed, Sarg T tapped/touched the screen, it came on, and the website mirrored the scene". From iPad user manual, “After 2 minutes non use the iPad falls into lock mode”. Thereafter you will need to do more than tap the screen to get it back on? Which model iPad was this? A/one of the many versions or B/one which has not been invented yet. Staying with the iPad>>"The website mirrored the scene”. I have looked at many of the self-deliverance/ euthanasia sites and I fail to see the scene,>>A lady lay on her back on a bed and cradling a gas cylinder. Instead I note the general instruction is to sit upright in a chair/on a sofa with the cylinder away from you. The inquest does not mention any exit bag/hood or other paraphernalia. A look into the helium. The common party balloon helium cylinders (bright pinky/red ones)(colour was not mentioned at inquest) come in sizes of 0.25 cubic metres and 0.41 cubic mtrs. In court these cylinders were described as this big (holding hands apart) 10 or 12 inches tall, this would give me the idea that they were the smaller 0.25 cubic mtrs, (the larger are 17 inches tall with a 38 inch circumference).The question is this>>Is there enough gas in the 0.25 cubic mtrs to kill? Answer, yes there is, but this depends on method used. If one was inhaling this gas direct from the nozzle of a high pressure cylinder there is a high risk of suffering Barotrauma, no mention of this at inquest. I am sure you will agree that if you are breathing out you are not breathing in, it takes just as long to exhale as it does to inhale so without using exit bag method half the gas is escaping into thin air. It is recommended the gas flow should be 15ltrs per minute,(did Mrs Leyland have a gas flow reg fitted to measure the prescribed flow?),it is said that after 12 seconds of inhaling helium you will pass out, it then takes a further 12 to 13 minutes to kill. Let’s do the math: 1. 0.25 cubic mtrs = 250ltrs.250 ltr cyl at 15 ltrs per min= 16.66 mins running time,without exit bag half is escaping,you are left with 8.33 mins running time. 8.33 mins is not the required 12 to 13 mins. While researching I looked among the euthanasia/self-deliverance forums and found some interesting reading. A number of people on these forums who are seeking self-deliverance were saying that they had tried the helium method with exit bag and all the set up and failed. One such person said they had tried this more than 6 times and failed each time having woken up with bad taste on tongue and fingers and toes tingling. Another stated that they had connected three of these cylinders together and was unsuccessful. What was going wrong? From what I can gather since at least 2013 the common party balloon helium has been being contaminated with upto 20% O2 for the following reasons:- 1/ Abundance issues. 2/ To reduce the risk of harm to those who wish to talk like Donald Duck. I noticed on these forums that because of the unreliability of the helium that some were recommending the use of nitrogen (same effect) but it's not as readily available as helium (Argos, party shops don't sell it). One would most likely have to visit a stockist. I did a little research on a few of the selling sites and looked at customer reviews, here are a few:- 1/ "Was supposed to inflate 50 balloons but mine only did 25".<<(could be the balloons were bigger than 9"). 2/ "Won't be buying anymore of this, it only filled 1 balloon".<<(sounds like under filled or leaking cylinder). 3/ "It filled all my 15 balloons but they didn't seem to float for very long".<<(maybe due to the 02 content). Looking at these reviews it seems like hit and miss. There is much more to my research and testing of the helium and I would like to return and explain in more detail in the near future. Now on to the pathology report. The main issue being that the pathologist said that there is 'no test' for helium in UK ?? Do you think if someone of notability from UK was found in these circumstances there would be no test? If lesser developed countries know how to carry out this test then so does UK.>>At autopsy remove lung and place in bucket of water, tip bucket upside down into another bucket, gas will escape from lung and will form in bubbles on sides of bucket, take sample using syringe. To Test>>chemical toxicological analysis using gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry. I found the details of this test described in a Romanian medical journal. If they know how so does UK. It was interesting to note that no physical evidence was produced in court to support cause 1b. I will leave it at that for now. IMO something is not right, this inquest needs looking into. Continued... Hi Ros. You will recall that in my previous comment I said that I would like to return and give you more information on my research into the helium and the testing of it so here goes. After reading the self-deliverance sites and customer reviews of certain outlets I decided to purchase 2 helium cylinders and put them to the test, I had to employ the help of a very good friend of mine. Here’s what we did. Firstly we got the map out and drew a 10 miles radius of Mrs Leyland's former abode, we wrote the numbers 1 to 12 on the circle (as if a clock face). We established 12 shops/outlets that sold helium evenly spread around the 'clock’, the numbers 1 to 12 were put in a 'hat' and one was drawn at random, it was number 8. We went our separate ways and visited each shop, I visited numbers 7 to 12 and my friend visited 1 to 6.Some shops stocked both sizes 0.25 cu mtr and 0.41 cu mtr and some only stocked one or the other. In each shop we asked if it was possible to have a look at one of the cylinders and all obliged. The reason for this was to establish the colour of the cylinders and at all 12 shops they were the 'bright pinky/red ones'. I purchased a 0.41 cu mtr cylinder from shop number 8,(they didn't have the 0.25 cu mtr in stock). Now for my second purchase. During my research I came across a well known gas stockist who sold helium and I inquired to them as to the purity of it, I was informed that it was 100% helium. I purchased one of these online and it was delivered to me 2 days later. This cylinder has its own registered name, it’s called the 'GENIE' and is blue in colour, it has a digital gauge attached to it so you know how much is being used and a built in alarm to indicate when the gas is about to run out, wheels and a handle can be added for portability. It contains 45% more gas than the equivalent standard steel one. Cylinder number '8' is recyclable and the 'GENIE' is returnable. Next I made an appointment at a lab in Yorkshire to have both the cylinders I'd purchased analysed. I took both the cylinders there on the arranged date and was told to return one day later for the results,(a fee was paid for this service). The results. The GENIE was filled to stated capacity and had a content of 99.98% helium. The cylinder from shop no 8 was filled to stated capacity and had a content of 85.77% helium and 14.23% 02 (oxygen). Back home I inflated 2 x 9" latex balloons, one from each cylinder and allowed them to float to the ceiling, I used a sizing template to ensure both balloons were equal in size. The purpose of this exercise was to see how long it was before they started to drop. The 2 balloons were put in my spare bedroom where they remained for 2 weeks, I didn't check them again until the 2 weeks had lapsed. After this time period I rechecked and the balloon which was inflated from the GENIE was still touching the ceiling, the one from cylinder 8 had dropped about 4 inches and reduced in size slightly. At this stage both balloons were popped and disposed of. No further tests/experiments were carried out with the GENIE.A Further test was carried out with cylinder number 8 but before I get onto that I want to explain how these cylinders operate. They have 2 valves, TAP and TILT. The TAP is the main valve which you turn on then you press down on the TILT valve to release the gas. Now with the tap turned on I pressed down slightly on the tilt valve and gas was slowly released but a slight touch further and I got an absolute blast,(not much control),had I had the valve pointing in my mouth at this time I would most likely have done serious damage to my lungs (BAROTRAUMA). The TILT valve/balloon inflator can be removed but I needed the help of a spanner to slacken the nylon hex nut, I unscrewed it the rest of the way by hand. *cont* **So the scenario is that I'm lay on a bed cradling the cylinder, TAP open, I’m pressing down on the TILT valve and inhaling the contents and after about 12 seconds I lose consciousness and due to losing consciousness I also lose bodily function and due to losing bodily function I'm no longer able to press down on the TILT valve so the flow of gas ceases. In my opinion the only way to ensure uninterrupted flow of gas without having to touch the TILT valve is to remove it or jam it open in some way.** Even if one was using the exit bag/hood method it is essential to get the gas flow rate right, too much pressure would result in the exit bag/hood blowing off one’s head. Based on my research and testing it is my opinion that suicide by helium is not an easy method. The final experiment we carried out was as follows and I want to stress that NOBODY should do this EVER,I was willing to take the risk,(that risk was partially based on 1 and 2 below). I am physically fit, I don't drink alcohol, smoke or take drugs. The test was carried out in a room in my home with the assistance of my friend. The room size is 9ft w x 10ft l x 8ft h with one door (78"x30") and one window (5ftx5ft) both door and window were shut (there is no air conditioning). The TILT valve was removed from cylinder number eight and a flow regulator was fitted and set at 15 ltrs per min. Although the cylinder I was using was the larger one which is capable of some 27 minutes running time this test was carried out for approx. 16.66 minutes as if it was the smaller 0.25 cubic mtr cylinder. We set a webcam up in the room pointing to the upper half of the bed, I lay on the bed cradling cylinder, the opening of the gas flow reg was about 7 or 8 inches from my face. The situation was that every 5 seconds I was to raise my left hand to the camera to signal that I was conscious, my friend was outside the bedroom door watching on a monitor, should I fail to raise my hand my friend would intervene. This experiment was completed and I felt no ill effects at all, I did wonder if I would feel some delayed symptoms the day after but again nothing. I will say that the only thing I did feel was a little aching of my left hand but I think this was due to the continual 5 second signalling to the camera, it was a long 16 minutes. I was a little edgy at the outset but knew that my friend was at the other side of the door and should I have failed the hand signal he would have terminated the test immediately. Again DO NOT TRY THIS!!!! I am aware that some would be of the opinion that the test we carried out could have proved dangerous. My lifelong friend who assisted me is from a medical background, means of resuscitation were in place. 1)The first thing the helium wants to do when released from the cylinder is to rise rapidly into the atmosphere, it is much lighter than air, sound travels through helium 3 times faster than it does through air. 2) In my opinion this method of self-deliverance without the use of exit bag/hood is a nonstarter, the added 02 rather defeats the object. Given my research into the inquest of Mrs Leyland and the tests/experiments I carried out and the possibility of the added o2 (in the case of Mrs Leyland) I am not convinced of (cause 1b). Sorry to repeat myself here but NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE was produced in court (no photo, no description of colour) and NO TEST for helium was carried out at autopsy. An inquest is there to provide answers, this inquest raised more questions than it ever gave answers. IMO had the coroner called on a jury, given the lack of evidence to support cause 1b, they would have returned a verdict of 'open'. My research doesn't stop here. Both my friend and I have holidays coming up, when we return we are going to see if it is possible to fill some of the blanks from when we saw the doorstepping of Mrs Leyland to her being found deceased at the Marriot. Should we have any success I will return and share with you and your readers. I wish Mrs Leyland eternal peace. Thank you Ros. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-9566.12399/abstract Times must be very tough indeed for Gerry and Kate if they have owned up to using Madeleine's Fund for their legal battles with Goncalo Amaral. It flies in the face of everything they have said and everything they have promised. Complete transparency they said, every penny raised would be used to find Madeleine. In years gone by, if anyone had said (out loud) that they were using their daughter's search fund to silence sue people, they would have been sued! They also told us they had rich benefactors paying for their legal fees and PR. Where are they now? Unfortunately for them, the super rich have more sense than to fund Vexatious Litigants. Of all the addictions, libel addicts probably top cocaine and gambling as the most costly. VLs will not stop until they have lost every last penny, and other people's pennies too. I am not quite sure what the spin message is in this latest McCann press release. Is it that they are having to use the last £750k in Madeleine's Fund on legal fees because of that horrible Goncalo Amaral? Unbelievably, Kate and Gerry continue to see other people as responsible for their ongoing misery. They refuse to accept responsibility for any of their decisions or choices, if anything goes wrong, it is always someone else's fault. It is as though they have never been to taught to accept personal responsibility.They chose to pursue Goncalo Amaral, it was never the other way round. They wanted his book banned and they wanted his home and all his assets. They are driven by a personal hatred of him that has long since crossed the sanity line, it has eaten them alive for the past 9 years. In the summer of 2007, it was all going so well, Kate and Gerry were the photogenic victims of a sensational crime and the celebrity lifestyle was calling. In their minds, it is Goncalo's fault, that it all went so horribly wrong. Of course, any policeman or detective the world over could have been handed that poisoned chalice and the evidence would have led to exactly the same place. Kate and Gerry needed a visible enemy, the abductor was never going to be found. Unfortunately for Kate and Gerry, their hate campaign against Goncalo Amaral has never taken off, and that's despite all the assistance they have had from the British media. Anyone who picks up The Truth of the Lie can see in an instant, that Goncalo is a gentleman, a scholar and a dedicated detective. But back to that latest story. It is always fascinating trying to figure out all the scheming and machinations that go on in the heads of Clarence and Gerry. It is of course presented as a further instalment of the sufferings of Gerry and Kate and the injustices they have to put up with, but along with the whiff of burning martyr, it also has an air of resignation about it. There are no appeals for cash, no appeals for Madeleine, and sadly for them, no passion. If they themselves can't be arsed to express their outrage at the last appeal or seek support for what they believe to be a just cause, then why should anyone else? They are going to have to state their case in the Appeal they have just lodged, so why not present their argument and rally support now? I think they have accepted that they cannot win in the Supreme Court, or even in the ECHR. If they were serious about fighting the next Civil trial, Gerry would have his whiteboard out. They barely had the stomach for the last round of trials, and it was obvious they were scraping the barrel for witnesses. At the moment they owe shedloads, the legal costs accumulated over the past 4 years, of not only themselves, but of Goncalo Amaral and the two other Defendants. Even at a very conservative estimate, they must come to over £1m. Lodging an appeal puts off their need to pay all those costs at this present time. They are not even pretending that they want to win, or that they deserve to win - I think it is a delaying tactic. I think it may also be an acceptance that other events may overtake their civil actions with GA, perhaps they want to screw him one last time, by getting arrested and having all THEIR assets seized!
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:26 PMCopy HTML
UPDATE 30.05.16Happily, most of us are blissfully unaware of other peoples' sexual peccadillos, there are some things, we just don't want to know. Like Oscar Wilde, we don't really care what others do, as long as they don't frighten the horses. When it comes to children however, our protective instincts kick in, we are genetically programmed to fight for our young, it is why the actions of rogue predators are universally despised. Imagine a hyena going into a pack of lions to steal a cub? And that's as it should be, not only do we love our kids to bits, they are our most valuable asset, the survival of our species depends on them. But we must be careful not to cross over into paranoia and hysteria. Our kids pick up on our fears, and raising them to be fearful adults won't do them any favours whatsoever. Unfortunately as the subject of child sexual abuse and child pornography is so taboo, the only information we have comes from non academic 'experts' such as the late Ray Wyre and Jim Gamble and Mark Williams Thomas. Not only do the public accept the authoritative opinion of Jim Gamble and MWT but so too do the media, and scarily, the politicians. No-one wants to know the details, not even the Home Secretaries and no-one dare put up a counter argument. It is a murky subject, that very few, myself included, want to investigate. It's one of those things we would rather someone else dealt with, not only because we don't want all sorts of freaky accusations thrown at us or our computers seized, but because we are just not emotionally tough enough to handle it. Child pornography is, I believe, graded 1 - 10, varying degrees of undress etc. Trust me, I really don't want to go there, this is as painful to write as I am sure it is to read. How the grading system is decided, who knows, a weird job, but I suppose someone's got to do it. What troubles me is the hysteria that now surrounds photographing children. With all the technology we now have, this generation are destined to have fewer baby pictures than their parents and grandparents. And we parents and grandparents are at constant risk of dawn raids, because we possess hundreds of photographs of our own little cherubs in the nip, in varying stages of undress, in the bath and dressed up as superheroes. As ridiculous as the above may sound, these Child Pornography Laws that no-one knows anything about, not even the politicians, leaves just about everybody open to criminal prosecution. Teenagers can be prosecuted for sending saucy texts to each other! I believe one girl was prosecuted for sending a topless photo of herself - to herself! These kids are having their lives wrecked for doing what teenagers do! Who remembers the old polaroid, or in some cases, a hammer, chisel and cave wall? Unfortunately, these ridiculous laws are being enforced because no-one dare challenge them. The voice of reason is drowned out by the hysterical chant 'think of the children!'. Who planted the idea that the above picture of Madeleine was sexual? And how would they know? Surely the tastes and peccadillos of those who are into that kind of thing, are just as diverse and niche as they are in the mainstream? And again, how do you categorise what is, or isn't kinky? Would a child in wellies for example set off the rubber fetishists? I ask, because at the age of 2 my younger son wouldn't wear anything but wellies and a nappy, and if he kept the nappy on, it was a bonus. It outrages me that this sinister myth that our society is riddled with paedophiles and perverts has taken such a grip over the public's consciousness. We are being indoctrinated to suspect everyone and every photograph. Why? If we told a lost tribe in Borneo that in the Western world, naked children, and children who are dressed up, are seen as sexual, they would be on their backs, feet in the air, laughing. They would then see us as very creepy and start throwing spears.The real paedophile threat to our children comes from the home and the people who know them. Sadly, there are predators out there who will befriend and even move in, with vulnerable families. They are not hiding behind bushes or scouring the internet for pictures of tots in make up, they are grooming real, accessible kids. As some commentators have already said, the above picture isn't relevant. Those looking for signs that Madeleine was an abused child, might do well to look for signs that she wasn't, especially those who want to retain a little bit of faith in human nature. For myself, I have nothing but empathy for mums trying to juggle 2 or 3 toddlers. Many of us have reached that 'something's got to give' moment. I used to go and have a long bath and think happy thoughts. I'm not going to add to Kate's pain by speculating on these unfounded allegations of prior abuse. And as the most investigated parents in the world, if there was any evidence of it, this case would have been brought to a swift end.Gerry and Kate, like the rest of us, were probably hit by a bombshell when their babies arrived in quick succession. It is probably doubly hard for parents who are used to being in control of their lives and their careers. I have no doubt they were struggling, they relied heavily on their families for support, but in PDL, they were on their own. Family holidays like Christmases, have all the ingredients for a 'Perfect Storm'. It's an opportunity to say all those things that have been sitting on the back burner, or, as happened, total avoidance as the days are filled with tennis lessons, solitary runs and group activities. Kate is a feisty woman, Madeleine was a feisty child and on the day she disappeared, her father had THREE tennis lessons, one 'men only'. I may be speaking as a feminist here, but I would have wrapped his tennis racquet round his neck like a bow tie. If we stick within the realms of reality (and I know many have gone astray), it is perfectly feasible to believe that Kate snapped. And the obvious bruising on her arms and wrists would support this. It is the theory of Goncalo Amaral, and it is the only one that is credible. There is nothing to be gained by all this speculation about prior child abuse and paedophile gangs, and in fact, it is fundamentally, cruel. Not only to the parents, but also to their surviving children. Please don't misunderstand, I am not fond of Gerry and Kate McCann, but I dislike cruelty - they are real people, with real lives. They suffer and will suffer, more than enough for the terrible things they have done, dreaming up more heinous crimes to add to the list, just borders on spiteful. __________________________________- UPDATE 29.05.16As unpopular as this topic may be, I'm going to stick with it, because I have quite a few questions of my own. I do find the photographs weird - they are unflattering and unhelpful, as far as recognition is concerned. As for the angles at which they were taken, I would be troubled by the photographer's agenda. Why not ask the child for a big, beaming smile? If I were the parents, I would have said, ta, but we'll do our own in the future and don't hurry back.As for the cross over into child porn, child abuse, etc, that is a huge, huge leap. Do those who read something very sinister in those pictures honestly believe the McCanns were dressing Madeleine up in order to take abusive pictures of her? Once the shiver has reached the bottom of your spine, do they believe these doctors were going to sell or share these pictures of their daughter with like minded perverts online? I spent a couple of years on the Jill Havern forum, playing verbal acrobatics to avoid the 'cooler' or being banned, lol, and was quite disturbed by the in depth, examination of the family pictures threads. Apparently, the way in which Maddie held her ice cream is a signal to paedophiles - who knew? I actually find the way in which they pour over the childrens' photographs looking for 'signs' quite creepy. It's like they are convinced paedos are involved, they just need to find the evidence. To those who say this is a 'pro' blog, and that I am supporting the McCanns by not seeing what they are seeing, I will reiterate, I am looking for the TRUTH as to what happened to Madeleine McCann. I don't want it embellished with a load of nonsense and I am not going to accuse them of things I don't believe they are guilty of. And I am not defending paedophiles or child abuse! Having spent 5 years of my childhood in a religious hellhole, I saw it on a daily basis. Not only have I experienced it first hand, I have spent a lifetime studying its' causes and the best in which to prevent it. I am totally opposed to the present 'witch hunts' led by Tom Watson. In chasing historic cases and well known 'names' they are saying 'look here, not over there'. It does nothing whatsoever to assist kids who are being abused NOW, and is little more than an opportunity for vitriolic politicians to get their own back on each other. And to those saying I am defending paedophiles, say it to my face, say it in front of me. If any of the tapas children were at risk of abuse, the police would be criminally negligent not to take action. The same goes for all the professionals who are in contact with the family. Sadly for some, an accident or a crime of passion is not enough, they need a murky back story.Neither am I defending the McCanns. I know they are involved in Madeleine's disappearance beyond reasonable doubt, but I won't accuse them of something I don't think they are guilty of for the sake of popularity. From a psychological perspective, Gerry and Kate are high flyers, each very attractive (to some, lol), and by their very natures, they sleep UP. They don't need to impress small children with their prowess. Added to which, they spent 95% of their time avoiding their kids on that holiday. They were desperate for adult time, they were all 'so into each other' Kate told us, and I don't mean in a kinky swinging way, but in a way that any parent of young children is desperate for adult company. Behaviour, that any psychologist would deem the opposite of grooming child abusers who would be loathe to hand their children over to anyone and would want them in their company 100% of the time. As boring as the waiting is, there is no need to spice it up with a murky backstory. It may well be that there IS a murky back story, but that's all part of the suspense. I have no doubt that Madeleine lived in a dysfunctional family - 85% of us do. And strict, religious, high achieving family are just as dysfunction as those living on benefits at the bottom. The question is, how do you define functional? I think the safest and most humane way in which to look at this case, and the search for the truth, is to think about it rationally and logically. Kate and Gerry are indeed responsible for Madeleine's disappearance and gawd knows what since, but let's not pile on their shoulders the entire contents of Pandora's box. They have been used as much as they have done the using and they will have the rest of their lives to ponder it. The paedophile aspects of this case, have been seized upon by the authorities because their agenda is 'spread fear among the population'. They need 'fear' in order to rule, as long as we have a big brother, we are safe. They need us to believe that our children will be stolen from their beds - just like Madeleine. They regularly feed us telephone numbers of children who 'have gone missing', yet there are very, very, few real stories to back them up. Take a peek at Wiki list of (global) abductions, to see how very few child abductions there actually are. We are being sold the myth that our children are in constant danger - especially from the internet. The fact is, our children are in no more danger than they were 20 or 30 years ago Probably less. Most are usually far more computer savvy and street smart than their parents by the age of 7. In fact, I think it would be a safe bet to say, the younger generation probably advise the older generation on computer technology and safety, usually while laughing their heads off. Some might say kids are now more vulnerable because of the internet, than there were 20/30 years ago. As we oldies know, years ago, we played 'out' til the sun went down, and we walked home in moonlight dreaming up excuses as to why we were 2 hours late. We were, to put it in a nutshell 'out and about', ergo, easy prey. As a young, reckless woman, I once found myself extremely drunk and lost and forlorn in the Old Kent Road at 1a.m ish on a Friday night/Saturday morning. I am not even sure I had any cash, but courtesy of a kindly black cab driver, I got home safely, he waited until I got the key in the front door and was safely inside before he drove off. Telling my friend about my predicament the next day, she shrugged and said 'God looks after drunks and fallen women'. I'm not sure that's a direct biblical quote, but I kinda like it, on that occasion I qualified on both criteria, so cheers to the black cabbies! But a little less of the joviality - I cannot stress enough that the Government wants us to live in fear. But, here's a thing, it is FEAR that is stopping us from living! Kids are stuck in their rooms playing X-box and eating pizza (alone) because their parents are too afraid to let them out! It breaks my heart that they are missing out on so much fun. Don't go there, don't do this, and we're only saying it because we love you! I am approaching 59 years of age, and I have the kind of past that I will turn into a 'sizzler' one day, lol. Given the choice between two evils, I always went for the one I had never tried. It must be said, at the time I had no sense whatsoever (I even voted Thatcher - yeh, it was that bad) and dated a multi millionaire record producer, I later heard that instead of emptying the ash trays he would buy a new car. I was 10cm away! doh! - if only I could have supressed the lunacy ;) But once again, I have digressed. I am drinking wine, which is very rare these days, and it has given me the giggles. I have the entire day, and the contents of the refrigerator to myself! Do chocolate covered peanuts count as an Hors d'Oeuvres? The photographs were indeed weird, a very strange choice for parents who believe their daughter is the victim of a paedophile. The pale complexion, the dead eyes, the did she, didn't she, put the make up on herself question and why so sad? If the intention was to keep the fear of paedophiles in the mainstream news, then the choice to use these photographs is understandable and also despicable. They are effectively prostituting their daughter to stay on the front pages. What else can we think, if they have selected these from among many. For me the sexualising of these photographs or reading more than face value, takes us into dark areas of organised and satanic child abuse etc and I just don't see it. I think prior to May 3rd the Mcanns and indeed their friends, were a pretty ordinary, run of the mill, group of friends desperate for a break from their stressful jobs. That they were selfish and narcissistic is a given, but that doesn't make them a paedophile ring or group of swingers. Again, I stress, they didn't want the kids around them.As for the Gasper statements, they are not enough to convince me. I am sure that the Gaspers were being truthful, but following a trauma such as a child disappearing, it is inevitable that all those who know the characters involved will be wracking their brains for clues of any description. I still have enough faith in the police to believe that they would not leave vulnerable children at risk and I am sure if the Gaspers' statement had led to anything, the authorities would have stepped in. Can someone who believes there is something sinister, or indeed sexual, in the above photographs, please give me an explanation as to what it is they see, and what they imagine the photographs were going to be used for? At the moment I am mystified, because it is a question too distasteful to debate. What am I missing? Genuine question.______________________________________In response to 18:33 on my previous blog, and the make up photographs of Madeleine released on the 3rd anniversary by the parents, it is the public's reaction to the photographs that I find strange, rather than the photographs themselves. Taking an educated guess, I would say approximately 80% of the public would say the above picture was weird, with as much as 50% of those, believing it to be paedophile related. Not because they have any expertise in the matter, but because that is way indoctrination works. We now see kids wearing make up and dressing up, as somehow 'dodgy' and sexually deviant, ideas that would never have occurred to us 20 or even 10 years ago. Sadly, because of this myth, Kate has had to detach herself from the game, 'Madeleine raided her make up bag' is the accompanying explanation. Mums and daughters have enjoyed playing dressing up with their little girls since time began, and long may it continue. I remember as a small child, my mother cutting up a dress to make matching mini skirts for the two of us, and how happy we were showing them off. They were precious moments. It was the early 1960's and mini skirts and backcombed hair was all the rage. I am fortunate to have lots of pictures from that time, and my hair is usually backcombed to the hilt (at my insistence)and I am posing like a diva. At the age of 4, my mother was dressing me in a mini skirt and backcombing my hair. Does that make her abusive? Not at all, it brings wonderful, happy memories flooding back. I actually hate it that people place sinister connotations on one of the most joyful stages of mother/daughter bonding. Little (and indeed big) girls and boys love dressing up, it is one of life's pleasures, there is nothing creepy about it. Look at the way selfies have taken over the world, lol, birds do it, bees and even educated fleas do it, lol. It's an art form and art is in the eye of the beholder, it is whatever YOU perceive it to be. I'm not for one moment, throwing the 'perv' accusation at you 18:33, the idea that children and their images are sexual, is a particularly repugnant lie propagated by the ruling elite in order to keep the masses living in fear. Paedophiles and perverts are this century's witches, and if we know what's good for us, we will demand a Witchfinder General to root them out. I am referring to the DOMINANT ideology, the ridiculous myth that we are all lusting after kids. We are being to indoctrinated to believe that children are sexual. To 99.9% of us, they aren't, but propaganda would lead us to believe that child predators are lurking on every corner. Schools who ban cameras at their nativity plays etc, are just downright insulting. They are going with the assumption that the majority of the audience want to photograph the kids for masturbation purposes! Its rubbish of course, but it does allow them to cash in by charging parents for 'official' school stamped photos. I agree that the make up pictures are not particularly joyous, and yes, a little odd. But the way in which a picture is posed, or indeed captured, by the photographer, has little to do with the subject, and everything to do with the photographer and the client. These photographs/poses were probably chosen from dozens, if not hundreds. Iirc, they were taken by Jon Corner, a professional, who would have taken reels, rather than a few odd snaps. In releasing these photographs, what message were Team McCann trying to get across? I suspect they may have wanted to keep the paedophile/predator message out there. And of course, public sympathy. They may even have been going for sensationalism - controversial pictures that would grab the front pages and open up discussion (again). There is no such thing as bad publicity.From their own emotional perspective, if they have one, a happy, laughing, Madeleine would be a very painful reminder of what they have lost. They have to keep up their automaton, outer appearance and they avoid emotional triggers. I am of course only taking an educated guess at their reasons for releasing those particular pictures. This case is so complex, there could of course be many more! I don't however read anything into Madeleine being dressed up and wearing make up. It's a game enjoyed by little girls and boys the world over, and long may it continue. I think it is cruel to assume Kate did not enjoy those special mum and daughter moments with Madeleine, and humane to think Kate wants to hold onto them, and keep them to herself. In 9 years, we haven't seen any evidence of child abuse in Madeleine's family or indeed, any other family involved. And, given the circumstances, had any such abuse been suspected by the police, either in Portugal or the UK, these detectives wouldn't have spent 4+ years reading files while it continued.While I agree, the photographs are a little creepy, again, that lies with those who selected them and their true agenda. It also lies with the way they are interpreted by the beholder. Some people are going to inordinate lengths to sexualise them. Why? Immediately after their release 'crime expert' and McCann supporter, Mark Williams-Thomas waded in to say how inappropriate they were. And thus we had a media storm and the potential for future libel pay-outs. <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe>  | Note: No witnesses took part in this reconstruction. |
I got told off on twitter the other day because my last blog promotes the neglect theory and by a process of deduction, it means I support the parents. Apparently 'we all know' the neglect was an alibi to enable the abduction. I pointed out that I'm not actually in the 'we all know' gang and never have been. It seems I am not a truthseeker because I do not accept the party line - there was no neglect. A bit rich considering I have spent over 8 years battling this injustice in my own name and taken all the abuse that went with it, including over 100 pages of mentions in the notorious 'Death Dossier'. Ce la vie. Twitter spat over, let's look at the 'neglect' issue and some of the barmy theories that surround it. Loathe as I am to mention the outside interests of the prominent Maddie theorists, for those new to this case, it could save them hours of being led up the garden path, and possibly 20+ quid for the videos. Many are being introduced to this case via Richard D. Hall documentaries. This is unfortunate because not only have they had to sit through 4+ hours of tedium, they may well have gone on to read copious volumes of Thus Spake Tony Bennett. For all of that, they have my sympathy, at least the lawyers at Carter Ruck got paid by the hour. Before taking the works of Richard D. Hall too seriously, I suggest viewers look at his other main area of interest: Aliens. As for the verbose preacher and creationist, a quick glance at Tony Bennett's Wiki page should tell you all you need to know. His rightful place is on an orange box at Speakers Corner, but as he probably has no listeners there either and may well be barred, he has brought his deranged rantings to the Madeleine case. This has suited the machinations of Kate, Gerry and Team McCann, because it gave them an enemy who was bound to drive legions to their side. If you believe God made the earth in 7 days, and in living a clean life of chastity and temperance, then Tony's yer man, and to be fair, you're probably beyond help anyway. The authoritative way in which the documentaries are presented give the impression that its' creators have some sort of insider or specialist knowledge about the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. They don't. They have the same information as the rest of the general public, ie. the 9 year old Portuguese files. From these they have concocted stories that come purely from what they personally are projecting. Are there really paedophile gangs and swingers everywhere? Approaching the grand old age of 59, it's not something I have ever come across, in any environment (outside of the convent), and I have lived a far from sheltered life. Could this group of doctors be deviant enough to take their kids and mother in law on a sex holiday? Who thinks like that? The problem is, they have had 9 years to chat among themselves and a simple accident just isn't enough. Unfortunately, in order to make the facts fit their theories, they have accused a large number of independent witnesses of lying. And in order to support these accusations, they have pried into their personal lives of these witnesses in order to smear and discredit them. Richard Hall and Tony Bennett for example, continue to accuse Robert Murat (the first suspect), despite the fact that the PJ really did clear him, that is, they were pursuing the McCanns, not Murat, when Goncalo Amaral was removed from the investigation. What Hall and Bennett are doing is despicable, they are literally hounding him. In order to give their on sale documentaries a beginning, middle and end, these armchair detectives claim to have solved the mystery. At the moment, given the interests of the producer, the hot tip is aliens, which is well worth a fiver each way. I've never been able to sit through them, so I have no idea where he is going. Those claiming 'no neglect', really haven't paid very much attention to the characters of the tapas group. They all had high flying careers and they were all very competitive, they spent their days running and playing tennis. For many professional, middle class women, childcare is seen as menial. You can see from their statements, that there were no mother hens within the group, even Fiona Payne's mother preferred to play tennis than look after her grandchildren. They were all 'right on' women, determined to have as much freedom on that holiday as their husbands. The men meanwhile, were jockeying for the position of alpha male, as illustrated by Gerry in that short bus clip. Seriously, does anyone see Gerry staying in to look after all the kids while the others went out to dinner? Apart from the arrogance of the group, no adult in their right mind would take responsibility for 9 babies and toddlers spread out in different apartments or all in one room. What if one kicked off? What if they all did? Kate couldn't cope with 3! The idea is far more chaotic than using the night crèche.The statements show that some of the adults suffered sickness and diarrhea and stayed in their apartments and this is the thrust of the 'no neglect' argument. Most of us know that dicky tums are part and parcel of going away. The tapas groups speak freely about the babies having diarrhea and vomiting and Russell had to stay in to change his daughters sheets etc. I have no doubt the children were unwell, which makes the decision to leave them alone all the more horrifying. So if the kids had dicky tums, the adults probably did too. Rachel says she was in her apartment on the Tuesday night. This is the night Mrs Fenn hear a young child crying in Apartment 5A for 1.4 hours. If Rachel was looking after all the children, she wasn't doing a very good job of it.In May 2007, what the tapas friends feared the most was criminal charges of child endangerment, child abandonment and child neglect. Charges that would not only bring them public shame, but that would end their medical careers. The Portuguese Authorities could well have seized ALL the tapas children and placed them in care. Understandably, they were all frantic and on their mobile phones all night. And to those who say Maddie died earlier in the week, why did they leave all their phones calls to the night of the abduction? Especially as they could have made untold phone calls in the days leading up to that night and ensured those calls couldn't be traced. There is no greater criminal charge for up and coming medical professionals than child endangerment. Unless you go into the 'perv' areas as discussed elsewhere, what could be worse? So why on earth would 4 doctors confess to crimes they did not commit? And they do not acknowledge they committed any crime in leaving those children on their own. They have been justifying the checking since night one. Their defence to any child neglect charges has been in place since the very beginning, because those were the charges they feared. The reason Kate and Gerry fail to acknowledge that they did anything wrong, is because it would make them culpable for child neglect (at the very least) and it would be used against them in a Court. They have lessened the neglect charges, by changing their actions from the reckless (or even wicked and premeditated) act of abandoning their babies, into an honest mistake anyone could have made, and naivety at worst. Kudos to them, it has been their greatest success.Imagine that group of parents going out to dinner each night and leaving their babies alone and vulnerable would send a shiver down any caring adult's spine, which is why it is so difficult to accept. However, instead of spending hours, studying phone records, timelines and graphs, I suggest those searching for the truth, skip the tedium and read the statements of the Tapas group. The characters that come through in those statements will tell you all you need to know. Sometimes a cup is just a cup.
I think Sharon Osborne has become the icon she is, because she will say exactly what she thinks. It's hard to imagine that any 'D' notices or threats from Clarence Mitchell would put the wind up her. She has no qualms in pointing out the Emperor isn't wearing any clothes, she is too feisty and unpredictable to be restrained by grey men in suits waving Writs at her - she would eat them for breakfast and spit out their injunctions. She is absolutely right of course, babies and toddlers should never, ever, be left on their own. And the danger wasn't 'stranger abduction', the danger was accident. Every parent knows that toddlers are walking, talking, weapons of mass destruction. They have no boundaries or sense of danger. Turn your back for one moment and they will be eating the contents of the cleaning cupboard or putting lipstick on the dog. It is unbelievable that this large holiday party, that included six doctors, thought it was not only safe to leave their very small children on their own, but that it was socially acceptable in the UK. And the UK MSM picked up on it - 'We ALL do it', gushed luvvie TV presenters and newspaper columnists, making child abandonment a traditional British custom along with football hooliganism. Those condemning the practice of leaving babies and toddlers alone in strange environments (or indeed, any environment) were labelled 'haters' and 'pitchforkers', devoid of compassion, they were the worst of humanity unleashed. And in fairness, the tapas group's half arsed form of childminding had worked perfectly well for 5 nights running. If what happened, hadn't of happened, as Kate would say, they could have been role models for parents everywhere. The McCanns were of course completely blameless, they could not possibly have foreseen the one in a zillion chance that a predator, who looked exactly like Gerry, would break into their apartment and steal a child. Presumably when they ticked the boxes of their risk assessment the chances of the children climbing out of their cots, exploring the strange apartment and swallowing mum's pills scored, or going up in flames: nil points. Bizarre, and indeed callous, as six of them were doctors and must have spent some of their training in A&E.The mythology that the ONLY danger to the 9 toddlers left on their own throughout that holiday, was stranger abduction, and the chances of that happening remain one in a zillion, took hold. The message is, carry on regardless folks, go out with your mates, relax and enjoy yourselves, and if you do check on them, don't bother actually looking at them, pulling their covers back up, or planting a gentle kiss on their cheeks. Listening at the window will suffice, if they are not actually crying, all is well and you can return to the bar, safe in the knowledge that you are a responsible parent. I am of course being ironic. Sadly, there are some parents out there who will like the 5 nights in a row odds. They will dismiss all the worries and fears that plague every parent because they want to go for a drink with their mates. Most mothers instinctively develop a heightened sense of awareness of all the risks and dangers that may threaten our young. Women for example can hear at a higher pitch so they can hear their baby's cries. Just as a mummy tiger will clear every danger from her cave, a human mother will be attuned to every sharp corner, every hob unguarded, any reachable unedible substance. We are physically unable to switch off, many of us, I am sure, didn't sleep for years!To pretend that the McCanns and the Tapas group did not endanger their children, is in my opinion, one of the most wicked lies in this whole wicked debacle. Those little tots were not safe and secure for 5 nights! They were ALL at the highest risk imaginable. Not from stalkers, paedophile gangs or anguished couples seeking to adopt, but from being left home alone! They weren't even in familiar surroundings, they were in a holiday apartment where the parents could neither see nor hear them. One of the babies had diarrhea and vomiting - she could have choked, and listening at the window every half hour wouldn't have saved her. Perhaps it's their collective 'there but for the grace of God, go I' mantra that holds them together. As for Sharon Osborne, she is now under fire from the McCann supporters, not that she will care. The attacks on her parenting skills and on her children have already begun. She'll ride it out, the proof is in the pudding, and she has much to be proud of. As for the attacks on her marriage (low blow), if she is as clever as I think she is, she will always be the one pulling the strings, and her marriage will be what shewants it to be. Sharon is pointing out something that should have been an issue when news of this case first broke. 'Are there any lessons to be learned' Gerry is asked in one of his first interviews. 'Yes. We didn't do anything wrong' Gerry replied. And that's what the mainstream media went with. I hope when this case finally reaches a conclusion, the 'authorities' condemn this tragically dangerous form of child minding as they should have done 9 ago. In 2009/10, Goncalo Amaral's book, The Truth of the Lie, was removed from the bookshelves, seized from the printing press and stockpiled in a warehouse ready to be shredded or placed on a bonfire. It might just as well be a bonfire in a public square, because it would effectively be a warning to all detectives and authors, that the Law of the land will not tolerate their right to have an opinion. I know the urge to peep out the window and check we are indeed still in the 21st century, is irresistible, but bizarrely, tis true. As a writer and libertarian, I always find history's bonfires of the vanities the most disturbing and sinister when new 'regimes' take over. The banning and burning of books should have no place in this century. And before we go castigating the old fashioned value system of the Portuguese Justice system, the Libel Laws in the UK are more antiquated than most. So antiquated in fact, that the media giants have been dancing to Kate and Gerry's tune for 9 years for fear of having to write them out another cheque. Unfortunately, 'controlling the press', doesn't come cheap, Kate and Gerry have employed an army of specialist lawyers, PR Agencies and a small group of psychos/saddoes to patrol social media 24/7. It is difficult to estimate their monthly outgoings, other than, 'a lot'. As a former legal secretary I know that lawyers charge hundreds of pounds per hour, per letter written, per phone call made or received - phoning a sex line would be cheaper. We have seen the phenomenal rate at which Kate and Gerry have got through the millions donated to them when Madeleine first went missing. They were spending like lottery winners, confident that their futures were secured. Sandra Felgueiras' interview with Kate and Gerry in Autumn 2009, when they were going broke, is revealing*. The very direct Sandra, lists all the Fund's payroll and outgoings and asks them how they could afford to pay for it all. 'It's not ideal' says Kate, but 'we can't stop'. Gerry scathingly mentions an auction at the twins school (have they no shame?), but they were planning much, much, bigger things for the future. In those days, the McCanns had no qualms about asking the public for money. They sent out letters to their supporters and they created a campaign poster telling the public what their donations would be used for. £10 for a helpline for one hour, £50 for prayer cards, to be honest distaste makes it difficult to remember the details, but they were confident the public still believed they were searching for their daughter. They did not ask for cash shyly, they came straight out with it.This time their cause is quite clearly themselves, and no-one cares. Even when they were hop, skipping and jumping for Missing People, they were hard pushed to get sponsors. And 'help us take the family home and all the assets and future earnings of the Detective who investigated us', just doesn't have the same popular ring as 'Help Search for Madeleine'. If they truly believed they had been wronged by Goncalo Amaral, they would be complaining about the injustice of it all to anyone who would listen. They would be appealing to the Hacked Off lobby and similarly minded book burners for their support. They would be knocking on doors brazenly, as they did when they were in full fund raising mode, and they would take every opportunity to put forward their case. This time, there is no passion behind their pledge to carry on, no zest, no oomph, no banners declaring they are right, dead right, no 'victims of the Portuguese police' photographs of the couple appealing for public sympathy.They have milked the public sympathy vote to its natural conclusion and then some. The tap's run dry. Whining about how hard done by you are for 9 years is not endearing. Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep, and you weep alone. Unfortunately for Kate and Gerry, as their coffers run dry, their nemesis, Goncalo Amaral goes from strength to strength. Presumably, he now has access to the royalties from his book, but if his assets remain frozen, the public will happily fund him again. The recent 'honourable' troll article in the Daily Mail and all the other papers that picked it up, has opened floodgates. Not only would those who contributed to Goncal's legal fund, contribute again, so too will thousands more as the full extent of the McCanns' spiteful vendetta against the former detective becomes public knowledge. The tables have turned, the public are on Goncalo's side and they will happily fund him all the way to the European Court of Human Rights. To take a case all the way to the ECHRs, you need a powerful lobby behind you. You need to prove that the way you have been treated has the potential to affect hundreds, if not thousands, in the future. A ruling by the ECHR will be used as a precedent in every future libel case throughout Europe. The three Appeal Court Judges could not have made it any plainer. Goncalo Amaral has a right to have an opinion, and a Court of Human Rights will not take that away from him. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e_H5n1CB78 I don't know if Gerry and Kate McCann are still paying to keep themselves on the front pages of the UK tabloids, but if they are, this week has been a bonanza, though maybe not quite as they would have liked. The newspapers have picked up on the one year old story, that young Birmingham student Leanne Baulch raised over £52,000 for Goncalo Amaral's legal costs. Leanne was appalled at the injustice being dished out to the former lead detective of the Madeleine investigation in Portugal. Goncalo was being forced to hand over all his worldly goods to the two former suspects prime suspects in that investigation. And here is why she did it, and why the public responded so generously. In their spiteful six year legal pursuit of Goncalo Amaral, (and they are the pursuers, not the pursued), they have destroyed his long time police career, had his book banned, and protected their forthcoming booty, by freezing all his assets. Not only did they prevent him from earning any money with which to support himself, they wanted to ensure that he did not have the funds to appeal to a higher Court. Such is the nature of litigation and libel actions in particular, those with the bottomless purses often win. The McCanns were armed with a large (not a Charity) Fund to search for Madeleine and 'support the family'. The ratio between searching and supporting is blurred, but after 9 years, I think 'support' has got the edge. For many years this has been a 'David v Goliath' battle. For whatever reason, the British establishment were taken in by the comically bad acting of Gerry and Kate McCann to such an extent that they offered their undying support for the abduction fairy story. As an aside, I think everyone attaining high office (especially within the police) should be forced to attend a 'Spot the Loon' course run by mentalists, savvy wideboys or just your average bog standard housewife. Your average bog standard housewife for example, would have said, 'you're having me on' within 5 minutes of this particular tall tale. Goncalo Amaral has been demonised by the British press, portrayed as an incompetent, barbaric cop, too lazy to search for Madeleine, and what hurt him most, 'a bad dresser'. Not true, he is actually quite elegant. Those spinning the dirty cop ideology were gunning for him, he was to become the patsy. Within reading 1 to 2 pages of Goncalo's book The Truth of the Lie, however, it is quickly apparent that Goncalo is the opposite of the villain that has been portrayed. One of life's gentlemen, he speaks his truth quietly and clearly. There is no sensationalism, the truth doesn't need it. Nor is there any spite, somehow he has managed (I couldn't have) to keep his opinions professional and objective, he even shows sympathy towards the parents, despite everything they have done to him. With all his years on the frontline, his wisdom and understanding shine through. He is not about vengeance, he is about justice for the victim. His agenda remains the same as it did, when he was first handed that poisoned chalice. Find the child. He is the stuff good cops are made of. When he is given a job, he completes it. But let's get back to those 'trolls'. Although this week's headlines are still calling disbelievers 'trolls', the accompanying pictures show attractive, bright and vibrant women who look nothing like the demons described by the McCanns, Jim Gamble and their unfortunate stooges, Martin Brunt and Summers and Swan. The 'evil troll' and 'hater' stuff is finally being exposed as the 'McCann Myth' it is. It is not unreasonable or hateful to disbelieve obvious lies. It is however, unreasonable to demand the public overlook the 5 nights of unbelievable child neglect by SIX DOCTORS and the sycophantic way in which the Establishment have looked after them ever since. For more years than I care to remember, we non believers of the McCanns have been almost criminalised by the UK MSM. To such an extent that many people dared not reveal their names on social media. What happened to Brenda Leyland was a long standing threat to all of us. Especially to those of us who's named were contained in the notorious Death Dossier. Being negative about the McCanns could seriously damage your career and indeed, life - friends, neighbours and family were also to be informed about your online activity. Obviously, the McCanns have never been able to find a real person to fit the image of their mythological troll, I'm thinking small plastic endomorph with a shock of neon hair, sinister thug, wielding nunchuckers or a tediously boring ex lawyer with binoculars. For almost 9 years the only villain they have had, has been the self publicist, and off his trolley Tony Bennett. And he has played his part admirably, creating news stories and photo opportunities at every opportunity. Tony Bennett was the example the MSM used whenever they wanted to portray 'antis' in a bad light. Gerry McCann wanted an example made of the 'trolls' (formerly haters and pitchforkers) who hounded him and his family online. Gerry cannot be blamed entirely for thinking of himself as a Supreme Being, because it seems whatever Gerry wants, Gerry gets. An ordinary person was chosen. They wanted to convey the message 'it could be you', to anyone even thinking about questioning their abduction story. Brenda was not only shamed, exposed and driven out of her home (surely what they were aiming for?), she took the tragic decision to end her own life. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, 'what a way to go Brenda!'. Because in ending her life, she blew the McCann 'evil troll' myth wide apart, and she forced Sky News to hang its' head in shame. In 9 years, the McCanns have not been able to find anyone (other than Bennett) loathsome enough to support the claim that they are being victimised and hounded, or that there is an organised campaign working on behalf of their nemesis Goncalo Amaral. Whilst those of us intrigued by this mystery continue to follow this ongoing saga, we have no desire to take over the investigation or dish out the punishments ourselves. The majority of the vigilantes have long since moved on, and the few that remain are getting the message that no-one wants their kind of justice. Meanwhile, well done Leanne, your initiative may well have changed the entire direction of this case! (who do ya want to play ya in the movie? I'm thinking Scarlett J ? :) ) And well done Ann-Kristine and Karen - you look absolutely fab! In July 2007, British National Search Advisor, Mark Harrison suggested that the Portuguese police should bring in two dogs who were specially trained to detect blood and the scent of human cadaver. Keela, 'the most amazing dog in Britain' and on a higher rate of pay than the Chief Constable, and Eddie, the cadaver dog who had never given a false positive in over 200 cases. Mark Harrison asserted that 'if the dogs came to signal Maddie's death, then it would be a fact'. The dogs not only signalled, once, twice, three or even 4 times, they signalled 11 times and only in relation to the McCann possessions. And they told a story, behind the sofa, in the wardrobe, and in the back of the hire car. The scent of the poor child's body clung onto to her cuddly toy, her mother's clothes and her last places of rest. She left all the clues behind.Whilst the alerts of the amazing British dogs changed the entire course of the investigation, without scientific evidence to back it up, they could not be used in a Portuguese court. This loophole has been Gerry and Kate's lifeline ever since. When Gerry says 'there is no evidence', what he really means is there is no evidence that can be used against them in a Portuguese court. 'Find the body and prove we killed her', he challenged, seemingly knowing that they couldn't. Taunting your opponent is never a good idea, especially when you are standing on a very wobbly pedestal. I suspect for a lot of Portuguese police Gerry and Kate have made this personal, everything from sardine munchers to fucking tossers is no doubt stored within their collective memories. If they had just kept their traps shut, maybe it would all have gone away. The supporters of the McCanns have done everything within their power to discredit the evidence of the blood and the cadaver dogs. Initially they claimed the handler was prompting the dogs to alert - why the world renowned Martin Grime would risk his and his dogs reputations and futures to incriminate Gerry and Kate is a mystery. The dogs fecked up in the Attracta Harron case claimed the McCanns, err, no, they didn't. The evidence must have been planted said Kate's mum, which of course begs the question, why would the Portuguese police leave a child predator on the loose in their home towns in order to frame Kate and Gerry?Like most deceivers trapped in a corner, the McCann and their entourage have a tendency to over explain everything. Kate was a GP, she was always in contact with dead bodies (which makes her sound like Shipman) and the car was used to transport the twins smelly nappies. Note to K&G, you empty contents of nappy in lavatory before bagging and binning. But I digress, the ever helpful proactive family and friends, gave explanations of sweaty sandals, rotting meat, dripping blood and regular trips to the garbage dump. This lot really need to attend some sort of basic NVQ hygiene course. Meanwhile, don't let them borrow your car. There can be no denying there was a foul odour from the boot of the hire car. In Goncalo's documentary of The Truth of the Lie, he explains how a witness, a neighbour of the McCanns' holiday villa, came forward to state that the boot of the hire car had been left open several nights running. If human beings could detect the smell to the extent that they have to air the boot night after night, how likely is it that the dogs got it wrong?The McCanns evidence against the dogs is flimsy and has nothing to back it up. If they had an expert witness who could dispute the findings of Eddie and Keela, they would have produced him/her a long time ago. As it was, the over explaining Gerry, had to make a last ditch appeal to the Portuguese Judge to ignore the dogs' findings as their farcical damages claim against Goncalo came to an end.  | It's about this child | Unfortunately for these eternal litigants, they have been seething for several weeks now. First they had the horror of their case going before a Judge who was already familiar with them. Well, that's what happens when you spend 8 years in Court rooms, you eventually go full circle.For all their bravado following the Appeal Court ruling, they haven't a hope in hell of winning in a higher Court, there is nothing to appeal against. The three High Court Judges were unanimous in their decision to uphold Goncalo Amaral's right to Freedom of Speech. They have never had a strong case, even before the last trial began, they were trying to wriggle out of it, and after they produced their 'best' witnesses, we could see why. What new affront can they produce that will supersede all the trials that have gone before and ensure them a large payout? Pretty much the whole world thinks they were involved in the disappearance of Madeleine, Goncalo's book is but a drop in the ocean? In the years gone by, bad news for the McCanns, was usually swiftly followed up with a new sighting, but the sightings stopped when Operation Grange began. Since then all the headlines have involved a selection of odd bods, loners and misfits, who have been scrutinized and even named, on a regular basis. The burglar story has gone round the block several times, dismissed as nonsense by the Portuguese, it has been picked up again this week by the UK MSM and sold as factual to the British public. It could be that the burglar stories are a last ditch attempt to get the word 'abduction' back into the public's mind, but it scuppers the 'live and findable child' mantra, because it acknowledges that Madeleine is dead. In addition, Operation Grange is coming to an end. Even the sycophantic Lorraine Kelly cannot avoid the obvious questions, her audience will want to know how the parents feel about that. Can they really tell the world they are encouraged by the investigation? That they are going to continue their 'search'? It is perfectly understandable that Gerry and Kate are not as buoyed as they once were, but turning down the opportunity to appear on National TV has to be a first. Where are the invigorated, fighting McCanns, who, after 48 hours of losing their daughter, somehow found the strength to launch an international campaign and an online shop?Their daughter Madeleine is still missing. Goncalo Amaral is still telling 'lies', why have they not turned this negative into a positive? Very few people involved in libel actions have the opportunity to give their side to the press, yet Gerry and Kate it appears, have rejected hundreds of offers this week. In my experience, you can't shut seething people up, eg. Tony Bennett. Seething people have plenty to say, especially if they feel they have been treated unjustly. They have reserved £750k to search for Madeleine. Going by their past expenditure, that won't last 5 minutes, and is it 'safe' from the Portuguese Courts? Their PR people have let them down badly, if they have advised them not to fight their corner. Interviews with the national and international media are priceless in publicity terms, and would at least have given them a platform to state their case sympathetically. Not forgetting of course, that they have only ever sought media attention to find Maddie.
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Rank:Diamond Member
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- Register:26/01/2013 4:34 PM
Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:28 PMCopy HTML
It's really interesting to return to the McCann files and re-read these old newspaper articles from the early days. The old reports of the Madeleine debate at the LSE in January 2008, are particularly enlightening. At this gathering of the great and good within the media world, no attempt is made to cover the contempt they feel for their readers and the public at large. We are too stupid apparently, to grasp the finer details of Kate and Gerry McCanns' innocence, and the reason for the public backlash stemmed from jealousy of the well to do, neatly pressed, doctors. Sun readers especially, come from a lower social demographic and lack the ability to distinguish between fine dining with friends and going out on the lash. The hatred towards the McCanns was clearly based on ignorance in the ways in which their 'betters' take care of their children. Look how quickly all those middle class journalists and commentators jumped on the bandwagon to say, 'we do it too'. While Sun readers may not have Doctorates and Degrees, they have a more caring attitude towards childcare, and they have the ability to spot a blatant liar when they see one. Let me make it clear for the intellectuals and academics who seem to have gone off in a whole bizarre direction with this one. We ALL have the ability to spot lies, it is a natural survival instinct, and none of us would be here if those instincts hadn't been finely honed. And of course, instinct is the key word here. It is not something you learn from a book, film or lecture, it's already there. Though to be fair, it may be heightened among the lower echelons as their ancestors had more to contend with in order to keep the gene pool going. All those thousands of Sun readers writing into Kelvin McKenzie could see with their own eyes that Kate and Gerry were lying through their teeth. Grieving parents do NOT behave as they did. We have all suffered loss and bereavement and we know what it looks and feels like. In what universe does the loss of a child compare with being overdrawn on your student account? In what universe do you lounge around sunbathing (accompanied by a government spokesman) while strangers trek the surrounding countryside searching for your child! We all know Gerry and Kate would have had entirely different treatment if they came from an ethnic minority, or if they were unemployed and living on a Council Estate. That's the way society is. What those who claim to be far more intelligent than the antis fail to understand is that we are not mad at Kate and Gerry because they have got a nice house, we are mad at the horrific crime that is being covered up. Their social status is irrelevant, parents can't just make their children disappear with no questions asked. And if saying that makes me ill bred and uneducated, then so be it. Meanwhile, anyone still taken in by this hammy acting really should start to question everything. Have they, for example, had a serious knock on the noggin? Have they been overdoing it with the hallucinatory drugs? Have they been invaded by a body snatcher or demon? Some McCann supporters have been known to thrash around on the floor speaking in tongues. Anything is possible. The Sun may support Kate and Gerry, but 98% of their readers don't. They can push the abduction and bent cop story all they like, but within seconds their readers can discover the truth via their tablets and smartphones. But this snippet is not without a happy ending. We are now entering the phase when all those stuck up, we know better than you do, pompous dinosaurs will have to face up to the fact that their readers were right and they were wrong - and ouch, that's gotta hurt. And just to add to their pain, it wasn't lack of fine breeding that stopped us seeing the Emperor's new clothes, it was what my old Dad used to call 'a bit of bleddy common sense'. _____________________________ For whatever reason, Kate and Gerry McCann have focused all their anger and hate towards Goncalo Amaral for the past 9 years. Goncalo is the detective who had charge of the original investigation and who was closing in on them, when by pressure of the British government, he was removed from the case. Since then the McCanns have fought a proactive campaign to discredit him, aided and abetted by a complicit British media and, going by what was said by Craig Murray, quite possibly the incumbent government too. Tabloids carried hundreds of headlines and front pages insinuating that Goncalo and his team were a brutal mob of hard drinking, sardine munching foreigners who couldn't be arsed to search for Madeleine.In 2008, Goncalo published The Truth of the Lie. A book the world was waiting for, because quite frankly, no-one believed a word the McCanns said. For all this smokescreen of innocence, the world was whispering. Goncalo had every right to defend his reputation. Ultimately, that is the only worthwhile legacy we leave behind in this world. And his book wasn't malicious. It was an honest account of a very sad story, he even shows compassion towards the troubled Kate, and a human understanding of the situation they found themselves in.Above all, it is a factual account of the original Portuguese police investigation, it doesn't differ from the police files that were released into the public domain. What troubled Kate and Gerry was the fact that it exposed the deceit the McCanns used and continue to use, in their media campaign. A public face that says 'all is well and the police don't consider us suspects', and the chaotic reality of what was going on behind the scenes. What irks them most of all, is that Goncalo's account of the investigation is beautifully written and easily accessible to anyone. If it were serialised in the Sun for example, the papers would fly off the shelves. It should have been a worldwide bestseller, it is far superior to Kate's Madeleine and it was of huge public interest. If it were widely read, the myth of Madeleine's abduction would be blown wide open, any dreams of a Gerry and Jim run National Centre and television channel for missing children, would be dead in the water. As indeed, they now are. Goncalo's book will still be a best seller. The ruling in the Portuguese higher Court will have a huge knock on effect. There is a good likelihood that publishers and indeed, newspaper moguls will now take a chance. Leveson did not receive the public support that was anticipated. The public are no longer angry about press intrusion that went on, because once the anger subsided, they realised that gagging the press was not a good idea. No one is hacked off anymore, as a glance at their website shows. Hopefully in the next few days/weeks Goncalo will enjoy the magic of a publishers bidding war. The McCanns have had their legal claws removed, they can't sue everyone. When he walks onto the set of Oprah, he will receive a standing ovation, and I hope she comes out of retirement to do a one off special. Whilst I agree that people should no longer share Goncalo's book free online, I hope he remembers that all those who shared it are the ones who have been fighting alongside him and getting the truth 'out there'. GoFundMe was so successful, because the contributors had read the book. He should also know, that all those of us who have read it free online, can't wait to buy the first UK edition, and if we are lucky, signed by his own fair hand! I'm still holding out to write the Hollywood screenplay, in my head I have already cast Antonio Banderos in the lead!
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Rank:Diamond Member
- Score:2851
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- Register:26/01/2013 4:34 PM
Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:30 PMCopy HTML
It's really interesting to return to the McCann files and re-read these old newspaper articles from the early days. The old reports of the Madeleine debate at the LSE in January 2008, are particularly enlightening. At this gathering of the great and good within the media world, no attempt is made to cover the contempt they feel for their readers and the public at large. We are too stupid apparently, to grasp the finer details of Kate and Gerry McCanns' innocence, and the reason for the public backlash stemmed from jealousy of the well to do, neatly pressed, doctors. Sun readers especially, come from a lower social demographic and lack the ability to distinguish between fine dining with friends and going out on the lash. The hatred towards the McCanns was clearly based on ignorance in the ways in which their 'betters' take care of their children. Look how quickly all those middle class journalists and commentators jumped on the bandwagon to say, 'we do it too'. While Sun readers may not have Doctorates and Degrees, they have a more caring attitude towards childcare, and they have the ability to spot a blatant liar when they see one. Let me make it clear for the intellectuals and academics who seem to have gone off in a whole bizarre direction with this one. We ALL have the ability to spot lies, it is a natural survival instinct, and none of us would be here if those instincts hadn't been finely honed. And of course, instinct is the key word here. It is not something you learn from a book, film or lecture, it's already there. Though to be fair, it may be heightened among the lower echelons as their ancestors had more to contend with in order to keep the gene pool going. All those thousands of Sun readers writing into Kelvin McKenzie could see with their own eyes that Kate and Gerry were lying through their teeth. Grieving parents do NOT behave as they did. We have all suffered loss and bereavement and we know what it looks and feels like. In what universe does the loss of a child compare with being overdrawn on your student account? In what universe do you lounge around sunbathing (accompanied by a government spokesman) while strangers trek the surrounding countryside searching for your child! We all know Gerry and Kate would have had entirely different treatment if they came from an ethnic minority, or if they were unemployed and living on a Council Estate. That's the way society is. What those who claim to be far more intelligent than the antis fail to understand is that we are not mad at Kate and Gerry because they have got a nice house, we are mad at the horrific crime that is being covered up. Their social status is irrelevant, parents can't just make their children disappear with no questions asked. And if saying that makes me ill bred and uneducated, then so be it. Meanwhile, anyone still taken in by this hammy acting really should start to question everything. Have they, for example, had a serious knock on the noggin? Have they been overdoing it with the hallucinatory drugs? Have they been invaded by a body snatcher or demon? Some McCann supporters have been known to thrash around on the floor speaking in tongues. Anything is possible. The Sun may support Kate and Gerry, but 98% of their readers don't. They can push the abduction and bent cop story all they like, but within seconds their readers can discover the truth via their tablets and smartphones. But this snippet is not without a happy ending. We are now entering the phase when all those stuck up, we know better than you do, pompous dinosaurs will have to face up to the fact that their readers were right and they were wrong - and ouch, that's gotta hurt. And just to add to their pain, it wasn't lack of fine breeding that stopped us seeing the Emperor's new clothes, it was what my old Dad used to call 'a bit of bleddy common sense'. _____________________________ For whatever reason, Kate and Gerry McCann have focused all their anger and hate towards Goncalo Amaral for the past 9 years. Goncalo is the detective who had charge of the original investigation and who was closing in on them, when by pressure of the British government, he was removed from the case. Since then the McCanns have fought a proactive campaign to discredit him, aided and abetted by a complicit British media and, going by what was said by Craig Murray, quite possibly the incumbent government too. Tabloids carried hundreds of headlines and front pages insinuating that Goncalo and his team were a brutal mob of hard drinking, sardine munching foreigners who couldn't be arsed to search for Madeleine.In 2008, Goncalo published The Truth of the Lie. A book the world was waiting for, because quite frankly, no-one believed a word the McCanns said. For all this smokescreen of innocence, the world was whispering. Goncalo had every right to defend his reputation. Ultimately, that is the only worthwhile legacy we leave behind in this world. And his book wasn't malicious. It was an honest account of a very sad story, he even shows compassion towards the troubled Kate, and a human understanding of the situation they found themselves in.Above all, it is a factual account of the original Portuguese police investigation, it doesn't differ from the police files that were released into the public domain. What troubled Kate and Gerry was the fact that it exposed the deceit the McCanns used and continue to use, in their media campaign. A public face that says 'all is well and the police don't consider us suspects', and the chaotic reality of what was going on behind the scenes. What irks them most of all, is that Goncalo's account of the investigation is beautifully written and easily accessible to anyone. If it were serialised in the Sun for example, the papers would fly off the shelves. It should have been a worldwide bestseller, it is far superior to Kate's Madeleine and it was of huge public interest. If it were widely read, the myth of Madeleine's abduction would be blown wide open, any dreams of a Gerry and Jim run National Centre and television channel for missing children, would be dead in the water. As indeed, they now are. Goncalo's book will still be a best seller. The ruling in the Portuguese higher Court will have a huge knock on effect. There is a good likelihood that publishers and indeed, newspaper moguls will now take a chance. Leveson did not receive the public support that was anticipated. The public are no longer angry about press intrusion that went on, because once the anger subsided, they realised that gagging the press was not a good idea. No one is hacked off anymore, as a glance at their website shows. Hopefully in the next few days/weeks Goncalo will enjoy the magic of a publishers bidding war. The McCanns have had their legal claws removed, they can't sue everyone. When he walks onto the set of Oprah, he will receive a standing ovation, and I hope she comes out of retirement to do a one off special. Whilst I agree that people should no longer share Goncalo's book free online, I hope he remembers that all those who shared it are the ones who have been fighting alongside him and getting the truth 'out there'. GoFundMe was so successful, because the contributors had read the book. He should also know, that all those of us who have read it free online, can't wait to buy the first UK edition, and if we are lucky, signed by his own fair hand! I'm still holding out to write the Hollywood screenplay, in my head I have already cast Antonio Banderos in the lead!<iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe> UPDATE 20:04.16 In response to comment 15:04 belowI have been trying to work out what motivates the tabloids for years 15:04! Not sure I am any the wiser, other than to say all they really care about is the number of copies they shift. Clarence is right, this is a soap opera, and the papers will watching their circulation figures carefully. In 2007, McCann stories flew off the shelves - the McCanns were hot property and the interest continued. (well done Clarence) Oprah didn't have them on her show because she liked them, they were there because the audience were curious, the whole world was. The same could be said for their breakfast sofa appearances - bums on seats and all that. Katie Hopkins for example, is quite likely to say something outrageous that will grab the headlines, so she is a regular guest. In their heyday, they could (and did) ask for whatever they wanted. The media didn't feel sorry for them, they wanted a cut of the action. As long as they shifted copy, they were handled with kid gloves. The same mentality may persist even now 15:04. The end of this case may be as sensational as the beginning when newspapers and magazines were in a bidding war for anything Madeleine related. Whoever gets 'the confession', will have a glittery future, it will become an iconic 'TV' or 'NEWS' item forever more. Never mind pitching for exclusives for the 10th Anniversary Clarence, the 'truth' could rake in millions and time is running out. Journalists can be pretty ruthless when it comes to getting a scoop. They will do all the boozing and schmoozing that they have to if they can grab the front and centre pages. Some, like Lorraine, may establish a relationship (still makes her a two faced bitch)with their subjects, but all will do what they can to keep them onside. The tabloids days are numbered, there aren't that many big pay days left. The Media too remember those hazy, surreal days of summer 2007 when Madeleine stories sold in millions. It was a phenomenon and one they would no doubt like to recreate. Whether that is possible anymore remains to be seen. Anyone in the least bit curious about Madeleine's disappearance can see immediately that the newspapers are not telling the truth, so why buy them?As I said before, the newspaper industry is a dying duck, all the bias, prejudice and manipulation has been exposed. Through the case of Madeleine McCann, ordinary people have woken up to the Media's deceit, and they have so many other options, they don't have to put up with it anymore. Oh, and Happy 420 ;)UPDATE 20.04.2016 Once again the tabloids are portraying the McCanns as victims, claiming they have 'lost' £500k that was earmarked for the search for Madeleine. Let's be clear, the £500k wasn't theirs to lose. It is money they demanded with menaces, the former police detective's home and all his assets. Not only did they want to ruin him financially, they wanted him to feel misery and fear. The McCanns agony lies in the fact that people are no longer giving them money. They have run the Fund into the ground suing Goncalo Amaral, and any appeal for more 'search' funds will be seen for what it is. They must now be facing legal costs that run into millions, their home and all their assets are at risk. Everything they wished onto Goncalo Amaral has spun full circle and come back onto themselves. UPDATE 15.49 The only news thus far is that costs have been awarded against the Plaintiffs. Effectively this means the McCanns will have to pay all their own costs (and the costs of the twins and Madeleine - they were claiming cash on Madeleine's behalf too) and the costs of Goncalo Amaral and the two other Defendants. This is financial ruination in anyone's book, the costs will far exceed the damages they were awarded in the last round. It is apparent from the pro McCann sites that the lawyers are frantically looking for grounds to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. If it is an option available to them, how on earth are they going to fund it? The costs incurred already must run to millions, far more than the £750k they recently moved to a 'search' fund. Will Isabelle Duarte carry on? She looked none too happy last time. Looks as though it is the end of the legal line for Gerry and Kate. They became hooked on litigation following their winning streak, but they have now over played their hand and lost everything. I don't see any way back from this. UPDATE 13.30pm 19th April 2016Good news coming in on Goncalo Amaral's appeal in Lisbon. No details known yet, but great to see public support has prevented the McCanns from destroying Madeleine's Avenger. Unfortunately, it raises huge questions about today's headlines, that they coincide with the announcement of the appeal result, seems more than a little coincidental. If proof were ever needed that we were being manipulated, we have it in abundance today. ________________________________It seems the entire British Establishment is treating the entire British public as if we were lobotomised half wits. One of the most interesting factors in studying the case of missing Madeleine McCann has been discovering just how much our mainstream media are happy, willing and able to lie to and manipulate the public. There is so much back scratching in this case, that I suspect nails are now scraping on spinal columns. Once again, our newspapers and broadcasters are telling us they hope to find Madeleine alive, and the detective in charge of the case DCS. Duthie tells us that's what the parents want and that's what the public want, and by the power vested in him by the canonised pair, he will keep going, picking up £95k every six months - its taxpayers money, it's a bottomless pit and he won't be rushed. Meanwhile, we must show the kind of compassion to the McCanns that they have not shown their enemies or even their children. The anniversary is coming up and the collection buckets are being put out. The £5m+ they had in their personal fund is all gone and so is the £12m donated by our government. Dig deeply folks, these are not just child neglectors, they are McCann child neglectors. If they can get back on track, they can have a UK equivalent of the American NCMEC, with Gerry doing a John Walsh and hosting his own TV show. Watch out Simon Cowell, there's a new kid in town. Perhaps due to the excessive back scratching, it appears there are very few spines left anywhere. None of our elected politicians have ever questioned the inordinate sums spent on this one missing child, even though many of their constituents are suffering from rising crime and inhuman cutbacks. Sofa Queens and Police Chiefs fawn over the stricken parents, the tragic victims of a brutal third world police force. The name McCann is sacrosanct, spoken only in a revered tone for fear of adding to the 'victims' pain or being labelled a 'hater' - only the cruel and heartless believe the word of the 'disgraced' Portuguese police over the highly respected British doctors. The headline 'Madeleine's Alive' is right up there with 'the Emperor's got new clothes', we are being asked to believe something that is not tangible, feasible or logical. Those putting out those headlines believe we really are that stupid. It's actually quite insulting. 'Yeh, well we dug up all the areas surrounding 5A, but now we believe she's alive - she was seen having a stroll with Lazarus', he might just as well have added, please give generously on the 3rd May. I can see why he wants to deflect suspicion from the parents, but it's pretty bad form to stitch up a fellow officer in Portugal who's appeal against the wicked machinations of the parents, is coming up. Especially considering the crux of the case balances on the dead/alive issue.I'm getting so fed up with this cat and mouse game, that I am not really sure I care anymore. I have no doubt parents and their entourage will be haunted by their actions forever more, but I do object profusely to their continued enrichment through cruelty and deceit. It irks even more that they are being aided and abetted in this by the British Authorities. Those same authorities might want to bear in mind that some of we bloggers know a lot more about this case than we publish. And we are not censored by editors, legal teams, politicians or 'favours' owed. We hold back out of respect for the judicial process. We are driven by our search for the truth and justice for the real victim in this crime, little Madeleine. For myself, I am just as outraged at the evil perpetrated in this child's name now as I was in 2007, in fact more so, as those who seized on her tragedy continue to trade on her name and persecute others. These ongoing crimes are not victimless. Goncalo Amaral, the first detective in charge of a Madeleine investigation has been pilloried, demonised and financially ruined by these former suspects. And in the McCanns' quest to take control of the British media, an innocent woman died - not because she had committed any crimes, but because she dared to question the lies published in our daily newspapers. The newspaper industry is a dying duck. Not just because people have the news online, but because they are waking up to the dishonesty and manipulation of the MSM. The public want the truth and the truth is now only a couple of clicks away. While today's tabloid front pages might shout 'Madeleine is Alive', a discerning public will be checking out twitter and the McCann Files and I doubt very much there will be any surge in newspaper sales and donations.
From the moment they found Madeleine gone, Gerry and Kate have worked tirelessly to place the blame on others. They were innocent parents lulled into a false sense of security by the tranquil, friendly setting of the resort, how could they possibly have known the Algarve was a haven for child predators? They cannot be blamed for leaving the children on their own, it was the natural thing to do, no-one warned them of the danger. Warners especially, failed in their duty of care, by not placing notices around the resort. Kate and Gerry claim that on the night Madeleine vanished, no-one was helping them. In fact, whilst the police, searchers and volunteers combed through the surrounding area looking for their daughter, they were on the phones establishing the myth that they were on their own and the Portuguese police were biased and incompetent. The fact that Portugal launched the biggest missing person search in their entire history, was drowned out by the proactive McCann and Healy clans, who were more than happy to smear the police in whatever way they could. That the parents were hostile to the police from the very beginning is more than a little curious. Whilst it did of course distract from their own negligence, it was also planting seeds that have continued to grow and flourish to this day. If the Portuguese police had handled the abduction properly, Madeleine may have been found. Their failure to close the borders and bring out helicopters added to the McCanns' pain. Then of course, there were the hundreds, if not thousands, of sightings around the world, how many of those were lost because the Portuguese police had turned their attention on the parents? Bizarrely, Kate and Gerry then claimed the 'incompetent PJ' cleared them in the final report of the Portuguese AG. Every text is of course open to interpretation, and the AG report is worded very carefully, one suspects it was agreed by multiple teams of high priced lawyers. We could play semantics all day long, but the truth was, the file was shelved. As Kate and Gerry often said 'no-one is looking for Maddie'. On this occasion, they were being quite truthful. No-one was looking for a live Madeleine, because the police believed she was dead and were not going to waste anymore resources on wild goose chases. It didn't matter one iota what Goncalo Amaral did or didn't say, the message that Madeleine is dead came from the shelving of the Portuguese police file in July 2008. Contrary to what Kate and Gerry may claim, police do not give up on live, findable children. The blame for the McCanns secondary loss lies firmly with the Portuguese police. 'They don't want a murder in Portugal', Kate opined, 'so they are blaming us'. The PJ in their eagerness to blame the foreign tourists themselves so they get back to their wine and sardines, were looking for a quick way out. The parents were being framed! The idea of leaving a child predator on the loose in order to wrap up a case is of course absurd, and presumably the first line of defence for most suspects, but they went with it nevertheless. Susan Healy of course bought it hook, line and sinker. 'If there is evidence, WHO put it there?' - she asked through her rose tinted glasses. Naturally the blame for the McCanns' predicament doesn't stop there. Enter the big bad media moguls. All such great buds at the beginning when they were all soothed by the daily kerching of tabloid sales and donation buttons and sworn to be best friends forever. But it was a relationship based on cash flow, and when the cash stopped flowing the relationship soured. Was it them, was it us, Kate and Gerry must ask, before deciding conclusively, it was them. They just moved on, lured away by the next big story and the next sensational headlines. It wasn't like the McCanns didn't try, Kate even graciously agreed to postpone her book launch so she didn't detract attention away from the Royal wedding.Clarence is right of course. The McCanns relationship with the media is a soap opera. One in which a petulant couple with huge legal resources were constantly demanding front pages and headlines. If they were prepared to pay Bell Pottinger £500k* to keep them on the front pages, what other tactics were they prepared to use? We have seen the way their representatives act on social media - they are completely bereft of honour, integrity or basic good manners. The McCanns are what I call 'gimmeez', as in 'give me, give me, give me', and gimmeez can turn extremely unpleasant when they stop getting what they want. Gerry doesn't believe they were compensated anywhere near enough for the suffering they endure. They were only awarded for the damage suffered in the UK, not throughout the world. And things were going so well in Washington and the USA, John Walsh, Oprah, movie deals, so many affluent bible bashing areasplaces the parents could have taken their search for Maddie. The McCanns most current, and pressing, war is with the Media. They must take the ultimate blame for everything. Team McCann are anxious to pre-empt any backlash from Operation Grange, and/or any lifting of press restrictions that may be in place. As and when the press turn on them, they can blame pre existing vendettas because they told the 'truth' at the Leveson Inquiry and because they 'exposed' their appalling behaviour. It may be that Gerry is considering further action for the global damage he and his wife suffered, it obviously niggles him, and legal action has been very lucrative in the past. But then again, he will turn against his lawyers, it's a gimmeez thing and it's inevitable and I would love to be a fly on the wall when he instructs Carter Ruck to sue themselves. Kate and Gerry's modus operandi is to blame others, they are eternal victims. 'We did nothing wrong' Kate says over and over, 'it was the abductor who broke into the apartment'. For 9 years, they haven't been telling us to look for Maddie, they've been saying 'we are not to blame'. They want it carved in stone and splattered across the front pages. They want those carefree days of Summer 2007 back, when the world loved them and VIPs like Ray Wyre and Clement Freud invited them to dinner. They want the chauffeur driven limousines, the private jets and the 5* hotels. And they want the privacy to enjoy them and the right to brag about them, but without press intrusion or the publication of any story not approved by their press agency. And they believe with the right publicity it is all possible.Kate and Gerry's need for people to believe them is driving them insane. It dominates everything they do. They can't give up the search because it would confirm that Madeleine is dead and there would be no need for a Fund. People are not likely to donate if they believed the Fund was for legal expenses. The idea that Maddie is in the care of a family who wanted her, becomes more airy fairy with each passing year. And if the 'abductor' had wanted a child to traffic, there were two babies in the same room. The McCanns will only have legal protection as long as they can afford it. That is the harsh reality, and it may be that Gerry is taking on the mantle of the ordinary man against the might of the press barons, because he can no longer afford Carter Ruck. Gerry's efforts to bring the British press under control have had limited success, and the chances are he and his wife have made a lot of enemies along the way. They have bitten the hand that fed them and they continue to snap away at their ankles, they want more, but as we have seen over and over, nothing is ever enough. Again, that's the way it is with gimmeez. Sadly for Kate and Gerry, the newspapers can't put things right, nor can the Royal Courts of Justice, the smear campaigns or the hounding of their critics on social media. They may blame the police, the press, the public and Goncalo Amaral for the situation they now find themselves in, but at some point, they will have to acknowledge that they made all their own decisions. Those who blame other people for their woes will never be happy. For Kate and Gerry, exonerating themselves of blame may salve their conscious, but it won't endear them to anyone. It's not a likeable trait, and probably has more to do with their unpopularity than anything said by Goncalo Amaral. Genuine grieving parents blame themselves, no matter there really was an abductor, they blame themselves, nothing can take that guilt from them, and nothing can ease their pain. Watching the guilt and the real tears of distraught parents is heart wrenching, because we know that is exactly how we would feel ourselves. The McCanns I feel are putting on a brave front and preparing for the next round. Just as in PDL in the lead up to the '100 Days', they are continuing with their media campaign and ignoring everything that is going on behind the scenes. I can imagine Team McCann wearing minion type goggles to keep them focused on the wider agenda and how they can continue fund raising for a child who is no longer with us. One day, we would hope Kate and Gerry will realise that the buck stops with them. Other people are not responsible for the roads they took, they took them of their own free will. Even if all of the people they blame had followed all their instructions to the letter, and given them everything they wanted (and many did), they will still be 'if onlys' and 'but fors'. That's the way it is with negative people, they will always find something to complain about and someone to blame for them being disgruntled. It is always someone's else's fault. 'Our lives would be perfect but for........'. Tragically in this case, it seems the name Madeleine completed the sentence. *Not mentioned by Clarence in his recent marketing lecture. 'You're too blooming soft' my dead old dad used to say me, and he was right, where a psychopath lacks empathy, I have got way too much of it, to the point where it becomes debilitating. I mention this because I found myself in the very strange position of feeling sorry for Clarence Mitchell. Curiosity got the better of me, and I watched his keynote speech at the CommsCon 2016 in Australia. The pity however quickly turned to incredulity when I read the bullet points of his presentation. The arrogance of the man is outstanding, herewith a brief selection:Blogging in the wrong hands - WTF!!! Keeping the British Press in line - WTF, twice overBe straight with the media - I kid you not, and the icing on the cake!Such is life, those large porkies aren't doing him any favours. Gerry and Kate are not the only ones who looked stressed and haggard, time has not been kind to Mr. Mitchell, he looks burned out. He too is trapped in the Madeleine cage, he can't escape it, it's the highlight of his career and nothing he is likely to top. He could of course write a memoir, but if he sticks to the same party line as Summers and Swan, it will be equally as dismal. His talk was basically a lecture in marketing, the audience appeared to be students. Using the high profile Madeleine case, Clarence explained the way he handled the press and kept the disappearance of Madeleine in the public eye. He was selling it as a marketing success story, and if you give it just a cursory glance it is. Heck Clarence, 9 years and there is still public interest, not much to be fair, and some of it of the most peculiar kind, but interest nevertheless.'This is what I did' said Clarence, as he relayed his glittering career without so much as a hint of enthusiasm or pride in what he had achieved. I have attended many seminars and lectures, and the ones who made an impact were the ones who were able to convey their own love of their subject to their audience. I wasn't feeling the love. He wasn't telling his audience the truth, his most helpful 'insider' tip, was to be completely honest with the press! If the audience were media students, they must have been deeply disappointed and if they were potential clients, the brochure probably went straight in the bin. As careful as Mr. Mitchell was in sticking to the script, he did give away a few interesting snippets, especially with the Q&A session at the end. So he stayed in the idyllic, holiday location of PDL (all expenses paid by taxpayer presumably) for TWO MONTHS with the grieving parents. What a dream assignment, no wonder he was seeking a permanent position. I wonder if, at any stage, Warners and all their staff thought the McCann entourage were taking the piss? And why no mention of their holiday companion in Gerry's blog and Kate's book?I don't know how well Mr. Mitchell is going down in Australia, but I hope the audience went away and did their research. From a media perspective there was not much to learn other than 'lucky you', but nothing that would assist journalists in their future careers. The information was lost in Mr. Mitchell's constant defence of Gerry and Kate. Whilst wanting to brag about use of Philip Green's private jet, he had to portray humility on the part of the parents, their reluctance to accept all the special treatment they were receiving, but I'm not sure he pulled it off. Those who listened carefully, will have noticed the glaring contradiction between his claimed 300 calls from journalists a day, and his constant need to find new stories to keep their attention. I'm not so sure it was the journalists contacting them, or Mr. Mitchell and the very proactive families sending out the offers to the media. As the interviewer said to Gerry at the Edinburgh Media Conference 'what are you doing here?'. I did wonder if Mr. Mitchell's presentation would form the basis of his own defence. Perhaps he would claim to be a vulnerable 'at risk' spin doctor, but he seems to be as firmly within the McCann camp as he ever was. His loyalty surprised me, who would have thought. Clarence is still focused on the job in hand, raising money for the Madeleine Fund and promoting the 'search'. Unfortunately, like it or not, Clarence is inextricably linked to the parents of Madeleine McCann forever more. When he went into the employment of Gerry and Kate, he stopped being an independent spokesman and became part of the story. A strange thing for a journalist to do, and I would have liked a question from the audience along the lines 'so in retrospect Mr. Mitchell, how did that work out?'. I would imagine the situation Mr. Mitchell found himself in, was unique in the world of journalism. Realistically, how many victims of tragedy want or need a PR man at their side 24/7? Traumatised people usually shun publicity and society, the process of grieving is very private and intimate, which of course, is the reason the McCanns' behaviour raised so much suspicion. I had never heard of crisis management until the Madeleine story. To me it is a fairly new phenomenon and one that puzzles me. Whilst I can see the need for large corporations and politicians to guard their reputations, in this age of information there is no way of guaranteeing results. In the past sensitive information could be contained by appealing directly to the editors of the National newspapers. Those days are gone, as we saw this week - even super injunctions are meaningless. The battles are now fought on social media and on an equal playing field. Twitter especially, is a great leveller. There is no class structure and there is no voice of authority, everyone is valid and there is no way to control what they say. There is something a little King Canute about claiming to be able to manage someone's reputation online, and I am not sure Clarence can claim the McCann case as a success. Whilst he was able to shut down the popular comment section of the Daily Mirror, his actions led to the opening of hundreds of forums, websites and blogs. Thousands of people were not buying the abduction story and were turning to the net for the truth. He refers to the McCann media monitoring team as successful? I suppose in the early days they were. They patrolled the forums in packs disrupting debate and viciously attacking anyone who questioned the official story. Then as now they didn't even attempt to explain the parents' actions, they created the 'hater' myth, the idea that if someone didn't believe the McCanns, there must be something wrong with them.Step forward Tony Bennett. The interfering Mr. Bennett was the just the kind of cartoon baddie Team McCann needed to illustrate the harassment and persecution they were suffering. The Madeleine Foundation was clearly intended to divert funds away from The Madeleine Fund and the leafleting of the parents' neighbours was just cruel for cruelty's sake. Mr. Bennett's actions provided the parents with the evidence of harassment they needed in their civil claim against Goncalo Amaral. In fact, Mr. Bennett's campaign has fed the parents' campaign, they are symbiotic. And Mr. Bennett feeds the myth still. Clarence Mitchell cited the failed solicitor and destroyer of forums as representative of a handful of malcontents who still refuse to believe Madeleine was abducted. He fails of course to mention the large facebook groups, the informative McCann Files and the popular blogs. He needs Mr. Bennett as the face of the enemy, someone less likeable than the parents and someone who comes across as completely barmy. Mr. Bennett of course, is always happy to oblige. As the McCanns are planning the publicity for the anniversary, so too Tony is planning a trip to Downing Street. Let's hope if the newspapers respond, they will mention how few signatures Mr. Bennett's meddlesome petition received. If Gerry McCann was the best spokesman Hacked Off could muster for their latest appeal, then their movement is pretty much over. Did Gerry draw the short straw? Or did he push himself forward in the belief that he was best equipped, the most articulate and possibly, the most maligned. It is astonishing that Gerry still believes he has the power to win over an audience. In his own eyes, he is an orator and a leader, people naturally fall into line behind him. But they don't. Not because, we haven't seen enough of him, but because we have seen too much. The McCanns are takers, but with a capital 'T' - everytime they appear on our screens they want something from us, usually cash. Their USP is their ability to whine, constantly. They are always being denied something they believe they are entitled to. And of course, with the number of lawyers they have in their employ, they can always find something. They want the front pages and the headlines, but they want them run by their publicity team, lawyers and spokesmen first. And they want more compensation, they were financially recompensed for the damage done to their Fund Search in the UK, but not, as Gerry pointed out to Lord Leveson, for the damage done globally. The McCanns have now turned on the press because they no longer have control. Quite simply McCann headlines no longer equate to massive sales, they are yesterday's news. Whilst the McCanns held the public's interest, they could demand anything, but 9 years have passed, the world has moved on. One of my favourite poems* begins with the line 'Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone'. Kate and Gerry have little to laugh about, they have committed themselves and those around them to a lifetime of searching for a child who cannot be found. They dare not be seen laughing because it betrays the kind of image they want to project. They are trapped in a time warp because they cannot, or will not, let their USP go.If they had accepted their loss and used all the millions donated for an altruistic cause that benefited hundreds or even thousands of children, their grief would now be tempered by the knowledge that so much good has been done in their daughter's name. At this time, the Madeleine Fund (not a Charity), has been for the benefit of only ONE child and her family. Or more accurately, for one family, because there are no memorials for Maddie. In Kate and Gerry's quest to protect their own names, the name of Maddie seems to have been forgotten.Unfortunately for Gerry, his calls for restrictions on the press have also passed their sell by date. The public's outrage at the intrusion on Milly Dowler's family (and that was their key appeal), has been pacified, wrists were slapped and lessons were learned. Just as they were when Princess Diana died, a time when paparazzi fever was at a peak. Whilst Gerry McCann is well known for his wider agenda, he is completely clueless when it comes to the bigger picture. It may be that he has never picked up a history book, but if he had, he would see that democracies are dependent on freedom of the press. A lot of people have fought and died for the freedoms we now have. Restricting the news is one of the first steps towards tyranny. The watching world are all too well aware that Gerry McCann has much to hide, which again suggests Hacked Off have all but thrown in the towel, and we know darn well why he wants prior approval of everything McCann related. Although not officially, and we are not allowed to say it, Gerry McCann is one of the main suspects in the disappearance of his daughter. I expect most of the Crimewatch audience fell off their chairs when a giant picture of his doppelganger appeared, thinking wow, what are the chances of the main suspect looking exactly like the child's father? The McCanns have been unable to stop the revelation of the blood and cadaver dog findings or Kate's refusal to answer the questions of the Portuguese police. All of these facts are in the public domain, but if Gerry had his way, they wouldn't be. The heroes of the Journalist world are those who go where angels fear to tread. And thank all the Gods there may be for that, because they are the guardians of the masses, it is fear of exposure that keeps the rich and powerful in check. Those with nothing to hide don't give two hoots what the press say about them.
* Solitude by Ella Wheeler Wilcox As wicked as the actions have been and indeed still are, it is hard not to feel sympathy for them. No matter what the outcome of Operation Grange, they will always have the shadow of suspicion over them. Even if DCI Nicola Wall makes a statement blaming a deceased predator and the Queen gives them a Royal Pardon, they will never be able to shake it off. For people with the full range of emotions, the idea of living like that would be horrendous, even without all the suspicion, they will never enjoy privacy and anonymity again. While they were imprinting the face of Maddie into the conscience of the world, they were imprinting their faces too. Doh! For them there is quite literally, no hiding place. Some might say that is punishment enough, Heck, I might even say it myself if they were not continuing to persecute Goncalo Amaral and others. I cannot understand why they continue to keep themselves and their family in the public eye. They know how unpleasant it can be having the world's press focusing on your every move, yet they continue to invite this for themselves and vicariously for their children. Imagine how the twins must have felt to read their mother was in danger of being shot when she ran the Marathon. A ridiculous story taken from an, albeit distasteful conversation on FB, that referred to starting pistol with a little flag that said 'bang'. Those kids could and should have been protected from that nonsense, but it was their parents who were selling it! The twins are at that self conscious age where their privacy is vital to them and it should be respected. They don't want to be different from their peers in any way, so it must be excruciating for them to see the constant 'Madeleine' headlines. And the parents can't blame Goncalo Amaral for the newspaper billboards, they are the ones who want publicity whatever the cost. Goncalo asked the Judge in Lisbon to hold the civil hearing in camera, the McCanns opposed this and newspapers ran with front pages proclaiming the twins were under threat of kidnap. Not the kind of thing a kid wants to read at the newsagents on his/her way to school. The McCanns fear what their children may read on the internet, yet they employ a PR Agency and a professional spokesman skilled in the fine art of grabbing headlines. Not to mention the £500k they paid to Bell Pottinger to keep them on the front pages for a year. These are not the actions of caring parents. It seems from the recent performance of Clarence Down Under, preparations are underway for the 10 year anniversary. It's a big one for sure, and one if played correctly, should really tug at the big hearts and wallets of the UK's billionaires. Perhaps Kensington Roof Garden has already been booked and the stars are being lined up? It may even have been one of metrics and deliverables on the wider agenda? Australia might have got a mention too. Whatever the outcome, they will be looking for a new start. Their 'fame' has crossed over into the 'notoriety' range and they will need a place where they are much less well known. Unfortunately, their campaign has been so successful, there can't be many places left. Yet still they chase publicity. Clarence, far from retired from the case, is seeking out new campaign opportunities. Why a gig in Australia? Who knows, the speaker circuit is probably very competitive and the Madeleine case is his USP, but the other side of the world is not exactly convenient for those repeat bookings. Whether the McCanns will ever seek privacy and anonymity is debateable. All their actions since the night Madeleine disappeared, suggest the opposite. At any time during the past 9 years, they could have chosen to get back to quiet unassuming lives for the sake of their remaining children. The ten year anniversary is undoubtedly a big event, and some might see the devotion of the McCanns to their 'search' for Madeleine, and their support of Missing People as admirable. Perhaps awards are in the pipeline? Others might see it as a show of bravado, 'ah, look at those poor parents, they will never give up', and hit the paypal button. The bravado of course lies in the planning of a major event, it's as if they are saying to SY, 'we don't give a flying one what you say, we are not going to let a Fund raising opportunity pass by'. Even the discovery of blood and cadaver odour in their apartment and car, didn't stop them from going ahead with their 100 Day shindig. They really have got more front than Harrods. Maybe we will see a new 'Awareness Campaign' for Year 10, with another picture of a shop window dummy age progression picture, and some new sightings in Australia? Unfortunately, they can't really say Madeleine has been forgotten or her story has faded away, because they have successfully kept her in the news for 9 years. Finding a new angle won't be easy, but it's not impossible. As many of my regular readers probably know, I am a great fan of the classic one liner. I have millions of them stuck in my head, but one that stands out above all others was a killer line from Sue Ellen Ewing when she caught her cheating husband JR in bed with his secretary. In full drunken drama Queen mode she screamed 'who do I believe, you or my lying eyes'? In the case of missing Madeleine, we have seen the 'lying eyes' scenario played out over and over - with Kate, Gerry, our Government and our mainstream media telling us we all need to go to Specsavers. I think JR said something similar to Sue Ellen, but far more eloquently. Who can forget Kate telling Piers Morgan how they didn't make too much of the fleck in Madeleine's eye, or when Scotland Yard were digging up PDL, Martin Brunt fumbling to create a believable story about an abductor, a shovel and all the time in the world.When you see what a nice respectable couple Kate and Gerry are, it is hard if not impossible, to believe that they are capable of parking on a yellow line, let alone do anything dishonest. Nice couples don't do things like that do they? Criminals are usually scruffily dressed low lives who take drugs and live on benefits. They are not smart professionals with great expectations.Both Gerry and Kate can slot into the 'establishment' in a way that Karen Matthews couldn't. They are PLU, (People Like Us), snobby in the Mrs Bucket sense, the first generation of their families to go to university, their peers among the media recognised and empathised with them, they know how hard it is to have young kids and a career! Karen Matthews didn't have a government spokesman, personal calls from the Prime Minister and a multi million pound Fund. And I don't recall CEOP or Missing People rushing to her aid, strange really, because at Shannon's age, the internet actually was a threat. The stark difference in the way in which the McCanns have been treated compared with others, will have to be a factor in any future Inquiry. But back to those PLU. Gerry and Kate have no problems whatsoever with self esteem, their self confidence puts them within the God Complex Zone. It is common in some doctors and pretending it isn't, is just naïve. Doctors are among the few left in society who are held in esteem for their profession. We all address them with their full titles, and we have all witnessed the way in which hospital staff jump to attention when a doctor walks onto a ward. The McCanns and their friends didn't expect their word to be questioned, especially by minions and those they consider below them on the evolutionary ladder (most of us) and Gerry and Kate loved Leveson because they were getting the respect they believe is rightfully theirs.  Unlike 'normal' parents, they didn't fall to pieces when Madeleine disappeared (though they put on a good act), they were compos mentis enough to formulate a plan. They didn't waste their time searching, they stayed in Apartment A and drew up a timeline that they would all stick with. A timeline that proved they were not endangering their young children and they were not negligent. When news of Madeleine's disappearance broke, it was accompanied by straight from the horse's mouth detail that would establish an abduction had taken place. It's the breaking news we remember every time, and to this day people still believe the apartment was broken into and the poor response of the Portuguese police allowed the abductor to get away. Their plan included blaming the police - it began by stating they took an inordinate length to time to respond to the emergency call. Omitting the fact that they themselves took an inordinate 40 minutes to make that emergency call - despite the fact that Kate knew 'Madeleine had been taken'. The first policemen who arrived on the scene, Kate nicknamed Tweedledum and Tweedledum - her way of saying, they were thick country bumkins and first in line for the accusations she would make later. 'No-one's doing anything', Kate and Gerry screamed down the phone to their family, friends and handy contacts, we are alone they claimed, as Portugual launched the biggest missing person search in their entire history.  Don't contact the press, the police advised the parents. We got NO advice Gerry told Leveson. If you release details of Madeleine's coloboma, the abductor may do something to her eye, or murder her the police warned, but it was a good marketing ploy said Gerry. Gerry took control, he's that kind of guy. To get an understanding of what Kate and Gerry are up to and to remind ourselves of the serious abnormalities in this couple's motives, it is good to go over the old interviews - I'm sure the police have, and I'm sure psychologists will, for years and years to come. At the Leveson enquiry for example, we see Kate and Gerry at their confident best. As the whole Enquiry was about finding ways in which to restrict press freedom, they were naturally treated as traumatised victims and VIP guests. Gerry is positively beaming as he gleefully puts forward his ideas to punish individual journalists. Unfortunately, before he could get into full Dr. Evil mode, Lord Leveson pointed out a couple of the principles of Free Speech. It was a shame really, because the 'punishments' intrigued me, what did Gerry have in mind? Thumbscrews? Kneecapping? It was a mere tiff however, because the look they share at 11.24 is pure love. Kate probably wishes Gerry looked at her like that.  The body language of Kate and Gerry always intrigues me. I think if I had someone clinging on to me like that all the time, I would give them a good slap. I actually find their closeness a bit creepy, and, erm, suspicious, in that it is a good way to send unseen signals. Gerry of course dominated most of the mike time at Leveson, answering the questions with a confident front, but a twitchy ear and quite possibly a few ants in his pants. It was the Gerry show with Dr.McCann on peak misogynist form. Would you like a little break Lord Leveson asked him, telling him how special he was and how he was willing to make an exception. 'No, I'm fine, carry on' says Gerry, thrilled with the 'Head's approval, then as an afterthought, he whispers to Kate 'how about you?'. Ouch, that wasn't just thoughtless, it was disrespectful. As too was the way in which he made a hasty exit, gathering his own possessions and kicking his chair out of the way without so much as a helping hand or word of comfort for his wife. Kate spends much of her book making excuses for him. So he played tennis all day and left her to cope with the 3 toddlers on her own! So what, that's just Gerry being Gerry, she tells us. While the staff and holidaymakers of Warners and the all locals desperately search the surrounding areas for her daughter, Gerry had a nap! He needed his sleep she said, she had seen her poor husband hysterical on the floor, his needs were her priority. Actually, his needs and her needs, seem to be leitmotif for her entire book. She always speaks about her loss, the time she has not had Madeleine with her. Neither she, nor Gerry can bring themselves to speak about the future Madeleine might have had. Perhaps it is emotional or even a sense of guilt? Or maybe it is a mental block, they know that future ended on 3rd May 2007 and to go beyond that is too big a lie. They can't speak directly to Maddie either, every time they are offered the opportunity to speak into the camera in case Maddie is watching, they become very self aware and nervous.  The interviews tell us so much about the many facets of Kate and Gerry that it is incredible that this case still drags on. The Oprah interview is a prime example, and one I defy lie expert Sharon Leal to watch and again, state definitively that they are not lying. If they had been hooked up to a lie detector, we would have been able to link the peaks in the polygraph to their shifty body language. 'If your happy and you know it' is a song, not a story. And it's the last thing you would sing to children you were trying to get off to sleep. Even Kate is aware of the faux pas she made with that one. At some point, Kate is going to face the fact that it will soon be every man (and woman) for themselves. Gerry will only protect her so far, and if it fits in with his own protection. The look on Gerry's face as Kate clutches onto his arm already says get this woman off me. I have no doubt the families will return to their own clans when the chips are down, plans are no doubt afoot. Gerry is the kind of guy who plans his future and his wider agenda and he is somewhat lacking in the compassion department. If Kate is half the woman we think she is, and not still completely under his spell, she should be making plans of her own. I wonder who will get custody of Clarence?
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:31 PMCopy HTML
My less than 20/20 vision can only pick out 'Missing and Exploited' on the t-shirt worn by this aged progressed image of Madeleine McCann. But in any event, my poor eyesight seems to tally with what is going in my brain. Today is the day of the 'Ms' it seems. A FOI request has revealed that Operation Grange is a murder squad and there is no room for doubt. The irony of course being that the Portuguese and Goncalo Amaral didn't use the 'M' word, they used the 'A' for accident word and the far less serious charges that would have come with it. Doh! The 'pro' McCanns on twitter are pointing out that a murder squad would also investigate a missing person who is at risk. But due to the fact that Operation Grange were digging up PDL in search of a body less than 2 years ago, I'm not buying it. Besides which, it would be pretty bad form for OG to take all the time in the world if Madeleine were alive and at risk of being murdered. What will they say? 'sorry about the extra 3 years with the beast Madeleine, but we still had 200 files to read'. We have of course known for years that OG is a 'murder squad', but most have been reluctant to point it out, going with the 'she's alive' myth created by the ever efficient McMann Media Monsters Monitors. The FOI revelation confirms it, but of course, it doesn't give any clues as to who their suspects are. Some still think it will fall on a 'patsy', a mysterious bogeyman who fits the full profile of all our childhood fears. He will be ugly, smelly, spotty, godless, murky is a given and caste out Quasimodo style by the rest of society. Once he is found and hung, we can all sleep safely in our beds. Or, they might just have been looking at all the evidence that has kept we McCann junkies hooked for this last 9 years. And their suspect list may spread far and wide. Those of us who have a good idea of what is going on, know that this is the country pile in the house of cards stakes, and some VIPs are occupying penthouse suites. But I am still on the money trail. In my obsession to discover what it is that makes people truly evil, I study the behaviour of known murderers and psychopaths and via the amazing World Wide Web, I have no end of resources. In the case of genuinely grieving parents, part of them dies when they receive the worst news possible. They can't think, they can't plan, they can barely get through the day. Anyone who has ever suffered from depression will know that grief totally immobilizes you, even getting washed and dressed is a major task. When I lost my beloved father I stayed in my bedroom for a week watching Seinfeld and Father Ted back to back. It was only the intervention of my best friend that forced me to have my say in the funeral arrangements, 'or I would regret it forever more', that got me out of my 'pit' - temporarily at least. With genuinely grieving parents, we can feel their pain, it reaches us on a level that we can all recognise and understand, we grieve with them and for them because we empathise. With mothers like Coral Jones and Sara Payne we want to comfort them, try to ease their pain, but know that we never can. They are not buoyed by the public's response, they don't even want the public in their lives, they just want their babies. Money cannot ease their agony, nothing can. Aged progressed pictures of their loved ones would rip them apart. They don't talk about new normalities or their own pain, they talk about the lives their children lost.  Even without all the circumstantial evidence, the statements that don't match, no signs of a break in, and the 11 alerts of the blood and cadaver dogs, the behaviour of Kate and Gerry McCann has been bizarre, by anyone's standards. In the summer of 2007 when there was a strong possibility Madeleine may have been in the hands of monsters, her mother and father were planning a huge Corporation and an annual Madeleine Day for the whole world. At a time when most fathers would be non functioning, Gerry's grinning face was popping up on the Whitehouse lawn, all over Europe and at press conferences in Edinburgh that he wasn't invited to. Why are you here asked the interviewer, why indeed. Gerry and Kate's success arose out of their perceived 'bravery'. They didn't sit back and feel sorry for themselves, they took control of the helm. Their little girl was missing (in a foreign land) and they were going to get her back. It's the standard fodder of 'tru movies', cherubic child, attractive parents up against a 'brutal' non WASP regime. We are indoctrinated to root for the heroes, the civilised, clean living, church going professionals and their desperate search for their little Blonde girl stolen from her bed in a foreign land. I swear the plot comes from DW Griffiths!  I doubt Team McCann knew just how effective their campaign would be. They had grandiose ideas (don't we all?), but they never seemed to sober up the next day and besides which, the grandiose ideas were coming to fruition beyond their wildest dreams. Integral to their plan was the belief that Madeleine was still alive. That is what they have been selling us this past 9 years and what they are selling us still. If she were dead there would be no reason for the Fund to continue and they are not popular enough to go straight to the 'support the family' second objective. Madeleine is an innocent little girl, Gerry keeps telling us, as if to remind donors, to forget all the questions surrounding himself and his wife, and 'give' to the innocent victim. But let's get to the crux - Gerry and Kate have asked us since May 2007 to donate to the 'Search' for Madeleine. And it must be donate, because where are we being asked to search? Should we scour all the fields and hedgerows, no matter where we live, or should we treat every blonde (or Asian) girl of 13 as a potential Maddie and demand they give their DNA to the local police? These age progression pictures are a virtual stalker's charter. Plastering the faces of innocent children all over the tabloids and accusing their parents of kidnap is perfectly acceptable if you are searching for Maddie. I would really like someone from the Madeleine camp to explain to me exactly what 'searching' in this case means, because at the moment it is kind of fuzzy. Do they honestly believe that someone is going to 'find' Maddie based on the image of a shop window dummy? Have we entered the twilight zone? Until I receive an informed response, I will have to assume that 'search' means fundraise. Though what the funds are actually for, remains unclear. Deliberate plan or runaway train, the McCanns were receiving millions in donations. Everyone wanted to help and their help was converted into hard cash. I would imagine that the Madeleine Fund has probably been the largest 'private' Charity ever to have existed - people responded, and the McCanns collected, as if there had been a global disaster. The people who kindly donated saw their money frittered away on mortgage payments, £50k per month dodgy detectives and 5* travel for the McCann entourage. But let's get back to that fundraising. When Gerry and Kate put their heart and soul into something there is no doubt they can move mountains. For Gerry all his childhood dreams came true, he even went head to head with Paxman (bad move), he was hobnobbing with the elite, heck he was the elite! Braveheart and Father of the Nation, Scotland's finest, aw shucks. Any business minded person will tell you that launching a company while you are riding the crest of a wave is a jolly good idea. Good Quality yellow wristbands could have become the must have accessory for fashion conscious teenagers and concerned citizens all over the globe. The online shop was launched in record time, not only with 'must have' wristbands, but Maddie badges, trinkets, t-shirts and car stickers. Not unnaturally, the Portuguese police thought this was a very suspicious way for the parents of a missing child to behave. Kate even wore a cute 'Maddie' badge on her belt when she went along for a police interview. Kate has never shown that innate grief of a mother yearning for her lost child. It simply isn't there, not even in her book Madeleine. There is nothing within the book to connect the reader to the child, or even the mother. It is a Stepford life for those capable of unshakeable belief. But let's stick with the fundraising. The McCanns and their helpers, turned a tragedy into a 'get rich quick' opportunity. They quickly became accustomed to the private jets, the paparazzi and the grovelling flunkies, they were getting the treatment they were entitled to. They have a very strong sense of entitlement. The Fund was born out of people wanting to help, Gerry told us, in other words the idea did not come from them. It was a bit like his epiphany, the Good Lord (no less) sent him a sign. The chosen one then embarked on a mission to sell wristbands, the like of which has never been seen before. Flick your wristband and we will all become as one. Cue group hug. Just for a bit of trivia, dictators, tyrants and authoritarians love wristbands, badges, stripes or yellow star emblems on sleeves, it enables them to spot instantly who is the friend or foe. I first encountered this human quirk as a small child trying to sneak a bit of extra time in the swimming pool. I was betrayed by the colour of my wristband, for the 'reds' the time was up :(Whilst Aunty Phil sent chainmail letters to large corporations (gaw'd 'elp 'em), the troops on the ground pointed out the good quality of the rubber and the modesty of the price to the general public whilst Clarence shouted roll up, roll up, every personal detail of my clients' lives is negotiable. Form a queue.I doubt we will ever know how much money was received by the Madeleine Fund, it never had a top limit, or a goal. How much was ever going to be enough? £1million, £2million, £20million? All for one child and one family. In any event they received the kind of money that would rebuild a small village struck by disaster, or provide much needed medicines and relief in crisis hit areas around the globe. The kind people who donated, wanted something good to come out of Maddie's tragedy, I doubt they wanted a miscarriage of justice. Perhaps those misguided billionaire philanthropists can make amends by providing humanitarian relief for the refugees? Many of whom will be small children, torn from the safety of their homes and thrust into the care of a very uncaring society. <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe>
I wish I had the writing talents of Mr. Charles Dickens, who was able to highlight the injustice he saw all around him through the tragic, fictional lives of his memorable characters. One poignant scene that forever stuck in my mind was the death of little Jo, the roadsweeper in Bleak House. The rich ladies and gentry stepped over him to go into church as he lay dying in the gutter. While they praised themselves for their compassion and philanthropy, they were completely oblivious to the children dying in the streets outside. It changed my views on 'Charity' forever more.  Within days of Madeleine going missing, her parents set up a Fund, not a Charity, but a fighting fund that would somehow return a live child to her bereft parents. Any detective, or fan of CSI knows that outside the golden hour, the chances of finding a kidnap victim alive is remote to impossible, but that has never deterred Madeleine's parents. Neither did the scent of blood and cadaver picked up by specialist dogs from the UK.As bereft as they were, they were going to turn their disaster into a (financial) triumph. Within days of their 'loss', they were being wined and dined by Clement Freud and Ray Wyre and taking calls from the Prime Minister. They may even have convinced themselves they were doing if for Maddie, but the memorial they were creating was for Maddie alone, it would never assist any other child. The money amassed by the Madeleine Fund would only be passed on if Madeleine AND her abductor were found. The emphasis on the 'and' is the McCanns, not mine. However, as there is no abductor, the question of sharing the donations becomes moot. The parents of Madeleine didn't mourn her loss because they had to sell the belief that she was alive and everything they have done since the moment they discovered her missing, has been focused on that 'hope'. Within days they had set up a 'Fund' to get Madeleine back and their 'bravery' was seen as in inspiration to us all. They didn't wallow in the guilt of leaving their babies so that one was now missing, they put out collection buckets and became the spokesman and spokeswoman for border control and pissed off libel claimants.
The response to the Madeleine Fund was phenomenal, it may even have taken Team McCann by surprise, for a short while there he probably felt as if he ruled the world. The deference given to him by politicians, celebrities and senior (British) police officers confirmed it. Whatever Gerry wanted, Gerry got, though an annual Madeleine Day for the whole world, may have been a Dr. Evil dream too far. I wonder if the Browns, Elton and the Beckhams still take his calls?  In the early days, it was said that the Missing Madeleine website received 500million hits plus. Everybody wanted to assist the distraught parents in any way they could, and the best way they could assist was to donate cash. The cashometer on the Madeleine website didn't last long, they axed it when it hit £1m or was it £2m? But in any event, it was becoming embarrassing. Who knows how much the McCanns received in donations, not only did the cashometer disappear, but so too did the transparency in the financial reports filed with Companies House. My estimate would be that they received around £4m or £5m, they had many big donors, multi millionaires offering to finance their 'Search' and their battles with the sardine munching Portuguese police and I'm sure they had the persuasive powers to keep their regular donors hooked. This has always been long term project for Gerry, as demonstrated by his infamous whiteboard and wider agenda.  The first financial reports filed with Companies House was probably the nearest inkling we would ever get as to how the donated millions were spent. The backlash against the fact that only 13% of the Fund's income went on the 'Search' put an end to any transparency from thereon. Most of it appeared to go on PR, marketing, lawyers and bizarrely £37k on a website! The McCanns then appeared to be spending vast amounts on private detectives, according to Clarence they hired the 'big boys', the crème de la crème of Europe's private detective agencies with figures such as £50k per month being paid by way of retainer being bandied around. As we now know, most of the 'big boys' hired by the parents are now in prison for money laundering and fraud and the usually litigious McCanns have shrugged off their losses.We should of course be appalled that Gerry and Kate have let so many millions fritter through their hands. The cash so generously donated by kind people who cared desperately for the plight of the child, had little to do with getting the said child back. When Kate and Gerry were made arguidos in September 2007, the directors of the Fund gave a public statement that it would not be used for legal expenses, that is it would not be used to defend Kate and Gerry against criminal charges. The exact wording of that statement could keep many highly paid lawyers fully occupied for the next 20 years. The Fund clearly has, among it's objectives, 'support Madeleine's family'. That sentence alone is open to a thousand interpretations as the 5* lawyers who drew it up are fully aware.
However, before embarking on a Jarndyce .v. Jarndyce legal trial of epic proportions, we should maybe ask, is it morally right to use public donations to defend yourself in civil and criminal proceedings? Ie. Use that cash to clean up your image and pay lawyers to watch your critics 24/7? Is it morally right to use that cash to wreck the lives of others?Is it morally right to raise money to find a 'non' missing child? Is it morally right for a national Charity that is supposed to assist thousands, to focus on one non missing child? Do they not have other children on their books who are genuinely missing and who have a good chance of being found alive? This should be an easy one for the Christians out there, but probably easier for the humanists. How many children have died of starvation since Madeleine went missing. How many kids who were missing before, are missing still? How many of the millions the McCanns accumulated have been given to the families of other missing kids? Or even, in creating a dignified memorial to their 'missing daughter'? Maybe a school in her name in a third world country, or a new gym for the school she didn't attend? So much good could have been done with the millions raised in her name, and I am sure that is what the generous donors intended. This whole 'Madeleine' is alive myth is like watching a badly botched combo of Tangled and Weekend at Bernies. With those still believing in the 'Tangled' (little princess imprisoned in a tower) version, trapped in the Freudian toddler stage of their development, where they all lived happily ever after. I sincerely hope the officers of Scotland Yard are not among them. The tragedy of little Madeleine's disappearance (I dare not say death) is that no good has come from it. The lessons that could have been learned (never leave small children on their own) were suppressed and even made light of. 'We ALL do it' said dozy sofa queens, thus giving the green light to naïve young parents to nip out to the pub whenever they liked. All those doctors can't be wrong eh? We were all made to fear prowlers and bogeymen rather than sofas being used as climbing frames, sharp corners, poisonous substances, concrete staircases, choking, falling, fire..... or any number of other clear and present dangers to toddlers who are left on their own.But this is about the Fund. Bizarrely it continues much as it always has. It still has donate buttons, but I doubt it sells many holiday packs or t-shirts these days and Kate tells us the kids still fundraise at school. And getting the kids to fundraise is a new low in my eyes. The Fund, not being a Charity, doesn't appear to be accountable to anyone. Basically it is saying 'we want your donations but we don't want to tell you what we are doing with them'. There are no named employees, and the mysterious 'Webmaster' who runs the Madeleine Facebook page is as anonymous as he/she ever was. Why the need for the 'Webmaster' to hide his/her identity? Why have Kate and Gerry kept such a distance from their fans and supporters. Even A-listers have the good manners to interact directly with their fans without the need for spokesmen.Frustratingly for them, the McCanns have not been able to use their fund raising skills for themselves this past 4+ years. Though they were brazen enough to conduct their own private investigation alongside the official PJ investigation, they have not dared pull any similar stunts with Operation Grange. And this time around it is unlikely that the public would fund them.The Fund appears at the moment to be untouchable, but as we have no idea what Operation Grange are up to, we may yet see an 'Al Capone' outcome, the feds got the gangster via his unpaid taxes. This Million Pound baby has kept media moguls, spin doctors, for sale 'experts' and an army of sleazy lawyers gainfully employed this past 9 years, Who profited by Madeleine's disappearance? It's going to be a pretty long list that will probably begin and end with money. Personally, I would like to see them all lined up JB Priestly style** and made aware of their own contributions to this tragedy.  Sadly, despite all the millions raised in the name of the child there is no memorial to Madeleine's short tragic life. All those strangers touched by the plight of this tiny girl wanted to ensure that this never happened again. Just as the readers of Charles Dickens lobbied their politicians to clean up the streets and treat orphans humanely, the followers of the Madeleine case don't ever want to see another child treated so appallingly. So much good could have been done in this tragic child's name and no doubt the donors thought it would be. Instead her image and her memory have been tarnished by links to everything that is bad in this world. On the right is picture of Isbell Peatfield who died in the 2004 tsunami aged 5 with her mum. Her devastated parents Kim and Tristan started a fund in her name and returned 6 weeks later to distribute the cash. They have since built playgrounds in Sri Lanka and added a children's ward to the local hospital. Their little girl will never be forgotten because her parents' created a legacy in her name. In these parents we saw a 'hundred virtues rise, in shapes of mercy, charity and love.' As the Madeleine case seems to be drawing to a close, the McCanns have stated that their search (fundraising) for Madeleine will continue. Clearly Operation Grange have failed to give them the result they wanted. That 'innocent' certificate to hang on the wall. Worse still, OG stated Madeleine may have been dead when she was taken from the apartment. That's not really something you can go back on, nor something they can sue the Met for. Nor could they put a tent over the bleddy great big diggers in PDL as the libel trial went on in Lisbon. Was the Judge wearing ear muffs and blinkers? Who knows what the feck is going on over there, but that situation alone takes surreal off the chart. In any event, the 'likely' death of Madeleine won't help their fundraising one bit.No matter how this case ends I think it is safe to say the fundraising will begin again in earnest. Perhaps with the disgruntled libel claimants claiming they have been victims of the lawless press and political machinations. They have had a lot of lawyers watching a lot of social media for a lot of years. Not to mention of course, the trolls hired to provoke and then document everything said by the McCann critics for naming and shaming purposes and use in a possible trial. Lucky them, all the crazy shit from Bennett could tie a Court room up for years. It should be noted that any 'new' private Search for Madeleine will be the same as the last ones. That is, the investigators will be looking for someone to blame and more lives to wreck. More mugshots for the front of tabloids and more accusations against single men, hermits and eccentrics. It doesn't matter who gets hurt in the McCanns 'search for their daughter', they will never stop. They need to clear their names in order to get the Fund back up and running as it did in its heyday and they need someone to blame. Lets hope, in time, the name of little Madeleine McCann can be used for good, that lessons can be learned and that wrongs can be put right. Small children should never be left alone under any circumstances, not because a bogeyman might steal them from their beds, but because an accident is almost inevitable. * Many thanks Pamalam and I urge anyone who wants to explore explore the 'Fund' further to visit Pam's site.http://www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk/FUND_COMMITTEE.htm Please also see the excellent analysis of the Fund by Enid O'Dowd at the same link. ** An Inspector Calls UDATE 04.03.16 I see the rabid McCann 'pros' are equally rabid in their support of the parents of Jonbenet Ramsey. BB1, in full pillar of the community righteous mode claims I am accusing cancer victimS of killing their children, making it plural for extra impact. She is completely ignoring the fact that Steve Thomas and the other officers were completely vindicated by the revelation that the Grand Jury voted to indict the Ramseys. But worse, in her defence of the cancer victim (singular) Patsy, she is also completely disregarding the fate of the murder victim, the 6 year old Jonbenet, a little girl who's short life was horrifically ended by the cancer victim. She prefers to believe the myth of the intruder in the Jonbenet case, just as she prefers the myth of the abductor in the case of Madeleine. Because in her world, nice successful people like the Ramseys and the McCanns should be above suspicion. And the only reason people suspect them is because they are jealous of their success. Unfortunately, that primitive, Amish mentality permeates every level of society and includes celebrity television presenters, newspaper columnists, supposed criminologists and even high ranking police chiefs. They simply cannot get past the fact that people who do not fit the 'usual suspect' criteria are capable of committing heinous crimes. They prefer to believe in the bogeyman, because, heck, that's what they were taught when they were 5, and it kinda works. We have to accept that people like BB1 are incapable of thinking outside the box, because they form part of the masses soothed by the gospel like words of those in authority and those they look up to for care and guidance. They accept that those 'above them' on the evolutionary scale know what's best for them and they are happy to pass responsibility for their lives onto someone else. There is no point in trying to get through to these people, they have a mental block the size of China's Wall and you could chip away until Doomsday without making a dent.Others however, face the very real danger of looking like absolute eejits, those high ranking policemen who aligned themselves so closely to the former suspects, those expert criminologists who said the parents couldn't have done it, and who have put forward their own detailed theories on how Madeleine disappeared and the lying expert who said they were 100% truthful. And what of those major charities? Where is the morality in using a non missing child to front their campaigns, when real missing children could really use their help. As has been said many times, if the McCanns had been unemployed Council house dwellers, this crime would have been solved 8+ years ago, because no-one would have protested at the parents coming under scrutiny and huge questions would have been asked as to why they needed a multimillion pound fund. This dominant ideology that the well educated and the well heeled are incapable of law breaking, protected the Ramseys and protects the McCanns. Whilst it is mostly harmless in dimwits like BB1, it is petrifying in those responsible for upholding and administering justice. What I admire mostly in Goncalo Amaral and the PJ, is the level to which they are educated - far higher it would appear than the 'you're nicked' old thieftaker mentality of their UK counterparts. Goncalo Amaral for example, has an indepth knowledge of human behaviour, ably demonstrated in his book The Truth of the Lie and the dignified way in which he has faced his accusers. What we may be seeing, at the moment, is the saving of lots of beacon red faces. A lot of people are going to look very silly, and a lot of people are going to look far more than silly, they are going to look downright corrupt. The huge errors made in Whitehall may eventually result in a secretary or a filing clerk getting their marching orders. The lawyers can simply say, that's what they do, morality has no place in litigation fees. The police agencies and the secret services however, should be squirming. Especially all those who rushed out to PDL to assist the British citizens who were being interrogated by the Portuguese police. Those particular red faces should glow for miles, because they included seasoned, high ranking coppers who were hoodwinked by a group of doctors who considered them, their intellectual inferiors. And if someone lies to you, and you believe them, that's exactly what they think. I think we are all still here 9 years on, because those blinded by their own little Englander, middle class prejudices are too embarrassed to admit they got it so wrong. The Portuguese police were far from the untrained, third world fascist thugs the UK media portrayed them as. The McCanns were not being brutalised by vicious, uniformed interrogators, they were, quite rightly, being asked perfectly reasonable questions about their daughter's disappearance. The worse Kate could say about the Portuguese police, was that they were shabbily dressed (understandable, they were sleeping in the office), they were smoking and they didn't offer herself and her husband light refreshments. We can debate the differences between UK and Portuguese culture ad infinitum, but in my opinion it was the 'little Englander' approach that fucked it all up. The UK tabloids carried sensational front pages of tired and hungry officers from the PJ taking lunch breaks with wine. Shock, horror, how dare they, Maddie is still missing, the headlines screamed, completely disregarding the fact that those officers were working 24/7 to find the missing English child, and many didn't go to their own homes for days. The Portuguese police, like the British police, is made up of Officers who are parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts etc. That is human beings who empathise with the plight of a vulnerable child. They, more than any of us, want to discover what happened to the victim. For the majority of them, it is why they joined the police in the first place. They want to 'protect'. Those who accuse the Portuguese police are not taking into account, that the PJ and their families actually lived in the danger zone. Why on earth would they leave a child predator on the loose?But this is a 'class' rant. The world I think is mostly bemused by the old British class system, in fact they have created class systems of their own, loosely based on the ideals of the Domesday book - though the US I believe, still claims to be a meritocracy. But in favour of the US, they are not afraid to challenge wrong doers at or near the top of their own hierarchy. There are no taboos, their fearless reporters will ask the great and the good outright, 'did you do it'. The UK less so. Probably because it still hangs onto those outdated libel laws that make London the capital for get rich quick chancers and vexatious litigants. The McCanns of course are pushing for stricter libel laws, and if I'm reading them correctly, prison for those journalists who dare to say anything nasty about them. They have placed themselves at the top of the Mail readers and outraged middle classes pile, by turning themselves into eternal victims of irresponsible free speech. The libel laws that exist in this country have protected the suspects in the case of missing Madeleine McCann for almost 9 years, if ever a case were needed to illustrate how harmful these restrictive UK laws have been, then it is this one. _________________________________________________ The tragic case of Jonbenet Ramsey has far more in common with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann than the heartbreaking case of little April Jones. In the mother of April Jones, we saw real pain and we empathised. We understood her agony because she couldn't hide it, that is, she reacted as we knew we would if it happened to us. The mothers of Jonbenet and Madeleine however, are entirely different. They both seem devoid of that gut wrenching 'I would lay down my life for my child' maternal instinct that grips the rest of us when our newborn is first placed in our arms. The fact that both their daughters disappeared in highly suspicious circumstances, (Jonbenet was discovered dead soon after) and their ferocious self preservation instincts link them further.Both married Alpha males - sound hunter gatherers who would provide the lifestyle they desired. But it's not all about the women, Gerry has much in common with John Ramsey - when being interviewed they both take 'control' - theirs' is the voice of authority, they take the higher ground by patronising those they consider beneath (almost everyone, maybe not Paxman). When it is a female presenter, I suspect they have to fight back the paternal urge to pat them on the heads. Both struggle to be likeable, it's not in their nature.  But the similarities between the Ramseys and the McCanns, don't stop there. Kate, like Patsy, was approaching her 40th birthday and also frazzled. Patsy was preparing for a flight the next morning that she didn't want to go on. Kate was struggling to cope with 3 toddlers and a macho husband who appeared to do little of his share. He distanced himself from his family on the bus journey, and swore in front of all the mothers and kids as he growled that he wasn't there to enjoy himself. It wasn't exactly an auspicious start to the holiday. The strange behaviour of the Ramseys set off alarm bells with the first officers on the scene. Ditto, the McCanns. This strange behaviour included inviting over all their friends, relatives, the pastor etc, while they waited for the arrival of a full police task force. Like Apartment 5A, the crimescene was not sealed off, trashed some might say, but in any event key evidence was lost or tampered with. The Ramseys, like the McCanns, immediately called lawyers and set in motion a campaign to establish their innocence, they had wealth and connections, and they used them. They also stopped co-operating with the police and set up their own investigations that always concluded Jonbenet was murdered by an intruder. 30 years on, no-one has ever been charged.The Jonbenet case like Madeleine case, had hundreds, if not thousands of armchair detectives and conspiracy theorists working their socks off to find answers that would incriminate their enemies and people they don't like, and a section of the moral majority who believe that deviant sex lies at the heart of all society's ills. Child pornography and paedophile rings forming the basis of their whacky claims. Happily, they have a very limited audience, most who are still here are appalled at the injustice shown to these children and the murky cover ups behind them. I have long believed that Patsy Ramsey murdered her daughter. There is no doubt in my mind that she wrote the 'ransom note' found at the scene. When the police arrived, she was still wearing the same clothes and makeup - she hadn't been to bed. How do I know this? Because Jonbenet, like Madeleine had an 'Avenger' too. Steve Thomas was the Boulder police detective who never gave up on the victim, just as Goncalo Amaral has never given up on Madeleine. He too fell out with his superiors, wrote a book and was sued by the parents. Steve Thomas was 'Guided by a police axiom that "murders are usually what they seem"'* he reaches a conclusion that is based on logic, understanding of the circumstances and evidence and one that is devoid of paedophile rings, child pornography, swingers or prowlers. It is remarkable in its' simplicity, it explains in terms that could not be plainer, the most likely series of events that led to Jonebenet's death and the discovery of her body in the basement. For those who study human behaviour and the fine art of lying, I urge you to watch this video I have only just discovered on Youtube. It is a recording of the evidence given to the Grand Jury in 1999, that led to their decision to indict the Ramseys. A decision that was overturned by the District Attorney Alex Hunter because he felt there wasn't enough evidence to get a conviction. If they had prosecuted and lost, they would not get the opportunity again. As it transpired, the Ramseys were never prosecuted.In October 2013, Steve Thomas, Jonbenet's Avenger, was vindicated as details of the 1999's Grand Jury's findings were released (see link below). This short 33 minute documentary is a little gem for those of us looking at the Madeleine case from a psychological perspective, the interviews with the Ramseys are very intensive, they give much away! Patsy is wearing a small crucifix at her throat, and robes she may have pinched from passing Archbishop. John Ramsey is the angry Patriarch defending his wife and family, not even bothering to disguise the contempt he has for those who question him. A chilling trait shared by you know who. I don't know what has become of Steve Thomas, but I hope that life is treating him well. Like Goncalo Amaral, he never forgot the victim of the crime he was investigating and he wouldn't kowtow to the intruder myth that was being sold by the massive Ramsey publicity machine. He would not be gagged, just as Goncalo will not be gagged. I am glad that nearly 30 years later Steve Thomas was finally vindicated, but I am sad for little Jonbenet and even for all those who had to live with the cover up for the rest of their lives. And I am sad that wealth and power enables some people to get away with the most heinous of crimes and indeed, profit from them. They would prefer to smother and silence the good policemen and women who speak out, rather than disrupt the paradigm. The officers working for Operation Grange already have their futures mapped out for them on that whiteboard. This case could make or break careers and it is highly unlikely that 30 lemmings existed amongst Scotland Yard's finest, officers willing to sacrifice their futures to protect two, not very likeable, doctors from the midlands. Operation Grange are dealing with extremely litigious former suspects, and who may still have someone in the thick of it with the ability to pull strings. The officer in charge of the original investigation is desperately trying to hang on to his few remaining possessions before they are seized by the grieving parents. It is my feeling that Operation Grange face the same predicament as that faced by Alex Hunter. Perhaps they do not feel confident that they have enough evidence to get a conviction, and given the huge legal resources the McCanns have at their fingertips (as did the Ramseys), do they dare try? Team McCann have had 9 years and the 'best' legal minds available to prepare their Defence, all they have to do is create a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury, and they walk. But I am not making excuses for Operation Grange because I am hoarse from shouting 'Behind You!'. In the words of Steve Thomas 'murders are usually what they seem', so what is the hold up? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yl5Ll3sLFs8 Killer revealed 'Who killed Jonbenet Ramsey * http://www.nytimes.com/2000/04/10/us/jonbenet-s-mother-was-killer-detective-says.htmlSteve Thomas : http://www.amazon.co.uk/JonBenet-Inside-Ramsey-Murder-Investigation/dp/1250054796
It is almost 9 years since little Madeleine McCann vanished while on holiday with her family in the Algarve. It has been the subject of 3 police investigations (for the PJ this is second time around), and has had the full time attention of 30 homicide officers from Scotland Yard for 4 years. But still nothing. Despite the fact that little Madeleine could not have made herself disappear, there have been no arrests, no charges brought against anyone, not even those whose neglect led to her disappearance. Bizarrely, one of the primary carer's of Madeleine has even been given an award by a leading British Charity - for services to children presumably. Nobody wants to add to the grief of the family of a missing child, but in a case where the mother has refused to answer police questions and wishes misery and fear on the detective who was searching for her child, is an Award really appropriate? And presumably, with thousands of missing people on their books, why does this Charity continue to publicise the one child that is most likely to be dead? The blood and cadaver dogs alerted to exactly what they are trained to alert to - somebody died in Apartment 5A and Madeleine has not been seen for almost 9 years. I think the case of missing Madeleine McCann has perfectly illustrated the contempt the mainstream media seems to have for the general public. No matter how ludicrous a story, someone says 'yeh, they'll buy that', and the printers are set in motion. The newspaper industry is collapsing because the public have woken up to the fact that their daily papers have been lying to them. Anyone studying a media course will be fascinated at the simplicity of Team McCanns's original masterplan (campaign), and appalled at how easy it was for a small group of manipulative people to pull the wool over so many eyes. Heaven knows what Operation Grange have been up to this past 4+ years, they have had enough time to establish how many stars there are in the universe and quite possibly the meaning of life, but they still appear to be no nearer to discovering the truth behind little Madeleine's disappearance. It seems as if they have gone to great endeavours to make the obviously fabricated story real. Even revealing such snippets as a smelly man prowling the Algarve and climbing into the beds of small, blonde haired British girls. Presumably, this is because leaving small kids on their own and going out for a meal is something unique to the British. Forsooth! The snippets over the years have been enough to keep the forums and the conspiraceloons buzzing, and they were right, I fully understand the mentality behind the media silence and the sensitivity of the situation. That's why I want no truck with Petitions, investigations by self appointed vigilantes, or any interference with the due legal process. I believe there are officers in Operation Grange who are of the same ilk as Goncalo Amaral, that is, they are acting on behalf of the victim, little Madeleine.  What I object to is the hurt that is being inflicted on real people as this facade continues. In my opinion it was obscene to put Coral Jones, bless her heart, through the ordeal of sharing a stage with Kate McCann, especially now that so much IS known about Madeleine's disappearance. Whilst every compassion should have been shown to Mrs McCann, and still should be, these awards are wrong on every level. Has Kate McCann ever used her experience to warn other parents about the dangers of leaving small children alone? Or is the subject taboo in case the more obvious danger of accident might come up? But it is not just people like Coral who are being forced to admire the Emperor's new clothes, it is all those families of genuinely missing kids, and genuinely missing people who would give anything for a fraction of the publicity that has been given to Kate and Gerry McCann. Madeleine is probably the best known missing child in the world. Her picture has been distributed on every continent. Everyone who has ever been to Portugal has been interviewed. How many more tabloid headlines can they get out of Madeleine? Where will it end? Can the people of PDL now sleep safe in their beds, knowing there isn't a prowler or a gang of paedophiles on the loose? Don't they deserve an answer? All those who's names have been dragged through the mud to prop up the abduction story?Should generous donors continue giving to the Madeleine Fund, in the hope she will be found alive one day? Has the Home Secretary got value for the £10m+ of taxpayer's money she has spent on this case? She doesn't look like the kind of woman who would tolerate a fluffy answer to me. She sort of reminds me of my old (always angry) maths teacher.
We were told in a blaze of publicity that the Home Secretary gave Operation Grange its' remit. I expect it will be the heads of those who drew up the actual remit that will roll, rather than that of Mrs May herself it this ends with no answers. But of course that will only be in the event that any heads are required. Who knows, there may yet be commendations and awards, if their remit was to keep what they are doing secret, then they have somehow managed it. I don't think any of us have a clue what they are up to. I have an inkling, but I will save it for my Agatha Christie version. Operation Grange began with the kind of front pages the McCanns would pay half a million for, it was full of hope with an aged progressed image of Madeleine and a statement from DCI Redwood that they were looking for a live child. It was like another Clarence the 'big boys have arrived' headline, with detectives from the civilised world arriving shipshape and Bristol fashion to sort out the mess. No scruffy clothes and fags hanging out their gobs, or vino with lunch for this lot. With pristine suits, sensible haircuts and cheese sarnie at their desks, they were going to go over everything the PJ had done before them, picking up on their errors and telling them where they had gone wrong. Yet 4+ years on, these smartly dressed party poopers, seem to know less than the Portuguese police did in 3 weeks! I can see why Operation Grange are probably having a great deal of difficulty in finding an exit strategy. They will at some point have to say whether Mr and Mrs McCann were involved in the disappearance of their daughter. There is no way out of it. And once they do the floodgates will open. It may be that there is a long line of dominoes balancing precariously, because when the first ones go down, the rest will follow. This case has done the reputation of Scotland Yard no good whatsoever. It has led to even more accusations of corruption and the covering up of heinous crimes on behalf of VIPs. I am far from naïve, but I still believe most people are inherently good, and that homicide detectives never forget the victim. Time will tell of course, but in the meanwhile, crimes are still being committed in this poor child's name and real people are suffering as a result of those ongoing crimes.It has been 9 years and no-one has been arrested or charged for making this little girl disappear. In 2011, the UK stepped in (why?) virtually assuring the public, that 'our' police could do better, and heaven knows they have had more than enough resources, but still there is no result. As I say I do not want to do anything that will interfere with the investigation (I am totally opposed to Bennett's Petition), but I do question the morality of allowing crimes that cause direct harm to others (such as the McCanns demands for damages from Goncala Amaral) to continue. The Madeleine Fund and the McCanns 'Search' are highly suspicious, yet gullible people are still being encouraged to donate.  Among the many things that bug me with this case, is the total lack of respect that the country of birth (my heart belongs in the fields of Ireland and the hills of Scotland) can be so appallingly patronising to the Portuguese. I am offended on their behalf, not only am I offended, I am now embarrassed on England's behalf. This case has brought out the inherent racism that exists within the British Establishment. They accepted without question the word of two white British suspects over the word of the foreign police. And they opened up Operation Grange with the memorable words that neither the parents or any of their friends are suspects. In other words the investigation began with all the Brits ruled out!Yet, for all the posturing and all the thousands and thousands of files that Operation Grange have gone through with a fine-tooth comb, they still appear to know zilch. It's like they said to the PJ, 'we will take your embarrassment and multiply it by a 1,000'. Because it appears, they too have been outwitted, outplayed, or out politicised. I can't see any awards being handed out for 'no, we can't solve it either' and I wouldn't want to see the wrath of Mrs. May. Continuing my reply to a commentator on Part one of my Memoir course....... The education system is a whole other topic for another day, lol, suffice to say, I gave up formal teaching with the words of William Blake ringing in my ears 'I must create my own system, or be enslaved by another man's' - a bit sexist, but I'm sure it applies to feisty women too. I hasten to add, my teaching 'methods' were very effective. I took average, and below average students to A's and B+s, because my first criteria in teaching is to get the student to believe in him or her self. Once they believe they can do it, they can. What qualifies me to teach writing? A lifetime's dedication I would hope! And a cabinet full of scripts, plays, short stories and everything and anything you could imagine that I haven't got round to sending out or publishing. My passion lies in the writing, both in my own and in others. I urge everyone to write because I know how liberating it can be, it sets you free and offers you a world to escape to, and if you have a constant dialogue running through your head, you don't have to nail your family/friends or an innocent passer by to a chair to force them to listen to it. If you can write, you will always have someone to talk to, even if it is only one of the other Norma No Mates that inhabit your brain. I think I would have to say truthfully, it was loneliness that drove me to write. I was a chatterbox in a small family of chatterboxes, it was pretty hard to get a word in edgeways! I had also reached the stage where I could only get family/friends, passers by, to listen to me if I plied them (and me) with liquor and sang Memoryfrom Cats to them. Might explain why I am now on my own, doh! Now I ply them with tea and home cooked food. I'm not sure which is the greater evil - at the moment I am trying to perfect the chocolate chip cookie, my ginger nuts are to die for, and I refuse to use a liter option. I think most of us have experienced that feeling of loneliness, even in our younger days when our homes and social lives were buzzing, a feeling of dissonance. OK, maybe just me. There are times in our lives of course, when we are fortunate to bump into a soul mate, someone who shares our enthusiasm and passion for whatever our interest is at the time and thinks it is perfectly reasonable for you to phone them at 4.00am to discuss a Broadway production of a new Les Miserable. In my experience, these soul mates are fleeting (there may be a reason for this), and in real life, it's best to keep the 'crazy' within you, until you have at least got a ring on your finger and a joint bank account. Writing is a great way to unleash the 'crazy' without spending long spells in prison or a psychiatric ward. Who hasn't dreamed of sneaking up behind their partner with a rusty rake or planned a life of debauchery on a Jamaican beach with a guitar strumming Rastafarian? Ok, again, maybe just me. But I have to add, the wonderful Agatha Christie (would love to have had dinner with her) had a bit of a penchant for bumping off aristocrats in very grand surroundings. Writing allows us to go off into whatever fantasy world we wish. We can create a hero or a heroine in whatever genre we choose. We can be the futuristic warrior or 19th century freedom fighter. We are not obliged to say I personally did that, or I thought that, we can put our words and deeds (and those of others) into the characters we create. How our readers interpret what we write is up to them. This self consciousness is, I believe the biggest hurdle most writers face. I started out with a 'pen name' - Cristobell! It is a great way to unbind your inner free spirit. In this wonderful new age of technology, we can actually call ourselves by whatever name we wish, and if writing under a different name gives us the confidence to write, then why not? George Eliot. I rest my case. It is a tragedy that so many use anonymity for bad, when it can be used for so much good! Anyone can publish anything, under any pen name. For the first time in history any one of us can publish a book on any subject we want. We don't have to sit back and get buried by a pile of rejection letters, we have got the same chances of producing a bestseller as a multimillion pound publishing house. Social media has been a great leveller. We can all take our best shot. There are, for now, NO prohibitions. We can go further than writing a Mr or Mrs Angry from Tunbridge Wells letter, we can highlight any injustice we want in whatever form we want. I am of course biased by my love of literature, but all the major social changes that have come about through the centuries, have been heralded in by those pioneers who highlighted life's injustices through art, literature and music. From those who finely honed their communication skills so they could connect with inner emotions, Charles Dickens, William Morris, Beethoven, they give us the ability to shine the light back onto ourselves, the endearing and starving urchins, the beauty for beauty's sake, the 'listen to me, God dammit!'.  It breaks my heart that there are so many talented people out there, put off their dreams by ignorant teachers who crushed their dreams with an ill considered strike of a red pen or a thoughtless remark. Sadly, I believe State education is geared towards mediocrity, and in my single sex school we were geared towards being good secretaries, nurses or hairdressers and away from the Arts and the science labs. Sadly, I think most of my generation had their inner 'I wanna be a best selling author/ rockstar etc' crushed by the reality of having to earn a living wage. And it is hard to drift away a la Virginia Woolf, when you have got hungry kids and a large Neanderthal (who's views on the Broadway play (and bank account) weren't altogether sound btw) asking when dinner is going to be ready. For most people, getting past that 'naked in a crowded room' stage can take decades. Especially if there are a lot of harsh words from the past to undo. Navel gazing is a very strange preoccupation, it takes you off into places you could never have imagined and it's way, way cheaper than therapy! I always start by taking people back to the 5 year old they once were, the age when they completely free (we hope) to allow their inbuilt personality to shine through, without being inhibited by society's codes and conventions and their own growing self awareness. It sounds terrifying, but it's actually very cathartic and much easier to do than you would think. When you look back on your past, depending what frame of mind you are in, or what you hope to achieve, I recommend that you begin by looking for all that was good and everything that made you laugh. Everything that made you what you are now. When you explore your own past, you have to begin by forgiving yourself for everything, you were young ffs, and you didn't have the wisdom your have now. Going back to tell a decrepit old lady that you once stole a gobstopper from her sweet shop, may absolve your conscious, but it is also likely to get you a whack over the head with an umbrella - same as it did first time round. You must accept that there were circumstances prevalent at the time that were beyond your control. And the same forgiveness must apply to your loved ones, your parents especially. They too probably found themselves in circumstances beyond their control and they were also once young and naïve. The first rule of writing is that there are no rules. We are all unique and the grammar police often, just don't get it. There is nothing wrong with writing in your own vernacular. Everything doesn't have to be an academic essay, or a poem consisting of ten stanzas. They stifle freedom of speech by rigidly checking every line for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes whilst making us squirm. Whilst we should strive for perfection, it takes time and practice to get the narrative flowing, when in full flow, you go back and make the corrections later. I believe it is good manners to check your final work thoroughly, but if it is good enough you will have editors to do it for you! Meanwhile, you have google at your finger tips, spelling errors these days are just lazy, lol. And yes, I'm guilty of it too. We all are. First drafts will be far from perfect, even for writers with years of experience, but if you can forgive yourself the first errors and omissions (and you will be your own harshest critic) you would be advised to get another opinion before you tear up your manuscript and abandon your dream. You might just have the next Angela's Ashes or Hunger Games on your hands. For all of those who want to write, and I think many people secretly do, they are put off firstly, by that intimidating fear that by 'writing anything down' they will expose their weakness with the written word, their spelling and grammatical errors, their inability to compose a complete text that they would be proud of. Most people have an almost adolescent self consciousness that they will mocked and derided, left naked in a crowded room, if they ever reveal their inner thoughts. They become almost paranoid, hiding everything they write away in a box under the bed, hoping no-body will ever look, or maybe somebody will, and that somebody will understand you and what you were trying to say. Even if it is one hundred years down the line. That reticence is all too familiar to old writers as well new, but for new writers there is a terror that they will be thrown into the public spotlight and their lives will be torn apart by plebs. To them, I would say, they should be so lucky! The biggest problems potential authors have is getting someone, anyone, to read their work. Try walking up to people and saying do you want to read my manuscript, and see where that gets. The alternative of course is to send your manuscript of an agent, publisher, producers, where it will sit under the huge pile of more interesting autobiographies from the cast of TOWIE. Happily, having permanently startled eyebrows and inflated lips is no longer the only route to literary success. Every genre has an audience, and it has never been easier to 'create your own system'. I have gone down the socially acceptable via an agent and publishing route. I have been 'edited' to an inch of my life, along with the mountain of legal readings and re-writes I had to do. It is exhausting! You are only assigned an editor for a limited time, and you have constant deadlines. My published book ' Cry and You Cry Alone' did not fit the 'misery memoir' genre, I did not embellish anything, and I did not give any graphic descriptions of abuse. I wasn't looking for sympathy. But returning to your question and points 3 and 4 I believe. My course is in the draft stage at the moment. If I learned anything from teaching within the state system, it is just how crucial it is for a student to have individual attention, so I don't want a 'one size fits all' course and I really need to have a chat with the most logical person I know, who just happens to be meditating in a Buddhist monastery at the moment and is therefore uncontactable. (Or so he tells me :( ) A set course that caters for people across a wide range of abilities will not bring out the best in them, it won't allow their unique talents to shine through. Most people who 'think' about writing have no idea how to begin. They don't even know what vernacular or genre they want to write in. They are without direction because they believe their work isn't good enough, or worse, ouch, that they should be ashamed of it - this where those ignorant teachers come in. At the moment I am thinking about setting the course up as six sessions the first two consisting of 'how to get started' with exercises designed to help the student find their niche. The narrative style that is comfortable for them. No-one should be spending hours labouring over single chapters, or heaven forbid, single paragraphs. When your find your own comfort zone, the words will flow naturally. Along of course, with teaching the student how to turn their manuscript and ideas into a tangible, finished memoir or work of fiction, that they can publish themselves, or via a publishing house, or simply printed and preserved as a wonderful treasure for your family or future historians.  No, it is not an accredited course. It is designed purely for pleasure and I hope the beginning of a fulfilling lifelong hobby that keeps mischievous minds young and sprightly. And if you are passionate and determined enough it may result in a new career, a best seller, and a penthouse apartment overlooking Brighton beach. My dream is a yellow 'Noddy' car - make of that what you will. The objective of my course is to get those who want to write, writing. I want to get them to remove those invisible self awareness shackles and believe that everything they have to say is valid. It matters not a jot what other people think. There will be praise, but there will also be critics. Not least from those closest to you. When you are upstairs writing, you are not paying attention to them. It's ' A Room of One's Own' all again. To be well written, you have to be well read - that is essential and there are no shortcuts, well there are, but nothing beats reading night and day. The reading will expand your vocabulary. I will be recommending books that offer specific learning curves appropriate to students' aims and goals. No point in pointing them towards Eminem if they have a passion for Shakespeare. At the moment, my memoir course is in the design stage, I'd like to get a bit of market 'what the customer wants' research before carving anything in stone. I have over the years encountered so many people who have such interesting and amazing stories to tell. And people who have such a natural gift for storytelling without even being aware of. Writing a memoir is not the daunting process most people believe it to be. Once you find a way in which to structure the plotline, with a beginning, a middle and an end, and a SUBTEXT, the narrative will come easily. If you are inspired, and you will be if you set off on the journey of writing a book, you will be inspired by everything that is around you. An old black and white family photograph can take you back in time, the clothes, the expressions, the surroundings. It can stir memories and open up your mind as you try to imagine the worlds they lived in. The great great grandmother who gave birth to 11 children, was she happy exhausting her body and mind because Queen Victoria thought large families were a good thing? How about great great grandpapa, was he happy to go off to fight a war he didn't understand because it came with a regular pay cheque? (he had a lot of mouths to feed). Many people now search for their Ancestry online, and heaven knows, I am sure we all have mountains of material there. If we are lucky (best seller wise) there will be a bit of skulduggery and I'm hoping in my case a long line of female rebels who were no better than they ought to be. The 'crazy' in my own bloodline seems to be predominantly in the female genes, possibly because my own grandmamma was a power crazy matriarch who made grown men and small children tremble. I jest of course, her self esteem was quite impressive, the Good Lord agreed with her, not the other way round. But back to those questions. I am thinking of charging between £200.00 and £300.00 for the six session course. The introduction will be free, it will be a way in which I can assess the student's abilities and needs and they can assess my ability to teach them. I will also be offering editing and critiques, probably at around £200 per 5,000 words. I am also considering ghost writing, or re-writes but that would be considerably more as it would involve a lot of close contact with the 'author' in order to tell their story, and I have no figures for that at the moment. As for 'being sober', lol, fortunately or unfortunately, I stopped drinking about 3 years ago, the spirit was willing but the body couldn't handle it! It's a shame really, because I used to write some batshit crazy stuff whilst under the influence, though tis true to say my grammar was all over the place! These days my drinking is restricted to a glass of sherry at Christmas and a maybe the odd noggin of a good red wine with a fine steak. As well as a BA(Hons) degree, I have a Higher National Diploma in professional/ creative writing. I have studied in depth ways in which to structure narrative. Ways in which to fill that blank page. I can make a screenplay out of an afternoon sat in the waiting room of a busy consultant's office - I see clearly delineated stories where others only see a mish mash of great ideas but no way in which to connect them all together. A full accredited writing course will teach how to structure narrative, but I will do it the quick way. Very few writing courses are accredited by the way - my own HND was the first of its kind and quite unique at the time - and it was a two year course that included much,much more than writing. I hope that my course will appeal to those who have already taken the first tentative steps. People who have been stuck on manuscripts for years because they can't think of an ending and they don't know which direction to take. I always recommend that you begin with 'The End' btw, because if you know what your grand finale is going to be, you can leave hints and pointers along the way, it makes it more interesting for the reader. As many of my readers are aware, I am constantly urging people to write their memoirs - not least because it is one of the greatest gifts they can pass onto their children and grandchildren. It will survive the house, the car and the weary old bones, and if you are lucky it will give future descendants of your bloodline an insight into how their family has evolved. What wouldn't we give to take a peek into the lives our ancestors, to understand the times in which they lived and their hopes and dreams for the future. And if you want to publish it, you might even have a bestseller on your hands!Everyone has a book in them, and writing a memoir is often the kickstart they need. When you write a memoir, you have a subject that you already know, you were there, you lived it. Sights, sounds and even smells can bring all those memories flooding back, and I can show you ways in which to capture those moments with the written word. The biggest hurdle for most wannabe writers is their irrational fear of other people reading their work. I know that fear! I have lived it. For many years I crept downstairs during the night to bash away at an old typewriter, only to scrunch the pages up and throw them in the bin. I felt that my 'secret habit' was a bit weird, it wasn't something I ever spoke about - while sober. In my social circle, writing was seen as a bit arty and pretentious and being a writer wasn't something a working class woman like myself should aspire to. To all those aspiring writers out there struggling with that hurdle, I would say, don't scrunch your work up and bin it, and don't press that delete button. But most of all, don't give up! Many writers can overcome that hurdle with writing classes and I can't recommend them enough, but what they are really looking for is a way in which to get started and a way in which to structure the narrative so that it has a beginning, a middle and an end. I will shortly be offering a 6 session writing and mentoring course to kickstart that memoir. The course will be individually tailored to each writer's needs, with personal tuition via phone and Skype together with written critiques. I will also be offering reviews and editing services for those further along in the process. I am hoping to get a website up and running soon, but in the meanwhile, if anyone is interested, please contact me at Rosalindhutton@aol.com
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:32 PMCopy HTML
My spambox has been especially busy this past couple of days with sneaks from the cesspit trying to promote the Richard Hall videos. Just for the record I am not going to publicise theories that name and accuse all and sundry of lying and being involved in a heinous crime. I think it is morally reprehensible that people who through no fault of their own are being 'investigated' (stalked) by groups of self appointed vigilantes who have put them on public trial and found them guilty, based on nothing more than their own prejudices. I watched the first videos that Richard Hall produced and was deeply dismayed at the 'school boy' errors and the obvious input of chief conspiracy loon Tony Bennett. Richard seems like a nice enough guy, but he has either been totally bamboozled by Bennett (many have, see his Wiki entry) or, and I hate to say this, he has been too lazy to check the facts out for himself. Another reason of course, may be the 'answer to every question', the old filthy lucre. The mystery of Madeleine McCann is a global phenomenon, documentaries, books etc about the case could potentially make millions. Even justice seekers have to earn a crust. I fully understand why the disappearance of Madeleine has gripped the inner detective that lies within all of us, For some of us the need to know who dunnit, how they did it and most of all, why, can be overwhelming. In the early days, I would have compared my own obsession with this case to Sir Edmund Hillary's need to reach the top of Mount Everest, giving up was never an option. I read everything, and I mean literally everything I could find, and in the early days, thousands followed and commented on this case. It took a long time to sort the wheat from the chaff, but I had a few golden rules. If the theorists I read dismissed or worked round the evidence of the dogs, I stopped reading (Birch) . If they dismissed the work of Goncalo Amaral and the PJ, I stopped reading (Bennett, HideHo, Textusa). If they stuck rigidly to their own theories 'I'm right, dead right', I stopped reading (all of them, plus Peter (last photo) mac). Eventually, I reached the conclusion, that the only people who know exactly what happened within Apartment 5A, were the occupants and those present at the time, and they ain't telling. The police may be able to work out a scenario based on the forensic and witness evidence available, but will it be strong enough to convince a jury? It should be remembered that the 'authorities' have resources and facilities that the armchair detectives can only dream of. With their limited 9 year old evidence (PJ files), their theories are already nearly a decade out of date. The problem with 'bad' researchers like Tony Bennett, is that they bring all their prejudices to whatever they do. Tony Bennett had already reached a conclusion before his 'research' into this case began - that is, it involved deviant sex and had links to the hated Labour government of the time. All his work thereafter has been led by confirmation bias, he has been looking for evidence that will support his own conclusions. Those who support his work, will have the same prejudices, ergo, they will empathise, his words will be theirs too. Whilst confirmation bias has its' audience, it rarely, if ever, leads to the truth. And for those of us who want the truth and nothing but the truth, it just isn't good enough. It would be like cutting the edges off round pegs, forcing them into square holes and saying 'that'll do' or even Sir Edmund settling for a ledge near the top because be 'wanted to go home now'. These theorists are trying to satisfy our need to know with very dodgy, makeshift props that fall to pieces if you give them a prod. Unfortunately, the McCann case already has an established and very dodgy audience. Many thousands were initially drawn to this case because they were appalled that the mainstream media were bending over backwards to excuse the child endangering and gross negligence of this group of doctors in the lead up to the holiday season. They were also quite clearly, in yer face, covering something up. Unfortunately, it also attracted droves of the self righteous and the sanctimonious, who used the case as a platform to tell us just how perfect they were, the usual nutters (psychos, misfits, obsessives, wannabe stalkers) and those who wanted to lead angry mobs. The largest group 'the usual nutters', have mostly, moved on to other targets and victims, but as becomes clear if you google 'McCann', a number still remain. The majority who remain however, are still here because they care very much what happened to that little girl who went missing on her holidays. They are here because they cannot accept that a small vulnerable child can just disappear with no-one being held accountable. They are the good people who won't stand by and allow evil to flourish. They are here because they understand that the evil behind that child vanishing is still eating into innocent lives. They are appalled at the injustice of a decent cop having his good name and reputation slandered because he has never forgotten what this case is all about. They are appalled that an innocent lady could be driven to her death by the dark forces who will literally go to any lengths to keep the truth hidden. I can only say, God help those who are living with that dark hand over them, they have lost their freedom. The majority of us are here now because we haven't forgotten Madeleine, and because we cannot stand by and say nothing whilst this evil air of corruption continues. I think it is fair to say that this case has shown millions of tabloid readers just how much they have been manipulated. They now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that their newspapers can and do lie to them. In the pre internet days, news could be contained within borders, the opinions of an entire nation could be swayed and manipulated with make or break front pages. Cover ups now are virtually impossible, most of the population walk around with camera phones and instant updates on anything they want. This case has illustrated how the mainstream media have lost control, newspaper sales have plummeted, well known journalists have been exposed as part of the establishment, no longer led by a search for the truth, so much as regular job and pay cheque. On that one aspect I will commend Richard Hall, he does at least pursue his ideas, even if they are a bit off the wall and in the case of the Holocaust denier, downright objectionable to many of us. I don't want his work banned, nor do I want to steer people away, I always advise people to check these things out for themselves and to have faith in their own judgment. Whilst I am all for fearless documentary making, I have no respect for those that are not guided by honesty and integrity. The most groundbreaking and indeed the most successful of those documentary greats are the ones that target the main players and resist the temptation to go off at a tangent to massage their own egos. Four hours of 'look at how much work I've done' is a turn off for most people. The urge to say, shut up and get to the point overwhelms most of us within the first 30 minutes. The 'A' list presenters and commentators can show how much work they have done within a 2 minute segment, they don't have to accompany it with a biography and a time and motion study. Not only has Richard Hall been led off on a tangent by Tony Bennett - distastefully, all the people being accused in the Richard Hall videos have no right of reply. They are targeting people who are bound by their own (decent) morals and values, and quite possibly judicial secrecy. Just because we are able, if we are that way inclined, to track down all the people named in the released PJ files doesn't mean that we should. Those 'researching' the witnesses do not seem to understand that what they are doing has gone above and beyond that which most of us would consider socially acceptable behaviour. In my opinion, it borders on psychopathic, there is something a bit 'Salem Witch Trials' about getting a crowd to point a finger at a selected target. But above all else, it is sleazy and it is creepy and it is no doubt why many of them, hang onto their anonymity for dear life. The continuation of the abduction story is not without victims, people who are being made to suffer and live in fear to perpetuate the myth that Madeleine was taken by a stranger. An effective government keeps the masses in check with fear. Fear of aliens (the ones with dark skins who carry backpacks) and fear of paedophiles (one lurking on every corner and waiting to climb in the kids' bedroom window when the lights go out). Being named and shamed is a dark secret fear held by most of us. We can always find something to torment ourselves with if we put the effort into it. But mostly we very protective of our personal boundaries. Of course, attention seekers like myself are always vying for centre stage, but most people like to lead quiet unassuming lives, or they want to be known by their own talents, not their connection to an infamous missing child case. It was her connection to the Madeleine case that led directly to the death of Brenda Leyland, something those naming and accusing the witnesses in this case should probably bear in mind when they share these videos. Those promoting these supposedly truthful accounts of what happened to Madeleine McCann are contributing to the trauma of those who are simply trying to get on with their lives. The accusations against Robert Murat are unspeakable and the possible repercussions do not bear thinking about if a gullible deranged viewer decides to take this form of justice one step further. All employers now google potential candidates, how many of those named in the PJ files have seen their lives torn apart by these zealous 'researchers'. For libel purposes, I expect the damages are at present incalculable. I will not add to their suffering by sharing the malicious and accusatory words of people looking for a short cut to easy money by claiming to 'know' what happened to Madeleine McCann. Or more accurately, what everyone in PDL was getting up to that night, bar the people in Apartment 5A. In any event, the answer is cash. Media sensations like the Madeleine story are few and far between, it was bound to attract opportunists, people who would use the case of a missing child to set up a pretty pointless Foundation. I have no problem with people making money from their talent, but stalking innocent strangers online is not a talent and accusing them of covering up the death of a child is despicable. However, I don't want to ban these pulp fiction chancers, nor do I want to silence them, the only way to deal with them is to challenge them directly and point out all the glaring, and downright ridiculous, flaws in their confirmation bias approach to research. Among the victims of all the Madeleine related spin offs, is Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Information. The case of missing Madeleine has been, and is, being used by those lobbying for new privacy laws and restraints on what the media publish. It is also being used by those who want legal access to all our computers. For our own protection, doncha know. Their battle cry is 'think of the children'. But I have digressed. I haven't watched Richard's videos, nor will I (at this stage). I am very precious about my time and at the moment I am desperately seeking episodes of Family Guy(suffering serious withdrawal symptoms). I am still vexed at the 4 hours I 'lost' last time I watched the Hall videos. I am still struggling to forgive Mark Wahlberg for The Happening (a title that takes irony to the extreme) for the 2 hours I will never get back. Though it must be said, he has gone some way to make up for it with Ted. The Hall videos however remain in the never go there again closet. It would be wrong therefore for me to pass judgement on Richard's videos, I only have knowledge of his previous videos that I am afraid left me less than enthralled. Apart from the absurdity of armchair detectives 'knowing for certain' what happened to Madeleine from the 9 year old evidence, I am horrified that real people associated with this case are being targeted and put on public trial by groups of vigilantes. For some people, enough is never enough, they want/need that 'satisfying' end and if it sits comfortably with their own view of the world, as near as dam it will do. These Madeleine theorists are not justice seekers nor are they tackling the real cover up that is going on. They are not life's achievers, they are not the movers and shakers, they are the fly by nights who zoom in, spend 5 minutes taking stock of the situation, before passing their expert opinion, and flying back off (probably via UFO) back to their real interests (aliens in Richard's case, the new world of Sodom and Gomorrah in Tony's). They don't really care about the characters involved, they don't see them as the real people they are, they are as real and empathetic to Richard as his extra terrestrials and to Tony, as his band of demons. They are collateral damage in their individual quests to become Cult leaders. Also, Robert Murat got a huge payout for the dreadful slurs against his name and reputation and that irks some people, even to this day. I have become very philosophical in the years that I have studied this case. Not only have I examined the motives of all those involved, I have carefully examined my own. I have long forgiven myself for my obsessive need to 'solve the puzzle', it is a human trait shared by many, a driving force some might say. Of course there are more important and imminent problems to solve all around me, but I'm fixated on this one, a bit like Sir Hilary. I now know the 'answer', in as much as I am 98% there on how the strings were pulled, but I couldn't possibly say. As to the logistics of how the actual scenario played out, I know only as much as Goncalo Amaral shared with us in his book The Truth of the Lie. I can take an educated guess at the psychology of what lay behind the actions of the inner group, but that can be nothing more than an opinion. Though I have to say, it is a very informed opinion. One of the modules of my degree course, included deconstructing literature, and it was subject I took to with great relish, and have pursued ever since. Tis my nature to deconstruct everything, an irritating trait, but I've learned to live with it. And the McCanns and the witness statements have given me so much to deconstruct! With Gerry's blogs and Kate's diaries, they saw a 'Kardashian' future of flashing paparazzi with newspapers and magazines queuing up to buy their story. They put their love of the cameras and airtime above their own self protection. They switched off that part of the brain that was telling them every time they appeared on camera and gave interviews they were giving themselves away. They truly believed they had anyone who listened to them, fooled, every opportunity to speak directly to the public was taken, because they believed the more they talked, the more convincing they would be. None of their advisors it seems has had the nerve to point out they have been digging themselves deeper and deeper into a hole. Kate perfected the 'look at how sad I am' whiney voice, almost at the outset of this case. I'm guessing it's the one that has worked so well and on so many occasions since childhood. They have told the abduction story so often, they probably even believe it themselves. Kate even manages faux outrage at the suggestion Madeleine could have got out of the apartment on her own, she almost has to stop herself from saying 'haven't you been listening'. It vexes her when her judgment is questioned. One can almost see the 6 year old Kate stamping her feet and threatening to be sick. But I am not going to deconstruct the huge volume of videos and texts available in this case just now, suffice to say that for anyone studying human behaviour, deceit, body language, psychology, actually any 'ology', this case provides volumes of resources. In the early days, the MSM were rushing for the opinion of Kate and Gerry(or they were just giving it via their press office) on major news stories and childrens' issues. The epitome of good, solid, middle class family values and phenomenal fund raisers. In other words, an advertiser's dream. Their 'cash value' took precedence over the morals and scruples involved. The Tapas Group's half arsed form of parenting was not only whitewashed, it was almost recommended as ditzy sofa queens rushed to console Kate by saying 'we all do it'. Thus ensuring that the prisoners of Mother England are not only looked down on by our European neighbours for the thuggish behaviour of our football hooligans and inability to cope with alcohol, we are also known as habitual neglecters of young children. The British establishment treated their Portuguese suspect status as totally insignificant, almost with contempt, with the then head of CEOP Jim Gamble, sitting alongside the two arguidos publicising a 'live' missing child. The Portuguese would not have shelved their investigation if there were any prospect of finding Madeleine alive and if there was a child predator on the loose in the Algarve. There is no evidence of an abductor and there is no evidence of Madeleine being alive. Despite all of the above, Kate 'we checked on them every half hour' McCann was made Ambassador for Missing Children and no doubt had lots of parenting advice books lined up for the highest bidder. For those thinking this is entirely a joke piece, the aforementioned really happened. Mrs 'it worked so well for 5 nights' Mcann is the face of a major charity. Whilst the theorists are chasing their own preconceived ideas, they are overlooking the obvious injustices that are staring them in the face and continue to affect the lives of others. They are targeting the nannies, the neighbours, or anyone who ever set foot in PDL or played golf, and they are overlooking the fact that a mother who left her very small children on their own, and makes no apologies for it, and who left 48 police questions unanswered is the face of a major charity supported by the Establishment. From what I do know, Richard is sticking with his initial thoughts (or should I say Bennett's initial thoughts) that is he has veered off into the realms of 2 degrees of separation and a vast amount of speculation, by a deranged 'researcher' who is quite obviously a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic - and a nasty one at that. Will I be watching the videos, nah, I think I'll stick with the far more enlightened world of the Griffins. Ps. I am astonished that those who left the Jill Havern forum because of the cesspit's harassment of the Smith family and other innocent witnesses, are now promoting the videos of Richard Hall on the Candyfloss forum, This is despite the fact that Richard has not only expanded on Bennett's initial stalking and harassment, he has raised it to a whole new level and taken it to a bigger audience. Live and learn. <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe> I haven't commented on the latest flurry of Madeleine stories, because to be honest, I was feeling a bit sorry for the main players. Their world must be closing in on them, it's a bit like a car crash where you just don't want to look anymore. Besides which, the stories are just more of the same thing we have been seeing on a regular basis for the past 9 years. Madeleine is still missing and the McCanns are still looking and hoping and using their children as human shields.I try not to pass judgment on other people's behaviour, but ffs, what is wrong with the very proactive family who surround the parents, that they are allowing those poor kids to be dragged into this mire of deceit? Isn't there one among them with a sense of decency and conscience? They are in it up to the necks, but the kids don't have to be. If those kids have trust issues in their lives, the very proactive family will have only themselves to blame. Kate and Gerry know the public do not like them, so they are using the kids' names in the press releases to ward off criticism of themselves. It is a cowardly thing to do, the twins are at an age where newspaper front pages can affect their lives, especially if they are mentioned by name. And using their children for sympathy is not new to them. As soon as Kate and Gerry cottoned on how unpopular they were, they used Madeleine's name and face in earnest. 'It's about an innocent little girl' said the father, 'it's not about us' said the mother. Now they are using the twins. 'They want their sister back' Kate tells us, because she knows the sad faces of herself and her husband are no longer tugging at our heart and purse strings. I probably wouldn't have commented, but I hate being manipulated, especially when it is so obvious. It feels like an insult to my intelligence. I felt like that in 2007 when Kate appeared at the Portimao police station with Cuddlecat strategically placed so that it peeked cutely out of the top of her rucksack as she went in for her interview. Not to mention of course, her snazzy Madeleine badge - available at their newly opened online shop along with good quality wristbands. We are being manipulated again, the McCanns are keeping THEIR story on the front pages - they are probably building a defence and attempting to get the public back onside by using their children to gain sympathy. Don't any of the adult family members want her back? Those aware of all the facts and the implications of what they are saying? All those relatives who rushed out to join them at Warners' Resort? The latest news stories tell us that as this case draws to a close, the McCanns still have nothing from Operation Grange that clears them or suggests that Madeleine is still alive. Kate believes Madeleine, is not a million miles from Portugal, not because the police have said so, but because it is where she feels closest to her. We are led to believe that the parents are working with Operation Grange, and the McCanns have also told us that the investigation gave them hope. Yet apart from the age progression picture when Operation Grange began, the police have given them nothing tangible to say in their defence. And they have not been searching for a live child - there has never been any urgency to their investigations so the idea they have been looking for a live child is absurd. Methinks the parents and the police are not reading from the same hymn sheet.I don't think Operation Grange will end well for the McCanns. Even if there are no arrests, the dark cloud will remain and the years ahead will be lined with civil actions. They are eternal litigants, they can never walk away. They also live with the risk that the pact can break at any time. There are too many involved for this to remain a secret forever. Relationships break down and change, consciences gnaw at the troubled in the wee small hours, driving them insane. No-one can ever be certain what another might do. Trust turns to hatred, dependence turns into a prison. As long as they all have to rely on each other, their lives can't be anything other than a living hell. That they continue with it, is another 'unbelievable' to add to the ever growing list in this case. Personally, I'd rather have cocktails with Fred and Rosemary West than that lot. Whilst I do believe there are restrictions over the reporting of the Madeleine case, for most mainstream journalists, the Maddie case is one among thousands landing on their newsdesks every day. They simply don't have the time or inclination to concentrate on one specific case. A case that will never pay the rent because no-one will publish their findings whilst a live criminal investigation is underway. Newspapers are loathe to publish stories or articles that will land them in a legal quagmire, the news industry is too fast moving to get bogged down on individual stories that are unlikely to pay off, or even get past their legal teams. I had a book published by Random House and the 'legal reading' is very intense, even the 'giants' are very wary of UK Libel Law. Busy newsdesks have hundreds of stories to run past the lawyers and the problematic ones are usually ditched. The idea that mainstream journalists KNOW the intimate details behind each and every story they report on, is ludicrous. Their job is to report the news, not to judge the participants and select those who are worthy or not worthy of airtime. This is where the cesspit went seriously awry. They judge the report ers of the news rather than the news they are reporting. Eg. That story can't be true because the reporter is a known adulterer. They can't trust anyone other than the editor of the Parish magazine. In a nutshell, they have lost the plot. But returning to the lack of interest in this case by the Mainstream Media. Given that the answer to EVERY question is money. When there is money in it, there will be an abundance of McCann stories everywhere and the Murdoch empire has a head start because they worked closely with them in their campaign for a Review. Who can forget the 'I couldn't make love to Gerry' front page. At the moment the floodgates are holding up because there is a live criminal investigation underway. Most people, even avaricious old media moguls, understand that it would be morally reprehensible to interfere in a criminal investigation. Let's not forget that this case is about a little girl who's life was cut short and who deserves justice. Those conducting their own investigations and bombarding Operation Grange with FOI requests and Petitions are doing Madeleine a disservice, they are actively interfering in the judicial process by tying the police up with nonsense, and harassing witnesses. I fear their interference will prevent any trial or any justice for Madeleine, and I'm actually beginning to wonder if that has been their aim all along. Not only are they wasting the Officers time, they are accusing them of corruption at the very least, and God knows what else, in their private discussion rooms. They are protecting themselves from libel action by using anonymity, but their present safety lies in the fact that they are probably such a low priority in this case that no-one can be arsed with them. But let's hope they have all added their real names to Bennett's Petitions anyway. As it stands there has been no conclusion to the Madeleine case. Operation Grange, may have wound down, but it hasn't closed. At the moment there is nothing to protest against. If it merely drags on without any announcement or result, anyone of us are free to take the matter to our local MP so that questions can be raised in the Houses of Parliament. We live in a democracy, the investigation has been publicly funded, it cannot just be filed away with no questions asked. Meanwhile what kind of justice do we want? I don't think anyone can dispute that those directly involved are living under a very dark cloud. Their lives are no longer their own, they are all dependent on the links of a chain holding strong. They are living in fear, and I cannot think of a worse prison than that. A pro once asked me if it would really be so bad if they 'got away with it', and to be honest, I did have to stop and think about it. The crime suspected is grotesque but the punishment is lifelong. But returning to reality, the 'crime' didn't stop there, it grew and multiplied and it has been very cruel and destructive, not only for those daft enough to allow themselves to become so entangled, but to innocent bystanders and the cop who had the misfortune of being handed the poisoned chalice. They deliberately set out to bring misery and fear to others, and they have preyed on peoples' kindness and generosity to amass a large fortune. But worse, and in the words of Kate 'they will never stop'. [in response to Nuala from The Case Against Robert Murat]UPDATE 10/02/6THE SWINGING THEORY The discussion seems to have veered off in the direction of the 'swinging theory' and in response to Nuala, you are right, we may not agree but the matter is open to debate.It may be that I have led a particularly sheltered life, but I have never in all my years, known any swingers or attended any swinging parties. I have attended many parties where people have got drunk, taken drugs and ended up under the host, but they don't generally start out with those intentions. Well not if the fights, rows and divorces that follow are anything to go by. My knowledge of swinging parties comes mainly from the old News of the World, and from sneeky peeps at my friend's Dad's collection of Forum magazines. Fantasy stuff that didn't go on in the 'real' world. Similarly, I have never known anyone who has had an intimate relationship with their twin tub or who regularly attends fetish parties. I'm not saying these murky worlds do not exist, the NOTW regularly featured stories of politicians caught with their trousers down, and Madams Whiplash spilling the beans. I don't however, ever remember entire holiday resorts devoted to middle class swingers. And what a story it would have been?Whilst I hate to put it too strongly, the swinging theory is insane. Have these theorists even had a cursory glance at the main characters? Do they honestly believe that the clingy Kate, who nearly went into meltdown when Gerry flirted with the quiz mistress, would say 'your turn with my husband Fiona'? You say that it was extraordinary for there to be 300 tourists in PDL?, do you have stats for the previous years or for similar resorts for the same week? You say that it was well known that Warners held swinging events. 'Well known' where? Do they advertise? The Lancet perhaps? I don't know if Textusa or other believers in the swinging theory are parents themselves. I tend to think not, because if they are, they will remember the baby and toddler years as the most stressful and argument filled years of their marriages. Those who believe babies mend relationships are completely deluded. Babies and toddlers bring chaos, they take over everything, they never give you a minute's peace and they win every argument. Most couples return from family vacations swearing never to do it again, and talking divorce. Until the following year. Time is kind like that, it keeps smoothing the rough edges off so eventually all you can see is the laughter.You also say Nuala, that PDL was filled with VIPs, high fliers and professionals. Where is the evidence for this? In the summer of 2007, it was also filled with every enthusiastic crime journalist in the world, how come none of them picked up on that? I don't find anything particularly strange about 300 tourists being in PDL. It is a pleasant resort, family friendly, and the weather conditions were perfect for young children and sports enthusiasts. It may be that this resort had a good reputation via a grapevine, and of course, most of the tapas group had enjoyed Warners' resorts before. I fear Textusa and the swinging theorists have tied themselves up in a similar knotted yarn ball as Tony Bennett. That is, they came to one definitive conclusion several years ago, and have no way in which to wriggle out of it without admitting they were/are wrong. I am intrigued by your final sentence Nuala. You say if the swinging theory is wrong, there must be something else 'that fits the bill'. Why? As I often say, I am a follower of the school of thought that is KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid), the first and most simple explanation is usually the right one. Even Team McCann knew that, 'It was an abduction. End of'. Though the idea of a family resort for swingers is novel, even the NOTW would never have run with that one. Whilst some might say swinging is not seedy, taking your kids along, is. And accusing 300 people of abandoning their kids to go have sex with strangers should keep the libel courts tied up for years. I tend to think that those who come up with these fantastic sex stories, have read way too much fire, brimstone and Black Lace. They come from the imaginations of those a little bit detached from the 'normal' world. I am guessing they have very little sexual experience and any information they do have, comes from bible based resources that warn them about the evils that lie at the heart of our society. In this instance, Mark Warners resorts. Textusa may well be an enjoyable read for crime enthusiasts who like cryptic clues and long winded plotlines, but she strayed from reality a long time ago. The idea that some major world player was whooping it up in PDL with Kate and Gerry in a popular and very public, holiday resort is absurd. All the couples had very young children with them and they were up early every morning to sort the kids out and play tennis. How could they manage all of this if they had spent their nights running in and out of each other's chalets Carry On style?There was/is a cover up, but that cover up relates to the blunders made by the incumbent government and the police agencies who rushed to assist the parents. When the truth does come out there will be a lot of red faces - among them politicians, top police officers and television crime reporters. Meanwhile, the known facts of this case are intriguing enough, why the need to embellish them? My credibility as a CSA survivor is somewhat diminished by the fact that I was not sexually abused while in the care of St. Anne's Convent, Orpington. Those who were sexually abused would argue that we who were not, have no idea how they feel. Their abuse, the majority would say, was far worse. I am curious to know what constitutes sexual abuse? I don't know if there is a scale that exists, and I wouldn't dare try to google one for fear of a dawn raid. As a young girl about town in the 80's, I was often groped on the bus and fondled on the underground, and if I wasn't, I wore more lipstick. Nothing starts the day better than a wolfwhistle, a fag and an expresso. I jest of course, not with the wholfwhistles, but gropers can be swiftly despatched with a sharp elbow or a swift kick - when did girls become such wusses? What constitutes sexual abuse in the workplace? I once had a creepy boss who had a tendency to stick his bald head between my double 34DD's and my typewriter keyboard. Was that 'abuse'? It was peculiar, but was it abusive? I found it hilarious, and to be fair, he was far from the only one. As a legal secretary, I had one boss who asked me to stay late so he could show me his secret stash of handcarved phallic symbols, I was broke at the time and on the clock, so I thought what the hell. Such was my experience working for lawyers, I thought most of them were giant dicks anyway. In trying to understand how sexual abuse occurs and in how it is so much worse than physical abuse, I can only draw on my own experience. Life is not so much about what happens to us in this life, it lies in the way we react to it. I was 'groped' as a child, but it didn't wreck my life. Being physically and mentally forced to believe in and abide by a religious lifestyle that was totally alien to me however, brought me black eyes, multiple bruising, hair ripped out and social isolation. In the convent environment, those 'favoured' by the Uncles and nuns received privileges that were denied to the girls and the younger children. We were envious of their outings, their new clothes, the fact that they were allowed to stay up and watch telly all night. The way they were treated was polemically opposite to the way in which we were treated. I understand now that they were victims too, but it didn't feel that way at the time. The reason most of us didn't tell was because we were punished as a group. If one of us 'told' we would ALL suffer. It was a very effective way of keeping the more rebellious among us in check. Whilst we didn't care what happened to us, we cared very much what happened to our siblings, friends and the little ones. We formed a bond between us that has spanned 40+ years. We covered up for each other and we took punishments for each other, it was us against them. I hid the physical abuse from my beloved Dad, because of how much it would have hurt him. For those sexually abused, that fear, I am sure, multiplies. Nobody wants their horrible, intimate sexual experiences broadcast to the nation, and most of all, they don't want their nearest and dearest to know about them. My advice to them, is stick with your instincts, you have no need or obligation to drag up the negativity from your past. Whilst the graphic descriptions have an established voyeuristic readership and the full attention of the child protectors, they are destructive to the author. Reliving trauma over and over doesn't make you feel good. Reminding yourself of all the bad things that have happened to you is a recipe for lifelong clinical depression. Self pity is negative and destructive. Our brains are far more advanced than the Freudians, they file the bad stuff away in the corner to gather dust and we should learn to leave it there. But is sexual abuse worse than physical abuse? On personal level, I would prefer a stroke on the bottom to a punch in the eye. On an institutional level, how would a child given the option of eating a plate of vomit and/or being locked in the coat cupboard all night, see it? Physical abuse was of course, far more prevalent but it was an accepted part of the society's culture, so it is harder to prove. And if you throw in psychological abuse, you open the floodgates. What kind of fucked up ideology drags small children from their beds at 6.00am every morning to go stare at the grotesque image of a half naked man dying on a crucifix with blood pouring out of his wounds while a priest tells them how wicked they are. Girls especially who kicked off all life's ills by opting for fruit from a different vine. There is more than an abundance of the homo erotic to Christianity. From the carefully chiselled muscular figures of Michelangelo to the naked male cherubs on the walls of almost every ancient church. Jesus is bachelor supported by 12 equally sexually abstinent male followers and one fallen hussy they saved from a stoning. From a sexual and voyeuristic perspective, the bible is filled with stories of male heroism, David faced Goliath, Peter founded the Vatican, Jesus. a hot single guy in his early 30's, was the Saviour. For this reason, the majority of the sexual victims were boys. Abusers believe they must follow the teachings of the bible, the teachings of the bible allows and indeed encourages the disciplining of young men. As for the distinction between physical and sexual abuse, the spankings, whippings and sensory depravation made no difference to the male or female victim's behaviour, so exactly who was benefitting from it? What is to say there was no sexual motivation behind the physical abuse. From a personal perspective, it was just as degrading being dragged to the ground by my hair and given a good kicking in front of my friends. Unfortunately, physical abuse does not have the sensationalism or popular appeal of sexual abuse, sexual abuse will always elicit the most media response. Unless it reaches the proportions of Baby 'P', it will remain the less interesting sister. The physical abuse of children is a murky area. The government has no right to tell parents how to discipline their children, and physical abuse is far from confined to institutions. 85% of us come from dysfunctional homes. But that is a statistic just like any other, what is functional? Returning to those affected by sexual abuse. Most victims will have been men, and the male of the species are not known for sharing their innermost thoughts. And they shouldn't be forced to. All those who have put their sorrows behind them are the ones who have been successful and who have thrived. They were the invulnerable children, the ones who didn't allow their bad, early experiences to throw them off their goals. The best form of revenge is live well. Many thanks to Jim (The Pope says....) , who kindly contacted me and is going to buy my book. I wanted to reply to Jim, but not just to Jim, to all those caught up in the debacle of the CSA trials and investigations. Or what will probably come to be known as New Labour's Witch Hunt. I wanted to call my book Cry and You Cry Alone, 'The Invulnerable Child' and I kind of wish now that I had stuck to my guns. It wasn't a misery memoir and I wasn't a victim, I created an entirely different genre, one that a former lecturer of mine, used to teach on his HND course, bless him. I broke the mould, not that it got me anywhere, lol. I always say I regret nothing, only because I like singing No Regrets Edith Piaf style when I get drunk. It kind of breaks the moment if you say, 'well there was that one time.......'. But I do deeply regret that I allowed the actions of those psychopaths in St. Anne's to have such a big influence over my life. I wasted 40+ years plotting ways and means in which to get revenge. I wanted to expose the evil that went on in that institution. Ultimately, I achieved what I wanted, I got them into Court and I got a major publishing deal. I got the opportunity to tell my story, but it didn't make me better.I lost my legal case because of Limitation Laws (the time in which you can bring a case) and the fact that I did not present myself as a broken victim. 'And how does a person like you, know a word like 'malevolent, Miss Hutton', asked the barrister for the Defence. Which pretty much summed up the whole tone of the trial. When the Defence Lawyer and the barrister shared stories of their own jolly japes in the boarding school dorm, I knew I was doomed. Not that I am bitter - the Noddy car will be mine one day! I regret spending so much time blaming other people for everything that has gone wrong in my life. In my case these people were 40 year old ghosts that I summoned up when the man I loved didn't love me back, or I didn't get the job I wanted. I blamed the nuns for spoiling my education by forcing me to scrub floors so I couldn't do my homework. I blamed the rabid ex opus dei monk for trying to force his fucked up ideology into our young and vulnerable minds. Who teaches kids 'mortification of the body is good for the soul' and gets promoted for it?I still believe that those who survived the government funded gulags should be compensated for the horrors they endured but without being put on trial themselves. It is now, I hope, widely accepted that institutions are prone to turning into dystopian nightmares. They create the same environments as the 'Zimbado experiment'. That is, the inmates will divide into prisoners and guards and unless someone intervenes, there is likely to be tragedy.The number of survivors of these 'institutions' would run into hundreds of thousands. The authorities are presently holding back the floodgates, which is why they are fighting the individual cases so vigorously. The institutional abuse of the 1960's and 1970's, was part of the hegemony that existed at the time. It was recommended that children (of all classes) be given a darn good thrashing. The bottoms of the boys in Eton were just as red as the bottoms of the undeserving poor. The difference of course being, that the Eton boys were being taught to be leaders, the undeserving poor were being taught to be obedient (and grateful) servants. The victims of historic child abuse are not only up against Goliath, he has got several big brothers. That the abuse went on, is a given. How can vulnerable children placed in the care of criminally insane psychopaths come out unscathed? That adverts were put out for single men to become live in 'Uncles' to unprotected kids who needed religious and moral guidance, might just attract the most evil child predators in society was never given a second thought. In fact, preference was probably given to those with their own whips.Far be for me to tell survivors to give up their fight, I doubt I would have listened if anyone had tried to tell me, so I know how hard it is. Pursuing these individual claims is pointless, it has created a whole new industry of experts who are doing very well out of your pain. They will listen to you, but they will never tell you 'get the feck over it', because if they did, their lucrative careers would come to an immediate end.I'm afraid I have completely fallen out with the theories of Freud. If you have a festering boil, you don't keep topping up the poison every time it starts to look a bit better. Whilst I do believe that what happens to you in childhood moulds your character and personality, you have the choice to use it positively or negatively. If you see yourself as a victim, you will use past trauma as an excuse. If you are an 'invulnerable child' you will use it as a strength. Look at what Nelson Mandela achieved when he was released from prison. It is only in recent years that I realised I had the 'ruby slippers' all along. Everything that happened to me had been my own choice. I wanted to be a martyr, so I chose a martyr's life. I believed I was damaged, therefore I was. I thought 'justice' would make me feel better, but as it turned out, bringing those old and infirm men and women to Court brought me no satisfaction whatsoever. At their advanced ages, they were rendered harmless. That they were ever troubled by the their own inner conscience is a matter of debate. Their miserable lives had made them what they were, or what they were, made their lives miserable. Either way, I felt more pity than anger.In the whole scheme of things, I was fighting for something that didn't really matter, I told myself to 'get the feck over it'. All around us there are vulnerable children in dangers of epic proportions. I think those concerned with child protection should be focussing on the immediate needs of children in peril NOW, perhaps the island of Lesbos with the tiny shoes and babygro's strewn across its beaches and the food banks in this country where kids are literally going to bed hungry. I still believe that those who suffered under the regimes of those sadists richly rewarded for the care of society's most vulnerable children, should be financially compensated along the same terms as those in Eire. That is, individuals should not be subjected to the 'you are a dirty little liar' approach taken by those examining their claims. I find the need for every single graphic and lurid detail bizarre. How many times over do these things have to be proved?Meanwhile, I think all those survivors who are trying to numb those bad memories with alcohol, drugs or bad psychology, to put a sticking plaster over that boil and stop picking at it. Life is too short to worry about traumas from the past and the idea of reliving them over and over is just mental. Every single day we wake up with the free will to choose any path we want. Worrying about the paths we have come down, won't make any difference to the one that is up ahead of us. Try explaining to a hungry tiger that you had a difficult childhood and were a misunderstood teen, and see where that gets you?
Apologies, I have started a new blog for this. If anyone has facilities to c/p their comments re 'swinging theory' that appear here, please re-send. Ta. UPDATE 10/02/6THE SWINGING THEORYThe discussion seems to have veered off in the direction of the 'swinging theory' and in response to Nuala, you are right, we may not agree but the matter is open to debate.It may be that I have led a particularly sheltered life, but I have never in all my years, known any swingers or attended any swinging parties. I have attended many parties where people have got drunk, taken drugs and ended up under the host, but they don't generally start out with those intentions. Well not if the fights, rows and divorces that follow are anything to go by. My knowledge of swinging parties comes mainly from the old News of the World, and from sneeky peeps at my friend's Dad's collection of Forum magazines. Fantasy stuff that didn't go on in the 'real' world. Similarly, I have never known anyone who has had an intimate relationship with their twin tub or who regularly attends fetish parties. I'm not saying these murky worlds do not exist, the NOTW regularly featured stories of politicians caught with their trousers down, and Madams Whiplash spilling the beans. I don't however, ever remember entire holiday resorts devoted to middle class swingers. And what a story it would have been?Whilst I hate to put it too strongly, the swinging theory is insane. Have these theorists even had a cursory glance at the main characters? Do they honestly believe that the clingy Kate, who nearly went into meltdown when Gerry flirted with the quiz mistress, would say 'your turn with my husband Fiona'? You say that it was extraordinary for there to be 300 tourists in PDL?, do you have stats for the previous years or for similar resorts for the same week? You say that it was well known that Warners held swinging events. 'Well known' where? Do they advertise? The Lancet perhaps? I don't know if Textusa or other believers in the swinging theory are parents themselves. I tend to think not, because if they are, they will remember the baby and toddler years as the most stressful and argument filled years of their relationship. Those who believe babies mend marriages are completely deluded. Babies and toddlers bring chaos, they take over everything, they never give you a minute's peace and they win every argument. Most couples return from family vacations swearing never to do it again, and talking divorce. Until the following year. Time is kind like that, it keeps smoothing the rough edges off so eventually all you can see is the laughter.You also that Nuala, that PDL was filled with VIPs, high fliers and professionals. Where is the evidence for this? In the summer of 2007, it was also filled with every enthusiastic crime journalist in the world, how come none of them picked up on that? I don't find anything particularly strange about 300 tourists being in PDL. It is a pleasant resort, family friendly, and the weather conditions were perfect for young children and sports enthusiasts. It may be that this resort had a good reputation via a grapevine, and of course, most of the tapas group had enjoyed Warners' resorts before. I fear Textusa and the swinging theorists have tied themselves up in a similar knotted yarn ball as Tony Bennett. That is, they came to one definitive conclusion several years ago, and have no way in which to wriggle out of it without admitting they were/are wrong. I am intrigued by your final sentence Nuala. You say if the swinging theory is wrong, there must be something else 'that fits the bill'. Why? As I often say, I am a follower of the school of thought that is KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid), the first and most simple explanation is usually the right one. Even Team McCann knew that, 'It was an abduction. End of'. Whilst the idea of a family resort for swingers is novel, even the NOTW would never have run with that one. Whilst some might say swinging is not seedy, taking your kids along, is. Accusing 300 people of abandoning their kids to go have sex with strangers should keep the libel courts tied up for years. I tend to think that those who come up with these fantastic sex stories, have read way too much fire, brimstone and Black Lace. They come from the imaginations of those a little bit detached from the 'normal' world. I am guessing they have very little sexual experience and any information they do have, comes from bible based resources that entice them to seek out demons wherever they may be. In this instance, Mark Warners resorts. Those of us who were glued to the McCann rolling news in the early days of May 2007, will recall all too vividly the moment Robert Murat was pounced on by the police and by the press. He was a criminal profiler's dream, single, that is estranged from his wife and daughter and living with his mother. His singledom set him apart from the rest of the male population and made him an obvious target. I often whine about the stigma attached to single women, but for single men it can often be far worse. Their failure to have one careful owner is often seen as hiding something unnatural and bestial in the closet. If this were a plotline for a fictional story however, Mr. Murat would have been far too obvious and discarded in the first draft. But hey, they were having a good run with tall stories, and the public were demanding a villain. I think the ways in which they tried to implicate him were particularly crass. If he had been outside Apartment 5A after the alarm had been raised, how could he have been running off across the lawless plains of the Algarve with a child in his arms? Or worse, disposing of a body? He couldn't be in two places at once. Deh! The tapas members who suddenly remembered seeing him, were actually providing him with an alibi. I know that will send you know who off into a 'told you so' frenzy, but the tapas gang didn't realise it, and neither did he.The involvement of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) agency at the outset of this case has always been a mystery. Madeleine wasn't even 4 years old, she had no online activity, and the perpetrator who stole Maddie wasn't sitting at home watching porn, he was out stealing kids!For CEOP the discovery of pornography on Robert Murat's computer justified their presence. Gerry McCann was already talking about paedophile rings and the loins of the world's vigilantes were stirring. If the public believed that the internet was being used by predators to steal their children from their beds, they would welcome laws that would give CEOP wider powers. Robert Murat became a suspect, an arguido, after anonymous tip offs from childhood 'friends' who accused him of playing with frogs and snails and puppy dogs' tails. And of course, that lightbulb moment when the excitable tabloid journalist Lori Campbell suddenly remembered Ian Huntley offered his assistance to the police too! Case proven. Rally a mob. The most scary part of all this being of course, how easy it is to build a case against an innocent person. I don't for one moment believe Robert Murat had anything to do with Madeleine's disappearance. I think he is probably just a nice, friendly guy, who, with his mother, were trying to help a very distressed family. Whilst Ian Huntley had sinister motives for hanging around the police investigation in Soham, Robert Murat's reasons were valid and altruistic. The McCanns and their friends were in the middle of a crisis, and Robert had the skills to help them with the language barrier at the very least. Unfortunately for the 'profilers' there was a major flaw in their composite suspect. Robert was/is, an outgoing, friendly chap, well liked within his community with no anti social problems to be speak of. That is, he was the opposite of a paranoid, isolated, sexually frustrated predator who hides behind bushes in the park and steals children in the middle of the night. Much is made of Gerry's 'I'm not going to comment on that' response to 'do you know Robert Murat'. At the time Gerry and Kate were holding Court, all the eyes of the media and the world were upon them, and Gerry was loving it! He was Caesar addressing the Senate, important enough to answer or dismiss questions as he saw fit. As much as those trying desperately hard to involve Robert Murat, there is absolutely nothing other than fabricated accusations to back their theories up. It is their need to implicate Robert Murat that perplexes me the most.
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:37 PMCopy HTML
In response to Mimi on MMM You are a good egg Mimi, many thanks. Tis true it is the 'blurting out' that has got me into much trouble over the years, especially with jobsworth bosses. I simply can't do things 'the way they've always been done' without question, and they don't seem to like that, but such is life, the conformists usually sided with the bosses and I was out on my ear. Being ostracised is pretty much a way of life for me, from the playground, to the convent to the office to the world wide web, lol. The nuns tried to 'cure me' by taking away all my privileges (watching tv, pocket money, going out) and sending me to Coventry for 3 months. It was the school holidays and not a soul was allowed to speak to me, nuns, staff, kids, my friends (especially) and my own brother. Happily big bruv, friends and a very kind 'Aunty' went behind the nuns' backs and broke the rules. I was only 13 at the time, and if it wasn't for the fact that my head was permanently stuck in a book, I would probably have gone insane. It didn't cure me. It made me angry, I spent my days plotting my revenge, just as Scarlett O'Hara waved her fist in the air and swore never to be hungry again, I waved my fist in the air and swore I would never be silenced again. I would speak the truth, not their lies, and I didn't care about the consequences. No matter how much they beat me, or isolated me, I was never going to give in and I was going to tell the world what they did! Having experienced living in fear, and reading copious books about martyrs at that time, all the punishments hardened my resolve. I remember my 14year old self, telling the Romeo who broke my heart, 'you can't ever hurt me - I've been tortured by experts!'. I was a drama queen even then, and was toying with the idea of becoming Jewish (anything to piss off the nuns). I had just read the heart wrenching and very disturbing Auswitch followed by the very inspiring Exodus and wanted to go live in a kibbutz with a Ben Canaan and fight Arabs, I was gonna get the nuns later. The whole 'Jewish' thing was short lived however, once people got over the shock of seeing of a freckle faced, stroppy teen with mad paddy hair, wearing a Star of David, I got bored with it. Very few were interested in my reasons for becoming Jewish, apart from one kindly 'Aunt' who pointed out there was rather more to the Arab/Israeli war than handsome, olive skinned freedom fighters. My crime on the 'coventry' occasion incidentally, was taking an unexpected visiting mother into the dining room where her 5 year old son was being forced to eat regurgitated cheese by a particularly sadistic Uncle and telling my own mother where I got my black eye from. It was listed as 'Disloyalty' in the Punishment Book, a universal excuse for atrocities everywhere as I have since discovered. Some of you may wonder why I have argued the case for Andrew, particularly as he has been so scathing of me in the past. The simple reason is that I passionately hate the words ban, banish, ostracise and caste out. It is a horribly cruel punishment and rarely warranted. There are far kinder ways to modify peoples' behaviour - taking away their means to communicate being the least effective. It is the internet equivalent of 'off with their heads'. I know Candyfloss would argue that I delete posts, I can't censor them btw, I have no way to edit the comments, and it is true, I do delete outright abuse, I'm not going to supply a platform for loons to rant and rave aimlessly. But do you know what, I very rarely get posts like that these days and can't remember the last time I have had to delete anything. Every forum or blog finds its own level, the contributors eventually harmonise, they either up their ante (and vocabulary) or they sink to the level of the lowest common denominator - as has happened with CMoMM and JATKY2. My honesty is not intended to hurt, I usually add humour to take the edge off. I actually think dishonesty is far more hurtful because it achieves nothing and it plants the seeds for more sinister and worrying emotions. When given the option, most people choose truth everytime. And it doesn't have to be hurtful, we have the ability to make our words harsh or kind, it is entirely up to us. We are a highly evolved species, educated way and beyond our predecessors, not only can we speak, we can communicate with thousands at the touch of a button, but many have still not worked out that no-one is forcing them to read, watch, look at, or listen to, something that they don't want to. It will make no difference to them, but it will deprive those who want to read, watch, look at etc, said item and there is something a bit mean about that. Those who state twitter etc, would be so much better if certain individuals/ or minority groups were removed, are deluded if they think this will give their lives an upward boost. When you are on the lookout for something to offend you, you will always find it (confirmation bias). There is absolutely nothing I can, or will do (and this is not directed at you Mimi, you accept, 'I am as a I am') to appease my critics. Where would a writer begin if 'certain' topics were off limits? Don't mention suicide in case someone's Aunt's neighbour two doors but one, had a family member die that way? It reminds me of that Fawlty Towers 'don't mention the war' episode. The more you can't talk about a person or a subject, the more you want to. I think I have probably been trolled more than anyone commenting on this case, yet I still oppose any restrictions on Freedom of Speech. We all have the right to choose whether or not we want to be offended, I choose not to be. I see the anonymous trolls as the inept, social inadequates they are. They are hiding from me, I am not hiding from them. Tis true I have developed the hind of a rhinoceros, but I cannot understand how people can be so offended by words they read online. And I don't understand how removing the writer of those words, would make their lives any better. The idea of going into meltdown because some Norman no mates living hundreds of miles away mentioned the 'rape' word, is absurd. There are far greater dangers on our own doorsteps. During 'Sungate' lol, I got a taste of what it was to be amongst the world's most hated. My grinning mush in the centre pages of the Sun reduced one poor anti's mother to tears apparently. I was right up there with the Yorkshire Ripper, Ian Huntley and Heather Mills. The hysteria gave me an insight into how Brenda Leyland must have felt. Many haven't forgiven me to this day, and I doubt they would have forgiven Brenda, had she lived. The most enlightening part of that experience however, was the shocking realisation that so many of the 'antis' were exactly what the MSM thought they were. Nasty people using the case of missing child to go under cover and torment strangers online. Having been on the McCanns Blacklist (Death Dossier), I could fully understand why people had to keep their identities hidden (I had nothing left to lose), but I hadn't realised how many were actually using anonymity to unleash all their hatred and hidden prejudices against victims they selected online. And luckily for them, they quickly found like minded chums more than happy to join in with their malicious games. As this case nears an end, the different camps will become more distinguishable. Those with their 'right, dead right' theories have given us every detail of their research, yet they have never told us 'why'? <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe> In response to 23:55, (A Matter of Neglect) and your uncertainties regarding the evidence of Mrs Fenn, the McCanns upstairs neighbour, who was in all evening, on the night Madeleine disappeared. You question the discrepancies between what Mrs Fenn said in her statements and what she said when she was caught in the headlights of an oncoming juggernaut. I think the poor woman may have found herself under a barrage of attention that frightened the life out of her. Not just from the media and the Portuguese police, but from British police agencies acting on behalf of the parents - and of course the Fighting Fund of the very proactive Team McCann.By the time the evidence of Mrs Fenn became public knowledge, Kate and Gerry were the world's most famous and sympathetic victims. Anyone criticising them or their horrendous form of childminding was likely to be torn limb from limb by an angry mob.I can perfectly understand the predicament Mrs Fenn found herself in, and it is a tragedy that those assisting the McCanns have done so much to blacken her name. Imagine how she would have felt reading all this if she were still alive? Then imagine how she must have felt in the aftermath of Madeleine disappearing when the world's press set up camp outside her apartment? It is not easy to speak 'on camera', I once inadvertently confused the date my mother died and I didn't correct it because I had a limited amount of time and I had more important points I wanted to make. This was taken by the dossier compilers as conclusive evidence that I was 'liar'. They now put 'proven' in front of their reams of libel, lol. As for hearing a child cry for 75 minutes and doing nothing - again I sympathise with her predicament. How horrendous would it have been if she had involved the authorities and this large holiday party had turned on her? She was surrounded by them, quite literally, her apartment was directly above the McCanns and next door to all of theirs. No doubt over the years, she witnessed many groups of British tourists behaving badly and had learned not to interfere. I think we are being led astray by questioning the evidence of Mrs Fenn. The real question should be, why didn't Kate and Gerry run straight up those stairs to ask her if she had seen anything? She was the most likely witness, she had been in her apartment all evening and the parents were claiming an abduction. Their first contact with Mrs Fenn, was, according to Gerry, when she spoke to him from her balcony asking what had happened and if they would like to use her phone. She, made the first approach, and Gerry's bizarre reply was that 'a girl' had been taken. He didn't mention that it was his own daughter, he didn't ask her if she had seen anything and no he didn't need to borrow her phone, thank you very much. Or as they say in Essex, End of. Kate remembers it differently. Mrs Fenn, was the nosey neighbour from upstairs with the plummy voice who had treated her predicament as if a 'tin of beans had fallen off a shelf'. She and Fiona were so outraged at her lack of concern for theirdistress, that they too, didn't bother to ask the most obvious of questions. 'Did you see, or indeed hear, anything?'. 'The fiend that broke into our apartment would have made a hell of a racket prising open the steel shutters and climbing into a room that contained 3 sleeping babies - your apartment is directly above ours, you MUST have heard something'. Instead of begging for Mrs Fenn's help, the McCanns have gone all out to discredit her, Kate especially with her spiteful comments in her book Madeleine. They have regularly appeared on our TV screens pleading for anyone who saw anything to come forward, yet they had no interest in the evidence of someone they knew was on the scene and had a bird's eye view. They were also hard selling their own particular form of half arsed parenting. Mrs Fenn's statement that she heard a child crying for 75 minutes was hugely damning. At that time the McCanns and indeed the other doctors, could have faced serious charges of child endangerment. Charges that would have immediately ended all their high flying careers. Mrs Fenn was then, and arguably, is still, a huge thorn in the 'responsible parenting' defence. As for nobody else hearing the 75 minute crying session, who would have been brave enough to admit it if they had? As far as Team McCann's fighting fund were concerned Mrs Fenn was the enemy. Had there been a real abduction, Mrs Fenn would have been their star witness and new best friend. She could, knowingly, or unknowingly, have held that precious key they keep talking about. Whilst Kate and Gerry were broadcasting heartfelt pleas for anyone in Europe, Africa, the Americas and the Far East to come forward if they had ever holidayed in PDL, they were ignoring the woman upstairs!Mrs Fenn was an ordinary woman who suddenly found herself besieged by hungry journalists, Flash Harrys, and men in grey suits and dark glasses. I think what she experienced, was probably on par with the terrible closing in Brenda Leyland felt when she took her own life. I truly hope Mrs Fenn's final years were peaceful and contented, I see her as another victim of this scam (I hope I am wrong) and my heart goes out to her family. I think those judging the witnesses on the statements they gave in the aftermath of what must have been a traumatic experience for all of them, should hang their heads in shame. Do they ever stop and think for a moment how they would have felt in the same situation? It takes a lot of courage to put your head above the parapet.
It is curious that those investigating the witnesses online, always seem to target those who could cause the most damage to the abduction, responsible parenting, heads of defence. Their arguments are based on pure speculation and supposition. Tony Bennett has taken 'Six Degrees of Separation' and dwindled it down to Two. Simply being the same nationality/ religion/ species, is generally enough for a guilty verdict. And Tony Bennett is led by a warped mentality that sees everything as sexual. Start a thread about deviant art on the cesspit and watch the whoopy begin. (that should increase their numbers ;) ). I have this radical theory that during our reproductive years, the brains of females go on a long semester. They pretty much have to, or the human species would come to an end and/or topple the male orientated status quo with She Wolves being the new leaders. And even the most ardent feminists don't want to make men completely redundant. I don't suppose it is only women who become temporarily insane when the need to multiply kicks in. Who hasn't seen that glazed, smitten look on the face of a man as his brain floats off out the window and his nether regions take over. His brain becomes the silent partner, as the contents of his underpants take control of the helm. We may delude ourselves that we are attracted to the noble qualities of our heart's desire, but by the time we have been formally introduced to the Adonis we have been lusting over, his testosterone and our oestrogen have already got together and they are making hot and steamy plans for later. His little swimmers have already convinced him that he can learn to live with her whiney voice, her snaggletooth and her ability to drink everyone in the bar under the table and besides which, by the time it becomes a problem, his naughty bits will be sleeping if off. If his brain could sue his naughty bits for all the trouble they get him into, it could open up a whole new area of litigation. 'I can assure you, your Honour, my brain played no part whatsoever in that drunken ceremony in Vegas. Nor does it have any memory of waiving a prenuptial agreement or offering to financially support the extended family of a young lady with magnificent double DDs and a very cute accent. The same of course applies to those barmy women daft enough to marry a Masai warrior with several wives and a small village in Kenya to support with her redundancy payment/divorce settlement.  But back to those pesky hormones and those first romantic moments. Whilst his little swimmers are lying to him, her eggs are scrambling around in her bottom drawer looking for the fluffy handcuffs and the list of names she has prepared for the composite children she is going to have with a 6ft blonde hunk with blue twinkly eyes. The composite children vary depending on who she is standing next to at the bar. By the time she discovers his surname is the same as that of a sanitary towel, she has spotted the Porsche and her eggs may already have already been invaded.  I jest of course, people get together for all sorts of honourable reasons, but we can't entirely rule out drugs, alcohol and a father in law with a shotgun. Fortunately, love, or more accurately lust, is short lived, or at least it mellows. If it didn't we would still, in our 50's, be phoning our besties at 3.00am to recite every word our Love God has spoken that day to ask her what she thinks he mean't? Love makes us crazy, it turns us into stalkers and assisters of stalkers. I once assisted a best mate in a stake out of her on/off boyfriend's flat, including, I am ashamed to say, going through his bin. Gotta help a sister, lol. In fairness, these days the kids have facebook. As much fun as passionate relationships are, they are a very exhausting life choice. The passion takes over every aspect of your world. You cannot have a logical thought or speak a sentence without throwing in the name of your beloved and telling your bored listener how amazing his eyes are. The crazy little thing that is love, is all consuming. Once love kicks in, the snaggletooth becomes invisible, so too, the 'cute' way he/she lies on the sofa, plays X-box for hours on end and has annoying habits that make you want to creep up behind him with an ice pick. (Ok, maybe just me, on that one). We are all subject to temporary insanity during our most fertile years. Our hormones' need to mate overrides all our other basic instincts. They are probably only two degrees away from humping the armchair or latching onto the leg of an unsuspecting visitor. That they can be tempted to try it out in the cramped confines of an airline lavatory is a given. Our naughty bits don't do any risk assessments. They dive straight on in there and then leave everything above the waistline to sort it out. The testes of a randy male couldn't give a hoot about the morals of a situation or the presence of CCTV cameras. They are all hyped up and raring to go, beyond the point of no return. The female's strongest egg meanwhile has pulverised all her sisters and is dressed up her best party frock and yelling this one's mine'. The idea that we have control over all that mayhem, is ludicrous. Whilst 21st century women should be thinking of keeping a very tight grip on their carefully feathered nests, the prehistoric woman inside is screaming 'but look at the biceps on that'. The prehistoric ovum is seeing a good fighter (protector), a small army of well proportioned knuckledruggers and a lifetime of brontosaurus steaks. I don't think we will ever find a logical explanation for the reasons why we fall in love. Most of them wouldn't stand up in Court, and most of them are created by ourselves anyway, we would be arguing for the defence. We choose the partner we want, and then we mould them, if we can, into whatever we want them to be. So much so, that some (odd, imo) couples speak with one voice. It's not OUR choice, WE wouldn't like that. The idea of getting into sync with another human being to that extent, would quite frankly scare the bejesus out me. It would be like sharing a mind. I have always gone (hook, line and sinker) for polar opposites, because in my 'crazy years' I believed I was omnipotent and that the power of my love could fix anything. Boy, was I deluded! It took a couple of decades to understand that the life my own Marlon (Brando) wanted and the life I wanted, were entirely separate entities. As much fun as it had been knocking seven bells out of each other, we were never going to find anything we agreed on and neither one of us were going to give in. In fact, I now apologise profusely to the police and emergency services who were regularly called out to particularly barbaric games of trivial pursuit. Eventually, I didn't so much see him as a challenge, as a pain in the arse. I still insist a sparrow has only 3 toes - It didn't say both feet!. And I swear if he had uttered the words 'while you're up love' one more time, he would have ended up under the patio. I was reading a lot of Agatha Christie at the time, and had several demonic plotlines going on in my head. It was a folie a deux, a madness shared by two, we could neither resist each other or be in the same room together without finding something to argue over. Very confusing. But lets get back to the beginning of where this madness comes from. I suspect, like ducks, it is the first image we are smitten with. Be it the divine David by Michelangelo or a half naked picture of a member of Take That (the early years). For men it could the rapidly developing teenage temptresses they are surrounded by at school, or the nanny in high heels who gives them a darn good thrashing. For myself, the thunderbolt struck when I realised I wanted to kiss the annoying boy who constantly infuriated me, rather than punch his lights out. Sadly, he was in love with my far more beautiful best friend, and she was in love in with my brother. My 14 year old heart almost broke in two, when the object of my desire asked the DJ to play 'Hey Girl Don't Bother Me' then glared in my direction. The only one in love with me was a smelly fat kid who kept snails in his pocket. I can trace the source of all my own disasters, because I am fortunate in that, there exists a documented record of my troubled adolescence. I had a dedicated (and wonderful) social worker who kept in regular contact with me for 7+ years. She was a middle aged spinster who wore tweed suits and brogues a la Miss Marple, who shared my love of books and my eagerness to know everything about everything. And she wasn't a church goer. She was probably my first feminist role model, and I adored her. Up until the age of 14, her reports on me are glowing, after the age of 16, they have an air of despair! Age 12: 'Linda can achieve anything she wants', Age 14 'Linda has become arrogant', Age 16: Linda has discovered boys! (sic). It was downhill all the way after that, I had so indoctrinated myself with the passion of the Brontes, that I saw the opposite sex as the 'enemy', creatures to slay and conquer whilst simultaneously wanting to snuggle up with them. I was also a fan of Bodicea and Joan of Arc until I realised she was completely loopy. Sadly, my generation had very few strong, feminine role models, we were still being urged towards the kitchen, bedroom and altar.  For myself, it was either love or hate, there was nothing inbetween. My first literary heroine was Cathy of Wuthering Heights. I wanted a Heathcliffe to 'fix', I wanted to see passion in a man's eyes (especially if he looked like Marlon Brando). My naïve hormonal self with an official diagnosis of arrogance, didn't want a pussycat to tame, I wanted a raging lion! I found one, then spent many years trying to get him to lie on his back so I couldn't tickle his tummy. Unfortunately, every time he caught a glimpse of the sassy hindquarters of a passing lioness, he would be off. My raging lion even looked like the divine Mr. Brando and his pupils would expand 10 fold when he gazed into my eyes (probably the coke). It took me almost 20 years to understand that I couldn't tame him and I didn't really want to. Life wouldn't have been half as much fun. I believe he is still an old reprobate, bless him, I don't somehow see him sitting on the sofa in a cardi and slippers saying 'yes dear' and 'another cup of tea for you Vicar?'. My dear old best friend Big Lynn, once told me that when you fall in love with someone at first sight, that is the way the you see them forever more. Life throws in kind curve balls like that every now and again. We always see the handsome young man or beautiful young woman that we first fell in love with. The angry young man in the leather jacket, the bold rebel heart, the man you have to fight to get, then don't know what to do with once you have got him. Fortunately most men grow up to be contributing members of society who understand that starting a revolution is not as easy as it sounds and that growing a beard and living alone in a cave with a trainset gets boring after a while. I actually think there should be a Law questioning couples' decisions to marry under the influence of love (lust), or maybe sometime during the ceremony, the Priest or Registrar should throw in a wildcard question like 'Are you insane?' Proof of sanity could save many from signing on the dotted line whilst hypnotised by a particularly fetching basque and suspenders or a sweaty gardener drinking an ice cold soda. I really should have been a lawyer, I can think of loads of new business opportunities for them. Strangely, it is the fact that I am happily single that seems to bug my critics the most. Evidence of my irrationality is the fact that I am a middle aged woman who is loving being single. That can't be right surely? shouldn't I be crying into a bottle of vino each night and trying to squeeze my head into the gas oven while Patsy Cline sings Crazy on replay? Did try it one night, but was mortified to see how much Mr. Muscle I was going to need for the grime at the bottom of my cooker. If the gas didn't work, the shame would have killed me.  For them being single is a character flaw, there must be something wrong with me. I have clearly been rejected by every member of the opposite (and indeed my own) sex and it is my bitterness towards those who have partners that drives me on. They cannot accept that I choose not to commit myself to one person above all others for the rest of my life. For me, being single is being free, I don't have to 'answer' to anyone. Arguably, the prison like restrictions brutally imposed on me in the convent may well have left me scarred and scared of commitment, I fear that once again my 'free will' would be taken away. But to be honest, I am probably just too selfish to adapt to anybody's else's lifestyle. From my seat in the house, marriage, or the getting together of two human beings, still looks like a battleground, a promise to obey or a lifetime of passive resistance. I have no idea why anyone goes into it voluntarily. I don't want responsibility for another person's happiness and I don't want to see an old man cry while I flirt with an Egyptian waiter - even if it is tears of joy that he has sold me for 2 camels. Before anyone accuses me of being out to destroy the institution of marriage, let me assure you, I wish those who find love nothing but goodwill. This is a hard old life and we should find love and happiness wherever we can. People can and do find their soul mates, and sometimes the passion remains, though perhaps somewhat tempered. As you go into your 50s and 60's, the spontaneous throwing of crockery and loud breaky things could put an arthritic joint out. I'm not condemning the pairing of the human species, heaven forbid, the 'pairing' is great fun and it would be a dull old world without it. From a survival perspective, having a lifelong partner makes a lot of sense, especially the 'in sickness and in health' bit. You have someone to take care of you, and they have someone to take care of them. And if you can do it without murdering each other, all the better. Love and marriage make the world go around, and I don't have an argument against that, happily.
I am one of the few people able to discuss paedophiles without accusations being thrown at myself. As a survivor of a catholic children's home, and a campaigner I have challenged 'them' in a courtroom. The word paedophilia is so taboo that many use asterisks for fear their use of the word will see their laptops taken away. First of all, it should be established that the greatest risk to children lies within their own homes, and from people who know them. That is a fact supported by all the statistics and known only too well by those who were sexually abused as children. And, as I have said before, why the fixation on sexual abuse? The physical abuse of children is far more prevalent, it is equally, if not more damaging and in the worse cases ends with the death of the child.Stranger danger is one of those far off risks, like inadvertently falling off a cliff, that is, we really don't have to spend our daily lives worrying about it. And if it gets to the point where we daren't go out or allow our children out either, a bit of perspective is required. Those trying to fill every parents head with fear, are doing it for sinister, political motives. If someone shouts 'think of the children' everyone hangs their heads in shame and signs on the dotted line. Every government since time began have used a scary 'bogeyman' to keep the masses in check. The enemy within, reds under the beds, vampires, monsters and the walking dead. The attack of the killer tomatoes (how could you George C. ? lol), invasion of the body snatchers. There has to be a 'hidden' threat or there would be chaos. In the last century homosexuals were the outcasts. Homosexuality was a taboo subject, ergo, out of legally enforced ignorance, this small section of society were ostracised and even imprisoned. Homosexual men who were in positions of power lived with the constant threat of blackmail and exposure. Now the fear, for everyone, is being accused of possessing indecent images of children. And as these 'charges' are so broad and indiscriminate and based on hysteria, everyone is at risk. Send holiday beach pictures to your family and friends and you could face charges of distributing child porn. So ridiculous are these laws that a 17 year old girl was charged with child abuse against herself for sending a picture to her boyfriend taken when she was 16. The majority of these underage images online are teenagers doing what teenagers do, yet for whatever reason the authorities are intervening and placing these kids on the Sex Offenders Register. A cynic might suspect that they are deliberately boosting the figures on that Register to make the paedophile problem appear more endemic than it actually is. The exchange of underage images is a strong argument for those who want to enforce law and order on the internet. The simple fact is, the internet has little to do with the reality of child abuse. Unfortunately, discussion of paedophilia is always irrational, because it is such an emotive subject and any attempts at reason are shouted down because if you 'defend' paedophiles, you are clearly one yourself. Because of this, we accept without question batshit crazy rules and regulations that have sucked all the joy out of taking pictures of our kids on a beach or in the bathtub. Forget taking any snaps of your little cherub pulling funny faces in the school nativity play, only official pictures and videos (retailed by the school) will be available. The assumption being that all, or part of, the audience want the pictures for disgusting reasons. Reasons no-one would ever have thought of if they hadn't brought it up! Or, they are working on the Gradgrind basis that because of the actions of a few, many must be deprived. I see some are currently working themselves up into a frenzy over the availability of child sex dolls. Seriously? lol. They are already talking about banning and petitions. Out of curiousity, has the availability of adult sex dolls led to rape, depravity and the abuse of women anywhere? Do people take them into work or on a train or involve them in an attack? Has a sex doll ever featured in a sex crime? How about cuddly toys with cute faces that look like baby animals, should they be destroyed forthwith just in case? Given the,'erm, let's say, odd choices of those with a penchant for inanimate objects, should vinyl be banned across the board? How about Henry Hoovers, I have seen a very peculiar story about one of those this week, should they be banned? Those on the lookout for sexual deviancy probably see it all around them. Why they are they so concerned about what others get up to in the privacy of their own homes, baffles me. How does it affect them, or indeed their children? Violent active paedophiles, and let's differentiate between the violent active ones and the passive ones who spend their lives isolated and in cuckoo land and are of no danger to anyone. And they, make up the majority. Everyone has sexual fantasies, even 'straight' people, that's why Anne Summers and S&M outlets are so popular. Happily they do not act them out in the real world, because if they did, we might see a board room filled with executives in gimp suits. Gawd forbid. The idea that a sex toy can trigger paedophiles to act out their fantasies is equally absurd. It's like saying the Rampant Rabbit corrupted women, OK, bad example, lol. The argument being used by the chastity belt wearers, is no different to that put forward by the clean up merchants since time began. Do they honestly believe that a book, a sculpture, a painting, a film or a whoopy cushion will lead to Sodom and Gomorrah? I feel a bit like Father Ted explaining the world outside the caravan to Father Dougal, 'Real', 'Not Real'. I despise this 'let's get the hanging tree ready' for paedophiles ideology, because it is based on pure ignorance and the stubborn refusal of those with closed ears and closed minds to acknowledge the statistics and the reality. Why are we not seeing academics, rather than policeman, advising us on this vital issue? The pathetic, socially inept, repentant paedophiles the media place in front of the cameras are not representative of the REAL problem, and it is disingenuous to say they are. The fact is, the strange men the MSM wheel out for the public stocks are dysfunctional misfits who don't have access to anyone. The all too real and more cunning predators meanwhile, have wormed their way into a single parent households and are 'disciplining' the kids. Others will have made a career for themselves that involves working closely with vulnerable children, usually childcare or child protection. Like those who appear on Jeremy Kyle and every preaching documentary, the misfits they parade before us are willing to blame all their problems on the weed, their bad mother or watching the Evil Dead. They will say pretty much whatever the documentary maker wants them to say, especially if it fits the current political agenda. Whilst I agree that violent, predatory paedophiles should not be living in a regular society, I believe the same thing of murderers and psychopaths, whatever their sexual preferences. And, back to statistics, the murderers and psychopaths far outnumber the predatory paedophiles.Those calling for a ban on these dolls, have no understanding of human nature whatsoever. Taking away a child's favourite toy will not stop them wanting it and it definitely won't make them behave any better. Worse, it will make them become sly and it will make them resent you. There is no way of enforcing your will on another, not even on a child. You can cajole and persuade, but you cannot force. Forcing has the opposite effect. I actually hate the word ban, and I am increasingly finding myself hating those who use it. What exactly would be the purpose of banning these dolls? The only gratification I can see, is for those who want to make these unfortunate misfits suffer, and making people suffer for their sexual orientation, whatever it might be, is just plain nasty. Welcome to my new current affairs blog, where I will be commenting on news items that catch my eye and where I hope readers will feel free to comment too. I love to hear alternate views, just spare me the rants and the name calling. I want this to be a place for civilised debate. Please, if you like my 'out of sync' views on society, and enjoy my blogs, retweet them to your followers and share them on facebook. I want an unbound platform where I, and those who read my blog can comment freely. I have no party line here, the best argument wins - I am going to see if I can find a 'likes' gadget for my new revamp. There are just not enough platforms for non comformist views and those that do exist are led by often pompous, university educated middle class professionals who have no idea what being 'working class' really means. They have never lived on a Council estate or had to leave IOUs in their kids' piggy banks, including the ones they had carefully hidden under the bed. To this day, there is no trust in our family, lol. Regarding the comments, my quest is to get everyone writing. I want to break down the barriers, that 'thing' that stops people from using their greatest power - the ability to communicate. At some stage I might get a writing class going, or indeed publish a 'how to write a book' book, for those still lacking the confidence to put pen to paper. Meanwhile, please bear with me as I fiddle about the with the layout, lol, it may be like sticking 100 monkeys in a room with typewriters and waiting for a Shakespeare play, but I am going to try a couple of things out. Including thinking up a name for my new blog, any suggestions considered! Yes, I too think Cristobell's Column is naff, but I wanted to get 'Cristobell' in the title. Cristobell's Column You're not alone, he whispered... As a young rebellious teenager locked up in the care of demonic nuns, I fell in love with David Bowie at first sight. I was even sickeningly good to earn the privilege of watching him on Top of the Pops. He was the opposite of everything those evil creatures were attempting to pound into me with their fists, he came from another world, a world so different to the one I lived in, maybe he did come from Mars. 'I had to phone someone, so I picked on you', and that you was me and yes, it was far out, I heard it too! The nuns sneered at his makeup and cringed as he put a friendly arm around Mick Ronson, but I saw only warmth and affection and best of all, an acceptance and celebration of being different. He told me it was OK not to be the same as everyone else, and at that time, as an oft suicidal 14 year old, I desperately needed someone, anyone, to tell me that. Oh no love, your not alone, I've had my share, I'll help you with pain, David sang, and he did. RIP Starman.You can't live your life behind a phone bro!I think a big round of applause should have been in order for the amazing Jennifer, coolest woman on the planet, Lawrence, when she scolded the reporter with a mobile phone. There doesn't seem to be any etiquette whatsoever in the use of mobile phones, ergo it has led to our being one of the rudest, most bad mannered societies in history. Whoever is on the end of the phone, always seems to take priority over the person directly in front of the mobile user. 'I must take this' translates as, speaking to someone (anyone) else, is more important than speaking to you, even at the Golden Globes! It may be the 'norm' but it is appalling bad manners. I have reached the point where I hate being in the company of people who are constantly looking at and playing with their phones. So cheers Jennifer, my first feminist role model of the year, I am no longer going to tolerate it either! The Not so Odd CoupleI can kind of see why Jerry Hall has got together with Rupert Murdoch, where do you go after Mick Jagger? I remember thinking on similar lines when Jackie Kennedy married Onassis.I'm the same age as Jerry Hall and I wouldn't be looking for a young stud muffin or a guy who's problems I 'might' be able to solve either. As much fun as it was in your 30's, teaching young airhead Adonises the joys of outdoor sex and how 'do it' between stations when on a train, at 59, you could put a hip out. I'm not going to bitch about Jerry and Rupert, they are a power couple. Just as Mick Jagger didn't want a subjugated woman, neither does Rupert - which of course says much for his machismo and self confidence - go him! Strong men marry strong women. Like Jerry, I too couldn't get together with an unarmed man, where's the fun in that? Jerry is a Queen who needed a King, she was never going to marry one of the footmen. In fact it is dallying with footmen and the like that cost many Queens their realms and in some cases, their actual heads. Jerry's head is firmly screwed into place, she is a Queen because that is how she sees herself. Anyone of us could do the same, if only we had the confidence. It is that confidence in herself that sets Jerry apart, but sadly I doubt the bitches of Fleet Street will see it that way. Tis my theory that when women hit the menopause they get their brains back. All those hot flushes are actually 'wtf was I thinking' moments, especially when watching our own Masai warrior/Turkish waiter drive off into the sunset with the orange teenager from next door and a large deposit for a fun café on the Marmaris coast. Once men lose the ability to set our hearts a flutter with a whiff of testosterone or the flex of a bicep, their power over us is pretty much gone. As much fun as it would be spending a week getting high with Jack Nicholson in Vegas or New Orleans, (personal wish list), I doubt I could keep up with him and I'd never get me bunions into Jimmy Choos. I'll have to see if he is up for the zimmer frame version. I prefer to love men from a safe distance these days. I can sort of see why Gerrard Butler's Spartan wife sent him off with an 'in it or on it' (it being his shield) final word. His wild lovemaking and throwing around of all the bed linen would get on my wick for a start. All that tidying up and laundry! (not really, tee hee), but it must be said all that leather gear would play havoc with your Indesit.But back to Jerry Hall, she has actually gone up in my estimation, just as she didn't settle for a string of wide boys or yorkie bar muchers a la Katie Price and Kerry Katona, when she was young, she hasn't lowered her standards as she had got older. Kudos to Jerry say I, she treats herself as she believes she deserves, and I think there is a lesson for all of us in there somewhere. Women of our age deserve to be pampered and treated with respect. I bet Rupert doesn't tell her to buy herself a birthday card while's she's out buying his beer. 'Pick up 48 cans love, it will save you going out again'. Just can't see it. Jerry's critics should stop for one moment and think about their words. Whilst Angie Bowie, Jerry's one time contemporary who was also married to rock legend, she is now competing with Z listers in the Big Brother house, and being criticised for hanging onto the Bowie name. Jerry has clearly moved on. Jerry compliments Rupert, she doesn't want a doormat either. Just as I would for any other couple lucky enough to find love, I wish them well. Though I would suggest a purpose built, fine china free, room for when the sparks fly! Unfortunately for Gerry and Kate McCann, whenever there is a crime that involves an element of child neglect, their own case will be cited as an example. This latest case is that of Louise Fielden, the British policewoman who's baby son was taken away by New York Police after she was accused of leaving him alone in a hotel room for 30 minutes while she sterilised his bottles. I want to feel sympathetic towards Ms Fielden, and indeed, the UK newspapers have portrayed her as the victim of a terrible injustice. Even though the charges against her were dropped, her baby son Samuel is now in the care of NY authorities, and what gripes Ms Fielden the most, with a foster carer of dubious morals who promotes lesbian and gay rights. Looking at People v Fielden*, the charges against Ms Fielden are pretty flimsy, and the possession of codeine charge gives it all a whiff of desperation to prosecute on the part of the NY police. What I fail to understand is why this relatively minor case of child neglect escalated to such an extent that 6 months on, the baby is still in the care of NY authorities. I find it stranger still that Ms Fielden is making a case against the foster carer, rather than pleading her case as a distraught mother. She seems less concerned that her baby has been taken from her, than she is about the quality of the foster carer. The newspapers both here and in the US carried a picture of Ms Fielden's injuries, received when she resisted arrest. Unfortunately, the finer details of what actually occurred are not available (unless anyone knows different?), so did the police barge into the hotel room of a single mother with a baby, heavy handed, which would be appalling, or is there more to this story than meets the eye?I'm afraid Ms Fielden aroused my interest with her use of the McCanns neglect argument, it is British Culture, she states, to leave babies and young children alone for long periods of time. For me, that is like a red flag to a bull. I do not know a single person, British or otherwise, who think it is acceptable to leave small children on their own. Ms Fielden's continuation of the McCann lie that it is part of British culture, gets my heckles twitching. And I haven't, even yet, mentioned her boasts of being a good Christian and a proud Homophobe. But let's return to the 'we all do it' prototype, this absurd charter for neglectful parents. Going by People v Fielden, had Madeleine been 'abducted' in New York, this elite group of doctors would have had every child endangerment charge in the book thrown at them. Could they have foreseen any danger in leaving babies and toddlers alone? Hell yeh! They were doctors! Being struck off would have been the least of their worries, prison sentences would have been far more likely. The biggest fear the McCanns and their friends had on the night of 3rd May was charges of neglect. ALL of their careers were at stake, they would not have known what Portuguese Law was with regard to leaving children on their own. Note how they 'lawyered up' straight away. Look what happened to Ms Fielden in the US, she was arrested and her child was taken into care. The McCanns have fielded the neglect issue from Day 1. Quite brilliantly, it must be said, they even had dizzy sofa queens squealing that they did it too.It is the neglect aspect of this case that, arguably, irks me the most. Are there any lessons to be learned the parents were asked in one of their early interviews. Yes, we did nothing wrong replied Gerry, checking' is a responsible form of parenting, we were just unlucky. The chances of an abductor being out and about whilst our babies were alone and vulnerable was something we could not have foreseen, ergo we are innocent. The question that should be asked of these doctors is 'What were the chances of babies and toddlers having an accident whilst alone, in the dark, in surroundings they were unfamiliar with? What were the chances of the whole group being charged with neglect if one of those children had an accident and died, as Rachel suggested? Or, as Gerry suggested as a worse case scenario, what if all 3 had been taken? Just what do these parents have to do or not do, to be liable for neglect charges, if leaving babies alone and one missing is not enough? Lessons should have been learned, the main one being that it is morally unacceptable for responsible adults to leave babies and children on their own. It doesn't matter how many ancient traditions the McCanns and their supporters cite, we have moved on considerably since 1950's Butlins. There is a reason these 'traditions' have been abandoned by all thinking adults, it is because they were downright dangerous! We no longer give teething babies a noggin of gin either. The definition for toddler, should be 'accident waiting to happen'. They are a danger to everything and everyone around them, especially themselves. And for those still arguing the 'abductor' corner, the biggest danger is of course, ACCIDENT. In an average home, you will hear the thud of any little tyke falling out of the cot he/she has just learned to escape from and the patter of little feet as they go in search of mischief. Listening at a door or window would not pick that up.  I suspect there will be a lot of red faces when it is finally acknowledged that what the McCanns and their friends did with regard to their childcare on that fateful holiday was wrong on every level. The statements of the doctors make chilling reading, their attitude towards their children, downright bizarre. There seems to be no sympathy towards the babies and children who were suffering from sickness and diarrhea. Their innate selfishness both appals and astonishes me. There are no signs of remorse, no signs of guilt (even if we are not guilty, we feel guilt), and no accepting of any blame whatsoever for the tragedy that occurred. And perhaps, more significantly, no signs of shock. From the very beginning, the neglect aspect of this case has been brushed aside. It was seen as cruel to discuss the subject in the face of the parents' terrible loss. They are being punished enough their defenders say. And it could have happened to anyone, say the brainwashed. Those who argue there was no neglect, have 'bought' Clarrie's tales hook, line and sinker. If there was no neglect, the rest of the Tapas group had nothing to fear. Why would they voluntarily put themselves at risk of criminal charges? Charges that would destroy their careers. They have all defended their decision to leave the children on their own, going so far as producing a timeline that would protect them, should neglect charges be brought. We were checking regularly, look, we have written it down. The McCanns have campaigned tirelessly to defend the neglect issue. It shared top billing with Madeleine on the night she disappeared. Convincing the world Madeleine had been taken by an abductor was easier than convincing the world their form of child minding was responsible parenting. Unbelievably they achieved it, and they still have morons on twitter repeating the 'we all do it' mantra as if repetition will make the lie, the truth. I sometimes wonder if the Portuguese had been less compassionate and gone for the neglect charges, there may have been a completely different outcome. Ce la vie. Suffice to say, rather than neglect being the lesser of any possible charges against them, I think it was the neglect charges that scared them the most. * http://law.justia.com/cases/new-york/other-courts/2015/2015-ny-slip-op-51097-u.html For 4+ years Kate and Gerry McCann have supported the work of Operation Grange, telling their fans and the watching world, progress is being made and they remain hopeful.
Unfortunately, for the parents as they were the ones who instigated the Review that led to the live investigation, they have had little option to do otherwise. It was their letter highlighting their plight as parents of a missing child, and their need to find their daughter and published on the front page of the Sun, that set the balls in motion.
They have this past 9 years blamed Goncalo Amaral and the Portuguese police for the loss of their child. These 'foreign' police, they implied, lacked the skills and experience of their UK counterparts, and worse, they were blaming the parents because they didn't want a murder in one of their popular tourist resorts. The Portuguese investigation, according to the McCanns and their supporters was a shambles.
As Operation Grange winds down, without Madeleine being found or any arrests being made, the McCanns are in the bizarre position of not being able to criticise the British investigation without exposing that they might be on the list of suspects.
This endlessly intriguing game that is being played out between the police and their prime suspects is truly fascinating. If it were a game of chess, the parents are now in check, they are surrounded by pawns and knights with Queen Nicola poised and ready to strike.
From the very beginning, the McCanns and their spokesman, have had to assure their public that they are working in harmony with the British police. Their primary goal has been to convince the watching world that the British police do not consider them to be suspects. Effectively, they are repeating their actions in Portugal in 2007, they are telling journalists and anyone interested, that the police are working with them to find an abductor. They continued to stress their 'good' relationship with the Portuguese police right up until the moment they were made Arguidos.
That they have been able to maintain the appearance of a harmonious relationship with Operation Grange demonstrates the genius of their PR campaigns. As I have said before, if there were awards for the dark art of spin, Team McCann would go away loaded. Sadly for the McCanns, Operation Grange have provided nothing to steer the public's suspicion away from them. Over 2 years on from the much publicised Crimewatch revelation, the only suspect remaining is a guy who looks exactly like Gerry.
The idea that the McCanns have lived happily with the investigation this past 4 years is ludicrous. What sane person, who wanted to remain sane, could happily live with 24/7 interrogation and surveillance for years on end? Unfortunately, in the parents quest to raise further defence funds, Kate's book, she described in great detail their modus operandi. In order to cover up the fact that the police had brought in the sniffer dogs, Gerry faked a tummy bug. They had to lie Kate tells us, they had no choice. In their televised interviews they were telling the world that the police didn't suspect them and they were looking for a live child, even though behind the scenes, they were clearly the prime suspects. Unfortunately for Kate and Gerry, those of us who have stuck with this case have heard it all before, and indeed, in her book, Kate confirmed what many of us had suspected. It also explained how they were all able to behave 'normally' at that fateful last supper. Blacksmith was spot on, Madeleine may well turn out to be longest confession in history.
No parent who truly believed their child was alive and findable, would accept the closing of a police investigation without protest and anguish. Especially if they planned to continue the Search themselves. The loss of Scotland Yard resources would be a bitter pill to swallow. They have already gone through £4m+ the experience of raising money and wasting money on private detectives, many of whom are now serving prison sentences. That they want to go down this road again, is astonishing.
At some point, and I think it may be soon, the public façade of this harmonious relationship between the parents and Operation Grange will crumble. The seeds are being sewn, with the ever obliging Tracey Kandohla kicking off 2016 with the revelation that Operation Grange employed those well known cads and shysters G4S to assist them on the Madeleine case.
If anyone imagines I am trying to add to the parents pain, I assure you I get no pleasure from this at all. If I attempt to put myself in their shoes, I know I would crumble within seconds. The loss of a child would have taken me out in Act One, and I think that probably applies to most of us. The idea of living a pretend life would frighten the bejesus out of me. I feel a genuine sadness for people who have to pretend to be something they are not. I do not think there could be any crueller prison.
Even if the parents are never charged, and even if they are completely without conscience, they must live with that never ending suspicion. For people like Kate and Gerry, who have high aspirations, a clean slate is essential. They crave high office and public admiration, Gerry's wider agenda had their futures mapped out. All their dreams are dependent on the public accepting they had nothing to do with their daughter's disappearance. That their dreams cannot come to fruition because of this cloud that hangs over them must gnaw at them daily. Indeed, this case is littered with headlines about the McCanns anger and rage, and several firms of specialised lawyers have been profitably engaged this last 9 years taking out their critics and guarding them online.
It is the McCannns need to destroy others that irks me. They blame everyone but themselves. In the case of genuinely grieving parents, they blame themselves first and foremost. They torment themselves with the minutiae of what they could have done differently. Even when the perpetrator is found and proven guilty, those tortured parents continue to blame themselves.
As remarkable as it is that the McCanns forgave themselves within 48 hours, their tactics of blaming other people is unforgiveable, in fact it is malicious and very cruel. Their vendetta against the former detective Goncalo Amaral is among their greatest crimes in their efforts to portray themselves as victims. There was no baddy in the form of an abductor, so they chose the detective who was hot on their tails. When they wanted to destroy their enemies online, they chose Brenda Leyland, arguably the weakest among the opposition, but they wanted her shamed, not dead. Oops.
Unfortunately, if your motivation is wicked, it follows through to your actions, and the conclusions usually equal Karma. They wanted to teach their critics a lesson, but the frightening lesson that came across was how sinister and dangerous it is to allow former suspects in a horrific crime to have such a powerful influence on the Mainstream Media. This particular publicity stunt backfired spectacularly, the public began to ask 'who are these people?'.
Despite all the conspiracy theories and myths, they are just normal people, well people with exceptionally high aspirations, but normal nevertheless. There was nothing particularly outstanding about either of them, there have been no testimonials from their patients, colleagues or friends since Kate and Gerry deemed 'Team McCann' uncool, and blamed it on Justine McGuinness.
We are observing a table of accomplished poker players watching to see who will be the first to reveal their hand. Without any doubt whatsoever the McCanns have been preparing for their Defence this past 9 years. They probably have a garage full of whiteboards with plans A through to Z together with additions and amendments. Team McCann may have been a bit naff, but the addition of a number is usually pretty safe. My money is on Tapas 2 with an each way bet on Tapas 6.
 | Happy New Year Everyone! |
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Re:Cristobel Unbound 2016
Date Posted:28/10/2016 5:38 PMCopy HTML
UPDATE: 28th December 2015Tis that strange twilight time of the year when we are not altogether sure whether we should still be making merry. I am presently looking despairingly at the carcass of a turkey and a slightly greenish tinged leg of ham and wondering when I can put it in the bin without committing sacrilege. When I had my little dog, Barnabus Bubble, there was never any waste! I always gave him credit as co-chef and chief taster. He would faithfully guard the roasting turkey whilst I peeled sprouts and cried when ET went home. Fortunately for myself and family nothing burned, because he was quite insistent on the regular basting and tasting (by himself) of course. But this is not a time for melancholy, it is time to wonder what next year will bring. A time to make those aims, dreams and ambitions come to fruition. I urge anyone with an hour to spare (and Netflix) to watch 'The Secret'. The 'Law of Attraction' is very real, you literally can have anything you want. The only person who can put a limit on your dreams, is you!I want to get all those reluctant writers out of the closet! I want them to abandon their inhibitions and get pen to paper. Everything is valid, when I graduated as a mature student, I would sign my '2 extra pints please' notes to the milkman R.V. Hutton BA(Hons), lol. There are so many ways in which you can create your own journals, your own personal letters to your descendants, things that may seem so trivial and inconsequential now, but that will mean so much to those of your bloodline in centuries to come. I want to tear down the snobbery that surrounds writing and journalism, we are ALL valid. Simply scrawling '2 extra pints' makes each and every one of us a 'writer'. Some writers are of course better than others. There is no secret to it, writing is a craft like any other and one that be improved every time you embark on a new project. Writers, like any other artist, weep buckets over their past works, because to them, it is never, ever, good enough. My own 'masterpiece' Constance, picked up by a former BBC producer, broadcast on Christmas Day and nominated for a Sony award, remains gathering dust on Amazon. Why? Because I am scared that if I go back to it, I will change everything, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not! There you go, an insight into the constantly troubled mind of a writer. To write well, you must be well read and well informed. Reading feeds your vocabulary, every time you read a book or an article, parts of it will be stored in your brain, the way in which the author has articulated the sentence and expressed thoughts that are in harmony with your own, especially. If you want your work to be read, you must create empathy with your audience. When you put pen to paper, you must write stuff that you yourself like to read! I unashamedly pinch from (pay tribute to) writers I love. PG Wodehouse, Thorne Smith, Sue Townsend, Christopher Hitchens, heck, hundreds. Unfortunately, our snobbish society lauds those writers who preach from a lofty tower and who use big words and cryptic clues rather than the vernacular of their intended audience. The same elitism applies to literature and academia as it does to art and music, the popular culture of the common people doesn't count. I want to tear down those walls, I want to reach out to those who dream of writing their own books. I want to tell them that everything they write is valid and that grammar and their prowess (or lack thereof) with the English language will become charming with the years. And they will improve! Writing, like anything gets better and better the more you do it. For those who have 'write book' on their New Year Resolutions List, I would urge them first of all to find their niche. What do they like reading? Whilst it is noble to admire the works of Chaucer, it is unlikely to rock the book shelves of Asda. If you like sci fi, thrillers, detectives stories or romance, then use those genres to turn fact into fiction. Actually, I might even write a book about how to write a book next year, who knows? Anyway, I wish you all a very Happy New Year, enjoy the remains of your Christmas goodies (or restock, lol) and brush up on the words to auld lang sine and Flower of Scotland (if applicable). If you can start a conga line AND a revolution, I will raise a glass to you! Cheers! ______________________________________________ Merry Christmas to all my readers and dare I say, friends, and a huge thank you for sticking with me through the good times and bad - aw shucks. Your contributions have been fantastic, so many thoughtful and insightful comments that have kept this blog, and my head, buzzing! As for what will happen with the McCann case next year. Who knows? The Christmas message from the parents lacks the confidence of previous years, though it does remind us about further virtues the McCanns have acquired. Perhaps they are hoping for some recognition in the New Year's Honours List. They are trying to get the message across that they are positive, though they have little to back it up. Their own little pat on the back for patience has more than a grain of truth. How on earth can two parents who believe their child is alive and out there, find anything positive in the police search for her being wound down? It defies reason and logic. Anyway, I do not wish to be unkind, they have to live this pretendy existence, and I cannot think of a greater hell. As for the anti Christ and his little band of demons over the way, well, heck, I even hope they can stop poking the fires for a while and enjoy a bit of peace and goodwill. As one insightful reader pointed out, Mr. Bennett should embrace his family before he embraces his God. As for their fellow paranoid Gollum lookalikes in JATKY2, let's hope they have someone (anyone) around them close enough to trust with their names, lol. I'm afraid I have little sympathy for the frightened little critters hiding beneath their rocks, even Robert de Niro goes for a walk in the park. The only reason for their paranoia can be some sort of shame for the evil words they have spouted this past 8 years. When they created their hideous online alter egos, they thought this case would quickly fizzle out and no-one would ever know about their despicable need to abuse strangers on social media. They never thought they would be held personally responsible for their cruel and ill chosen words. What would their family, friends and employers think of them if they knew about their thuggish, anti-social behaviour online? It was a fear that, arguably, drove Brenda Leyland to suicide. The death of Brenda Leyland exposed the dark underside to the Madeleine McCann case, it became so much more than a publicity campaign, it had become a battlefield with real victims. The onslaught I received following the Martin Daubney (not Sonia Poulton) article in the Sun, went beyond sanity. Apparently, one woman's mother wept! I'm afraid I would have had an overwhelming urge to slap her and tell her to get a grip. And no, you horrible little vipers, still no shame or regret. (As if! lol, But I do hope the more severely affected have now recovered!)For me the past year has been a huge learning curve. Sadly, I came to realise that the intentions of some antis were anything but honourable and now many are indistinguishable from the pros. It's like the final scene in Orwell's Animal Farm, the pigs are finely dressed, walking upright and sharing brandies and cigars with the humans. Ce la vie. Anyway, again, many thanks to each and every one of you, old friends and new, and I hope you have the Christmas and New Year of your dreams. May your turkeys be succulent, your roast potatoes crisp, and your sprouts crunchy (or not, depending on who wins the fight) and your gravy flavourful. Enjoy your Christmas puds and chocolate cherry liquors (I will :) ) and good luck in your battles for the remote control! Remember girls, one superhero film, = 3+ hours of Gone with the Wind, a glass of Bailys and a mince pie. If there are any complaints remind them who was peeling sprouts at 2.00a.m. while they were singing 'It'll be lonely this Christmas'. Tell them it will be especially lonely, if you are forced to watch football. I jest of course, be nice to each other, things may not always go to plan, but they usually work out anyway! Merry Christmas. xxx <iframe width="610" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="true" id="aswift_2" name="aswift_2" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;"></iframe> The only reason for austerity is the protection of the super rich. If they paid their taxes fairly, austerity could be wiped out overnight. We are in a double dip depression, at least those trying to live on a minimum wage and minimum benefits are. The £100million yacht business is going swimmingly. There is no need for greed or hunger, this is manmade, there is plenty for everyone. The keepers of the Treasury who cause all this misery are now building walls around their castles and having their super cars reinforced with bullet proof glass. They kind of know they may fall prey to marauding mobs, so an eventual move to a gated community is a given. And the more you starve and piss people off the more likely it becomes. A government's duty should not only be to maintain a country just enough so that things keep ticking over, a government should be laying down foundations for that country's future. It should be creating industry and it should be creating employment. Fundamentally, it should be offering every generation hope for a better life. As a mature student I learned that countries can and do use war to boost their economies. Who'd have thunk it (sic) - it was a reading of George Orwell's 1984that switched those lightbulbs on. For me, it has always begged the question, why can't the 'industry' created to destroy life, be used to improve life? New industry creates new jobs, that creates wages (and spare cash) that revitalises the manufacturing and service industries. It's the economy stupid. And hey, it's the 21st century, where are the flying cars and the hover boards? Why are large sections of society still hungry and homeless? Why are the elderly and the sick being neglected? Why are families queuing at food banks? More now, than the last century. We have the means and the manpower, but not the money, it seems. We are stuck in a timewarp, because consecutive governments are failing to acknowledge that traditional working class, and now middle class, jobs are being wiped out by the new technology that already exists. Other options are available! What country would not benefit from investing in science, technology, art and the health and education of it's growing population? Philanthropic industries that will grow and expand naturally because the supply and the demand will never go away. Unfortunately, we are still driven by the Methodist work ethic that tells us we should be breaking rocks for the hell (or should that be heaven?) of it, or polishing our front door step, rather than dossing on the sofa watching the Peep Show. At some point, someone is going to have to say out loud, we have a lot more leisure time than we used to and we are living longer. That is not a bad thing! It wasn't God who said we should work our fingers to the bone, it was probably Abraham who needed an extra wing to his prefab pretty sharpish due to his fondness for all that begetting. Not surprisingly, it has been used by every employer ever since, along with 'you'll get your rewards in the next life' in lieu of pay. Maybe we should be putting a lot more effort into appreciating this life, rather than pinning all our hopes on the next one. If people have hope and reasons to live, they have no need to become suicide bombers. And this new breed of terrorism is coming from within our own societies, it is bred amid the discontented young people who have no future to look forward to. Young people need a reason to believe, most if they are lucky will find their paths in life through education and will get the opportunity to discover ways in which to improve mankind rather than destroy it. ISIS are succeeding where other terrorist groups have failed, because through the internet they have as much access to the disaffected youth of the West as they do to those in their surrounding countries. Whilst they are using ancient scripture to re-educate the lost young, they are using modern technology to find them. But let's look at the big picture. This government could, if it wanted, create millions of jobs. The NHS was founded and set up in the aftermath of WWII. A time of austerity if ever there was one. Clement Attlee's Labour Party fought the 1945 election campaign promising the electorate full employment and a universal National Health Service. They needed drastic measures for drastic times and the horror of war and man's inhumanity to man was fresh in their minds. They needed to focus on rebuilding society based on the altruistic aims the population had fought and died for. They needed to restore the Nation's health, they needed Homes for Heroes, and they needed to make Great Britain strong again.  If a present day government came out with a 'crazy' scheme like doubling the NHS and preparing for the massive influx heading its' way as the population continues to age, it would win an election in an instant. It would boost the economy, it would create millions of jobs and it would make life a lot more comfortable for all of us. And if it wanted to wipe out the National debt, it would legalise cannabis and get those growing it and distributing it into a legal, safer industry with all the tax revenue that entails. Cannabis clearly offers natural health benefits the pharmaceutical companies cannot manufacture in a laboratory, maybe therein lies the problem. But I digress, doubling the NHS would boost the country's morale and it would offer a hope that we haven't seen for decades. Tony Blair (and I'm no fan) came into office on the promise of Education, Education, Education. He offered hope to the masses. For the last few elections, none of the politicians have offered us hope. That's why Jeremy Corbyn was always going to win the leadership of the Labour Party. He knows it doesn't have to be this way and he listens to the voters. New Labour, the Tories and the Libdems had merged into one big deaf, mass of grey, who fight every election campaign on who can keep their head above water the longest. No-one is saying they are working for a better future for all of us, they are telling us to shut up and paddle, or we will all drown. What hope is there for young people who have watched their parents struggle to keep a roof over their heads and food on their tables, and they are struggling still. The internet teaches them enough to know that life can offer so much more (not for them) and their fears for the future are reinforced by the cycle of poverty that surrounds them. They are easy prey to people who know how to reach their inner fears and desires, people who understand their need for goals and aspirations and people who know how to manipulate them for their own ends. At the moment they have little or no competition, because we as a society are failing to offer them anything better. Their only hope of breaking the desolate future that awaits them is to join the queues to be auditioned by Simon Cowell. This brave new world is a simpering coward run by sour faced prophets of doom guarding all the treasure they have accumulated from the masses. It's theirs now and they are hanging onto it.
What they fail to understand is that we are not a group of individuals struggling to pay off a mortgage. We are a nation and most of us have only got 3 score years and 10 (deduct several decades if you are poor, add if you are rich), and we are a nation who want better for our children. We should not be aiming to get by until retirement age when, if we are lucky, we can buy a small condo by the sea, we should be finding ways to speed up the process. Instead of teaching kids to work for change, we are teaching them to accept things as they are and shut up about it. Because if we taught them they could have anything they wanted, we would have anarchy. Parents don't tell their kids to follow their dreams, they tell them to set realistic goals because they think they can protect them from bitter disappointment. And teachers daren't - I had one dim witted A2 student report me for teaching Marxism, though strictly speaking I was teaching the rise of fascism, we were studying Leni Riefenstahl at the time.Sadly, it is not a joke, too many kids are falling through the net because they have no-one to talk to. How many terrorist atrocities could be prevented if those angry, suicidal kids had counselling and mentoring services available to them? ISIS are telling these kids they care. We are telling them that we do not. Sometimes, a kind word from a stranger can change the entire direction of a young, or even old, person's life.  We should be offering our kids Paradise here on earth, not an airy fairy one with fluffy clouds and glaring lights when their ravaged bodies give out. In terms of history, we have more now than our ancestors could ever have dreamed of. They were the movers, shakers and music makers. They set off on voyages of discovery, they invested in education, art, science and technology and society evolved and adapted to the comfortable changes they brought. Those at the forefront of evolution understood that there was no profit to be had by keeping gas, electric, communication etc. to a select few, there was no reason why they should not be available to the masses. Problems only arise when the select few want to keep all the goodies to themselves.Creating new industry for the good of humanity is not rocket science. Every public frontline service needs to be improved (it's the 21st century ffs) and every area of our lives could be made better. And again, the good life doesn't just have to be for a select few. Too many kids born in the nihilistic nineties have nothing to believe in. And these are the kids we all need to watch out for. They are easy prey for manipulative extremists who offer them a lifeplan (religion) that relieves them of responsibility for their actions in this life and Paradise and 70 virgins in the next. A way in which to pay society back for the way it has treated them and their families. For many, converts especially, religion is their 'get out' clause. They can be any kind of arsehole they want because they are doing it in the name of God, or it was because demons tempted them. Britain may be Great at the moment, but the lack of investment will tell a different tale in the future. It can only rest on the achievements of it's forbears for so long, great men and women who understood the need to invest in science, art, exploration etc, to improve the quality of life for everyone. Men and women who did not have a fraction of the money that is available to this present government, yet who built an empire. Unless this government faces up to the reality that this punishment of the poor is a breeding ground for radical ideas and extremism the terrorism will continue, and dare I say it, probably escalate. You only have to watch Jeremy Kyle or any 'Benefits' program to see that we have a rapidly growing underclass who have no futures. It is that mind set we should be reaching out to, the ones who are disillusioned because no-one is listening to them. The ones who need something to believe in. We need to reach those who are vulnerable and we need to give them better options for the future before they strap on that suicide belt.This Mirror headline makes two important announcements. 1)The McCanns do not accept the findings of Operation Grange and 2)The Fund is not going to be wound up and the remainder given to charity Going back to the ambiguous words of DCI Redwood at the beginning, Madeleine is alive, or sadly she is dead. As there have been no appeals from Operation Grange for the public to search for a live Madeleine, since OG opened in a blaze of publicity, it appears they have settled on the latter. Madeleine may not have left the apartment alive said DCI Redwood, a comment that directly implicates the parents, and one they did not dispute or challenge. And this was accompanied by the very public digging up of the areas surrounding Apartment 5A. Martin Brunt gamely tried to protect the parents innocence, by suggesting the abductor killed Madeleine in the apartment and then buried her in the immediate vicinity whilst the search was going on. Seriously, Martin, do you not care a shred about your own reputation?If the McCanns were genuinely satisfied with the work of Operation Grange, they would not be launching a new search of their own - starting a new search of their own shows the same disdain for the work of the British police as it showed to the work of the Portuguese police before them. It is not good enough for the McCanns because it has not given them the result they wanted. The world looking for a live Madeleine and donating to their private Fund. That they are launching a new investigation of their own screams that things are not going well for the McCanns in the official police investigations, Operation Grange have wound down, but there are no signs that the Portuguese investigation will again be shelved. The Portuguese investigation is of course crucial, only they have the power to arrest and prosecute this case, yet they rarely, if eve,r get a mention in the McCann press releases and they didn't get a mention in this one. More importantly, they have nothing of substance from Operation Grange to support their search for a live child and they have nothing from them that confirms their innocence or that points to an abduction having taken place. The trolls on twitter are still spamming the McCann hashtag with 4 year old statements made by DCI Redwood when OG was launched, there has been nothing to support the McCanns' abduction claim every since. If there had been, they would be using it now in their latest publicity campaign. I didn't want to write anything mean before Christmas, but unfortunately the McCanns stated intention to continue this scam, leaves me with little choice. The remaining cash in the Madeleine Fund is not going to a good cause, it will continue to be used to con gullible people and to sue those who challenge the wickedness of their actions. Gerry and Kate are not going to accept the findings of the police in either country, and they are not going to retire to concentrate on their remaining children and their medical careers. As Kate said, this is her job now. Covering up the death of a child and conning the public is not an honourable profession, and bringing misery and fear to the former detective who searched for their child, is pure evil. If they continue, so will I. I used to feel (mildly) embarrassed by the amount of time I spent in forums and chat rooms. It had a kind of hermit, loner, weirdo ring to it, I seemed to prefer cyber people to the real thing. And I did. They satisfied my need to talk endlessly about subjects that intrigued and fascinated me. Subjects of little or no interest to my nearest and dearest. And quite right too. When they are with me, I want to hear about what interests them and what they are up to. As I mentioned in a previous blog, my first tentative steps into forum world was like walking into a Roman Arena and saying no-one told me there would be lions. Many get eaten alive on the first day. The old hands who have been there from the beginning, look down on newcomers as if they were stray cats who may or may not be infested with fleas. They have already formed their own little Gangs of New York with induction ceremonies for those who want to enter their inner sanctums. Knocking on the door with a blade between your teeth and a dodgy wink gives automatic admission. The AOL Europe Board that was discussing the case of missing Madeleine McCann in 2007 was a free for all. It probably went largely undiscovered because of it's curious name. It was simply one of hundreds of specialist chat rooms that AOL hosted at that time and AOL began directing Madeleine discussion there. The beauty of it was, it was unmonitored and there were no admin. When I joined in September 2007, groups had already been formed, pros and antis, and every day was a bloody battlefield. I kind of liked it, lol. It was an opportunity to reply to all the injustices in the world that I see around me. It gave me an opportunity to say 'hey, that's not right', and explain why it's not right. I'm not one of the silent majority, nor have I ever wanted to be. Prior to the internet I was a prolific writer of Mrs Angry letters to national newspapers and MPs (that I was mostly too lazy to post). I was happy to take on the Right Wing and the Fascists on the AOL Europe Board, (they were in the majority) and challenge their loony views. I knew I had to don a suit of armour (borrowed from Henry VIII) before each visit, heck, I even encouraged the arrows by describing myself as a Marxist/Feminist, and my posts carried the tagline 'don't let the hand you hold, hold you down' (unknown). I love to challenge antiquated ideas about feminism, religion, actually anything subversive and any subject not open for discussion at polite dinner tables. The Europe Board had a lot of established characters, some interesting and informative, some hilariously funny, some just plain spiteful and some who were completely off their trolleys. One group were on a mission to clean the place up by introducing new rules and regulations that we were all to do adhere to. They even began sending copies of our posts to Carter Ruck and threats to write to employers were frequent. In retrospect, some of the pros probably were part of the official Team McCann. Their tactics were exactly the same as those who compiled the death dossier. Whenever a newcomer questioned the abduction story, they were instantly surrounded by 5 or 6 pro dobermans snapping at their ankles until they gave up or better still, obliged them a sensational quote for a headline. The pack would seek out perceived weaknesses such as mental health, disability, cancer, or problems with alcohol and drugs. All information carefully stored for future use when they went in for the kill. What I saw in the Europe Board certainly illustrated the dark, nasty side of the internet that everyone warns us about. The strangest part was, the most vicious trolls, were nothing more than bored housewives, ladies who lunch and ladies who peek out from behind net curtains in the shires. Brenda Leyland was typical of the kind of people who follow and talk about the case of Madeleine McCann anonymously online. She wasn't a leather clad thug swinging knuckle dusters, she was just an ordinary middle aged lady. Some of these women appear to be bubbling away like volcanoes ready to blow. All the anger and bitterness they hide so well in the real world, is unleashed in the alter egos they create to go online. Outwardly, they are almost Mrs Bucket like, with their spick and span houses, yes dear husbands and solid British values. They have to put themselves up on those highly polished pedestals in order to look down at the rest of us. They probably have hair that stays rigid in a gale force wind, wear American tan tights and speak in squeaky little girl voices that stopped being cute when they got past the age of 6. (Grown women who speak like little girls irritate me - I want to slap them). Some might ask why I stayed there. I ask myself that all the time, lol. As bad as the AOL board was, it did eventually find its level. We had some great debates that went on long into the night and we had some great laughs. The main issue that reared its ugly head each day however, was censorship with lines being drawn between those who wanted rules, guidelines and some topics to be off limits and those, like me, who said go boil your head. Sadly, in most forums, once the discussion/debate begins to heat up, the thread is locked. Admin taking the decision to send the naughty ones off to cool down whilst urging those who remain to play nicely. Fortunately no-one on the Europe Board had that 'power' over anyone else. Nor could they censor or remove posts they didn't like. If they had, I probably would have started my blog much sooner than I did - I refuse to be bound! I am sure in a previous life I was probably Joan of Arc (loopy enough) or the warrior(ess) Boudica , maybe even the Spartan wife of Gerard Butler (I can dream :) ). As a little girl growing up, there were very few female role models to look up to. But that is another feminist subject for another day, but got to say, loving the new Jessica Jones series where a female, for once, is empowered!When the AOL boards closed down, I wandered into CMoMM. It took me a long time to actually join in the discussion, because even then, it had ferocious guard dogs in the form of Aguila and Plebgate and those who worshipped at the altar of Tony patrolling the borders. Once in, I quickly learned that I would have to be inventive if I were to stay within house rules. I convinced myself to hang on in, because I wanted to be there when the truth about Madeleine's disappearance finally broke. And there have been many times over the years, when the more optimistic of us have seen an end in sight. I joined some of the Facebook groups, but my commitment fears extend just as much online as they do in the real world and I am reluctant to sign up for anything. And once again, my carefully thought out and non libellous contributions were swiftly removed by those who believe they know what is best for their members. Most groups it would appear, eventually become one tracked and exclusive. It is inevitable if you do not permit alternate views. For the sociologists out there, it is probably textbook stuff, but it's enlightening nevertheless. Gang mentality sadly, flourishes at every level of society. It exists in boardrooms and genteel coffee mornings just as much as it does in the back streets of Peckham. The gang leaders may not have tear drops tattooed on their cheeks but their victims are just as abundant. Gang mentality begins in the playground, several kids gather together and one or more are excluded. The isolated child acting as a warning as to what will happen to those who don't conform to the group. It is a brutal lesson, but it is one we should remember. Should add gang mentality is prevalent in organised religions too. Unfortunately, owners and admins of forums and facebook groups are trying to keep the majority of their contributors happy - an impossible task. They censor and remove posts because they don't want any friction in their forums. Well ho hum, if you've got no friction, you have got nothing to talk about! And isn't it a bit strange that those constantly calling for peace are in the thick of every row? There is nothing wrong with having a difference of opinion. What a boring world this would be if we all thought and acted the same! And what a freaky world it would be if we all remained static, having the same views at 90, as we did when we were 20! Those with their opinions set in stone have called a halt to their education, they have limited their world to the tunnel vision they see through their blinkers. They would be sad, if they were not so cruel. Unfortunately, on forums these malcontents are mostly successful, because they achieve what they set out to do. Halt discussion. Especially in the case of Madeleine McCann - in the early days, every discussion about the abduction was swooped on by patrols of McCann dobermans supporters claiming a)Goncalo Amaral was lying, b)the dogs were lying c)your just a loon, go take your meds. As for a new forum, I don't think it would be for me. Posting in a forum or facebook group is like typing with one hand tied behind my back and I'm tired of it to be honest. I want to 'talk' directly to my readers, and I want them to be able to 'talk' directly to me. I don't want their posts or mine to be hacked about by someone in the middle. I know that sounds a bit harsh on those who have put up with me, but I hate to hold back on what I am saying for fear of offending anyone. Here, I don't have to. When people ask me for the truth, that is what they get! I want to offend people, I would prod them with a large fork if I could! And people who demand the right not to be offended deserve it the most! I want to make them sit up think! My regular readers know what they are letting themselves in for, and if the newly offended return for more, they have no-one to blame but themselves! :) Ps. Regarding the glitches over the weekend. I inadvertently changed my blog from an open forum into Google+ and lost all my comments! I then went into meltdown pressing buttons galore and making the situation a zillion times worse :( Fortunately, son performed an intervention and order was restored, lol. To the conspiracy theorists already discussing the notion that I removed all the comments so I could furiously edit them before putting them back. Seriously? UPDATE SUNDAY 13/12/15Bennett and Verdi's fiendish plans provide me with no end of merriment on a Sunday morning. Bennett is now producing evidence that I am a pro in disguise, no less, a sneaky double agent, confirmed by my failure to spit, swear and carry a pitchfork. He is building a case by providing evidence of my kind words, no dastardly compassionate remark will remain unturned. The message is clear Mr. B. In order to disbelieve the McCanns, you must hate and disrespect them, and if Mr. B finds any evidence of kindness or decency in any of your posts, past and present, you will be exposed and shamed. Get it! You certainly won't be allowed in the inner circle. For that you will need a white hood, rudimentary woodwork skills, a few 10 by 2's and a large box of matches. You may also have to supply a cup of your blood. 'It's nothing but a random selection of words thrown together for effect' says Verdi. Well deh! It is an example of Mr. Bennett's copying and pasting skills at it's best, especially when he is going for a guilty without trial verdict. It goes without saying, there is nothing he has selected that I am ashamed of. My assumed literary prowess is a dangerous weapon when in the WRONG hands proclaims Verdi. Like giving a loaded weapon to a child. I am not sure if he/she is cussing God for not giving him/her such a weapon, or cussing the likes of me for having it. Either way, I'm kinda flattered and feeling a bit like Mozart to Bennett's Salieri. Now there's something to put your teeth in for Verdi! ha ha
In any event, I am putting out the wrong message! It is not enough to disbelieve the McCanns, you must hate them with a passion and you must be prepared to pry into the lives of anyone vaguely connected to them without question. This case is not about the mysterious death of a child, the injustice of our Government interfering in a criminal investigation in Portugal, the evil pursuit of an ex detective, or the sinister way in which people with great power used the name of Madeleine to usher in new laws on Freedom of the Press, new powers to control the internet and a new bogeyman to frighten the plebs. The more discerning McCann sceptics are still beavering away on the shutters, Smithman, the last photo and butler in the pantry with the candlestick. They will only discuss the files. I think we best leave them to it! UPDATE 12/1215 I see Tony Bennett has been beavering away to find evidence that proves, err, that I am not now nor have I ever been a 'hater' or a 'pitchforker'. Why thank you Mr. Bennett, that is what I have been saying all along! He can't find any spite or nastiness from myself towards the parents, nor can he find libellous accusations of murder, paedophilia, swinging sex parties, cloning or gawd knows what else, because there aren't any! (honesty and integrity)I haven't stated categorically what happened on that night, because, err, how the feck would I know? I wasn't there and I'm not a detective. Back in the real world, I accept that I am no more than an onlooker and I find the idea of running a counter investigation to the police, ludicrous. It is also creepy and sinister to pry into the lives of strangers online, but that doesn't stop them either. They crossed the line from people concerned with justice for a small child, to a mob of vigilantes seeking victims to 'research' a long time ago. What exactly do these people hope to do with all their 'research'? I doubt they will be called as expert witnesses for the prosecution - though the idea of Bennett being strapped to a trolley Hannibal Lector like and wheeled into a Courtroom is quite an amusing daydream. Realistically, all these theorists can get out of this case, will be a book (or several volumes) and a documentary (or several volumes). The donations side never really took off. There will undoubtedly be an unholy scramble to publish books once Amazon lift their embargo, there are many writers who have devoted a lot of time to this case, myself included, who may or may not write books of their own. It will be fiercely competitive, with those believing they have the divine right to the top spot because a)they have sacrificed the most and b)they have done the most 'work', thrashing about on the floor screaming 'its not fair'. Some have started already as we can see from a quick glance at CMoMM (the cesspit), lol. I will make no bones about it. I want to write to Kate's book. If she reads my blog, and I am pretty sure she does, she will get the message that I am trying to understand the reasons behind everything that has happened. My interest in this case has nothing to do with hate. And again, thank you Mr. Bennett for confirming that. __________________________Oh forsooth Lizzie HideHo, have you partaking in the fruit of the vine? Your gushing tribute to Mr. Anthony Bennett fair soured me cornflakes! No one doubt's Mr. Bennett's Methodist work ethic. He clearly 'works' from dawn to dusk, but tis the content of that 'work' that causes problems for myself and others. He has not outed, exposed or shamed you (yet), but he will. You are female and blonde (a tool of the devil) and there is probably an entire filing cabinet devoted to you. Myself and Sonia have several, lol. The work of Mr. Bennett is to bring misery to others. Where is the honour in that? His actions in the early days of this case. when no-one knew what was going on, were abominable. He was hounding and persecuting Kate and Gerry McCann in the same way, he has hounded and persecuted people all his adult life, take a look at his entry on Wiki. The reasons for his involvement in this case are questionable to the say the least - he set up a 'Foundation' using the name of the missing child ffs! If 'GoFundMe' had been around at that time, he would have been minted. Mr. Bennett doesn't so much want Justice for Madeleine, as he wants fire, brimstone and himself as the worshipful head of a new loony justice league with a paypal button. He, and others like him, use his 20,000 hits a day forum, to put the victims of their stalking on public trial. That some of their victims are witnesses in a highly sensitive, ongoing police investigation, should outrage all of us. It's just not cricket Lizzie, can you not see that? These witnesses are being investigated, put on trial, and pronounced guilty on a public forum where they have no right of reply. That they have been able to maintain a dignified silence in the face of all those smears, is a tribute to their good characters, they have had much to contend with. Some antis, like yourself HideHo have become so entrenched in looking at the finer details of this case, that they have lost all sense of reason. Restricting all discussion to the files and nothing else, will do that. We have no right to select targets from this case and then to analyse their lives and their motives. No moral right that is. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. The people that you, Bennett and the cesspit are scrutinising, are very real. They are private individuals drawn into this case through no fault of their own. People who have done their public duty and co-operated with the police. They have never sought publicity and they have never sold their stories. The message is loud and clear, they want to be left alone. They don't want to join in your games. As for Mr. Bennett's recent Express victory. I didn't see an apology so much as a correction, however, I will happily take that back if TB gets a thank you from Goncalo. I have much respect for your videos HideHo, but not very much for your judgement at the moment. Sometimes in trying to do the right thing for everyone, you end up tied in knots. Mr. Bennett's motives are not altruistic, they are sinister and malevolent. Selecting victims from the net and putting them on public trial is evil in every language and on every continent Lizzie. That is why CMoMM is a cesspit HideHo, because it has deemed our public services and our democracy worthless, and set up a Court of its own.
Bleeding forums, where do I start? I was one of those innocents when I first stumbled onto forums, or chat rooms as they used to be called. I'd had the internet since 1999, but it was much slower then, and I didn't have to time to take anything other than a peek now and then. I was a mature student with a frantically busy life, an annoying teenager, a pesky mutt (Barnabus Bubble) and gall stones, and the fast moving chat rooms were impossible to keep up with up. As I had more time and got more internet savvy, I ventured further. Although I am happily single, I often wanted a bit of company, although my little dog had a hearty appetite for our 'Dine in for Two's', he wasn't much of conversationalist. The best he could manage at the end of a meal was ''ere, wasn't one of those puddings supposed to be mine?'. He only really had two subjects, food and walkies as in 'I'm sure the chicken's done, go take a look, come on, I'll show you where it is or I've been watching it for 2 hours', and 'here's my lead, get your arse off that sofa, that raging storm outside will be great fun'.  For me the social side of the internet was phenomenal. Then, as now, I was blown away by the fact that I could talk to anyone about any subject I wanted. I started with baby steps. I like books, so I looked for book chats. Unfortunately, I didn't find a Bloomsbury Group deconstructing Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, I found a hot and heavy group from the 40s/50s discussing Stephensen's Rocket with some randy stragglers from Pub Chat. My breakthrough came with the Celebrity Big Brother chat room, if I had thought the message boards a trifle brusque, the chat rooms were ferocious! It was the year Michael Barrymore and George Galloway were in the Big Brother house, so there were ding dongs all round. I couldn't understand how people could become so emotionally involved in a program on the telly, to the point where they were calling the police and their lawyers. Then, as now, I found it most of it highly amusing, but I could also see the dark and sinister side.  I will not tell a lie, all that fighting down in the mud and the blood and beer gave me a buzz! It was like a more genteel version of Fight Club (maybe not so genteel), where I knew sure as eggs is eggs I could always find someone else in the mood to go ten rounds. To be honest, that is probably one of things I miss most about my ex, he was always ready, willing and able to partake in a verbal or physical spar. A rowdy game of Trivial Pursuit could often end in police being called and a Restraining Order (a sparrow HAS got 3 toes you eejit!). We would have been great on Jeremy Kyle! But I jest, most of the people I encountered in the forums were much like myself. People looking for a bit of company and a good giggle and it appalled me watching those I liked and who's views I wanted to hear more of, being driven away by gangs of marauding malcontents who's mission it was to stop debate and all or any signs of joviality. Ever since I was a little kid, I have stood up to bullies. Not only could I stand up for myself, I could stand up for others too. I could talk the hind legs off a donkey and when all else failed, I could punch as good as any boy! The more the gangs tried to drive people away, the more I dug my heels in. One of the pluses of losing everything, is that you literally have nothing left to lose! I can kind of see why George Orwell traded his posh suit with a tramp and headed to London and Paris. Having nothing can be incredibly liberating, it makes you wonder why you fought so hard to hang onto stuff in the first place. Unfortunately many people see spending hours on the internet talking to strangers as kind of weird and sad, and they have to pretend that they don't do it. It implies that you have no life and nothing better to do. These ideas are ridiculous of course, chatting on the internet is no different to chatting over the garden fence, but a zillion times better. You can actually choose who you speak to, tell them your name, or not, and move swiftly on if you get bored. Millions of people who would otherwise be alone and isolated can now connect with others who share their interests, rather than their nearest and dearest who are probably telling them to give it a rest. We should be enjoying it, rather than covering it up.For the first time in history we are not restricted to selecting our life partners from neighbours' offspring or the chance meeting of soulful eyes across a dance floor. I am a confirmed singleton (no one will have me, lol), but for those who's mojo's are still active, they no longer have to make do with the nice but dim or the slutty professional wife looking for more sparkly rings for her toes. But back to the strange world of the forums. In 2007 specialist forums sprung up everywhere, it was before Facebook completely took over. My encounter with the CBB board, had left me somewhat shellshocked and I had avoided social media for a while. However, the Madeleine case had sparked my interest, and AOL were directing those wishing to discuss the case towards the Europe Board. The main commentators on the case posted on the Mirror readers comments. Most were very aggressive and had little time for newbies, they were firmly entrenched. Other National newspapers had similar comment boards - but all were closed down at the end of 2007/beginning of 2008. The most prominent board that sprung out of the 'Nationals' was The Three Arguidos. I joined, but I rarely attempted to post. Even then they took themselves far too seriously. I stuck with the Europe Board because no-one was in charge, even though takeovers were threatened daily, lol, and no-one could censor me! Any sane person would have run for the hills, but I got a weird sort of buzz out of it. I'd go to bed thinking 'ah, so, it's a fight you want!' lol. I didn't want to get into any sort of actual fisticuffs with them I hasten to add, I just wanted to hand out the occasional clip round the ear, or a complete body slam if my opponent was a fascist. My profile was Cristobell, Marxist, Feminist, so I was asking for it really, the lol, came later. No doubt my critics will make much of my 'sick' need for conflict. The Freudians might say I need to relive my childhood trauma over and over so I can make things right. I am still fighting the same injustices I saw then as I see now, and I still can't shut up about them. The people I stood up to were the bullies, people who believed their chosen path in life real or imagined, should be the same for everyone else. Some were pure evil, they latched onto and logged sensitive issues that would bring the most pain to their targets. Disability, loneliness, depression, drugs, alcohol, all the things we should have been talking about, were strictly taboo. I have always been honest about my own bipolar, I prefer to challenge the piss takers head on than hide away from them. I first ventured onto the AOL Europe Board in September 2007. It had been running for several months, and sides had been taken! The McCanns had never been out of the news and my poor ill mum and I were following the case. I kept wondering why the parents were lying and making light of the distance between the apartment and the tapas bar. And why they showed no signs of guilt. It niggled me. The AOL boards were a phenomenon. completely unmonitored, uncensored and on occasion a complete free for all. Antis posting with Pros, and the ratio was about 50:50. A good friend of mine, a psychiatrist, took a look there one day and asked if I was completely insane. I'm afraid I had to say yes! I was completely addicted. It was my first port of call every morning and every break time! Even the most trivial of arguments were blown completely out of proportion. I met people I would never encounter or socialise with in the real world, and the opportunity to tell those who's views I found obnoxious and narrow minded, exactly what I thought of them. Albeit, I tried to do it in the nicest possible way. I have never been afraid of the trolls in a physical sense, they are a bit like vampires, they can only suck on your blood if you allow them in. When I shut my laptop, they all go back to their underground coffins. I give them as little or as much of my time as I choose. Bizarrely those of us on the Aol boards became 'friends' of sorts. The lines remained firmly divided between anti and pro, but the bitching often turned into uproarious exchanges of banter that led to much hilarity. Hundreds came and went, but there were 20 or 30 of us who posted (bickered) regularly and we were all equally hooked, not just to the McCann case but to arguing with each other. And of course after 5 years we had to become more creative with our insults! Some of them were I fear, criminally insane. Especially, the fanatically right wing who thought the muslims were to blame for everything. Those who worshipped the Drs. McCann, were just weird. They lived fantasy lives in cuckoo land acting out their Perry Mason moments, where they prove beyond reasonable doubt that the butler did it with the candlestick in the pantry. I don't have any regrets for the years I wasted on the Europe boards. They gave me an insight into human behaviour I could never have found anywhere else. Mostly, I remember the laughter, and I remember having access to a friendly ear any time of the day or night. As an insomniac, manic depressive and regular caller to the Samaritans, it became a lifeline for me, depending on who was online, I good have a good giggle, a cosy heart to heart, an in depth debate or a full blown street fight. The Europe Board, that became Penny Stocks, then Ya Gotta Laugh, was the wild West of the internet. There were no monitors, regulators or admin. It was a free for all, no-one could be banned and no-one could take charge, but it found it's own, albeit very low, level. The potty mouths and the name callers got little attention unless they could say something substantial, and of course, they couldn't. Cloning was a regular occurrence and I had dozens; Cristohell, Cristobella, just about every variation of Cristobell you could imagine, lol. Many of my enemies have been around for a very long time, and I am still laughing. I don't know if the McCanns kept their 'big gun' monitors for the 3 Arguidos and the organised groups that emerged out of the closure of the Mirror comments, but it seemed that way. I'm guessing AOL (America OnLine) was beyond the control of Clarence, so they ignored it. The eejits trying to bring Law and Order to AOL, were mostly uniform fantasists acting out their dreams of a Fourth Reich. When AOL finally closed their chatrooms, I found my way to the Jill Havern forum and that was when things took a much darker turn, but I will save it for another day. For myself, I have no desire to join any more forums, I find it laborious trying to write with a censorship sword hanging over me. It is impossible to please all the people all the time, and writing shouldn't be like that. I have no problem whatsoever with people disagreeing with me. And they have as much freedom as I have to write whatever they want in response. I don't claim to be right, God forbid, I am always open to different opinions, I welcome different perspectives. Those miffed that I won't published their comments, simply need to cut out the personal abuse and put forward some valid points. There is no need to be rude. In the case of Madeleine McCann, I would love to be wrong, but I haven't yet heard a single argument that persuades that I am, or that there is even room for doubt. And bizarrely, all that threatening, stalking and name calling hasn't changed my mind either.
I see Bennett is currently tubthumping and salivating at the thought of the Rapture, lol, He's got a first class ticket to Paradise and the rest of us are gonna fry. Radical Christians are no different to radical muslims, they too believe they are right, dead right. Their motives are not philanthropic, they want their place next to God and a front row seat to watch their enemies burn. They are just as much at war as ISIS, 'onward Christian soldiers' and all that. Since time began, religion has been used by every society in order to control the masses. To put it bluntly we are 'herd' animals, we flock together, we are more comfortable in a pack, we are safer and our survival depends on it. In order to live as a group, ancient societies had to have rules and such is human nature, deciding on what those rules should be and who should administer them began a conflict that lasted for all eternity. They quickly realised that whoever took charge and made the rules could enjoy the fruits of others' labour, without having to do any actual 'toiling' themselves. However, man is frail. His time on this earth is limited and the lifespan of tyrants and despots is especially variable because once you have got all the 'spoils', others will try to take them away from you. Ancient man needed Rules carved in stone, ones that didn't need updating every 6 months and with all that chiselling, who could blame them. So how did God come about? Well, if you go back even further, somewhere between walking upright and making tools, those big old Neanderthal heads were trying to make sense of the goodies that grew on trees and how much fun it was eating rotting grapes. They wanted, neh needed, someone to thank for their bountiful harvests, and someone to praise so the next ones would be even better. Clearly the amazing world around them couldn't possibly be the work of man, no man had that power. They looked upon the changing seasons as being the work of a God or several Gods. 'God' became their explanation of the world around them, if they behaved as God wanted them to, they would be rewarded, if they didn't, they would be punished. Of course, after a few thousand years they realised that the Autumn follows Summer follows Spring etc, whatever they did, and that sacrificing 10 goats and their firstborn wouldn't ward off the volcano that was about to erupt or the hurricane that was heading their way. They didn't dare displease the Gods by blaming them for man's misfortune, they had to point the finger of blame at each other. Once the 'beliefs' set in, society was under control. The fact that God has only appeared to raving lunatics and people away with the fairies has never mattered a jot to the believers. They choose to live the life God (via man) has mapped out for them rather than freefall like the rest of us. They prefer to plough the fields and gather whilst singing the Lord's praises and dreaming of all the goodies to come in the next life. The religious are the team players. They will work their knuckles to the bone for the good of others and they will do it all in God's name because they don't seek praise for themselves. Heaven forbid. They teach humility and sacrifice, basically all the things that will ensure the populace will continue ploughing the fields and gathering without complaint. And they will teach their children to do the same too. Religion is largely responsible for the social demographic into which we are born. We are the result of decisions and choices made by our predecessors. Sadly, religion teaches us to know and accept our place in the world. The rich man in his castle, the poor man in the field. Blessed are the meek and those who bring gifts to the altar. Such is life, the wants and desires of the Good Lord (or God) usually coincides with the wants and the desires of the leaders and the wannabe leaders and having 'God' on your side usually swings the vote if you want to annihilate certain sections of mankind. If you can whip up a big enough crowd up into a frenzy, you can bring down the walls of Jericho. Mostly, I don't have a problem with religion, if people want to pray or believe in a higher power, that's up to them, whatever gets you through the night. Personally, I prefer to be in awe at the achievements and creativity of mankind, even those of the religious nuts.For me, the scary thing is the fact that religion still dominates the 21st century. And the fact that we actually take religious people seriously and allow them to dictate the way in which we live defies logic. I am as aghast that the word of the Pope still has influence over millions worldwide in the same way that the word of ISIS now reaches out to the radical Muslims. How many people in third world countries died of Aids because of the Pope's ruling on condoms? Religion is the root of all evil and sadly it is not contained within small churches or mosques where the deluded gather to worship their unseen entity of choice. They demand that the rest of us join them or face God's wrath in the form of manmade punishments. Their faith that God will punish us in the next life is however pretty slim, so it is their duty to ensure we suffer in this one. All religions are about suffering, they teach obedience, sacrifice and humility, human traits that make the masses governable.  Happily most people can now see that the promise of a reward in the next life is a ploy used by unscrupulous employers to pay low wages, and by religious fanatics who use the gullible to blow up their enemies. In a logical, humanistic world, religious zealots would be in strait jackets and given psychological help for their paranoid delusions, but in this world, they become leaders. Not just in the unstable Middle East, but also in the West - George Bush held regular prayer meetings in the White House and Tony Blair is now more Catholic than the Pope. Understandable perhaps, when you are killing hundreds of thousands of innocents with weapons of mass destruction, you better be doing in God's name and not your own. Bush and Blair like the ISIS terrorists have also claimed in their place in Paradise. When you use God's name for mass murder it is not only acceptable, it is to be applauded. Sadly, we atheists are caught in the middle of all the crazies, not only must we tolerate them, we must respect them, obey their laws and die and when they go for the mass murder option. An option that is becoming more frequent as these ancient scriptures are adapted for the 21st century by Islamists and Christians alike. And therein lies the insanity.
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