Rank:Diamond Member
 Score: 1787 Posts: 1787 From: Canada Registered: 11/06/2008 Time spent: 35521 hours
Another work in progress.
Originally I was only adding photos for comparison but realised the basic timeline was helpful within the same format.
Many photos and researched dates courtesy of www.gerrymccannsblogs.co.uk By Pamalam
& http://www.mccannfiles.com
Thanks to Ice Rocket for compiling the phone pings information http://madeleinemccann.aimoo.com/ALL-TIMETABLES/Phone-Pings-Timetable-1-910866.htmlMaddie Case FIles Index of Statementshttp://themaddiecasefiles.com/topic177.htmlhttp://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/PHONE_TEXTS.htmReport page 56. [File page 57]
Besides the above, which was based on the analysis of the daily records of the mobile phones of the members of the group, there was also analysed the data of the mobile phones of the parents of Madeleine for the days between 4 and 13 May, to verify intervals of 30 or more minutes without any records.
In 30 minutes, according to the Microsoft AutoRoute software, at an average of 70km/h, it is possible to make a round-trip journey between the village of Luz and the localities of: Raposeira, if travelling West; Bensafrim, if travelling North, and Odi?ere if going East.
That movement would have produced records only in the antennae that serve Praia da Luz, and thus the absence of any record.
Despite the short time after the disappearance, the McCanns already had large media coverage, there having been no other news considered more important by the different media organisations. Thus, it was not possible to access information that was sufficiently clear to prevent raising some questions. In truth, even though this coverage had been exhaustive and intensive, the print media to which they had access did not cover all movements of the McCanns.
It is recognized that they could have been "watched" 24 a day, but there had been no official news of that, it being also likely that the reporters had been absent during the night, or had not followed them.
This analysis shows that the McCann mobile phones did not activate any antenna during the night time, except for the first two days (4 and 5 May). RECOMMENDATIONS (Report page 60)
Given the above, it is recommended:
To determine either from the couple, or from other sources, where they were in the periods between 4:15 and 6:00am and between 7:15 and 7:45am on 5th. [NOTE: This is an error in the report. It should be 'on 4th']
To determine from the various television stations and print media, if the coverage of the activities of the McCann couple occurred for 24 hours a day, and whether, if so, they were followed in the different trips they made
The McCann's 'Holiday' - SATURDAY Timeline based on Statements from Police Files
Kate's book The travel cots we’d requested for Sean and Amelie had been placed in the back bedroom. As there were full-length patio doors here, too, and it was bigger and brighter, we decided to put the three children in the front bedroom, knowing they’d only be using their room to sleep in, and to take this one ourselves. We removed the cots and shoved the twin beds together. In the other room, we pushed the beds further apart, positioning each against a wall, to make room for the cots, which we placed in between them. After reorganizing the sleeping arrangements and unpacking some essentials, we went down to the pool area at the back of the apartment to join the rest of the holiday group – Jane, Russell, Rachael and Matt and their kids had arrived a few hours ahead of us. At the back the apartments were separated from an access path that ran the length of the block by a low wall, into which gates to the ground-floor flats were set. The pool area on the other side of the path was also walled, so to reach it you went out on to the road to your left, Rua Dr Francisco Gentil Martins, turned right and came back in via an entrance a few yards along. As we were on the corner of the block, our gate led directly on to Rua Dr Gentil Martins. The weather was pleasant enough, although there was a cool breeze. It was still April, after all. As I am one of those people who really feel the cold (‘Get a bit of meat on yerself!’ my hardy Scottish in-laws are always telling me), when Madeleine immediately wanted me to go swimming with her, I was not exactly keen. But she was so excited about the pool. I took one look at her eager little face and went off to put on my costume. The water was absolutely freezing, but Madeleine was straight in there, even if her voice disappeared for a second or two with the shock of it. ‘Come on, Mummy!’ she called when she’d got her breath back. I tentatively inched my way in. ‘The things you do for your kids!’ I remember commenting to a dad lying on a sun-lounger with his two sons nearby, watching us. I told Madeleine to count to three and steeled myself. It was worth it – it will always be worth it – just to see her delight. Even if it did take us both the best part of three hours to warm up afterwards. We were still shivering when we went off to a ‘welcome’ meeting with the Mark Warner team, who outlined the facilities and events on offer. We booked the children into the kids’ clubs, starting the next day. These provided a wide range of activities, both indoor and outdoor, that varied from day to day: swimming at the indoor pool, ‘ice-cream’ trips, boat rides at the beach, sandcastle-building, games like mini-tennis and the usual arts and crafts, singing and stories. Afterwards we strolled over to the Millennium restaurant for dinner. The Mark Warner resorts the others had visited before had been quite compact. The apartments and facilities in Praia da Luz were spread out around the village, which meant some of them were ten minutes’ walk away. The restaurant turned out to be nearly half a mile from our base – a bit too far, really, certainly for a gaggle of weary toddlers. As we were only going to be away for a week, we’d decided not to bring Sean and Amelie’s double buggy with us, preferring to travel light and thinking we wouldn’t be doing much walking, given that everything we needed was on-site. So there were many stops and negotiations about whose turn it was to be carried by whom. At the restaurant the staff were very kind and obliging, pushing up several tables so that we could all sit together. Once we’d eaten everyone was feeling pretty tired, and by the time we got back to the apartment the children’s night-time routine – bath, pyjamas, milk, stories and bed – was an hour behind the normal schedule. Madeleine was very taken with the novelty of sharing a room with Sean and Amelie – at home she has her own – and it was nice to have them all together. She had the bed nearest the door, leaving the one by the window empty. On our arrival we had lowered the blind-style shutters on the outside of the windows, which were controlled from the inside, and closed the curtains. We left them that way all week. This early in the season, the nights were not that warm, there was no need to open a window and we reasoned that having the shutters down and the curtains drawn would keep it cool during the day. Although it meant the room was very dark, the children weren’t going to be in there in the daytime, and at night we always left the door ajar to let in a little light. With Madeleine and the twins settled, Gerry and I chatted and read for a while before going to sleep ourselves. The holiday had got off to a good start, and we felt mellow and content.
| SUN April 29 | Everyone had a good night’s sleep and the next morning, Sunday 29 April, we woke up bright and early and feeling refreshed. After a quick wash, we returned to the Millennium restaurant, where we joined our friends for breakfast, and then took the children to their kids’ clubs. While our three were having fun elsewhere with their buddies, there would be a rare chance for Gerry and me to spend time together playing tennis, going for a run or just relaxing. It seemed to us an ideal way for everyone to get the most out of the holiday. We wanted to balance these activities with enjoying our break as a family, and we made it clear to Madeleine that she didn’t have to go to the club if she didn’t feel like it. We wouldn’t have minded if she’d asked to stay with us as we loved her company, but she was far less concerned about being apart from Gerry and me than the other way round. The main thing was that everyone was happy. Sean and Amelie were enrolled in the Toddler Club for two-year-olds in a building adjacent to a bar and the open-air Tapas restaurant, just across from our apartment on the other side of the main pool. The nanny who was to take care of them there seemed very pleasant and capable. Amelie, true to form, was completely unfazed; sensitive Sean, when it came to it, was initially a bit upset, all of which was situation normal with the twins. The staff had our telephone numbers and we left details of our whereabouts, as we would do for the rest of the week, in case there were any problems or in the unlikely event that Sean failed to settle. Madeleine’s group, the Mini Club for three-to-fives, was based in a light, airy room above the twenty-four-hour reception. This was slightly further away and it was a few mornings before we got our bearings and found a quicker route there. Ella went too and although until the previous day the two girls hadn’t seen each other for several months, they soon became great pals. Madeleine’s nanny, Cat, I warmed to straight away, as did Madeleine. She was bubbly, smiley, kind and bursting with enthusiasm. It was obvious that she was doing the job because she loved children, not simply as a way of spending a few months in the sun. After dropping off the children we went along to a ‘tennis coffee morning’. Neither of us is a regular tennis player but before we’d had the kids we’d spent many holidays knocking a few balls around. Perhaps that’s a bit of a casual way of putting it: we’re both pretty competitive so there have been some fierce matches over the years, thankfully all ending amicably with a hug over the net and a post-match beer. So we were keen to get in some tennis on this break and maybe improve our technique a little. We played a few games and signed up for group lessons for the rest of the week, me at level 1 and Gerry level 2 (I must grudgingly concede that he is better than I am). Soon after midday we collected the children. I loved going to pick up the kids when they were little. The moment when your child spots you and rushes over to throw a pair of tiny arms around you makes your heart sing. It doesn’t happen every time, of course, but I have many special memories of meeting Madeleine at nursery at home. Hurtling across the classroom and into my embrace, she would shout, ‘My mummy!’, as if establishing ownership of me in front of the other children. What I’d give to have that again. Gerry had made a trip to Baptista, a supermarket a short distance from the Ocean Club on Rua Dr Gentil Martins, to get in a few bits and pieces for lunch, plus some cereal, to save us making the trek to the Millennium restaurant for breakfast each morning. We all had lunch on the balcony of the apartment Fi and Dave were sharing with Dianne. Today we’d been able to make a dinner reservation for the adult contingent at the poolside Tapas restaurant. Apparently, this restaurant, a canopied outdoor addition to the bar, catered for only up to fifteen diners in the evenings, and reservations could not be made until the morning of the day in question. Being so close, it was far more convenient than the Millennium. The children could have their tea together earlier, play for a while and then go to bed at their usual time, which meant they wouldn’t get overtired and out of sorts, and we could eat later on. In the afternoon the children went back to their clubs and, after a leisurely hour by the pool with Fiona, David and Dianne, Gerry and I took a run along the beach. Being able to play tennis and run together for the first time in ages was a real treat. Just before 5pm, the arrangement was that the nannies would bring all the children to a raised area next to the Tapas restaurant to meet their parents and have their ‘high tea’, as they called it. Madeleine’s Mini Club arrived walking in single file clutching Sammy Snake, a long rope with coloured rings fastened to it at regular intervals for the children to hold on to. Very cute. The nearby play area had several small slides and a little playhouse, which our team of kids adored, and after tea we all spent half an hour or so there. We headed back to our apartments, the kids all tired but happy after their busy day. At home, the twins were usually asleep soon after seven, while Madeleine enjoyed the big sister’s privilege of an extra half-hour with Gerry and me. Sean and Amelie had always been perfect sleepers, and Madeleine had outgrown the restlessness of her babyhood, so, barring illness and the odd instance of playing up at bedtime, ours was normally a relatively quiet household by 8pm. If Madeleine ever woke during the night it was always in the small hours, practically never earlier than two or three in the morning. In Portugal the only difference was that all three children went down around seven, seven-fifteen. None of them had been taking daytime naps for quite a few months before the holiday, and after the activities and excitement of each day, they were all ready for their beds by then. Familiar with their bedtime ritual, they accepted it as a prelude to sleep and, after milk and stories, settled very quickly. It’s a time-honoured routine viewed as the norm by the vast majority of British parents and children, and we were dumbfounded when, in the months to come, it provoked sceptical comments in Portugal. After putting the children to bed, Gerry and I showered, dressed and sat down with a glass of wine before heading over to the Tapas restaurant, booked for eight-thirty. At that time, most Mark Warner resorts provided a baby-listening service – basically, members of staff listening at regular intervals at the doors of the apartments and villas to check that none of the children inside had woken up. This service was not offered by the Ocean Club, presumably because it was less of a ‘campus’ resort than others, with apartments scattered over a greater area. Instead there was a crèche, where children could be looked after from about 7.30pm to 11pm. Given that our children needed to be in their beds by the time it opened, the crèche wasn’t really workable for us. We both felt it would be too unsettling for them and would disrupt their sleep. As the restaurant was so near, we collectively decided to do our own child-checking service. This decision, one that we all made, has naturally been questioned time and again, not least by us. It goes without saying that we now bitterly regret it, and will do so until the end of our days. But it is easy to be wise after the event |
W/B APRIL 30 |
| All available Pings for Kate & Gerry during holiday are Luz
Kate April 29 missing Gerry April 30 no record Gerry May 1 no record All others are in sequence
David Payne On 30 April there appear two records on that same antenna (Luz) at 8:46:35 and 15:50:34. [From then] Until 1:17:17 on 4 May, 2007, the time at which there appears another entry on the antenna that serves the [parish] of Luz, there are no records.
| Mon April 30 | On the evening of Monday 30 April, I made my first foray to Baptista with Jane. We wanted to stock up on a few essentials as the next day was a public holiday. We all managed to make it for dinner at the Tapas restaurant that evening. Again, there was quite a cold wind, but there were plenty of amusing stories and mickey-taking to keep us cheerful. Our apartment was cleaned on the Monday and Wednesday (another perk) by a middle-aged Portuguese lady. | Gerry phone pings April 30 no record
| Tues May 1 | GM 1 May, also there are no records.
On Tuesday 1 May, after my tennis lesson, two maintenance workers came to have a look at our washing machine, which I couldn’t get to operate. Gerry had also managed to break the window shutter mechanism in our bedroom shortly after we’d arrived, in spite of the sign asking guests to be gentle with it. What can I say? It’s the Gerry touch . . . The two men looked at the washing machine first. Once they’d established that the problem was something simple – not quite as simple as me not having pressed the ‘on’ button, but not much more complicated than that – I went to meet Gerry, whose lesson had started at ten-fifteen, leaving them to fix the shutter. During Gerry’s tennis lesson, Madeleine and Ella came to the adjoining court with their Mini Club for a mini-tennis session. Jane and I stayed to watch them. It chokes me remembering how my heart soared with pride in Madeleine that morning. She was so happy and obviously enjoying herself. Standing there listening intently to Cat’s instructions, she looked so gorgeous in her little T-shirt and shorts, pink hat, ankle socks and new holiday sandals that I ran back to our apartment for my camera to record the occasion. One of my photographs is known around the world now: a smiling Madeleine clutching armfuls of tennis balls. At the end of their session, the children had been asked to run around the court and pick up as many balls as they could. Madeleine had done really well and was very pleased with herself. Gerry loves that picture. In the afternoon Gerry and I decided to take the children down to the beach. To be honest, I think they’d have been just as happy to go back to their clubs, but we wanted to do something slightly different with them, just the five of us. We borrowed a double buggy from Mark Warner to make the walk easier for Sean and Amelie. The weather wasn’t great: in fact, on the beach it started to rain. A bit of rain is not something that bothers a Scotsman like Gerry, but Sean and Amelie didn’t like the feel of the wet sand and insisted, in the way two-year-olds do, on being carried. Our trip to the beach wasn’t exactly a roaring success and the kids certainly weren’t thanking us for it. Still, we made the best of it, and the suggestion of ice-creams soon brought smiles to three little faces. The children and I sat down on a bench and Gerry went off to fetch them. The shop was only about 25 feet away, yet when he called to me asking me to give him a hand with the five ice-creams he was paying for, I was momentarily torn. Would the children be OK on the bench while I nipped over? I hurried across, watching them all the time. How could I balk at leaving the kids to run a few yards for ice-creams and feel comfortable with the child-checking arrangement we had at dinner? I haven’t ever been able to rationalize this discrepancy in judgement to my own satisfaction. Perhaps in my subconscious the prospect of three active children squabbling, hurting themselves or being hurt by somebody else in a public place in the middle of the afternoon rang more alarm bells than three sleeping children, safely tucked up in bed, being checked on regularly. If the fear of abduction had ever entered my head it would have been in the former situation. Having polished off her ice-cream, Madeleine asked if she could go back to Mini Club now, please. So much for extra family time! Before heading up the road, we stopped at a shop on the corner of Rua da Praia and Avenida dos Pescadores, one of several open-air, market-style stalls, as Gerry needed a pair of sunglasses. A couple of the women who worked there were sitting by the stall, admiring and making a fuss of the children, who responded quite happily. These ladies were warm and friendly, this is the kind of thing that happens every day, especially in southern European countries, and I only remember it at all because of what subsequently happened. You may be wondering not only what relevance all these minute details might have to anything, but also how I can recall them so distinctly and how accurate my recollections can possibly be. The answer is that, within a couple of days, every single apparently inconsequential thing that happened on that holiday would become vitally important, and Gerry and I would soon be painstakingly trying to extract from our brains every tiny incident, no matter how small, that might have been significant. Armed with notebook, pen and dated photographs, I would be challenging myself to piece together as comprehensive an outline of the sequence of events as I could. The regular routines of the week helped to make any deviations from them stand out and undoubtedly made this easier. We dropped the kids off at their clubs for the last hour and a half, meeting up with them as usual for tea. Only two minor aspects of that evening stand out as differing from the norm. The first was that Russell didn’t join us for dinner. Evie wasn’t well so he stayed with their girls in the apartment and Jane took his meal to him there. The second was that some time in the early hours Madeleine came through to our bedroom, complaining that Amelie was crying and had woken her up. Gerry checked on Amelie, who settled quickly, and we let Madeleine jump into bed with us. | Gerry phone pings May 1 no record |
| Wed May 2 |  Wednesday, 2 May 2007. Our last completely happy day. Our last, to date, as a family of five. If only it was possible to rewind. Even for an hour. Today it rained. The children went to their clubs, but our tennis lessons were postponed. Instead we joined Fiona, David and Dianne at the Millennium restaurant for coffee. We then returned to our apartment and a little while later I left again, to go for a run with Matt. I’d bought a new pair of running shoes a few days before we’d left for Portugal and they were certainly getting a good initiation. They were pink, which I wasn’t quite sure about – I wondered how seriously a runner in pink trainers could be taken – but after a few outings in the sand they weren’t looking quite so glaring and girly. As we ran along the promenade, a small dog jumped out from under a bench and attacked my right calf. It was pretty sore and I was a bit shaken, but I carried on as coolly as I could manage. Maybe he just didn’t like those pink trainers. Gerry and I picked up the children, had lunch in the apartment and then took them to the play area for an hour before walking them to their clubs. The tennis group lessons were rescheduled for the afternoon: Gerry’s group first, followed by mine. After that it was the usual routine: tea with the children, playtime, bathtime, milk, stories, kids’ bedtime, get ready, Tapas at 8.30pm. Tonight it was Rachael’s turn to be feeling a bit under the weather and she gave dinner a miss, remaining in her apartment next door to ours. The only other difference was that after dinner we ventured into the enclosed bar area – where it was, to my relief, warmer – for a liqueur. As a result we went back to our apartments a little later than normal. It also meant that the time between our last check of the children and our return was longer, closer to forty-five minutes. At about 11.50pm, Gerry abruptly announced, ‘Right, I’m off to bed. Goodnight.’ As he turned to leave, Dave said jokingly, ‘She’s not that bad, Gerry!’ I must admit I was slightly hurt that Gerry should just go off without me, as if I was unimportant – irrelevant, even – and Dave’s remark was an indication that it wasn’t just me being over-sensitive. Let me tell you something about Gerry. His honesty and openness make him very direct, often to the point of bluntness, and he’s not a touchy-feely guy. Like many men, he assumes I take his feelings as read and doesn’t see any need to express them with soft-soaping, flowers or cards. And although, like most women, I would appreciate the odd romantic gesture, the fact that he has always been loyal, solid and loving deep down, where it really matters, is far more important. It’s just Gerry, I’m used to his foibles and generally any deficiencies in gallantry simply go over my head. As far as Gerry was concerned, it was late, he was tired, and he was going to bed. End of story. I am not sure why I was miffed by his lack of social graces that particular evening. Perhaps because the other guys in the group were all attentive ‘new men’, compared with Gerry, at least, and I was a bit embarrassed. Anyway, I followed him a few minutes later. He certainly was tired, because by the time I got into the apartment, he was asleep – snoring, in fact. Still feeling a bit offended, I decided to go and sleep with the children. This was highly unusual; unprecedented, even: the only occasions when we ever slept apart were when our jobs and on-call duties dictated it. I wasn’t the type to flounce off to the spare room and never would have done so at home. I suppose it was because there was a bed made up and ready in the other bedroom and at that moment my peaceful, slumbering babies were more attractive room-mates than my snoring husband. It was a storm in a teacup, and I’m loath even to mention it as it was such an isolated incident and not at all representative of our relationship. However, since every scrap of information was shortly to become potentially crucial, I feel it is necessary to state for the record that I was in that room that night. Though it can have no bearing that I can imagine on subsequent events, the thought of Gerry and me sleeping alone on this of all nights still makes me feel sad. |  |
| Thurs May 3 | 
http://missingmadeleine.forumotion.net/t8429-patricia-cameron-rogatory-statement Patricia Cameron I remember hearing about Madeleine’s disappearance by phone on the night of 3rd May 2007. I usually go to bed late but I was particularly tired that night and went to bed early. I was woken by the phone ringing at about 23.30. It was Gerry telling me thatMadeleine had been taken. He was very upset on the phone, it was the worst phone call I have had in my life. remember asking him for contacts of people in Portugal so that we could call them. Gerry was in no state to say much. I tried to remain calm for him, I suggested that he contact the British Embassy and I remember him telling me that he had spoken to the local police but they were not taking the situation seriously. I remember Gerry saying that they did not treat the matter with urgency and only stated thatMadeleine must have left on her own and that she would be back later. It was so frustrating, Madeleine did not do things like that, she was not that kind of girl.
Gerry is normally very calm and serene, he has a logical perception of things, but he was hysterical – he was shouting. He mentioned the possibility that that she could have been taken by a paedophile, I tried to calm him but there was nothing I could say to help him. I had never seen him so out of control. The pain and the anguish – it was the worst scenario imaginable, the waiting was unbearable.
| Gerry was wearing blue denim trousers and sports shoes. She doesn’t remember what else he was wearing.
' After David left, Kate dressed and sat with the children, Madeleine on her lap. She was wearing a top, she doesn’t remember what colour it was, a green long-sleeved t-shirt, blue denim trousers. Sports shoes and white socks.'
She thinks that before she left she put on a cream coloured polar fleece with a zipper, and on top a blue raincoat, also with a zipper. Concerning Gerry, she doesn’t know if he put on any other clothing items.
Concerning objects, she says they took their mobile phones with them, and Gerry might also have taken his wallet with money. Not sure if they took a camera.
Jane was wearing Russell's smock style sweater when she left the Tapas bar.
I remember I was wearing, because it was cold, I’d got Russell’s big, I’d borrowed one of his, erm, fleeces, so I’d got a big sort of fleece, it probably came down to about here, but then I’d got flip-flops on and cropped trousers, because I’d only got, I didn’t take jeans, I know I didn’t take jeans on holiday, and then. Oh I’m sidetracking a bit, but that’s why I knew one of the pictures in the paper wasn’t from the holiday, because I hadn’t got jeans on the holiday with me, so. Erm, yeah, and I’d got cropped trousers on and just flip-flops, so I can remember sort of walking, I couldn’t walk that quickly because I’d got these silly flip-flops on and I couldn’t walk that, that well in them, so to speak.
1578 “Okay. Do you remember what Matt was wearing�?? Reply “Erm he didn’t take many clothes either, he had erm, I mean I know over the top of everything, he would have had erm a sort of a windproof-y it’s not a fleece but that type of thing, which is like a grey colour and his, think it’s Eider, Eider make, erm and I think black linen trousers I think, I don’t think, or did he take jeans, he either had jeans on or black linen trousers and that top and he probably would have had a shirt underneath that, or you know, or a T-shirt, erm and I think you know maybe trainers on his feet, cos it was a bit cold for anything else really�?.
Rachael Reply “Erm yeah, I had white trousers on and some high heeled sandals which I then changed into trainers after, you know when we went back to check on G***e after we discovered that Madeleine had gone, erm and I mean I know I would have had my fleece and my denim jacket on because it was freezing sitting outside, you know and maybe a T-shirt and a jumper as well�?. 1578 “Colours�?? Reply “Erm well denim jacket, sort of jean denim, erm black fleece, which I would have had under my jacket, yeah so that’s probably all you’d have seen of me from the outside, I think I, I might have had a red and white striped jumper on underneath that and maybe just a vest top�?. 01.38.17 1578 “What about when you were eating at the table�?? Reply “Yeah I had all that on as well, it was really cold in the evenings, you didn’t take�?. 1578 “Chilly evening�?. Reply “Didn’t take enough warm things, so it was like the, all the jumpers that we had yeah�?. |
| Fri May 4

 | http://missingmadeleine.forumotion.net/t8429-patricia-cameron-rogatory-statement Patricia Cameron In total frustration, I contacted our local police to ask for help and advice but unfortunately they were not able to help us. Sandy began to search for phone contacts on the computer and there were phone calls back and forth to Portugal and to the Embassy in Lisbon. I think Kate had called her aunt and uncle. I was left with the task of informing ourfamily here. As my mother is quite vulnerable and fragile I decided to give her the news personally. That was one of the worst things I have ever had to do. We sat in her apartment feeling incredulous, wondering what to do next. I feel the necessity of contacting the media and called the BBC, gave an interview to a reporter and afterwards there were more reporters and more interviews.Sandy stayed at home to coordinate things. We tried desperately to get plane tickets. It was not possible to get a flight from Glasgow, the only solution was to fly from Manchester.
We went to Manchester and stayed at a friend’s house before catching the first flight of the morning, on Saturday 5th May 2007.
 Grandmothers arrive

 John Buck
 Photos of Madeleine
  http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/PHONE_TEXTS.htm in the listing for "44771325####_voz_out" there is a voice call attributed to that number (the mobile phone of Russel O'Brien); on 4 May, at 12:03:33. In the fields in question is the above word. The antenna that the mobile phone of the other party, Kate Healy (44774884####); activates is installed in Portimao, Faro. Now, this communication appears in the listing of Kate's mobile phone and not in Russel's listing. This communication is also registered on the TMN network, where one finds registered the majority of the mobile phone activations of that witness.
With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple.
On this day [4th], the records show that Gerald travelled to Portimao. The first record of a signal occurred on the antenna "Arge IC4" at 10:42:58am. About 15 minutes later it is activating the antenna "Portimao Centre" - 10:56:07am.
The records stay on the Portimao antennae until 18:24:45pm.The records returned to Luz at 21:11:22pm, noting that there is an interval without contact between the last entry in Portimao and the first in the village where he was on holiday.
| Yvonne Martin Social Worker when she met with Madeleine’s parents, David Payne, who was with them, wore a dark polo, blue or black in colour, cream coloured long trousers, of linen or cotton material, and dark shoes (sandal/slipper type with a back buckle/catch). In her opinion, this clothing fits perfectly with what the Police described the man (carrying the child) to be wearing at the time. All these coincidences made the deponent think that the parents and their friends could be involved in the disappearance of the child. Yvonne Martin She describes him as tall man, height about 1,80 m, about 35 years old, of normal physical complexion, with short, dark hair, with a round face and with a scar on the left side of his face running from the eyebrow to the check. He uses graduated glasses of small dimension with rectangular lenses. He spoke with a southern English accent and was wearing cream coloured trousers and a dark polo shirt
4th May... Intervals: 01:43 - 04:14 , 04:20 - 07:06 First activation outwith PdL comes at 10:42 while on his way to Portimao to be interviewed. Looks like they left Luz around 10:15. Only other thing to mention here is the gap between the last Portimao ping at 18:24 and the next ping, in Luz, at 21:11 | 4/5 Leaves Luz at 10:30 and arrives in Portimao at 10:45 Gap : 14:05 -16:33 (Portimao) Last Portimao ping at 18:19 then nothing until 23:17 back in Luz Pings throughout the night /early hours of tomorrow morning | 4th - Large simultaneous periods of inactivity on the evening of the 4th May. Approx. 18:30 - 21:00 for both |
It is understandable that on 4th there is a large volume of communications traffic during the morning, in the immediately after the disappearance. That is seen more on Kate's mobile than that of Gerald. Nonetheless, there had been two intervals of time in which neither one nor the other generated a single record. Those periods are between 4:15 and 6:00am, and between 7:15 and 7:45am.
The fact stands out that most of the witnesses who had been there in support of the search for Madeleine, in the first moments after the alert of the disappearance, stated for the record that they had stopped looking for the child around 4:00am, there having been a few who had stopped later and others earlier.
DAVID PAYNE 1:17:17 on 4 May, 2007 8:09:56 on that day. There appear 4 more on that antenna at 8:53:07, 9:51:14, 10:16:32 and 10:30:51. At 11:08:28 occurs the first activation on the antenna "Portimao", the first outside of Luz, and the last in that city on this day was at 16:28:15. Due to the interval [time gap] between records, as can be seen in the attached map, David will have stayed in this city between that time and 18:13:24 when a return to the Luz antennae is observed.
From that return until 10 May, despite daily records existing covering this period of time, none occur outside the antennae of the locality where he was a guest
http://themaddiecasefiles.com/ post39670.html#p39670 Apensos V, Vol 1 Pages 129-130
Page 129 (Page 1 of 2)
CONFIDENTIAL STATEMENT Number : S18 Surname : MCCLUSKEY Forename(s) : SUSAN At approximately 10 to 2 in the morning of Saturday 5th May 2007, I was on holiday in the town of ALVOR, PORTUGAL, with my husband Richard. We were walking up the bank from the town returning to our hotel complex known as, CLUBE ALVORFERIAS, after a night out. We were the only people on the street. We were on the main road which was dark but lit by street lighting.
As we approached the hotel Raymond(sic) - (Richard surely ??) - drew my attention to a vehicle which had stopped on the junction across the road. It was parked in the middle of the junction and initially I had thought it had broken down because of the way it was stopped. I did not have any glasses on but I was able to distinguish a male with a child get up and stagger up the hill. I can say the vehicle was about 20-30f when it stopped (PAGE ONE) but we had a clear and unobstructed view of the junction. There was no traffic and the junction was well lit with street lighting. Raymond(sic) then decided to go across and check out the vehicle. We both went over and wrote the vehicle registration of the white 'pick-up' vehicle down on my hand. We had been at the vehicle only a very short time, possibly a couple of minutes when a woman and a couple in a dark vehicle appeared from the road in front of the van almost simultaneously. I could describe the woman as 5 ft 5 inches - 5ft 6 inches blonde ponytail with a very worried / white face. I only noticed she was casually dressed. I could see that the male who got out of the car was on his mobile phone. We got into conversation as he could speak English and I asked him whether he was looking for a man with a child to which he said yes. He said he had seen the man hit the girl who was her(sic) (possibly should be 'him') and had turned around to see if he could catch him which was how he had ended up here. I also asked him if he knew about the missing child to which he said yes. I said can we leave it with you and he said 'yes'. He was still on the (page 2) phone at this time.
Kates phone pings (see above) 23:17 back in Luz Pings throughout the night /early hours of tomorrow morning
| Sat May 5
 A poster displaying the today's front page of the British newspaper The Sun is seen on a police van outside the Ocean club apartment hotel in Praia de Luz where missing 3-year old British girl Madelaine McCann disapeared, 05 May 2007, in Lagos. A team of three British police detectives arrived in Portugal today to help track down a suspected kidnapper believed to have abducted the British toddler.
http://missingmadeleine.forumotion.net/t8429-patricia-cameron-rogatory-statement Patricia Cameron We arrived in Portugal on Saturday morning, where a friend lent us a car to use ( NOTE:Who is this 'friend' and did they lend a car to McCanns during holiday or 'help' after Madeleine died? - Police asked witnesses if they saw McCann in a car) and we went to Praia da Luz. My first impression was that everything was busy, but there was also a surreal sensation of passivity. Kate’s mother and father were already there. We stayed for 3 months, initially returning home for a few days in the middle of June in order to deal with financial affairs and work related subjects.
We were there to offer our help and support, Sandy and I stayed in an apartment that also served as an office. (NOTE:to avoid police 'bugging?)Sandy dealt with the correspondence and I helped in the kitchen and with cleaning. In the afternoons we would go out with the children , I didn’t think it was a good idea for them to be in the crèche for the whole day, we tried to maintain a routine in order to give them a sense of normality.
| See Above http://themaddiecasefiles.com/ post39670.html#p39670Apensos V, Vol 1 Pages 129-130
Page 129 (Page 1 of 2)
CONFIDENTIAL STATEMENT Number : S18 Surname : MCCLUSKEY Forename(s) : SUSANIn my original statement I described a distressed female who ran down a road towards a white van I had described.
Having viewed recent news footage of Mrs McCann I am now almost certain that she is the female I described as being in a distressed state. I say this because of her slight build, high cheekbones and her eyes and hairstyle.
I've agonised for days over whether or not to contact the police about this because it is a terrible thing to accuse somebody of. It had just not crossed my mind that the child’s parents could in some way be involved in her disappearance.
I have watched a good deal of news coverage about the McCanns over the past week or so. Another thing which has played on my mind is the coverage of Mr McCann walking off the aeroplane holding one of his young children. The way he was holding the child over his left shoulder reminded me of the man carrying the child from the white van in Portugal.
Although I could not describe the male I'd seen in Portugal because he had his back to me, it was the particular way Mr. McCann held the child that made me think. He held the child over his left shoulder with his left arm supporting the child’s weight.
Does this explain the above?
http://themaddiecasefiles.com/ post39670.html#p39670APENSOS V, Volume V Pages 1123 – 1125 Service InformationDate 2007/05/25 The description of the facts denounced was explained in this way. There was no doubt that the girl was the daughter of both, known by the neighbours and having lived at the address for a long time.
By the woman’s admission, without mentioning the case of Madeleine McCann further, as she was now being heard by the police and regarding any doubts concerning the motive, she says that she had already observed – as had her husband – that her daughter could be confused with Madeleine because of the physical similarities and age.5th May... No activations outwith Praia da Luz all day. Intervals; Between 01:42 (Luz Central) and 04:56 (Luz). Next ping at 05:01 (Luz Central) Between 05:01 (Luz Central) and 07:12 (Luz Central) Between 20:49 (Luz) and 22:16 (Luz) | 5/5 Pings throughout the early hours of this morning Gaps : 14:43 - 17:26 , 18:34 - 20:12
Also on 5th, during the early morning the mobile phones of the couple were inactive except for some contacts at around 01:45, but there is a gap without any contacts from either one or other [phone] between 5:00 and 7:00.
At that time, at that time of year, there is already enough light for any kind of movement, even within a city, without public lighting. |
| Sun May 6

Sunday May 6 • The McCanns attend an emotional Mother's Day service in Praia da Luz at which prayers are said for Madeleine and her family in both Portuguese and English.
On 6 May it was revealed that the PJ had asked for the help of the SIS, the Portuguese secret service
6th May... No activations outside of PdL. Gaps: 14:17 - 16:17 | 6/5 Gap : 08:55 - 11:26 |
W/B May 7 |
|  |
| Mon May 7
 | Phone Pings
7th May... No activations outside of PdL. Gaps: 08:50 - 10:42 , 14:16 - 17:21
| 7/5 Gaps : 14:40 - 16:23 , 17:39 - 19:47 | 7th - Another simultaneous mobile silence between around 14:40 and 16:20 on the 7th May. |

Police feed sniffer dogs
 Journalists work in front of a house where disappeared a British three-year-old Madeleine McCann, in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, 07 May 2007. The mother of a British three-year-old girl abducted in Portugal made a public appeal to the kidnapper for her return on Monday, as it emerged that the police's main suspect was a British man.
Portuguese police inspector Olegario Sousa (L) speaks during a press conference on the missing 3-year-old girl Madeleine McCann, in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, 07 May 2007. Portuguese police and crime investigators believe a 3-year-old British girl who went missing from a luxury resort in southern Portugal may have been abducted, officials said 05 May.
ROB Phone http://mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/PHONE_TEXTS.htm After this return to the antennae of Luz, only at 14:07:44 on 7th does one observe a record outside that locality. That record occurs on the antenna installed in the [parish] of Aljezur, municipal area of Aljezur, district of Faro. The records return to the antennae of Luz at 14:24:00. Curiously, on this day only Russell and Matthew activate other antennae outside Luz. The first activates the antenna referred to before, while the second activates "Budens 1". If on the one hand the movement of Matthew to Budens is acceptable, then the trip of Russell to Aljezur in these first days so soon after the disappearance is somewhat strange, it not being that, once more to the picture of Fiona Payne on 12 July, there exists an error in the data that the operator Optimus remitted to the Police. There is an hypothesis of him having made that journey, there being sufficient time for him to cover the distance that separates Luz from Aljezur (68 km.) at an average [speed] of 130 km/h. Despite there being no other records from the mobile phones of the other members of the group outside the antennae of Luz, there exist gaps in the times [of the records] that make it possible for one of them to have accompanied him. Therefore, accepting that Russell was effectively in the coverage area of that antenna, then on this date the members of the group would already have had access to a motor vehicle.

| http://themaddiecasefiles.com/post2837.html?hilit=sagres#p2837 Carolyn Kish On walking towards the ATM I was aware of a man in the pedestrian area. He was holding something to his ear which I thought might be a Dictaphone but later assumed it was a mobile phone.
I noticed him as he was talking very loudly. I remember him saying 'PLEASE DO NOT HURT MADELEINE' There was a lot of other speech, but I can only remember that phrase.
I think he had a notebook in his left hand and I think he was holding the phone in his right hand. The notebook seemed to be the type that journalists use. He seemed very upset and the way he was acting and with the notebook I assumed he was an actor or journalist.
It was very quiet and no-one else was around.
He was pacing up and down, being 10 metres away from me at the furthest, and the closest he was just a few feet away as he walked past me at the back while I was using the ATM.
I would describe him as a white male about 5.6' with pale mousey coloured hair. It think he was wearing an overcoat or raincoat of dark coloured with grey being the main colour I remember. I thought he was talking with a slight Irish accent.
I withdrew 150 Euros at the bank and I also withdraw some cash from my fathers account. I was at the machine for a couple of minutes and when I left the man was still there walking and pacing up and down. I thought to myself 'who's Madeleine'. When I got back into my car the man was still there as I drove away.
I had a lot of chances to see the man's face during that time, and I had never seen him before. (...) She asked me if I heard about the missing English girl. I said I hadn't seen any news. She told me the missing child was called Madeleine and had gone missing from a resort along the coast. I told her that the man I had just heard must have been the father of the child. I only assumed this by logic and from the conversation AFTER the fact.
In relation to the identity of the man I saw I thought initially that he must be the father based on what he said and what the staff had said about the missing girl. (...) I don't usually watch or follow news. But months after this saw a news report on the local TV station at home. The footage showed the father of the missing girl. At that point I realised it was the man I had seen on the occasion above. I had not seen this picture before, but I am as sure as can be that he is the person.
I have been asked whether I have made this assumption but I do not believe I have. I am 99.99% sure if shown his photograph with lots of others I would have picked him out as the man.
I have heard GM on t.v. And my interpretation of his accent is that it's slight Scottish or Irish. (...) When I first spoke to the British police about this, I was under the impression that the events happened on the 2nd May. This was before the girl went missing and therefore not correct. I examined my bank statements and found the withdrawal from the ATM, my visit to sort out my insurance and the deposit to the third bank took place in the afternoon of 7th May. My bank have advised me that the cash withdrawal took place at 2.26pm.
http://madeleinemccann.org/main/2009/1941/profile-john-geraghty/ John Geraghty May 7th
Geraghty the Tycoon Friend of the McCanns John Geraghty in Praia da Luz John Geraghty is a friend of the McCanns and some of the first reports of this man surfaced when he was said to be storing the Renault Scenic for them after they fled Portugal after being made Arguidos. A shy character and seldom interviewed, John Geraghty is certainly a major player in the case and he is named in the PJ’s police files (see below). In an article in The Times on September 24, 2007, which you can read on this site HERE, it said; John Geraghty A 68-year-old businessman from Leicestershire who now lives on the outskirts of Praia da Luz. Offered to store the McCanns’ hire car so that they could commission independent forensic tests
Geraghty Speaking to Sky NewsAn elusive man, John Geraghty is presumed to be the Mountsorrel businessman, John Geraghty of Geraghty Construction Ltd based in Sleaford, Lincolnshire. In a rare piece of footage on Sky News, John Geraghty appears briefly in the following video clip. He is the white haired man reading the newspaper, and speaking with a Yorkshire accent. |
| Tues May 8


 MAY 08: British tourists search for the missing three-year-old girl Madeleine McCann in wasteland on May 8, 2007 outside the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz in Portugal. Madeleine disappeared May 3 from her resort apartment bedroom in Praia da Luz while her parents were dining at a nearby restaurant.
 Portuguese rangers search

 Kate McCann (R) mother of missing 3-year-old girl Madeleine McCann, pushes the pram of her twin younger children outside her resort appartement in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, 08 May 2007 | 
 British tourists searching wasteland and a well for Madeleine
8th May... No activations outside of PdL. No significant gaps. |
| Wed May 9
 |   Gerry looking at his phone at beach - Kate sits by pool.
9 May, Interpol released a yellow notice, issued to help locate missing persons who are not able to identify themselves, to all member police forces

MAY 09: Firemen search a shed in an abandoned farmhouse near Barao San Jaoa in the hills north of Praia da Luz on May 9, 2007 in Lagos, Portugal. The search goes on for three-year-old Madeleine McCann

 Alex Woolfall
 Gerry walks on beach
 Gerry McCann, father of missing three-year-old Madeleine McCann, looks at his mobile phone as he walks on the beach in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal, 09 May 2007. Portuguese police and crime investigators believe the girl who went missing from a luxury resort in southern Portugal may have been abducted,

 MAY 09: Kate McCann is accompanied by an unidentified man at Praia da Luz
 Gerry talks on phone
|  Firemen search a shed
<a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20150325130822/http://madeleinemccann.aimoo.com/url.cfm?link=cH6qhFwdMW9bO3rQEq5t7LAw7kPH$ZpxaIHiUhP6mU8/R41iC9v$quQ1H0SZ3l7np92fGFehaC0=" name="d06" size="2" face="Verdana" Day 06 - 09/05/2007 Wednesday 1st - OFFICIAL WEBSITE LAUNCHED AS www.bringmadeleinehome.com
9th May... No activations outside of PdL. Gaps: 16:45 - 18:46
| 9/5 Activation in Lagos at 14:44, last ping in Lagos at 15:50, back in Luz at 16:07 | 9th, 10th & 14th - Kate's pings in Lagos on 9,10 & 14 May had no matching pings for Gerry |
With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple. |
| Thurs May 10
•  Kate sits beside pool
 Thursday May 10 Portimao, PORTUGAL: An unidentified second foreign couple is driven by police officers as they arrive at the headquarters of criminal police in Portimao, in the southern province of Algarve 10 May 2007. Portuguese police were today searching for two men and one woman suspected in the disappearance of the three-year-old in the southern Algarve region, newspapers reported.
Mrs McCann leads villagers and holidaymakers in prayer at the local church in Praia da Luz one week after Madeleine's disappearance. Police say in a press conference that the search for Madeleine is being wound down
 Outside church Driven to Portimao
With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple. |    Nicky Gill ROB DP

 Two unidentified couples driven to Portimao
10th May... Arrived at PJ HQ in Portimao around 2pm. Was there until just before 3am the next morning. One gap, between 22:29 (10th) and 01:17 (11th) both in Portimao Central. | 10/5 Pinging in Lagos from 07:39 - 07:55 , gap until next ping at 08:50 in Luz In Portimao by 14:09 , not back in Luz until 22:31 Gap : 14:10 - 17:02 (in Portimao)
| 9th, 10th & 14th - Kate's pings in Lagos on 9,10 & 14 May had no matching pings for Gerry |
David Payne 12:35:32 on that day [10 May] appears the first record on one of the antennae that serve the city of Lagos, owned by Optimus. [The phone] will have remained in Lagos from that time up to 16:43:39 [inclusive]. The return to the village of Praia da Luz will be observed at 17:28:58 when it activates one of the Optimus antennae at 17:28:58.
| Fri May 11

 the McCanns, showing the strain of more than a week of turmoil, were honoured with spontaneous applause by villagers after a packed late night vigil in the village church in Praia da Luz. Some 250 people attended the service, most of them wearing green clothes or carrying olive branches as a sign of hope.
police carried out a search of the surrounding area with sniffer dogs, but it was called off on 11 May
MAY 11th
 | 11/5 Nothing of note | 11/5 Gap : 16:06 - 20:08
| With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple. |
| Sat May 12

| MAY 12th


Saturday May 12 • Madeleine's fourth birthday. Her parents mark the day by calling for people to redouble their efforts to find her. After spending most of the day away from Praia da Luz, the couple attend a special birthday mass in the village where Mr McCann speaks about the impact of the abduction on the family. He also says for the first time that the couple are convinced Madeleine is alive. The total reward being offered by business figures, celebrities and a national newspaper for information leading to Madeleine's safe return reaches £2.5 million. Chancellor Gordon Brown expresses his sympathy for Madeleine's parents and says his thoughts are with them.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article1782060.ece Gerry and Kate spent their daughter’s fourth birthday yesterday in quiet reflection in a private villa before attending mass in the evening.
http://findmadeleine.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html THIS SITE WAS SET UP ON 12TH MAY 2007 (Not McCanns site) | 
12/5... No trips outside of PdL today. Couple of pings at 04:16 in the morning. Gaps: 10:47 - 12:43 , 18:00 - 20:06. Early night, last ping of the day at 21:14 | 12/5 Gap : 17:20 - 20:11
| 12th - Another simultaneous mobile silence between around 18:00 - 20:00 on the 12th May. No pings outside PdL on this day |
With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple. |
| Sun May 13
 | Sunday May 13• It emerges London lawyers from the International Family Law Group have flown to Portugal to assist the McCanns, and are setting up a special "fighting fund" to allow members of the public to make their own financial contribution to the search

 Madeleine's parents, Gerry and Kate Father Paul Seddon, the priest who married Gerry and Kate McCann and baptised Madeleine, has flown out to join the family. And two British lawyers have gone to the Algarve to advise the couple who are expected to make their witness statement to Portuguese magistrates tomorrow. Gerry McCann's brother, John, said the lawyers would help Madeleine's parents in their daily dealings with Portuguese police but would not interfere with the criminal investigation. They are also providing Gerry and Kate McCann with advice on setting up the fighting fund to continue the search for the youngster using donations from the public.

RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE (FILES) Close-up of a poster featuring British girl Madeleine McCann pasted on a street in the southern Portuguese beach resort of Lagos on May 13 2007.
MONDAY, MAY 14: I slept well last night after a not very good end of the day, frustration with the FLO (Portuguese police family liaison officer) asking me where would my little M be. | With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple. |
W/B May 14 |
| Mon May 14
 | Monday May 14• Mr McCann says that "until there is concrete evidence to the contrary, we believe Madeleine is safe and is being looked after". Mrs McCann says they cannot consider going home at the moment. Police launch a search at the home of Anglo-Portuguese man Robert Murat, just 100 yards from where Madeleine was snatched. Mr Murat is taken in for questioning, but is not formally arrested.

 Kate McCann, mother of Madeleine who disappeared 11 days ago in Portugal's southern Algarve region, passes next to a poster displaying police and news desk's numbers for their missing daughter 14 May 2007, in the area of the beach resort of Lagos, in Praia da Luz, southern Portugal. British celebrities and business leaders have put up a 1.5 million British pound ($2.97 million) reward to help find Maddie. Two British lawyers arrived in Portugal late Sunday to help the parents of abducted four-year-old girl manage funds pledged by their compatriots for her search.
 Recent picture of British national Robert Murat (C) taken in an undisclosed location. His mother Jennifer Murat said that her son Robert Murat was being questioned, 14 May 2007 while Sky News, the British TV Channel showed footage of the villa owed by them both cordoned off by police. Murat was taken to the police station as the forensics technicians conducted searches on the house known as Vila Liliana, where Robert leaves with his mother Jennifer, and a three or four year-old son, about 100 meters away from the resort where four-year-old Madeleine McCann was abducted May.3rd. Investigators are particularly interested in an annex in the villa and in a mattress, Portuguese television channel Sic reported.
 Long lens view of forensics experts conducting searches on the house known as Vila Liliana, 14 May 2007, where British national Robert Murat leaves with his mother Jennifer, and a three or four year-old son, about 100 meters away from the resort where four-year-old British Madeleine McCann was abducted May.3rd. Investigators are particularly interested in an annex in the villa and in a mattress, Portuguese television channel Sic reported.
DIARY MONDAY, MAY 14: I slept well last night after a not very good end of the day, frustration with the FLO (Portuguese police family liaison officer) asking me where would my little M be. I got up at 06.50. I dealt with some trifles and got myself ready for the statement to the press at 08.00. I tried to put on a slightly more presentable and "healthy" air. Gerry again gave a great performance. Following on we answered about four questions. I almost responded to the first one asking how we were, but I didn't. I did answer a question on our possible return home. I replied that obviously I didn't even think about that. Anyway, it seemed to have gone well. After breakfast and our having left S and A, (twins Sean and Amelie, then aged two) we went to church to pray in silence. Very good, calming. After getting back I decided to go running—for the first time since THE day (already 11 days ago). I knew that it was going to be physically difficult, but I also knew that I wasn't going to give up, because it was for Madeleine and also because the level of pain is far higher now. No cameras or journalists, which was great. I went running towards the beach and then along it and again climbed that hill so steep —without stopping! (I carried a photo of M in my hand to keep me going.) On the last hill past the tennis courts my legs completely weak, but I managed to keep myself walking. I managed to reach the apartment then time to stop—to think—I felt really quite calm. |  Lori Campbell
Daily Mail May 14th 2007
Around 10 British people, including the McCanns and their friends, have been re-interviewed to clarify their statements in recent days.
This week the group are set to appear in court behind closed doors to record their evidence for any future trial before they go back to the UK.
The procedure, known as "memory for the future", is similar to a mock trial in which the friends would give evidence as witnesses now against a future defendant.
Local lawyer Artur Rego said the procedure was used only in exceptional cases such as this where a large group of witnesses are foreign.
"It is recorded by video and kept sealed then released during the hearing," he said.
"If somebody is ever charged then this statement can then be unsealed and disclosed for the judge who is going to hear the case.
"It has the same value as witness statements delivered live in the trial."
But the McCanns themselves are not expected to be asked to take part.
14/5 Nothing of note | 14/5 Pinging Lagos between 15:11 & 16:23, next activation is at 17:43 back in Luz | 9th, 10th & 14th - Kate's pings in Lagos on 9,10 & 14 May had no matching pings for Gerry |
With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple. |
| Tues May 15
Tuesday May 15 • Police officially class Robert Murat as an "arguido", or suspect. He claims he is being made a "scapegoat" in the investigation. Wednesday May 16 Detectives swoop on the Praia da Luz home of Russian computer expert Sergey Malinka, who designed a website for Mr Murat, and interview him. Madeleine's aunt Philomena McCann travels to Westminster to lobby for support. Gordon Brown pledges to help "in any way he can". New video images of Madeleine are broadcast at half-time during the Uefa Cup Final between Sevilla and Espanyol in Glasgow.
A judge in Portugal, on 15 May, extended the secrecy on the prosecution files for a further three months.
 Jennifer Murat leaves home

Criminal Police Chief Inspector Olegario de Sousa talks during a press conference in Portimao, 15 May 2007. Portuguese police searching for missing girl Madeleine McCann said on Tuesday they have placed a British man under formal investigation in the case but lacked evidence to arrest him | 
| 15/5 Nothing outwith PdL. Only one gap worth mentioning, with consecutive pings... 21:05 Luz Central 21:41 Luz 23:23 Luz Central |
| Wed May 16

Tanner ROB MO RMO returned to UK |
16/5 Nothing outside PdL. Two gaps; 18:19 - 20:13 & 21:39 - 23:32
| There is no precise information about Matthew. His mobile phone stops having records from the 16th, but presumably it travelled with his family - wife and daughter - given that Rachael's telecommunications device stops presenting records the next day. |  Aunty Phil

MAY 16: Philomena McCann talks to the media as she carries a picture of her missing niece Madeleine McCann as she visits Parliament on May 16, 2007 in London.

Glasgow, UNITED KINGDOM: A screen encourages Spanish football fans to look out for missing British child Madeleine McCann at Hampden Park Stadium in Glasgow in Scotland, 16 May 2007, in the UEFA Cup Final football match between Espanyol and Sevilla.

A police officer (R) opens the car door for Russian Sergei Malinka (L) in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 16 May 2007, in the Portuguese southern province of Algarve. Searches were conducted at the flat of the 22 year-old web designer and police officers removed a bag and two computers. Lusa news agency reported Malinka was interviewed by police investigating the disappearance of four-year-old Briton Madeleine 'Maddie' McCann today. Lusa said Malinka was an acquaintance of British man Robert Murat who was made a formal suspect late yesterday. Sky quoted Murat as saying: 'The only way I will survive this is if they catch Madeleine's abductor... I've been made a scapegoat for something I did not do.' |
| Thurs May 17
On 17th everyone will have returned to the United Kingdom except the parents of Madeleine and the Payne couple.
 David & Fiona Payne | 
 Kate (R) and Gerry (L) Mccann, the parents of a four-year-old Madeleine McCann, walk hand in hand 17 May 2007 outside The Ocean Club in Praia da Luz, Lagos, in the Portuguese southern province of Algarve.
| 17/5 No outside pings. Very early night (switched off?). Last ping of the day at 19:58. Nothing until 07:43 the next morning. |
With the exception of Matthew, Fiona and Dianne all had gone to or spent time in Lagos from their date of arrival until 17 May; Jane on 4th; Kate on 4th, 9th, 10th, 12th and 14th; Rachael on 10th, 11th and 17th; Gerald on 13th, David on 10th, 12th and 13th, and Russell on 10th.
As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed.
| Fri May 18
 David & Fiona Payne |  Kate (R) and Gerry (L) Mccann, parents of four-year-old Madeleine McCann, walk with their twins 18 May 2007, outside The Ocean Club in Praia da Luz, Lagos, in the Portuguese southern province of Algarve. More than 40 million people have visited the website set up for the four-year-old British girl who disappeared two weeks ago during a family holiday in Portugal, its organizers said Friday.

 LONDON - MAY 18: A computer screen displays the 'findmadeleine.com' website which has received 40 million hits on May 18, 2007 in London. | 18/5 Nothing of note | 18/5 Gap : 09:51 - 13:29 |
| As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed.
| Sat May 19
 David & Fiona Payne | 

 LONDON - MAY 19: An appeal is displayed on the scoreboard relating to the search for Madeleine McCann prior the FA Cup Final match sponsored by E.ON between Manchester United and Chelsea at Wembley Stadium on May 19, 2007 in London, England.
19/5 Nothing of note | 19/5 Gap : 15:32 - 17:18
As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed.
| Website Update at 19:18PM on 19th of May 2007 97 Million hits! Fund Update Latest Update - ITV News Madeleine parents believe she is safe
The parents of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann said they had taken "tremendous strength" from the "warmth and spiritual outpouring" from all around the world.Gerry and Kate McCann issued a brief statement from the Portuguese holiday resort of Praia da Luz 11 days after their little girl disappeared from their hotel room. The pair said they were "fully supporting" the police investigation into their daughter's abduction and reaffirmed their belief that their daughter is safe. Mr McCann said: "Until there is concrete evidence to the contrary, we believe Madeleine is safe and is being looked after". Madeleine's mother also emphasised that the couple had no intention of returning to Britain from Portugal in the immediate future. A British legal team has flown to Praia da Luz to help them and has launched a special "fighting fund" to help in the hunt for Madeleine. A statement from the International Family Law Group, the firm instructed by the McCanns, said details of how people could make donations would be released within days. A QC, Michael Nicholls, has also been instructed by the family as their determined battle to find Madeleine enters another week. Madeleine's uncle John McCann, who lives in Glasgow but was in Praia da Luz last week, said the lawyers would play a liaison role and would not interfere with the criminal investigation. A spokesman for the International Family Law Group said yesterday: "Gerry and Kate are very grateful for all the support and generous offers of help that they are receiving. "Details of how contributions can be made to help get Madeleine back to the safety of her own family will be made available in the next couple of days." The McCanns were among around ten British people who have been re-interviewed by police in recent days to clarify their statements. This week some of the witnesses are expected to appear in court behind closed doors to record their evidence before they go back to the UK. The McCanns themselves are not expected to be asked to take part. The procedure, known as "memory for the future", means taped statements can be shown during a future trial so the witnesses do not have to return to appear in court. |
| Sun May 20
 David & Fiona Payne |   Mr McCann flies back to the UK for meetings about the Madeleine Fund and to put personal affairs in order
 Kate (R) and Gerry (L) Mccann, the parents of a four-year-old Madeleine McCann, exit a church after a mass in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 20 May 2007, in the Portuguese southern province of Algarve.
 A reporter (L) trys to interview Gerry McCann (R), the father of missing four year old Briton Madeleine McCann, as he walks outside his hotel in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 20 May 2007, in the Portuguese southern province of Algarve. Gerry is flying to England tonight for personel matters, press liaison officer Sherry Dott announced. A British girl's disappearance in Portugal more than two weeks ago has sparked an unprecedented international campaign to find her, involving everyone from football stars to multinationals.

Gerry (R), Madeleine McCann's father, leaves his hotel in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 20 May 2007, in the Portuguese southern province of Algarve. Gerry is flying to England tonight for personel matters, press liaison officer Sherry Dott announced.
20/5... Gerry leaves PdL around 19:30. Arrives at Faro airport at 21:00. Last ping at 21:13 before flying to the UK. | 20/5 Gap : 13:29 - 15:37 |
http://www.mccannpjfiles.co.uk/PJ/PHONE_TEXTS.htm In the records of this operator there are further curious situations that were not possible to explain. In some cases it is unknown which antenna was activated either by the calling mobile phone or by the called device. One example of that arises also in the above list: a record on 20 May at 20:19:45. It is known that Russel was not in our country on that occasion, the record should appear in listings of Kate, however that does not occur.
Always when this situation was found it was decided to eliminate those records
As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed.
| A Day to day life for the McCann's Our day starts around 6.30am with us all waking up around the same time. We have breakfast with Sean and Amelie and our close family/friends who are here with us. Then its clean nappies and clothes for Sean and Amelie followed by showers etc for the rest of us.
Usually there’s some free time then for a few stories or games with the twins before heading out.
9.00-9.15 We take Sean and Amelie to Kids’ Club. They really enjoy it and run in. They know the staff well and the staff are all excellent. Both love the domestic corner and Amelie particularly likes to look after ‘babies’. We use the kids club a bit like nursery at home but we think Sean and Amelie still think they are on holiday!
9.30~12.15. We return to the apartments, usually for a series of meetings with our press officer, Mark Warner Reps, occasionally Consulate staff, lawyers and British Liaison officers. During this time we catch up with family and close friends, usually by telephone and discuss ideas how to keep Madeleine’s profile high especially throughout continental Europe.
12.30 Time to pick up Sean and Amelie from Kids’ club then head back to apartment for lunch, which has usually been prepared by one of our family/friends group who have been tremendously supportive.
13.30 –14.30 This is time to spend time playing with the twins either in the apartment or in the play area next to kids club.
14.30-15.00 Usually we take the twins back to Kids’ Club although Sean has had the odd afternoon in the apartment as it’s a bit cooler and he’s not much of a sun worshipper! They have been taking part in many different activities including painting, singing, stories, swimming, trips to the beach and they have lots of toys to play with.
15.00~17.00 We try to get some time together alone, going for a walk to talk things over or getting some exercise. This is often the time for quiet trips to the church for prayers.
Pasta & Vegetables
17.00-17.30 Meet kids for high tea with other mums and dads. They love pasta and have been doing really well with their vegetables although a few chips have been squeezed in.
17.30-18.30. Games with kids at play area. Amelie loves trying to get in the baby pool!
18.30-19.30 Bath and story time with the twins.
20.00 We put the kids to bed.
20.30-23.00 We try to sit down for a family meal, again usually cooked by one of the small family group out here with us. Chat about the day’s events and plan the next day
23.30 bed and prayer for Madeleine that she will be returned to us safely RUNNING 
In addition to above we try to attend various church services during the week, and make multiple phone calls to family and friends. We try to watch the main news early morning and late evening but have had almost no time to read the newspapers or even look at the pictures! Kate is a keen runner and in the last few days has tried to include a run in the daily routine. Yesterday (Sat) at 7am we ran to the monument at the top of the steep cliff overlooking Praia de Luz. We reached it in 19 minutes. |
W/B May 21 |
| Mon May 21
 David & Fiona Payne |  

 LAGOS, PORTUGAL - MAY 21: Sean (L) and Amelie McCann are droped off by their mother Kate McCann (R) at the Ocean Club holiday resort on May 21, 2007

 MAY 21: Kate McCann, the mother of missing girl Madeleine McCann, heads back to her apartment after dropping off her children at the Ocean Club holiday resort on May 21, 2007 in Praia da Luz, Portugal.
 Lagos, PORTUGAL: British Kate McCann (L) holds the favorite toy of her missing four-year-old daughter Madeleine, a pink hippopotamus the child named Cuddle Cat, as she leaves with an unidentified person the church in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 21 May 2007. The father of a British girl who disappeared in Portugal was to leave for Britain yesterday to drum up more international support in what is already an unprecedented campaign to Madeleine.

Monday May 21• Mr McCann visits Rothley, where he sees thousands of tributes from villagers. He later returns to Portugal
 ROTHLEY - MAY 21: Brian Kennedy, the great uncle of missing child Madeleine McCann, reads out a statement regarding her father Gerry McCann at the War memorial in Rothley Village Centre on May 21, 2007 in Rothley, England. The four-year-old has been missing since May 3, 2007 from where the family were on holiday in of Praia da Luz, Portugal. Mr McCann is expected to return his family, who have remained at the Algarve resort, within 24 hours.
 ROTHLEY - MAY 21: Gerry McCann gives a young girl a kiss, after she gave him a prayer in support for his daughter Madeleine McCann at the War memorial in Rothley Village Centre on May 21, 2007 in Rothley, England.
| As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed21/5 Not in Portugal | 21/5 An activation at 01:02 in the morning, around two hours after the last |
| Tues May 22
 David & Fiona Payne LEAVE |  

 From that time until 22nd, there exist only records on those antennae. On this day there occur two activations on the antenna installed in the [parish] of Montenegro[1], municipal area of Faro, at 7:54:13 and 8:03:14. As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed.
As seen when an analysis was made of contacts of Fiona's mobile phone, there are no records in the period between 28 April and 22 May. The mobile phone records of this witness only occur between 29 June and 2 July (her 2nd presence in Portugal) and between 10 and 12 July (her 3rd presence)29 June, at 12:32: 10, records from this mobile phone reappear [resurge]. _______________________________________________________ FOOTNOTE [1] Due to the proximity to the Faro airport, it is possible for the mobile phone to activate that location. _______________________________________________________ It would appear therefore that David Payne was absent from our country for 1 month and one week. The reason for his return on this date are unknown, since there exist no records of investigation work assigned for that date, nor anything recorded in the case file documents which might clarify it. The confrontation in which his wife (Fiona Payne) was present was [only] carried out on 11 July. During that weekend there were: 7 records on 29th; 5 on 30th; and 2 on 1 July, all on the antennae in the [parish] of Luz ("Luz (Lagos)"). From this date onwards there exist no other records in the data that was sent to us [by the phone operators]. 

 British Gerry (L) and Kate McCann (R) walk away from a press conference in front of their hotel in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 22 May 2007. Gerry flew back from England this morning on his first travel since thier four-year-old daughter Madeleine vanished from the hotel room 03 May 2007 while her parents dined at a nearby restaurant.
22/5... First ping of the day and back in Portugal at 08:53 at Faro Airport. Back in Luz at 09:57. Nothing else of note. | 22/5 Three pings between 00:45 and 01:03 |
| .
, |
| Wed May 23 |
| 23/5... First ping of the day at Bartolomeu de Messines (en-route to the shrine at Fatima) at 07:18 * Arrived in Fatima at around 10:15 Left Fatima around 14:30 and arrived back in Luz around 18:00 Last ping of day at 22:04 *Why no early morning pings in Luz before leaving? | 23/5 Trip to Fatima. First ping of the day comes at 07:29 at A2 Solteiras 2 (around an hour into the journey). Arrive in Fatima by 10:01 Leave Fatima at 14:50 First ping back in Luz at 20:11 Gap between 16:22 (Canhestros 2) and 20:11 (Luz) Should have arrived back in Luz around 18:20
1st Version 23 May 2007 Today Kate and I went to the Shrine at Fatima to pray for Madeleine´s safe return. It was another early start leaving at 6.30am. MarkWarner, who have looked after us so well, laid on a car and driver. We managed to continue the campaign with telephone conversations and e-mails. The actual visit was very encouraging with the rector and thousands of pilgrims praying for Madeleine as well Kate and I. We lit candles for Madeleine and also 3 for Madeleine’s grandparents. The trip received a lot of publicitywhich should help maintain the profile of her abduction.We are planning a relatively quiet day tomoorow although the British Ambaasador is coming to visit and we need to start finalising our plans for interviews in areas of Europe where the coverage of Madeleine’s disappaerance has been limited.  ATHENS, GREECE - MAY 23: Liverpool fans display a giant banner of missing 4-year-old Madeleine McCann ahead of the UEFA Champions League Final on May 23, 2007, in Athens, Greece. Liverpool fans have started to gather in the Greek capital for the prestigious soccer cup final.
DIARY WEDNESDAY, MAY 23: Gordon Brown (then Chancellor and PM in waiting) called and spoke with Gerry -very kind and giving encouragement. Feeling a bit emotional afterwards. |
| Thurs May 24 |

 Lagos, PORTUGAL: An unidentified man takes measures by footssteps next to a window of a flat at the hotel in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 24 May 2007, from which four-year-old British Madeleine McCann vanished, 03 May 2007, while her parents dined at a nearby restaurant. Portuguese police securing the scene were informed by criminal police that British police officers would came to examine the area. Her disappearance has gained widespread media attention in both Britain and Portugal. Rewards in excess of 2.5 million pounds (3.6 million euros, 4.9 million dollars) have been offered for information leading to her safe return.
24/5... Travels to Ferragudo (Portimao) for a meeting with the British Ambassador and the Senior British Police officer in Portugal. Leaves Luz around 3pm. Arrive in Ferragudo around 3.30pm. Leave around 5.30pm. Arrive in Luz around 6pm
| 24th - Gerry pings in Portimao on the 24th May. None for Kate there. She was pinging Luz at the time. |
2nd version 24 May 2007 Today Kate and I went to the Shrine at Fatima to pray for Madeleine´s safe return. It was another early start leaving at 6.30am. Mark Warner, who have looked after us so well, laid on a car and driver. We managed to continue the campaign with telephone conversations and e-mails. The actual visit was veryencouraging with the rector and thousands of pilgrims praying for Madeleine as well Kate and I. We lit candles for Madeleine and also 3 for Madeleine’s grandparents. The trip received a lot of publicity which should help maintain the profile of her abduction. We are planning a relatively quiet day tomoorow although the British Ambaasador is coming to visit and we need to start finalising our plans for interviews in areas of Europe where the coverage of Madeleine’s disappaerance has been limited
Thursday May 24
• Madeleine's family releases the last photograph known to have been taken of her before she disappeared.
The happy family snap, taken seven hours before she was abducted, shows the young girl laughing in the sunshine as she dangled her feet in the swimming pool. A fighting fund for the McCanns' campaign reaches almost £300,000 and the number of hits on the www.findmadeleine.com website reaches 125 million

| Fri May 25 | 25/5 Nothing of note
| 25/5 Gap : 12:07 (Luz) and 14:17 (Portimao) Another gap : 14:25 (Odiaxere North - between Portimao & Luz) and 16:47 (back in Luz) |
Friday May 25 • The McCanns give their first interviews and speak of how the "guilt" of not being with Madeleine when she was abducted will never leave them.

 LEICESTER, UNITED KINGDOM - MAY 25: Martin Allen the new Leicester City Manager shows his support to the 'Search For Madeleine McCann' by wearing a Yellow and Green wrist band during the Leicester City Press Conference at the Walkers Stadium on May 25, 2007 in Leicester England. |
| Sat May 26 |

 after a rushed visit to a children's playground with Amelie and Sean, their two-year-old twins, the pair sat down in their apartment in the Mark Warner complex in Praia to study CVs. Their first appointments, they realise, will be crucial. They need both a campaign manager and a fund manager. And they need them now.With more than £300,000 in the "find Madeleine" fund, they want to spend every penny carefully. "There is nothing more I would like to see than Madeleine walking in so we could use the fund to find other missing children," Gerry says. But he must know that the likelihood of that is fading daily
Press conference in car park Photo shoot family day

  MOST RECENT PHOTOS OF MADELEINE McCANN, TAKEN 2ND MAY 2007 IN PORTUGAL. 26/5... Morning trip to Lagos for photo shoot for the Sunday Papers. Leave Luz around 09:20 Pings at Lagos Central, Lagos Hotel (?), Lagos Club Nautico and Lagos Baixa. Gap between last Lagos ping at 13:07 and... Arrive back in Luz at 14:25 A gap between 18:50 and 21:19... 18:07 Luz Central 18:49 Luz 18:50 Luz 21:19 Luz Central | 26/5 Activations in Lagos between 09:55 and 12:29, with a gap until the next ping at 14:19 back in Luz. |
Yesterday was relatively quiet although we did meet the British ambassador and the senior British Police Officer who has been working here in Portugal on the case. This was a productive meeting. There was a flurry of activity amongst the media here stating the family was openly critical of the Portuguese policed which was not true. We did our best to dampen this down but a couple of papers carried stories with our ‘frustration’ with the investigation rather than what we said it was frustrating that 3 weeks down the line we still have not got Madeleine back. This would be the case which ever country we were in. Some of you may have noticed that Sean and Amelie did manage to squeeze in a hair cut!
Today was extremely busy and tiring. We met with our press officer Clarence Mitchell, to discuss strategy for the fortcoming interviews. Kate attended a luncheon in aid of International Missing Child day and John, my brother, attended a similar event in London. After this John and Brian Kennedy, Kate’s uncle, who are both directors of Madeleine’s fund appointed an interim fund manager. We are now actively looking for a campaign manager who will be needed once our government press officer disappears. The interviews were our first for TV and we were happy how they went. We did 10 min interviews for Sky, BBC, ITV, Portuguese TV/radio and one for the press association. A shorter interview with GM TV will be shown on Monday morning along with stuff from our fabulous web team. The interviewers were very kind but did not shirk from asking us some extremely difficult questions. We answered them all and although painful will allow us to move on in our search for Madeleine. Importantly, shortly after our interviews finished the Portuguese Police held a press conference and gave details of man they would like to interview who was seen carrying a child on the night of Madeleine’s disappearance. We have not had a transcript of what was said but this is an encouraging development and hopefully will result in further calls to the police with information from people who were in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s abduction. We remain very optimistic that the criminal investigation will lead to Madeleine’s safe return but we need everyone to be alert and vigilant to any suspicious activity.
Tomorrow will be a family day. We are doing a photo-shoot with the twins for the Sunday newspapers in the morning but will involve stuff that we want to do with them anyway. We also need to recharge our batteries after what has been a very busy week.
DIARY SATURDAY, MAY 26: We went to an amusement park with the kids. Some phone calls, emails etc. Not a very good day for either the two of us—some dark thoughts/ frustrations/ desperation creeping in. Some tears. (Then in a moving little message to Madeleine) I love you so much XXX |
| Sun May 27 | RUN Day 24 

27 May... Today is the day that the McCanns take ownwership of a Hire Vehicle, the Renault Scenic. Early hour pings at 01:19 and 03:19. Day's traffic starts at 07:48. There were no activations outwith Praia da Luz today. Gaps; 08:52 - 11:43 , 12:24 - 14:24 Early night? - Last ping at 20:52 |
 Strange day after all the activity during the week. Kate and I started off with an early morning run to the the top of the nearby cliffs. Sean and Amelie were back in kids club and went swimming again. The rest of us attended mass which was very emotional as a priest from RAF Lossiemouth was visiting and further prayers were said for Madeleine. Father Zee-Manuel has also rigged up a powerpoint display projecting a large photograph of Madeleine on to the wall, which he is very proud of and reminds us of the beautiful little girl we are missing so terribly.
There have been some requests for more information ‘about Madeleine’ and this section will be updated very soon. We will also be releasing a very short video of Madeleine taken at the Airport on the day we left for Portugal, Saturday 28 April. Sean and Amelie went to the beach this afternoon with mummy, auntie Trisha and Anne but daddy stayed in the apartment catching up on campaign e-mails, making calls and liaising with Clarence our press officer. The resort is much busier again as it is half-term and there are definitely less journalists here. Many of them have been here since the beginning and are making this journey with us.
The couple of Sunday articles we read did not cover much of what we talked about and seemed to get some of the other stuff wrong! We stated that Sean and Amelie are sleeping in our room (in separate cots) because of other family staying with us and that we were trying to treat them as normal and not be overprotective. This came out that we were so protective we have to have them sleeping in our bed! These inaccuracies are not important in our search for Madeleine and the next phase is being planned currently.
It looks like our planned trips to other European cities will start off in Rome after we learned today that the Pope has been following Madeleine’s abduction closely. There is a reasonable chance we may get a chance to meet the Pontiff and that he will pray for Madeleine. Such a visit would generate huge publicity regarding the family campaign to find Madeleine and will also give Kate and I a great spiritual lift. It will also raise the awareness of missing and abused children generally. We continue to pray that someone will provide the key information that leads us to Madeleine.
DIARY SUNDAY, MAY 27: Clarence (Clarence Mitchell, Foreign Office family liaison at the time) spoke to us about a possible trip to the Vatican. It seems that it really is going to happen—main story on the news! Spoke to Dad. I went for a walk to the beach with Sean and Amelie. Frozen. Beach—slippery, wet feet. We all had dinner when we got back to the apartment. We have to keep looking. We have to find you beloved xxxxx. (Kate signed off the day's entry by drawing a heart with "I LOVE MADELEINE" inside.) |
W/B May 21 |
| Mon May 21
 David & Fiona Payne |  

 LAGOS, PORTUGAL - MAY 21: Sean (L) and Amelie McCann are droped off by their mother Kate McCann (R) at the Ocean Club holiday resort on May 21, 2007

 MAY 21: Kate McCann, the mother of missing girl Madeleine McCann, heads back to her apartment after dropping off her children at the Ocean Club holiday resort on May 21, 2007 in Praia da Luz, Portugal.
 Lagos, PORTUGAL: British Kate McCann (L) holds the favorite toy of her missing four-year-old daughter Madeleine, a pink hippopotamus the child named Cuddle Cat, as she leaves with an unidentified person the church in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 21 May 2007. The father of a British girl who disappeared in Portugal was to leave for Britain yesterday to drum up more international support in what is already an unprecedented campaign to Madeleine.

Monday May 21• Mr McCann visits Rothley, where he sees thousands of tributes from villagers. He later returns to Portugal
 ROTHLEY - MAY 21: Brian Kennedy, the great uncle of missing child Madeleine McCann, reads out a statement regarding her father Gerry McCann at the War memorial in Rothley Village Centre on May 21, 2007 in Rothley, England. The four-year-old has been missing since May 3, 2007 from where the family were on holiday in of Praia da Luz, Portugal. Mr McCann is expected to return his family, who have remained at the Algarve resort, within 24 hours.
 ROTHLEY - MAY 21: Gerry McCann gives a young girl a kiss, after she gave him a prayer in support for his daughter Madeleine McCann at the War memorial in Rothley Village Centre on May 21, 2007 in Rothley, England.
| As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed21/5 Not in Portugal | 21/5 An activation at 01:02 in the morning, around two hours after the last |
| Tues May 22
 David & Fiona Payne LEAVE |  

 British Gerry (L) and Kate McCann (R) walk away from a press conference in front of their hotel in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 22 May 2007. Gerry flew back from England this morning on his first travel since thier four-year-old daughter Madeleine vanished from the hotel room 03 May 2007 while her parents dined at a nearby restaurant.
22/5... First ping of the day and back in Portugal at 08:53 at Faro Airport. Back in Luz at 09:57. Nothing else of note. | 22/5 Three pings between 00:45 and 01:03 |
| .
From that time until 22nd, there exist only records on those antennae. On this day there occur two activations on the antenna installed in the [parish] of Montenegro[1], municipal area of Faro, at 7:54:13 and 8:03:14. As for the Payne couple, the return to their country of origin takes place only on 22 May.
Between 17 and 22 May, there is no change worthy of recording in the activities of the 4 members that remained in Portugal, with the exception of Gerald who travelled, between 20 and 22); as was indicated at the time items concerning this mobile were analysed.
As seen when an analysis was made of contacts of Fiona's mobile phone, there are no records in the period between 28 April and 22 May. The mobile phone records of this witness only occur between 29 June and 2 July (her 2nd presence in Portugal) and between 10 and 12 July (her 3rd presence)29 June, at 12:32: 10, records from this mobile phone reappear [resurge]. _______________________________________________________ FOOTNOTE [1] Due to the proximity to the Faro airport, it is possible for the mobile phone to activate that location. _______________________________________________________ It would appear therefore that David Payne was absent from our country for 1 month and one week. The reason for his return on this date are unknown, since there exist no records of investigation work assigned for that date, nor anything recorded in the case file documents which might clarify it. The confrontation in which his wife (Fiona Payne) was present was [only] carried out on 11 July. During that weekend there were: 7 records on 29th; 5 on 30th; and 2 on 1 July, all on the antennae in the [parish] of Luz ("Luz (Lagos)"). From this date onwards there exist no other records in the data that was sent to us [by the phone operators]. |
| Wed May 23 | Shrine Fatima

 FATIMA, PORTUGAL - MAY 23: Women walk on their knees towards the basilica of the Fatima Shrine May 23, 2007 in Fatima, Portugal. The parents of the missing British girl Madeleine McCann today visited the shrine, considered Catholic's holiest in Portugal.
 ATHENS, GREECE - MAY 23: Liverpool fans display a giant banner of missing 4-year-old Madeleine McCann ahead of the UEFA Champions League Final on May 23, 2007, in Athens, Greece. Liverpool fans have started to gather in the Greek capital for the prestigious soccer cup final. | 1st Version 23 May 2007 Today Kate and I went to the Shrine at Fatima to pray for Madeleine´s safe return. It was another early start leaving at 6.30am. MarkWarner, who have looked after us so well, laid on a car and driver. We managed to continue the campaign with telephone conversations and e-mails. The actual visit was very encouraging with the rector and thousands of pilgrims praying for Madeleine as well Kate and I. We lit candles for Madeleine and also 3 for Madeleine’s grandparents. The trip received a lot of publicitywhich should help maintain the profile of her abduction.We are planning a relatively quiet day tomoorow although the British Ambaasador is coming to visit and we need to start finalising our plans for interviews in areas of Europe where the coverage of Madeleine’s disappaerance has been limited.
| 23/5... First ping of the day at Bartolomeu de Messines (en-route to the shrine at Fatima) at 07:18 * Arrived in Fatima at around 10:15 Left Fatima around 14:30 and arrived back in Luz around 18:00 Last ping of day at 22:04 *Why no early morning pings in Luz before leaving? | 23/5 Trip to Fatima. First ping of the day comes at 07:29 at A2 Solteiras 2 (around an hour into the journey). Arrive in Fatima by 10:01 Leave Fatima at 14:50 First ping back in Luz at 20:11 Gap between 16:22 (Canhestros 2) and 20:11 (Luz) Should have arrived back in Luz around 18:20
| Thurs May 24 |

 Lagos, PORTUGAL: An unidentified man takes measures by footssteps next to a window of a flat at the hotel in Praia da Luz, Lagos, 24 May 2007, from which four-year-old British Madeleine McCann vanished, 03 May 2007, while her parents dined at a nearby restaurant. Portuguese police securing the scene were informed by criminal police that British police officers would came to examine the area. Her disappearance has gained widespread media attention in both Britain and Portugal. Rewards in excess of 2.5 million pounds (3.6 million euros, 4.9 million dollars) have been offered for information leading to her safe return.
Thursday May 24
• Madeleine's family releases the last photograph known to have been taken of her before she disappeared.
The happy family snap, taken seven hours before she was abducted, shows the young girl laughing in the sunshine as she dangled her feet in the swimming pool. A fighting fund for the McCanns' campaign reaches almost £300,000 and the number of hits on the www.findmadeleine.com website reaches 125 million

 | 2nd version 24 May 2007 Today Kate and I went to the Shrine at Fatima to pray for Madeleine´s safe return. It was another early start leaving at 6.30am. Mark Warner, who have looked after us so well, laid on a car and driver. We managed to continue the campaign with telephone conversations and e-mails. The actual visit was veryencouraging with the rector and thousands of pilgrims praying for Madeleine as well Kate and I. We lit candles for Madeleine and also 3 for Madeleine’s grandparents.The trip received a lot of publicity which should help maintain the profile of her abduction. We are planning a relatively quiet day tomoorow although the British Ambaasador is coming to visit and we need to start finalising our plans for interviews in areas of Europe where the coverage of Madeleine’s disappaerance has been limited.
24/5... Travels to Ferragudo (Portimao) for a meeting with the British Ambassador and the Senior British Police officer in Portugal. Leaves Luz around 3pm. Arrive in Ferragudo around 3.30pm. Leave around 5.30pm. Arrive in Luz around 6pm
| 24th - Gerry pings in Portimao on the 24th May. None for Kate there. She was pinging Luz at the time. |
| Fri May 25 | | 25/5 Nothing of note
| 25/5 Gap : 12:07 (Luz) and 14:17 (Portimao) Another gap : 14:25 (Odiaxere North - between Portimao & Luz) and 16:47 (back in Luz) |
| Sat May 26 |

 after a rushed visit to a children's playground with Amelie and Sean, their two-year-old twins, the pair sat down in their apartment in the Mark Warner complex in Praia to study CVs. Their first appointments, they realise, will be crucial. They need both a campaign manager and a fund manager. And they need them now.With more than £300,000 in the "find Madeleine" fund, they want to spend every penny carefully. "There is nothing more I would like to see than Madeleine walking in so we could use the fund to find other missing children," Gerry says. But he must know that the likelihood of that is fading daily
Press conference in car park Photo shoot family day

  MOST RECENT PHOTOS OF MADELEINE McCANN, TAKEN 2ND MAY 2007 IN PORTUGAL. | Yesterday was relatively quiet although we did meet the British ambassador and the senior British Police Officer who has been working here in Portugal on the case. This was a productive meeting. There was a flurry of activity amongst the media here stating the family was openly critical of the Portuguese policed which was not true. We did our best to dampen this down but a couple of papers carried stories with our ‘frustration’ with the investigation rather than what we said it was frustrating that 3 weeks down the line we still have not got Madeleine back. This would be the case which ever country we were in. Some of you may have noticed that Sean and Amelie did manage to squeeze in a hair cut!
Today was extremely busy and tiring. We met with our press officer Clarence Mitchell, to discuss strategy for the fortcoming interviews. Kate attended a luncheon in aid of International Missing Child day and John, my brother, attended a similar event in London. After this John and Brian Kennedy, Kate’s uncle, who are both directors of Madeleine’s fund appointed an interim fund manager. We are now actively looking for a campaign manager who will be needed once our government press officer disappears. The interviews were our first for TV and we were happy how they went. We did 10 min interviews for Sky, BBC, ITV, Portuguese TV/radio and one for the press association. A shorter interview with GM TV will be shown on Monday morning along with stuff from our fabulous web team. The interviewers were very kind but did not shirk from asking us some extremely difficult questions. We answered them all and although painful will allow us to move on in our search for Madeleine. Importantly, shortly after our interviews finished the Portuguese Police held a press conference and gave details of man they would like to interview who was seen carrying a child on the night of Madeleine’s disappearance. We have not had a transcript of what was said but this is an encouraging development and hopefully will result in further calls to the police with information from people who were in Praia da Luz around the time of Madeleine’s abduction. We remain very optimistic that the criminal investigation will lead to Madeleine’s safe return but we need everyone to be alert and vigilant to any suspicious activity.
Tomorrow will be a family day. We are doing a photo-shoot with the twins for the Sunday newspapers in the morning but will involve stuff that we want to do with them anyway. We also need to recharge our batteries after what has been a very busy week.
26/5... Morning trip to Lagos for photo shoot for the Sunday Papers. Leave Luz around 09:20 Pings at Lagos Central, Lagos Hotel (?), Lagos Club Nautico and Lagos Baixa. Gap between last Lagos ping at 13:07 and... Arrive back in Luz at 14:25 A gap between 18:50 and 21:19... 18:07 Luz Central 18:49 Luz 18:50 Luz 21:19 Luz Central | 26/5 Activations in Lagos between 09:55 and 12:29, with a gap until the next ping at 14:19 back in Luz. |
| Sun May 27 | RUN Day 24 

27 May... Today is the day that the McCanns take ownwership of a Hire Vehicle, the Renault Scenic. Early hour pings at 01:19 and 03:19. Day's traffic starts at 07:48. There were no activations outwith Praia da Luz today. Gaps; 08:52 - 11:43 , 12:24 - 14:24 Early night? - Last ping at 20:52 |
 | Strange day after all the activity during the week. Kate and I started off with an early morning run to the the top of the nearby cliffs. Sean and Amelie were back in kids club and went swimming again. The rest of us attended mass which was very emotional as a priest from RAF Lossiemouth was visiting and further prayers were said for Madeleine. Father Zee-Manuel has also rigged up a powerpoint display projecting a large photograph of Madeleine on to the wall, which he is very proud of and reminds us of the beautiful little girl we are missing so terribly.
There have been some requests for more information ‘about Madeleine’ and this section will be updated very soon. We will also be releasing a very short video of Madeleine taken at the Airport on the day we left for Portugal, Saturday 28 April. Sean and Amelie went to the beach this afternoon with mummy, auntie Trisha and Anne but daddy stayed in the apartment catching up on campaign e-mails, making calls and liaising with Clarence our press officer. The resort is much busier again as it is half-term and there are definitely less journalists here. Many of them have been here since the beginning and are making this journey with us.
The couple of Sunday articles we read did not cover much of what we talked about and seemed to get some of the other stuff wrong! We stated that Sean and Amelie are sleeping in our room (in separate cots) because of other family staying with us and that we were trying to treat them as normal and not be overprotective. This came out that we were so protective we have to have them sleeping in our bed! These inaccuracies are not important in our search for Madeleine and the next phase is being planned currently.
It looks like our planned trips to other European cities will start off in Rome after we learned today that the Pope has been following Madeleine’s abduction closely. There is a reasonable chance we may get a chance to meet the Pontiff and that he will pray for Madeleine. Such a visit would generate huge publicity regarding the family campaign to find Madeleine and will also give Kate and I a great spiritual lift. It will also raise the awareness of missing and abused children generally. We continue to pray that someone will provide the key information that leads us to Madeleine. |
W/B May 28 | Gerry |
| Mon May 28 | Evening Times (Scotland)
Parents release final film of missing Maddie
Evening Times reporter 29 May 2007
TWO video clips of missing Madeleine McCann have been released that show the youngster excitedly going off on her holiday to Portugal.
Her mother Kate has watched them regularly over the last 25 days because it is the last film taken of her daughter.
The pictures were released as Kate and husband Gerry prepare to fly to Rome to meet the Pope.
Mrs McCann wants to give Pope Benedict XVI a photograph of Madeleine and after the meeting the McCanns will hold a news conference for the international media to keep the spotlight on their daughter's abduction.
That has been helped by release of the video clips, which were captured on a friend's mobile.
One clip, lasting nine seconds, shows Madeleine clasping her pink Barbie rucksack and excitedly clambering up the steps to the aircraft to fly to Portugal.
Holding hands with another girl, she loses her footing and slips, grazing her shin on the third step.
But although she cut herself quite badly, she stops crying after only a few seconds - too busy looking forward to her holiday to stay upset for long.
In the images, Madeleine, now four, can be seen in pink shorts, a light pink top and trainers.
The other 13-second clip shows her sitting on an airport bus.
Speaking movingly about his daughter, Mr McCann said she was so thrilled about going to Portugal, she refused to get upset about hurting herself.
Holding the rucksack seen in the film, he said: "She was really brave. It was something that usually would have caused 10 minutes of crying rather than 10 seconds."
The family, including two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie, were travelling in a group of 10 to the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz.
The second film was captured by their friend as they were driven the short distance to the terminal in Portugal.
Madeleine, still holding her Barbie bag, can be seen swinging her legs as she sits next to her brother.
Today, Madeleine's parents, from Rothley, Leicestershire, were travelling to Rome to prepare for their meeting with the Pope.
It is the first time Mrs McCann has left Portugal since Madeleine was abducted 26 days ago.
Support for the McCanns has been worldwide, with the Find Madeleine internet website receiving more than 135million hits.
A suspected sighting in Morocco has been ruled out by Interpol after they reinterviewed the woman who claimed to have seen a little girl similar to Madeleine at a petrol station
.28 May... First ping of the day at 10:07 (Later than normal) Gap between 15:12 and 18:12 Last ping at 22:19 (Trip to Rome the following day) Nothing outside PdL today. | 28/5 Ping at 02:41 in the morning |
| Confirmation arrived this evening that we are to attend the Vatican and a service with The Pope. It is likely we will be seated in the front row and may have an opportunity to speak with the Holy Father and ask for prayers for Madeleine. This is a hugely important visit both personally, for Kate and I, but also for the wider campaign to publicise Madeleine’s disappearance. The trip has been facilitated through Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor and we will be receiving assistance from the British Embassy whilst in Rome. On this occasion because of the short notice and the relatively early time of the service we have accepted the kind offer of the use of Sir Philip Green’s personal jet, which will help get us home quickly after our Papal visit to see the twins before their bedtime. We will be accompanied by a small group of media who are still with us in Praia da Luz and, as usual all the material will be available to all the British press and broadcasters equally. For all trips we are assessing whether commercial flights can get us to our destination and back to Portugal quickly. This will NOT be a Tour- it is a series of very brief visits with the specific aim of raising awareness and we aim to get back here as quickly as possible.
We have decided that for the majority of trips it will not be practicable, or fair, to take Sean and Amelie with us. They have an established routine which we do not want to disrupt and will be looked after by very close family. Tonight for the first time they have gone to sleep in their own single beds, rather than cots, now that another two of our family have gone home. We were planning to turn their cots at home into beds after our 1 week holiday but obviously this has been delayed with Madeleine’s abduction. We have been in Praia da Luz for over 4 weeks and Sean and Amelie’s development from toddlers to little boy and girl continues. Madeleine will really notice the difference when she sees them!
Some of you may have seen on the news the huge inflatable billboard which has travelled all the way from the West of Scotland to Portugal which will be used near busy roads/motorways to keep Madeleine’s disappearance high profile. We had a brief chat with Chris and Les, who drove almost non-stop from Glasgow to get here. The extraordinary length ordinary people are going to help us is truly overwhelming. We thank everyone for their efforts, no matter how small, and we know this will make a difference in our search for Madeleine. |
| Tues May 29 | 

FARO, PORTUGAL ? MAY 29: Parents of missing four-year-old Madeleine McCann, Kate and Gerry McCann si on board a private jet owned by Sir Philip Green bound for Rome and an audience with Pope Benedict XVI, at Faro airport on May 29, 2007 in Faro, Portugal. Billionaire clothing businessman Sir Green offered the couple his gulfstream jet for their meeting with the Pontiff tomorrow.
Phillip Green Plane to Rome
On 29 May, detectives questioned four boat owners, three of them English, whose vessels were moored at the marina in Lagos, a town about five miles (8 km) from Praia da Luz
A team of mobile phone experts flew to Portugal on 29 May 2007 to analyse mobile phone data from the area at the time of the abduction. They used triangulation techniques to track mobile phone movements down to a couple of yards
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to supply the necessary resources and intelligence needed to help find Madeleine McCann.
I believe I speak for our nation when I say that the people of Britain want to help find Madeleine McCann & bring her safely home. Not only is she a little girl, she is a British citizen and as such deserves our every effort in finding her.
I petition the Prime Minister to send EVERY available intelligence & resource to assist in the search, and use every contact, of which he has many, to get Madeleine back. Thank you Please visit the Government Petition site here and forward to your contacts.

29th... Leaves PdL between 08:30 and 09:30 and heads for the Algarve Shopping Centre near Guia. Arrive around 10:15 Leave around 12:10 and arrive back in PdL around 14:20 Then leaves PdL again just after 15:30 and this time head for Faro Airport, arriving around 16:30 for their flight to Rome. Last ping in Portugal (Faro airport) at 16:33
| 29/5 Left Luz at 09:11 and arrived at the Algarve shopping centre in Guia around 10am. Back in Luz at 13:41. Last ping in Luz at 15:21 Last ping of the day (in Portugal) comes at 16:24 (Barbara Nexe) just North West of Faro. Destination : Faro Airport.
| We have been preoccupied with preparation for our audience with the Pope tomoorow morning. This morning was spent acquiring some appropriate dress for the meeting since we had only holiday clothes with us in Portugal. Clarence has been inundated with calls regarding the visit to Rome and done most of the organisation behind the scenes.
It has been very difficult to leave Sean and Amelie but it is only for one nght and we will be back to see them before bedtime tomorrow. Trish and Sandy (Madeleine’s Godparents) who have been with us in Portugal since Day 2 are looking after them and we were surprised to hear they were tucked up in bed by 7.30pm- they must like their new beds!
The flight to Rome passed extremely quickly and some footage was taken for TV. We did a couple of short interviews for the British and Portuguesae press about our feelings regarding the trip. Under normal circumstances we would be extremely excited about meeting the Pope, but as we are here as a result of Madeleine’s abduction the circumstances are very different. We expect to receive a great spiritual lift, especially if we get to speak to the Pontiff personally. After the audience we will be holding a short press conference in the British Embassy to the Vatican to talk about our campaign to publicise Madeleine’s disappearance and of course, our audience with the Pope.
Frncis Campbell, the British ambassador to the Holy See, and his staff picked us at the airport and brought us directly to the Embassy residences near the city centre. We have been made to feel completely at ease and almost as if we are part of a small family here, which has helped ease our tangible nerves, not unsurprising given the importance of tomorrow’s meeting. We are now retiring and will be saying our usual prayers for Madeleine’s safe return |
| Wed May 30 |

DIARY WEDNESDAY, MAY 30: (After trip to see Pope detailed above) The kids went to bed again around 9pm!!! Low point of tonight—becoming desperate/without hope because of the lack of information. They are acting like they have no leads at all. Very worried. Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since Madeleine was taken. Four weeks since we saw our special little girl. We are not certain that we will ever see her again, but know that we have to keep up our hope and strength—for the others, at least. Exhausted. I love you so much, Madeleine. You must come back! X | Today has gone as well as we could possibly imagine. We woke around 7.15am and got ourselves ready. There was a lovely continental breakfast prepared but both Kate and I ate very little due to nerves. We left the Embassy just after 9.00am and stopped en route to the Vatican, at Piazza Pia for a photo opportunity with St Peters in the distance. I made a very short statement regarding our forthcoming visit and expressed my gratitude to Francis Campbell, the British Ambassador to the Vatican, and his staff for making us feel as if we were part of their family.
We arrived in plenty of time for the Papal audience and were delighted to find we were seated in the ‘Prima Fila’- the first row. Clarence, Francis and Monsingneur Charlie Burns, a colourful Glaswegian who teaches at the seminary and looks after the Ambassador’s spiritual well being were seated immediately behind us. It was extremely sunny and I have to admit that Kate and I were struggling somewhat with the heat in our dark suits but Francis rescued us with an umbrella and some water and following that some heavy cloud rolled in, cooling us down.
The atmosphere in St Peter’s square was almost carnival like with up to 35,000 people there to see the Pope. He did not disappoint, driving slowly around the crowd in his open jeep, waving cheerfully. We were sombre in contrast given that we were there to ask Benedict to pray for Madeleine, although I am sure others were also there to get blessings for their loved ones. After this the Pontiff took his seat in front of approximately 30 cardinals, bishops and priests. One of the priests, Father Daniel Gallagher from the US, came up to us before the service and said some very kind words; that he was praying and everyone was praying for Madeleine daily.
The service started with a series of addresses from priests representing the various French, German, Italian, English, Spanish and Polish speaking congregations present. Each parish represented was mentioned and various bands, mainly German, played short pieces and a few choirs sang a verse and the large Polish contingent priests seated behind us wearing large yellow scarves tied like ribbons around theirs necks sang 3 or 4! At the end of this preamble the priest stated that the Pope was happy to tell us he was praying for the congregation, our families, our children and those who were suffering. These words seemed so poignant in the light of Madeleine’s abduction and naturally both Kate and I were, naturally, very emotional. The Pope’s actual address seemed to pass in a blur and I am looking forward to reading the actual transcript as I can remember very little of the actual words.
Following the completion of the Papal address in the different languages, Benedict individually greeted the other clergy on the dias. During this period Father Gallagher presented us with a small gift to remind us that he would pray daily for Madeleine and a cardinal also expressed similar sentiments. The Pope took approximately 20 minutes to meet other people in the Prima Fila before reaching us. It felt as if time stood still for a moment when the Pope looked into our faces and there was almost instant recognition and a change in his expression. He said he would pray for us, our family and Madeleine. Kate passed him a photograph of Madeleine and he blessed this and would pray for her safe returning. The meeting was more personal than we could have imagined given the number of people there and will help us sustain our hope and determination to find Madeleine.
The press conference followed shortly afterwards and was very well attended. We will give more details tomorrow as we are very tired following our visit and hope to get an early night before planning our next trip. |
| Thurs May 31
 David & Fiona Payne RETURN | At the end of May 2007 the McCanns hired Control Risks Group

31st May... Leaves PdL at around 16:00 and heads for Lisbon, to catch a flight to Madrid. Arrives at Lisbon airport by 19:38 which was the last ping in Portugal that day. | 31/5 Leaves Luz at 16:10 , arrives at Lisbon airport at 19:14. Last ping of the day (in Portugal) comes at 19:41 from the airport. |
| Press conference in Rome went very well giving us an excellent forum to ask for help in the search for Madeleine. We told people about the website, how to download posters and ask people to print them and take on holiday wherever they are.
We arrived in Madrid late last night and have a series of meetings arranged with government and non government agencies concerned with child welfare. We will also be hosting a press conference again to raise general awareness of Madeleine´s disappearance and ask for the public´s help in our search for Madeleine. We may also do a few very short interviews for US news stations which are widely broadcast in Europe, N.Africa and Asia, particularly in English speaking hotels and other outlets. Will update after meetings. |
(Message edited by TinLizzyOn11/29/2012 6:19 PM) |