Phone: 647-704-8879 email: lizzytaylor@hotmail.com

Peel Heritage Complex Courtroom Doors We have been woodgraining in Toronto and Southern Ontario since 1978. My father Albert (Ted) Taylor emmigrated to Canada from UK in 1975 and after 3 years at the age of 76 decided to come out of retirement and WOODGRAIN the unsightly purple garage door of a neighbour, offering to paint it over for free if it was not to their satisfaction. | The result was an ovewhelming demand for woodgrained doors in the Heart Lake area which was under construction at the time. For the next 12 years until he was 87 yrs old my father completed many projects in Brampton and the surrounding areas and became well known for his superb artistic talent of Woodgraining. His accomplishments included a major contract with a Condominium development at Dixon Rd and Islington, completing over 200 doors in the 'lobby' area and the 'parking' levels. In the early eighties he approached Mayor Ken Whillans regarding Peel County Courthouse renovations and for 3 years in his mid-eighties he diligently woodgrained all the doors of the historic building. He very proudly received a plaque from the Region of Peel commending his voluntary efforts. |
In 1980 dad taught me the process, which he had developed himself, using special ingredients and a technique involving brushes to recreate an oak grain..a method not used by other woodgrainers. He was very proud of his accomplishments and rightly so...his work is still existing on the exterior of many homes after 28 years! Sadly in 1989 his eyesight deteriorated and he was unable to continue woodgraining, although physically he may very well have continued for another 10 years until his death in 1999 at the age of 97! 
We have been featured in many TV and newspaper and Magazine articles including: City & Country Home Magazine Toronto Star Newspaper The Guardian newspaper Mississauga News Eye of Toronto (CFTO TV) Cityline (City TV) Let's Build HGTV Rogers Cable Brampton TV Orangeville Cable TV 
From 1980 I was contracted by many doorand construction companies and as a single parent with two children continued to woodgrain in the Southern Ontario area for the next 30 years, focusing on residential doors and kitchen cabinets generated predominantly from 'word of mouth' advertising. Stanley Door Systems offered my woodgraining as an option on their Advantage 2 Insulated Garage doors and along with many other woodgrained doors in the Toronto Home Shows I woodgrained the Garage Door featured on the Dream Home in 1986. | 

Garage Door featured on the Dream Home in 1986 Toronto Home Show 
Both my son and my daughter helped on many of the jobs and learned the process allowing for their transition to join the company in the future. My son joined the company in May 2006 and with his superb artistic talent has proven to be a natural in the art of woodgraining. Something his grandfather would have been very proud of! My father wanted to 'make Canada beautiful' and I am proud to continue to realise his dreams. Liz Taylor |