Catriona is crucial to determine that Madeleine was alive during the day and as improbable as it may seem that she was not entirely truthful about her statement I have tried to look at the possibilities that could lead to her statement not being entirely credible.
This topic is something I haven't yet figured out exactly in my mind but I try to keep a few things in mind.
Firstly, this is a case like no other and ANYTHING is possible.
Secondly, its very easy to make 'assumptions'.
We presume that each time a child is taken to the creche that the nanny stops what she is doing, goes over, helps sign the child in and takes them with her to engage in the activities.
Is it possible the book is left open for the parents to sign and they send their child in to join with the others with no acknowledgment, necessarily, from the nannies.
On Tuesday, ROB walked to the creche with Gerry to pick Madeleine and E**a up, yet he didn't sign the register. Only one child was booked out.

In the afternoon both children were booked in at 2.30 Gerry signed Madeleine in and CAT signed in E**a at the same time. Madeleine was not signed out that afternoon and E**a was signed out by ROB.
Apart from Cat signing, it appears only one child could have been present.
CAT has said that she does not remember who picked Madeleine up and dropped her off on Thursday, so is it possible the forms could be filled in without her knowledge?
I don't like going the 'substitution' directon but is it at least POSSIBLE that Gerry signed the register at 9.00am ROB signed at 9.30 but only one child went into the creche.
They both went to pick up the creche but only one child emerged and Gerry signed for 'her'.
CAT recognised ROB to pick up E**a but Gerry signed the form without her knowing.
At 2.30 Gerry signed the register for Madeleine and somehow CAT realised E**a was there and signed her in, not realising that Madeleine wasn't there.
At 5.00 at the high tea ROB signed E**a out and no-one signed Madeleine out.
During the week and before there was any issue about a police investigation, how observant was Catriona?
She arrived at work, had 7 children in her care
Madeleine McCann
Ella O'Brien
Jessica Berry
Elizabeth Naylor
Alexander Mann
William Totman
Tia Patel
Unlike school, where children arrive routinely, they were dropped off at odd times and often did not go to the creche every day.
She looked after these children 5 days prior to the disappearance.
There was no 'routine' check of who was there and who was missing. It was random.
5 girls and two boys.
If Madeleine was not there, would she have noticed or quesioned?
Each day would have been another day at work after the night before.
Did she scrutinise the registration form to make sure that everyone was present as in a school atmosphere?
Is it possible that (if something happened) that Gerry was able to manipulate her in some way? She would not have known, at that point, the implications.
Each day, to her, would have been just another day with whichever children showed up.
After the disappearance, and in retrospect, she may have realised that she was not as vigilant as maybe she should have been and her first thought may have been to cover herself, just to keep her job if nothing else.
We don't know exactly what the creche scenario was, but we do know that she met up with Kate and Gerry the day before her May 6th statement. (coincidence?)
She was 'invited' and attended a meeting with them in Rothley in November (when were the Rogatory interviews initiated?)
She was 'removed' from Praia da Luz the following Friday and sent to Greece (I think?)
She suffered depression because of what happened (I believe)
She was an innocent party, a young girl who went to Portugal for the summer to combine work with a holiday abroad and became (through no fault of her own) involved in one of the biggest and strangest investigations that she could comprehend.
Did she see Madeleine on those last days or was there something in place to encourage her to say she did to avoid losing her job perhaps?
It seems improbable, but in this case ANYTHING is possible!
Her highlighted statements can be seen here...
[size=150]TIMELINES - Creche Timeline Topics[/size][size=150]INDIVIDUAL TOPICS - Links & Info about Nannies/Creche[/size][size=150]DISCREPANCY TOPICS - Who Last Saw Madeleine?[/size]